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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] yes, i believe that it has had a profound effect on the american academic community, and we can't actually go back to america before the recent events. look everywhere . in the previous episode, i mentioned the identity and dignity crisis. which became a problem for americans who defined themselves based on money from the beginning , and when they lost their main position, it was a crisis of identity and dignity. there is nothing that american capitalism can answer, why can't it, because if it could , since 2007 when it hit the economy because it didn't pay for us, it should have done this and the society american, i said somewhere yesterday, i will repeat it here , see that we are in the 1950s or 1960s at the height of the
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bipolar system and the cold war. that the social movement is formed in the body of the youth of europe and america under the title of bitalism, which in fact, bitalism was a kind of slander and a cry of protest against the established order and a being that did not respond to the demands of those young people, but because at that time america was at the peak of its economic power. it came from the world war and with the marshall plan , the united states had actually taken over europe to manage that crisis, but now we are looking at this new student movement in a way. one. i know the new lizm, with the difference that it is deeper and more serious, and the crisis of its own identity and dignity , and it demands its own humanity and meaningfulness , that the american dollar, which once provided and educated the american identity, is no longer responsible. because half of that position is gone , what will be left now? i believe that the united states government does not have the necessary capacity to fill it, but this creation of a monkey is conditional so that other people and
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other groups and institutions can. please fill this out. i refer you to a letter written by ayatollah several years ago khamenei told the youth of europe to america, it was one of those movements that ayatollah khamenei had actually predicted in a sharp way, just as the late imam had predicted in his letter to garbacho, that materiality is a necessary ability to manage human societies. and it does not have the human being , now it has been dispossessed and must be removed, and america is certainly facing us with the liberalism of its own philosophy, which does not need to test itself and give back its capabilities. we are living with a new america that is currently unpredictable, but the movement of the monkey is blessed, provided that it can use this historical conversation in a recommended way. pass, but this passage is not certain by the american government. the american government is itself one side of the issue and in fact
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defines itself in an antagonistic conflict with the student movement. if the zionist regime pays, why is america bearing such a cost? look, if you are familiar with the structure of the united states of america, i can say that the united states is free of zionist lobbies' dollars, that is, you are looking, here the banking, arms , and oil cartels speak first, and all these are under the control of international zionist authority, mainly powerful agents. jews have this in their connection . for example, i want to tell you, for example , the lockheed company, which is an arms company, when it comes to the presidential elections and supports and financially supports a republican candidate , well, we have this support and financial support. when , for example, their candidate wins, he goes to the white house , now he has to pay his debt, and this debt is paid to the lockhet company, well, the products of the lockheed company, which is not a pickle that wants to be pickled, it is a 35-e
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ketotyusha band. and this is for sale the lamb is indebted to the government, for example , the zionist company laki is obliged to start a war and give a name that can sell these consolations. in the same way, i want to say that the structure is so tight in financial and commercial zionism that the american government actually lacks the necessary independence as an independent government. it doesn't exist, and it has to sink into this well because of its historical, political and economic ties to international zionism. somehow, i think it is too late to take all the necessary opportunities by turning a blind eye to the reality and blindly supporting the crimes committed during the past 75 years. kurdish israelis have now reached a point where there is no room for compensation, and i believe that if it eats its stick, it will eat its stick. in fact, the stick was the reckless policy of leaving the powerful zionist lobby in the united states, which is now like a
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light child. it is pulling the american government down with itself, and this is something that is inevitable and not self-inflicted, as the iranians say . in your speech , you made a brief reference to the anniversary of the killing of american students in demonstrations against the war with vietnam. tell me what is the connection between the events of this there are days with that story. look, the link that we have in the story of the anti-war movement in vietnam, an important point was that prominent people and the avant-garde led the existence of the anti-war movement. the same thing happened now, that is, during the anti-war movement, the street floor was owned by the youth and students, but at the same time, professors and prominent american figures
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were also the leaders of that movement. columbia university, which is one of the most prestigious and important universities in america, because the output of this university mainly american statesmen from this university and now this university in fact. he played the main role in the student movement, which later spread to the rest of my university. this proves that there is a commonality between that moment and this movement, that movement and this movement, and that the wise and educated people are also participating and leading here. of course, there is still room for others to join it . for example, you look at the mito movement , which was an indictment against the same nature of scandalous philosophical liberalism. well, hollywood celebrities are joining it, and now academic figures are also joining it. other political figures, even in the ambush of the congressman , we see layers of protest and solidarity and support
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for this movement against israel's crimes and because of the careless amount of crime. we don't see a student in america who is related to the war in ukraine , but the amount of crime in israel was such that after iran's missile attack on israel, a new space was opened. i will tell you an interesting memory. 45 years of the united states in his own media inside and outside the us with a black view of iran and the appointment of major false accusations of being terrorists and the mafia of portraying iran as holding public opinion in their own hands after the story of
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iran's missile attack on israel. they themselves have their own cultural leaders on the streets of the university and america. okay, mr. sarjadi, my last question is about the fate of this demonstration. how do you think america can manage this issue ? please give us the answer in one minute. please see that experience has shown that in movements like this, if want to continue and
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be drawn into the violence of the united states national guard. the university will be closed, but what do they say, there is no unsigned check , no one has a mirror, it is possible that in one corner of you these gatherings of differences will turn violent and if this violence turns into a street, like the case of george floyd, then i don't think it will be collected anymore. it can be so easy and expensive , especially since i said that the space is the space of my election and this has an effect. very well, thank you very much to mr. darish sajjadi, an expert on american issues, who was with us. a member of the us house of representatives was brought to court for receiving a bribe from the republic of azerbaijan. the us department of justice has announced that henry cuellar, a democratic representative in the house of representatives, and his wife rashefa
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received 600,000 dollars from the republic of azerbaijan. according to the washington post, this democratic representative agreed to his wife in exchange for money, in addition to influential political decisions , actions in favor of the republic of azerbaijan. in the interest of a bank of the republic of azerbaijan in america, including in the field of money laundering. henry cuellar and his wife were released on bail after appearing in a court in houston. but if they are found guilty in the final court, they will be sentenced to tens of years in prison. ministry of defense of russia the shooting down of american-made missiles over crimea was announced. reuters reported. these missiles have been secretly transferred to ukraine in recent weeks. ukraine attacked crimea using these missiles to penetrate russian air defense systems in crimea, but six of these missiles were shot down. the pentagon had previously opposed the delivery of these missiles to ukraine
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because it was afraid of jeopardizing the defense readiness of the united states. on the other hand, moscow has recently held an exhibition of military equipment seized by nato in the ukraine war, in which the equipment the military is made by america, england, germany, france and several other countries, including turkey. at least 39 victims were killed in the flood in southern brazil, according to the civil defense organization. brazil announced that 68 people were missing in the rio grande flood. the flood has also caused extensive destruction in several cities and left thousands of displaced people. this flood is the fourth environmental disaster in brazil in less than a year. the governor of rio grande state also said that this flood is the worst disaster recorded in the history of this state . an explosion in baluchistan province of pakistan killed three people and injured nine. put in this incident that in the area
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in khuzdar, baluchistan province of pakistan, a terrorist on a motorcycle attached a magnetic bomb to the car of the head of the khazdar reporter club . still no person or group has claimed responsibility for this attack. earlier, the research center for security studies in islamabad, pakistan had announced that in the first 3 months of the year 2024 more than 245 terrorist attacks were carried out in pakistan. in these attacks, people were killed, including soldiers and ordinary citizens. the minister of foreign affairs, who went to banjul, the capital of gambia, to participate in the summit of the organization of islamic cooperation , discussed with his egyptian counterpart in his first official meeting. did the foreign ministers of iran and egypt expressed hope that the summit will be held.
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islamic cooperation in the gambia will strengthen the solidarity and unity of the islamic world in supporting the palestinian people and solving regional problems. mr. amir abdullahian , in his meeting with his indonesian counterpart , assessed the bilateral relations between tehran and jakarta as positive and forward-looking after mr. raisi's visit to this country. the minister of foreign affairs also met with the minister of foreign affairs of saudi arabia during his visit to gambia. regarding this issue, we are in contact with mr. mohammad hossein nikbin, sada news agency reporter sir, mr. nikbin, hello, please tell me about the summit of islamic countries in gambia. we know that several other meetings were held during the gaza war . is there any difference between this summit and previous summits? did
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islamic countries take more serious action against the zionist regime? in the name of god, i greet you and the respected viewers. yes, as you mentioned , three meetings of the organization of islamic cooperation have been held since the start of the zionist regime's aggression on the gaza strip, but in these meetings, only the talks that were made were limited to statements. been and nothing no practical action is taking place, but based on the conversation i had with mr. shushtri, the director general of west asia of the ministry of foreign affairs, he told me that there is actually hope that a more operational action will be taken to condemn the zionist regime in this meeting based on in fact, the way we look at the statement, of course, this statement has not been finalized yet , but it is a bangel statement. it has been discussed today and
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it will be finalized tomorrow during the last hour of tomorrow . a clause has been added to this statement that if this clause remains , it specifies the embargo on goods to the zionist regime. this is the joint plan of our country and turkey, which is actually due to a joint and innovative work of this paragraph in the statement of the palestinian authority. the meeting will be held and there is a lot of hope that for the first time in these four meetings of the organization of islamic cooperation , for the first time, an operational action will be taken in this regard. mr. amir abdullahian, the main issue and the issue
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they were focused on was the issue of palestine. they emphasized that as soon as possible without any restrictions and it should be conditional. that the aggression of the zionist regime on the gaza strip should be stopped, and that the gaza strip should be freed from the siege imposed by the zionists. relief to the gaza strip should be done more quickly, the prisoners should be freed as soon as possible, and most importantly, the islamic countries should support the ongoing legal process in the international court of justice and the criminal court, so that as soon as possible, with a real determination politically, this legal condemnation should come to a conclusion. the topic of the meeting is actually the topic of sustainable development, strengthening solidarity based on sustainable development. you also made a statement about this. they had, among other things, actually strengthening
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the human resources of the member countries of the organization, or actually sharing human resources and common technologies, and including creating a coherent economy that can actually help this sustainable development. if you have any comments on the sidelines of the meetings of the minister of foreign affairs, we will hear them. you're welcome. in fact, the interest of the people of africa, especially the people of west africa, in which gambia is located, was the interest of palestine in the issue of palestine. when they came to gambia, they said that they are very happy to host this meeting, and even one of the people of gambia, when he found out that i
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am iranian, expressed that i am very interested in iran. i asked him why, and he said that iran is the only the country is the most important and the biggest country that confronts the zionist regime and supports the palestinians, and by the way , he also mentioned the operation of true promise and interpreted it as a victory, and he expressed his satisfaction with this operation. i am at your service. thank you , mr. nikmin, reporter of sada and sime news agency the islamic resistance of bahrain, after carrying out its second operation against the targets of the zionist al-ashdar regime, issued a statement and took responsibility for the drone strike on thursday on a vital target in the occupied city of amarshash, eilat. two days ago, the resistance forces in bahrain released images of the targeting. a transportation company
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of the zionist regime in the eilat region announced that this operation is being carried out with the aim of declaring support for the resistant people of gaza, and such operations will not stop except when the zionist aggression on gaza is stopped. it is established with mr. royoran, mr i say hello to you, royoran. please tell me that bahrain's joining the new side of the resistance was predictable, please, from the background of the al-ashq resistance group. please tell us what exactly this group is doing . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you and dear viewers. one of the most important features of the al-aqsa storm is that all the resistance forces
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entered the scene: hezbollah in lebanon , islamic resistance in iraq, ansarullah in yemen. and this shows that for the first time a unity has taken place in the face of the zionist regime at the level of the axis of resistance , this culture of resistance at the level of nations is a support base. in any case, islamic societies have found a wide range based on the honorable verse of the discussion of brotherhood. there is islam, there is islamic citizenship. no muslim can see his muslim brother in palestine being raped. and the killing has been done and he should remain silent, for this reason, the phenomenon of resistance
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has spread at two levels, a military level, a popular level , and then at the military level. . the topic is not only in the islamic world, the societies support this phenomenon , but also in the western world, the free people of the world also support the university in the west, many students of western universities also support this ideal, and this shows that many social changes are taking place at the level of nations, but unfortunately, the impact of this change on the governments takes time and
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needs time. mr. royuran , what is the message of the declaration of resistance in bahrain for the zionist regime and their allies? we believe that the one who strives in the way of god is superior to the one who does not, that is why joining the resistance and carrying out operations a sign of desire is a sign of a sense of responsibility among the bahraini fighting brothers, mr. royoran . what capacities are there in the yemeni resistance that
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can be enough to hit the zionist regime? you see, in relation to yemen, yemen is located in a special geopolitical region. anyway, overlooking bab al-mandabah and part of the international sea route from this area to the suez canal or from the suez canal to the ocean. india is supposed to be doing what the ansarullah resistance in yemen is doing, not only defining the maritime sphere of influence of the country of yemen, but also defining the water borders of the axis of the resistance. stabilize and this can find a special place in future equations. the presence of iran in the strait
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of hormuz, the presence of ansar allah in bab al-mandeb, this gives a special place to the axis of resistance. the inability of the united states in the face of the yemeni resistance in relation to preventing the attack on the ships that are moving towards the zionist regime has left the united states without a deterrent element. america cannot stop yemen with all the facilities it has, and the greatest officers of the american pentagon admitted that america is not able to deter yemen. thank you very much, mr. hossein royaran, an expert on west asian issues. at the same time as the election. parliament in india, the election symbols of the parties have received attention. in india, according to the law
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, every party and candidate must have a visual symbol in the national , state and local elections . keshu dev is one of the candidates for the indian national assembly in aligarh, india. he has chosen his election symbol. kettle, glass, broom, elephant, hand, flower, book, glasses, bicycle and thousands of other symbols these days in the advertisements of candidates and parties, on the street and alley level. can be seen in different cities of india. in this country, according to the law, every party and candidate in national, state and local elections must have a visual sign or symbol. the history of forcing this symbol dates back to the early years of india's independence, when less than 20% of the indian population was literate, and
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voters had to choose their candidates based on their visual symbols, not their names. . with this slipper, i am campaigning against the economic corruptors among the people. i hung a ring of slippers around my neck to show my true will. although at present it is said that more than three quarters of indians are with sovad, but still these visual signs are the first word in the elections. symbols or insignia. political parties and individuals describe the function structure and goals in a simple and concise manner. the oldest party symbol in india is the hand symbol of the congress party and the lotus is the symbol of india's largest party, the bharati party or janata party. popular people's party or aam aadmi, which was formed in the capital of india in 2011, chose a broom as its symbol and
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its founders announced that they want to eliminate the corrupt while protesting against corruption. the symbol of the national party it is the people of india. during the launch of the celebration of the selection of this symbol, it was announced that only literacy and education can empower the weaker sections. election symbols are silent messages that play a big role in indian politics. hassan abdul maliki, sed and broadcasting news agency. new delhi. but
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the world according to the image.
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in this way , we have reached the end of today's world program series. together with all my hardworking colleagues , i will leave your presence. have a good night and god bless you. this is gymna publications. we always tried to serve you with the latest methods. and today , 60% of your educational resources will be available we offer it to you completely free of charge. just by sending the number 5 to the sms system 3008 55,
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you will receive 60% of your educational resources completely free. get 60% of gilna publishing resources as a gift right now. by sending number 5. the minister of foreign affairs, who went to banjul, the capital of gambia, to participate in the meeting of the leaders of the organization of islamic cooperation , discussed with his egyptian counterpart in his first official meeting. the foreign ministers of iran and egypt expressed their hope that the holding of the summit and islamic cooperation in gambia will strengthen the solidarity and unity of the islamic world in supporting the palestinian people and solving the problems of the region. mr. amir


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