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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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get gilna publications as a gift by sending five to 3085. minister of foreign affairs that for the company. at the summit of the organization of islamic cooperation , he went to banjal, the capital of gambia, and discussed with his egyptian counterpart in the first official meeting. the foreign ministers of iran and egypt expressed their hope that the holding of the summit and islamic cooperation in gambia will strengthen the solidarity and unity of the islamic world in supporting the palestinian people and solving regional problems. mr. amir abdullahian, in his meeting with his indonesian counterpart
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, assessed the bilateral relations between tehran and jakarta as positive and forward-looking after mr. raisi's visit to this country. did the minister of foreign affairs met with the minister of foreign affairs of saudi arabia in continuation of his visits in gambia. of the 55,000 new sub-accounts that have been identified outside the treasury, about 52 per thousand accounts are in just one bank. the head of the article 90 commission , while announcing this news, said that in the recent meeting of this commission, the court of accounts was responsible for holding meetings to find the necessary solution to close all accounts, including the accounts that have education . it was supposed to be finalized last year. the commission of principle 90 has a schedule for the implementation of the account in the treasury at the end of 1402. and the reason
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the delay was such arguments. some of our universities have intermediate checks that are not able to close these accounts so that those checks pass. in some universities, the result was that a deadline was given to these institutions to close all sub-accounts outside the treasury. the ministry of economy gave a one-month opportunity to the principle 90 commission for the issue of scheduling this work . after this one month, we will deal with the offending device based on the schedule that is announced. finally, in february last year, the minister of economy announced the closure of most of the sub-accounts. this project that the task of the law has been completed for years , and a handful of remaining cases have been terminated due to the problems that exist between the banking network and that company . but when the page was turned , several thousand more accounts were added to the remaining number of the previous year. we are faced with 55,000 accounts that
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either have no balance or are blocked, but at the same time have balance, as if the reasoning of these devices is the same as 8 months ago. there are banks that provide facilities to the health and treatment sector or to the oil company, and they say that these assets are actually guarantees. that the violators of the implementation of the treasury unit account introduce to the judiciary. in the next month , we will be able to report exactly what the status of these accounts is and whether this case is being closed or we still need to follow up. we introduce the people who violate this matter to the judicial system. according to the latest statistics, the number of according to the statistics
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of the ministry of civil industry and trade last year, the production of heavy machinery for road construction and mining reached 4800 machines with an increase of 43. the vice president of magazines and equipment tells the ministry that the favorable situation of this department depends on the continuation. increase in the next 3 years is. according to the statistics of the ministry, there are about 15,000 worn-out heavy vehicles with 20 years of life in the country that need to be replaced. the life of road construction or mining machinery that works full time. 7 years old why? because after 7 years of this device working 22 hours a day, one day the brake pump broke. one day , the washer may be broken. but practically,
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it will not be useful for your extraction. now, the production of these heavy machines has been growing for two years, thanks to the efforts of the private sector. about 10 powerful iranian companies were able to increase production by 100% in 1401 compared to 1400 and we produced about 3500 road construction and mining machines in the country in the year in 1402, we predicted that we will be able to produce about 4,500 machines and equipment in this area, according to the statistics of the ministry of machinery production last year, 43 machines were produced. if, god willing, this growth continues for 3 consecutive years , god willing, we will witness a better situation in mines and projects. despite the growth of production , producers
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are also struggling with problems. due to the hot weather and the fact that it will become expensive again until the summer approaches , there is a definite issue of electricity, which is expected to happen this year. in the past years, at least two days a week, there was electricity in our industry and this will cause the production lines to be stopped. there is a reason that we could not receive the credit from the central bank. unfortunately, the investments made in production can almost be said to have disappeared . the law is the maximum use of production and service capacity of the country. specialists of a knowledge-based company active in the food industry succeeded in producing sausages and sausages from fish meat . this product has reached commercial production with a fifth of the price of foreign samples. according to the announcement
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of the fisheries organization, the per capita consumption of fish in the country is about 13 kg estimated while the global average. it is about 20 kg. part of the lack of per capita consumption is due to the iranian taste, which has a problem with the smell of fish, fish blade. households have a problem with cooking style. but the experts of a knowledge -based company in the field of seafood provided an innovative and delicious solution to this problem. in line with the completion of the aquatic supply chain, in the line of fishery products , we produced fish sausage, for the first time , we produced 13 fish sausage products from it , without preservatives, we can keep it for a month. let's say that this item has been patented in a way, removing the unpleasant smell and taste of fish while maintaining all its beneficial properties, being pasteurized and easy to digest
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is one of the features of this knowledge-based product, which is produced in commercial volume and marketed from fish meat . but its unique features, which have led to the foundation of knowledge, are that the additives that contain sodium nitrite are instead of 120 pi , 30 pi is a quarter of the permissible limit, and that the number of micro-organisms can almost be said to be zero and these products are pasteurized. it is easy to digest and has all the characteristics of fish the smell that people don't like is taken from fish . this product, which is one of the technological products of the food industry , has a cheaper price than foreign samples in order to develop our country's market share in this area. the tourists that are produced abroad, for example, china, europe, norway , taste strongly of fish and are not suitable for iranian consumers and needs at all. after about 14 to 15 years of research work regarding
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deodorization, degreasing, each of these items that i am presenting to you is patented, we were able to bring the finished price by localizing the production line. down. i can. i can say with confidence that one-fifth of the price of similar foreign products is according to the officials of the company that produces this iranian product , so far it has been exported to the countries of iraq, oman, qatar and the united arab emirates. mohammad hossein haji, radio and television news agency. thank you for your companion.
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the unspoiled nature of gilan is soulful where there are gentle people of this climate. walking through the back alleys of the village to reach the house of a man who, although he is not among us, but his colorful role remains in our memories. not himself, but the child opens the door and our waiting mother kills you are a good mother, god willing.
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who burned himself in the flames so that his students wouldn't be bitten, god prepared the scene , haji hassanzadeh gave them back, he took 20 per day , this is my work, this is my work, the celebration and the eye always knows the bigger house, the breadwinner's house, the house of the child of power. i , who was a three-year-old child, only had wounds for one year and two months. he was 95% burned. how should
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i answer in front of god? what should i say ? what is my conscience? that's why i sacrificed myself for them. at that time, he said that i am in pain, i am in pain, but it is agony i have no conscience, he misses me. but he occupied himself with his beautiful country house. haj hassan is survived by six children, misam is a fireman and omid is a teacher. at one time we said that he should not have done this, but when we left. we became teachers, we became teachers, we saw that no , no. in the past, haj hassan
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rested in the imamzadeh near his house, so that every time the family gathers with his father , he recited the fatiha, which was an opportunity for us to go to the school that witnessed that difficult day . haj akmar abedi who remembers that day well and farshad. student of the same class the same class has burned down. yes, children, hello , hello. there were 32 students sitting in the same class . we saw the voices of the children. i remember now exactly the heater was placed in this area . which bench were you behind? if the fire had reached a high level, some cases. he came to this part to save the rest of the students. he went outside the door. i stayed in the classroom and omerzed
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took the students out. oh my god, i didn't see mr. omidzadeh, nor did mr. omidzadeh see me . that means the heater exploded, the door that came from the door handle was locked, the door wouldn't open, that means someone is under my door i used to go this much. i didn't know that some of it, for example, had no way out. it was stuck in these protections. for god's sake, yes, today the children of the third grade are studying the lesson of haj hassan . you can all read the sixth lesson, the name of the selfless, in the name of allah, rahman , raheem, hassan, omidzadeh, the teacher. it was a sacrifice that saved the lives of students in a fire incident. in this school, fire no longer threatens students . the wind is blowing and we
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are leaving the haj hassan school from the green corner of moalem fadakar gilani village to a destination where the crowd is gathered in the presence of those who each have a haj hassan in their chests. we came to meet mr. the best situation, the best moment , i feel very good. i am very happy that i was able to express my teacher's love. the things written in the book are so true and so close to our feelings. i hope that we will be able to follow this path
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and educate many children of iran, god willing, and give birth to hopeful children who will be proud, god willing. iran and our leader, there are many teachers who are not even recognized and who sacrifice themselves. she should be relieved that her husband's way of execution is 100%, 100% without a doubt. his existence is the pride of teachers from every corner of iran, where he is from isfahan, from hamadan province, golestan, birjand, our province, gilan, mashhad , holy, east azerbaijan, busheh province. khuzestan, hamedan , chaharmahal, bakhtiari, mr. haj hassan was an exception, no, in my opinion, all our teachers
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have this capacity and this potential. those whose job is to teach and show the way of life, each of them has a different definition of a teacher. to burn is to become a teacher. the love of jesus becomes a teacher. when a person becomes a teacher, it means that he has fallen in love. he has become a teacher. a person who is in love can educate a generation. it is love that is not emotional. it has a goal , it has a method, it has a method, teaching is a way of life. the teachers of watan said some key points about their priorities. if there is no education, education will not help us. education is our first word, identity is our second word. in our class, we
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teach our students the method of resistance, the method of stewardship. the procedure of helping the oppressed, especially the oppressed people of palestine. a bit of light , a noble lover, full of intelligence and a bright teacher's poetry pure thoughts, who were you with, the last one, the last one with you , the teacher today, teachers are sitting at the teacher's lesson in a classroom as wide as iran. at the beginning of this meeting , the supreme leader of the revolution congratulated the teachers on this day and thanked them for their hard work. i would like to express my gratitude to the teacher for
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paying attention to the importance of the public opinion of the country. education and the importance of the teacher, we have material problems in the education issue, we have livelihood problems , we have work problems, we have educational space problems, if the public opinion becomes sensitive to this issue, the teacher he should know the value of the teacher. this will have an effect on all these problems. he pointed out the importance and not the identity-building role of the teacher. in the row of other devices, it means that other devices employ human resources. education
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is the creator of human power. it is the creator of human resources, but one of the important recommendations of the leader of the revolution to your teachers is to give this student a national perspective. hey, we have a table for the administration of the country for the development of the country, if the houses of this table are filled correctly. as a result, the progress of the country of your class is one of these houses of this table.
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young people who one day suffered hardships to learn , which later turned into experiences. you have to break it, then transfer the story, otherwise it won't accept the operation of beit al-maqdis, except for beit al-maqdis . look at the picture. a soldier with a kalash of 150 iraqis grabbed the neck of perfat. hassan ali ebrahimi saeed is one of those young people who narrates that he was a student of anouza's training. he was a tank from enemy who was standing behind the wall, came out , shot and went back inside, and finally these stone casualties. it was taking away from us. i coordinated with my driver to go along with the tang . when the tang started to come out, i
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released the missile. as soon as it was completely out, the missile had reached its destination. it was useful in all different aspects , but you gave training for everything, that's how it can be said that a man for the army of muhammad, the messenger of god , peace and blessings of god be upon him, hosted a ceremony for the first time to honor the martyrs of tehran's education. the great talents who were forced to work day and night in the barracks and rushed to the fronts and were taught by those who trained them.
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at that time, in the very short period when the war starts, and before the war, of course, they should express their youth and build a school, build a training barracks , prepare textbooks, predict teachers and train for the previous war.
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they were not engaged in education in the barracks and during the war they were with their other teachers. imam ali officer university is the center of education for officers of the islamic republic of iran who are responsible for the main task and burden of training our soldiers during the war. young people who learned from their experience in the days of learning, and now their education has disappeared.
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traders who have caused turmoil in the real estate market by entering ayeh amalak platforms. turbulence that is getting closer to the moving season of tenants is now more attention. some segkos in the field of advertising. to provide the conditions that the possibility of brokering and trading in the housing market has been created. in this way, sometimes some of the properties that are published in these advertising platforms do not exist at all. it can be
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for one property, several ads are being published at several prices . let me tell you about the inflammation in the market and pricing in the market. the ministry of roads and urban development is creating this atmosphere. they know the issue that the activists of the housing sector confirm. most of the prices that are currently in the market are undecided and are really embarrassing. unfortunately, the sites and this middle ground , the only ones who lose are our dear tenants, the softwares that exist because they do not have price monitoring, the prices are very out of the norm of the region, if the market is chaotic. anyone who wants to read the high prices should think about it. in an area such as here , an apartment per meter costs 100 million tomans
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. they advertise 12 tomans to 130 tomans. the real buyer doesn't know, for example, confusion later. a person comes and looks at an ad of 110 tomans, while it is known as 10/11 of shahrivar last year, the country's virtual business association announced that two real estate ad platforms are preparing the technical process and they will implement this important issue soon. how much can we increase that transparency in the real estate market? for those who advertise, for those who want to use these ads, this will increase the security of transactions, this will reduce court cases later. now, after 7 months from the letter of the national union of virtual businesses, one of the platforms promises to implement this law again . a series of other small items are in the process of uploading, which will be done soon and in the coming days. the confirmation and in
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fact the coordination that has been done is ready for people to use. but one of the most visited platforms for publishing real estate ads, according to the official of the ministry of roads and shahrsazi says, it has not fulfilled its legal duty in connecting to the real estate and accommodation system. another big platform in this field has not accepted and has resisted until now, and if this resistance continues, citing the competitions of the supreme housing council and the committees of the security council. well, the real estate section of these platforms will be blocked. after these criticisms, the managing director of a real estate advertising platform claimed to have fulfilled his legal duty in a statement and criticized the ministry of roads and urban development in a part of this statement. among the contracts of the ministry was that if a person other than the owner intended to advertise a property , he is only allowed to publish the ad if
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he provided the owner's national code and mobile number during registration. the implementation of this issue is one of the tasks of the ministry of roads and urban development, but so far no action has been taken to specify this process. however, the director general of the housing economics office of the ministry of roads and urban development says that the required infrastructure is available. the infrastructure is fully established, the technical support of our friends is fully established. and there is no infrastructure problem to inquire about the national system of real estate and accommodation by the platforms . another big platform publishes information about its obligations. it has not been implemented and there are various excuses that there is no infrastructure and these are being defied. in short, the organization of real estate advertisement platforms is an issue that the president emphasized in the 11th meeting of the supreme housing council. the issue
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of segheko and platforms must be organized in such a way that they do not set prices and start speculation in this space. the ministry of roads and urban development has announced that the organization of real estate advertising platforms will prevent speculators from running in the real estate market. hasannejad of the sed and broadcasting news agency.


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