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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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at 40:00, the regional headquarters of the revolutionary guards of the quds corps of the ground forces in the southeast of the country announced the arrest of the operatives supporting the terrorist group known as jaish al-adl. in this announcement, it is stated that the fighters of the quds base in a joint intelligence and operational operation with the cooperation of the general intelligence department of sistan baluchistan and the people of several supply and support factors.
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purchased, their claims will be paid in the coming weeks. according to the announcement of the ministry of agriculture , according to the weather conditions, the process of buying and transporting wheat has been specified. the golden ears of wheat are being harvested these days in the southwest of the country khuzestan lands with more than 75 thousand hectares of wheat on the ground. according to the warnings
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of the provincial crisis management and meteorology headquarters about the rain , the deputy minister of agricultural jihad has come to wheat shopping centers in khuzestan so that the process of transporting wheat can be done more quickly. khuzestan floods and rains are worthy of praise and thanks. khuzestan province has bought nearly 850,000 tons of wheat so far, of which 80,000 tons are in open centers, and god willing, half of that or nearly 60,000 tons today. it will be moved and the rest will be left, god willing
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, until tomorrow, my colleagues will work hard to move it. it is registered in the sifa system so that the demands of wheat farmers can be paid in the evening. based on the negotiations that were conducted with the managers of the state trading company, god willing, it is decided that the demands of the dear farmers of khuzestan will be paid in the next week. last year, khuzestan province ranked first in the country in wheat production it is expected that with this trend , this important and valuable product will continue to be produced . the wheat harvest in the southwest of the country will be done in a 40-day intensive period from the 20th of april to the middle of june . 2 million tons of wheat to be harvested in khuzestan province. afshin guderzi of deshazadegan radio and television news agency, the closing of the 21st round of locoup locoup competitions in iran with.
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a student study was held at shahid beheshti university , love only iran. although a thousand teams participated in this tournament, 28 teams are fighting at the same time in fact, we have groups of 20 people , we have 30 people, we have 40 people, and the selected are the top 3, which are one-person teams. in some leagues , there are also teams like lupur and lekra. the fields entered the field. here is an electronic competition. how many people? 11 names of jangid robot
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, did you give it a name? no, i didn't give it a name. for now, why do you call it this ordinary robot of students who have different stages until reaching the national stage. those who want to participate in this competition in the following years can refer to de der cup let them do it, first the city competition will be held, then the provincial competitions will be held, and after this, the regional competitions will be held, and finally the national competition, which is the final twenty, and this is the robotic football competition. we put hand football in the middle of the field, two robots go to the ball and they have to hit this ball into the opponent's goal. the lekic competition field is a plan where the circuits that are made are presented to us by one person . the chemistry laboratory can do it by making the materials and make an experiment. we are currently making it. we will build a purposeful bridge that can carry 5 kilograms of concrete. each bridge must withstand 3 minutes
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, if the bridges that withstand it do not break, enter the competition. they enter the ranking again and the structure with the least weight is the winner. the national competition of student scientific research creativity is held every year among students regardless of age, and this december, the winners will participate in the oman world competition . hossein kashanian of radio and television news agency. 18 million cubic meters of water was stored in the back of nikshahr watershed structures. with more than 110 mm of rain recorded in this city, 375 stone dams mortar and soil have overflowed and 18 million cubic meters of water have been stored behind the dams. consequences of
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spring rains for drainage of watershed structures in nikshahr. recent rains in the city led to water logging. structures that are built with the purpose of controlling and storing flowing water and have positive consequences. the water that is stored behind these structures will feed the aqueducts and eyes. when the aqueducts and eyes are fed, their water will increase, then this water will be used for agriculture. animal husbandry uses it, but i wish the authorities would clean these structures in a year or two so that their water can be stored more. in addition to preventing soil erosion and sediment control and flood reduction, dewatering of these structures
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will lead to the feeding of underground aquifers and the water resources of meshm and ghanwat in the downstream. that the sediments of their seasonal floods accumulate in the coastal plains, which causes many villages in the coastal areas to be flooded. drainage of roads in the coastal plains and creation of water catchment structures in the mountainous areas of mokuran are ways to deal with the unfortunate consequences of floods in the mokuran region. eager the head of the sed and sima news agency, nikshahr, and that scientists are fighting b. by editing the human gene. diseases went to the daily mail report, with the help of artificial intelligence, researchers created molecules that create customized treatments for diseases through gene editing. in this method, scientists managed to change the genes that are the cause of diseases such as sickle cell anemia and blindness
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. this gene editor has been tested on human cells and has shown high performance. until the next part.
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look on the other side of the fence, the joy of meeting is there, you are sitting , sitting in the first row, stand up for your justice, the rest is on your shoulder the burden of trust, get up in the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row . on the other side of your table are the eyes of a martyr looking at you. in the name of god. hello
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dear compatriots, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the front page program. from perry on thursday morning. advertisements of the second stage of the elections of the twelfth term of the council of ministers. islam has started in 8 constituencies whose elections have been extended to the second stage . well, in the meantime, we actually have a special constituency , which is tehran itself, tehran rish miranat, and islam shahr and pardis, of course, tehran rishmiranat and islamshahr for the first time in the islamic republic. it is experiencing fully electronic elections
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, so it is a new experience since more than 10 years ago until now, the officials have always talked about the electronicization of elections in the days close to the elections, or rather, in the months close to the elections, and always, of course, parts of this holding elections electronically was experienced, but it was never decided to hold elections entirely electronically. this is the first time we will have this experience. this means that even the voting will be electronic and therefore in the shortest time as explained now we will hear in this program. my election results too. tonight, on the first page of the program
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, we are hosting mr. seyyed abbas johari, the honorable political and social deputy of the governor and the head of the election headquarters of tehran province. i also offer greetings and courtesy and may god give you strength to serve you and your respected colleagues and viewers. dear people who are actually watching us , i would like to share with all viewers the same day of martyrdom of imam jafar sadiq (peace be upon him). my condolences. i am at your service. stay healthy . thank you, mr. johari . we will start with my colleague's report. next friday, 90 candidates will vote for the remaining 45 seats in baharestan. will witness this competition. in tabriz constituency, azarshahr and scoop
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have eight candidates competing for the remaining four seats out of six seats . in the same province , two candidates are competing for the seat of the green seat in baharestan in the shabestar electoral district and in the middle electoral district. in parsabad beile constituency two candidates from eslandoz in ardabil province made it to the second stage. the two constituencies of semirum and lanjan are also two. his remaining representative from isfahan province will recognize karaj eshthard constituency and fardis also has an unelected representative. tehran rish emirate of islamshahr and fardis sends its remaining 16 representatives from among the 32 candidates to the second round. in the same province and in the constituencies of varamin pish and gharchak, the assignment of one more remaining seat is determined. birjan constituency in mian and khosuf from south khorasan province has one remaining seat. in mashhad and... the names of two candidates from razavi khorasan province will be voted. abadan
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has two remaining seats and four candidates sat on them. in ramhormoz and ramshir, the other constituencies of khuzestan province, one of the two candidates will represent the people in the islamic council. zanjan and tarem constituencies from zanjan province have two candidates who have qualified for the second round, and god's constituencies from the same province also have the same. from fars province in the constituencies of shiraz and zarghan for two seats. the remaining four candidates and the constituencies of merodasht arsanjan and pasargad also have two candidates competing will do. haram abad and chegani from lorestan province is another region that sends two representatives to baharestan. governor of swadkoh, joyb bar , simorgh and swadkoh north, also from mazandaran province , will witness the competition of four candidates for two seats. malayer from hamedan province has one remaining seat in the 12th parliament. kermanshah has two unelected lawyers from the constituency of the same name, and gonbad kavos in golestan province has one unelected representative. in this
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period, according to the announcement of the ministry of interior, the color process in 8 areas will be electronic, that is, 6 the election of the constituencies in the country is still not finished, and in the second stage , the assignment will be determined, that out of the 22 constituencies, eight constituencies will be fully electronic or fully mechanized. we are the first in tehran province, but because this is a new experience in the country, as i said , and holding these elections in this way can
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be a big change in holding elections, and good for the next times, for all elections, this experience can be after now. perhaps the necessary amendments or in any case, this will be replicated and experienced more reliably, so we do not see this program as a tehran program, it is a national program. tell me what you did to hold electronic elections. how likely are you to have had wars up to this point? you have received that it has been agreed and we have it now. yes, i would like permission to complete the order of his highness that the second round of the election is actually based on article 10 of the election law for those who did not get one-fifth of the votes in the first round of the election, in fact 20% of the votes. he did not get his quorum naturally, they should compete in the second round
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, which is actually 45 seats in the parliament. the assignment has not gone to the second stage across the country, which will actually take place in 22 constituencies. in the tehran constituency, in tehran province, we had 10 constituencies, of which four were for our religious minorities and 6 were for the city. in tehran province, 8 candidates were appointed in the first round in two constituencies and actually made it to the second round, including the big tehran rish constituencies. iranat islam and pardis and an electoral district and ramin peshwa and qarchak are the same as you have rightly pointed out , the difference that we have in the second round this year is that this does not happen only in varamin constituency in tehran, which is almost the largest constituency in the country. in the
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first term, 14 people won that 20% and directly to the parliament. the ministry of interior had a very good experience this year, and of course, with great difficulty, well, it was really difficult. in the first round, in four constituencies across the country , they held all-electronic or all-mechanized elections. experience it was very good and gave very good results. well, everyone knows that the holding of fully mechanized elections has its own difficulty and initial measures, but it is actually very cost-effective , the time of counting votes is actually saved and a lot of expenses are actually saved, and the information is actually faster. it can be reported that the necessity of holding
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fully mechanized elections in tehran province has been raised since the past years because the electoral district of tehran is the largest district with more than 3,000 candidates participating in the counting of votes, usually the longest. there was an election in tehran, sometimes it took up to two or three days. in fact, the counting is normal, that is , the number of candidates from a list of several thousand people should be counted each time, each paper that is read, 30 people should be selected from among these twenty. if they find a few thousand people, they have to read 30 names, and this is an incident that the executive agents who are really in the fund in tehran province, to whom i am saying god's strength, are really doing a great job. yes , some of them have been there for two or three nights. they are awake and working. well, this proposal was accepted, alhamdulillah it was accepted by the guardian council and the ministry of interior, and we have the first time in tehran province , we will experience fully mechanized elections, god willing, which
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will definitely have very good and effective effects. in tehran province, naturally, the difference with the first round is that there are necessary trainings that our dear provincials can actually see, god willing. well, this effort has been prepared, the educational debates are actually being broadcast on the radio and television, and because of this, in fact , you have provided the capacity that you have shown kindness to. both the dear ones who vote and our fund agents , we started the training a long time ago for our fund agents to actually learn how to vote in a fully mechanized manner, and naturally , the dear ones who have to vote, god willing, should also understand this training very well. inshaallah , we have brought an explanation of these all-mechanized devices in rome today , so that friends can get to know, dear viewers, how to
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actually vote and receive votes. in my opinion, start here and then let's go moving on to other questions, yes, eyes, well, watch the two devices that are in front of us now, and they are supposed to be the same device, which is naturally the first authentication device. voters actually take place, well, according to the law , many people ask who can vote in the second round in the constituencies that went to the second round. those who vote first can vote in the second round, that is, those who can vote in tehran, rish miranat, islamshahr and pardis. in the second term, vote for the body and one hand. dear ones who did not vote anywhere in the first round, that means their names were not registered as voters, these dear ones can actually
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come to the polls and vote in the second round. the amended election law was previously only with birth certificate. we said that according to the new law , they can actually bring 5 identification cards, birth certificate, passport, in fact, the end of the service . of course, they can have it with them i would like to suggest to the dear ones that if they can bring their national cards with them, that they do this kind of love in the first round, more than 90 percent of the loved ones showed up with national cards, and this was very good , it means that they showed love and i would like to receive that message with a national card, god willing. mainly, they have to be present, of course , there are five other authentication cards, they can also be present . i will give an explanation. well, dear, who comes with the national card, he actually
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goes to the box to receive this national card. it is possible for them, and in this section, in fact , the national card is placed in this section, and by the agents of the fund, in fact, an auction will take place here, their picture will appear, and here it will be clear that they voted with this national card in the first round and in this the constituencies or those who did not vote at all can now have the conditions to vote according to the law that i have presented or not, if they have the conditions , they can actually vote in the second round . there is another card that is actually in this machine at the same time. it turns out that this card is actually a voting authorization card in electronic form through fund agents are actually placed on this device at the same time when authentication is completed and conditions. the registration will be given a final approval and this card will be given to the voter who must go to this
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fund. in fact, ray's all-electronic cash register is the same cash register that you can see now . he takes this card and places this card in this part that is actually installed in front of this cash register. when you put this card , the names of the honorable candidates are actually here. it is displayed on s, which means that 32 people have a license and can vote in tehran province, i said that in the electoral district of tehran , there are 32 names with codes, the codes are two digits, and in fact, they are not repeated. they also indicate whether they have a companion or they are listed in the same constituency, which implies that in this device , they see the 32 names at the same time as their code.
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the names that there are 32 will be green and there is no white choice or you can actually click on the device make and choose, there is an option from each of those 32 people, their name is actually that name , which means that the other page, yes, the same page , they can actually enter the code, which actually chooses at the same time, and when they can choose up to 16 people, of course , there is also an option, white vote, maybe if someone wants to actually vote , he can actually have a white vote. but our suggestion is that according to the supreme leader's order, all the people must choose those 16 people, and their voting should be complete after choosing 16 options. they can choose naturally after 16 options are actually selected, the key that is in the corner is green and it says voting has ended . actually, now my friends are pointing out that they can see that they are actually pressing this key, of course, everyone
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and in in fact, the process of finishing the voting starts when it is finished. friends will see that there is actually a paper window. after the voting is finished, the names that they have registered there will be given to them in a few minutes. the second will be displayed that you have chosen they check again, in fact, that ballot right here
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in person. the work is actually cut and it goes down into this box, which is a sealed box. in fact, dear ones, a printout is taken , it shows a printout, and this printout actually goes inside the box . yes, yes, in order to be more confident in the final time of the voting , which will actually be announced, what time will it be extended after that, god willing, our dear ones in the supervisory board, the fund agents, and the honorable representative of the governors, in fact, this system, when it is approved if they do, that means that the minutes of the meeting will be drawn up. yes , the voting process was correct until the end. there was no problem . once they confirm, the minutes of the meeting will be sent immediately to the ministry of interior and, god willing, the votes and approval will be collected by the ministry of interior and the guardian council. god willing,
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it will be announced through the ministry of interior. it is our prediction that , god willing, in a certain period of time , it seems to me to be the minimum time, for example , it will take three hours. in fact, our friends can immediately summarize and announce. before it is not comparable at all, which is far from us , because it seems that when the guardian council actually has to prepare the minutes of the meeting, the minutes of the meeting will be sent to the ministry of interior immediately. now, this is an estimate. we in the ministry of interior have a faster speed than this issue, in any case, if the body is in place, it may be in 5 minutes . and that confirmation is
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cool. anyway, for example, perhaps friends of question supervision to have a point, the members of the branches are saying that compared to the previous period , there is definitely a very good development in the counting of votes and the announcement of the election results, and we hope that , god willing, this will be a very good foundation stone for us in the next period, god willing. in the future, we will see in the entire province, in fact, in tehran, in all constituencies , god willing, all my friends, i would like to tell you that the preparation of the preparations for this is a fully mechanized election, both in terms of credits and in terms of software, and in terms of election security, it is really a heavy task.


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