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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] get 60% of gilna publishing resources as a gift right now by sending 5 to 30085. 5 o'clock 15 martyrs including seven children in the air and artillery attacks of the zionists on the light of gaza. the bodies of three martyrs are still under the rubble. on the other hand, the qutb battalions reported an attack on a military barracks of the zionist regime in the southwest of gaza city. resistance forces also fired a guided missile towards an occupied base in the vicinity of rahab base
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. the history professor of southern university was arrested by the police because of being with students protesting the killing of the people of gaza. this 65-year-old professor was arrested in he was admitted to the hospital. the man who is violently arrested by the american police is 65 years old and a professor. steve temari, professor of history at southern illinois university. but what made him deserve such violence? accompanying his students in the rally against the killing of palestinians. due to police brutality, i was hospitalized with several broken ribs and a broken wrist. the doctor believes that i was lucky to be alive. it was possible that my lungs would be punctured and
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i would die there because of the violence of the police. american universities have been the scene of clashes between police and protesting students for more than two weeks. those who continue to kill the residents of gaza and the silence of their government
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in... dealing with protests in different american universities is worrying. the right to freedom of speech and assembly is vital for any society. azadeh taheri of the sed and broadcasting news agency. the spokesperson of the water industry said that the recent rains in sistan baluchistan have caused the problem of drinking water and agriculture in the south of the province. it was solved for 4 years. sistan baluchistan also says that the kehir dam prevented a human disaster that could have been caused by a flood. the reason for this water remaining in the special news talk program first started with a question , what caused it to open, which actually prevented a the disaster in those areas in the south of the province in this recent flood sistan baluchistan was taken, this
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was because of the existing infrastructure. because of the operation management that was actually carried out, we did not have the conditions , how much we ship, in my opinion, it was a disaster. had this dam really not been opened last year , perhaps 10,000 people would have been killed in this area. the co-governor of sistan baluchistan said that in the course of 3 years of rain in this province only in less than 24 hours, but if this dam the absence of kanarak and kheir and the surrounding villages is seriously damaging. how many villages were with this level of kheir ? we have about 30 villages around the kheir dam, and
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it is kanarak itself that is causing damage. this is another issue that the people of these areas have been facing for years in the agriculture and water sector. they are facing problems. for four years, those areas under the coverage have been given peace of mind by irrigation and agriculture. also, in this program, the issue of damage to the rural roads of the areas i visited was discussed. some of the rural roads are now in this situation. they have created a pit in the middle of the road. the road has caused a flood in order to solve these problems, the governor of sistan baluchistan
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announced the conclusion of 80 contracts with peyman. technologists of the country managed to design and produce antibacterial threads by adding zinc oxide nanoparticles . these threads are resistant to odor and mildew and prevent disease transmission in hospitals . the specialists of fanawar company succeeded in producing anti-bacterial threads using zinc nanoparticles
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. use of antibacterial compounds in the production or finishing stage of textile. among the most efficient methods for the production of antibacterial products are nano particles and modipay to polyester chips in the form of we added madab and added nadine yarn inside it , we increased the durability of being antibacterial, and sometimes it can even be washed up to 20 times, and it is durable . they have particle sizes between 30 and 70 nanometers, and they have the approval of the food and drug organization, and compared to other nano particles that previously. they used to use less audio and have higher fives. 90,000 tons of yarn are produced in this company every year, which now
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retain their properties for a long time due to the presence of zinc nanoparticles in their polymer network. a significant amount of this production of antibacterial threads is exported to different countries. countries such as türkiye, iraq, syria, poland, greece. macedonian and majalistan. these threads, which are known as polyester filament antibacterial thread , have many uses and properties. some of the properties of antibacterial polyester yarn are self-cleaning, anti-odor, anti -dandruff, keeping the skin clean after repeated washing, helping to prevent the spread of disease in the hospital, and also helping to maintain more hygiene in mosques and
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public environments by producing and using in tonight's special news talk, we want to be correct about the al-aqsa storm. 7 months after this operation, let's talk about the latest developments in gaza and the axis of resistance in palestine the united states has a temporary ceasefire agreement, an issue that
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the hamas movement has not rejected. tonight , we are hosting mr. hossein jabari ansari, a diplomat and senior expert in west asia. mr. dr. jabari ansari is one of the oldest diplomats of our country in palestine. operation storm al-aqsa took part in discussions, debates and various speeches on this topic. recently, their book taranj and zeitoun on the topic of the al-aqsa storm, its message and its consequences, was published. i greet you, mr. doctor. you are very welcome. peace be upon you. i am glad to be at your service tonight. dear viewers , i hope the discussions we will have will be useful . the al-aqsa storm, exactly seven months after this operation, on october 15th, 7th, we
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witnessed the al-aqsa storm operation, and today, 7 months have passed since this operation, what are the relations in the west asian region in the issue of palestine has changed as well as you mentioned, today we are talking about 7 months after the al-aqsa storm. if we take a quick look at the process of developments, it seems that the big thing that happened in the al-aqsa storm was that the system of recognizance. israel suffered a crisis and exhaustion and in fact a serious collapse. well , the israelis are starting extensive efforts to revive this deterrence system, because deterrence's main function is not to dare the opposing sides of the enemies to take military action. this is the concept of deterrence. well, when the palestinians dare find and find courage in the world's largest open-air prison, gaza.
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to see the preparation of such a big operation and carry out such an action against israel in the occupied territories of 1948 outside the gaza strip . as the name of the operation was, it was like a storm in israel's situation, practically the entire deterrence system of israel in its spiritual and psychological sense. and in the material and physical sense , it caused a fundamental challenge. the israelis have been trying for 7 months to revive this system and restore everything that has actually collapsed. well, they have to. let's evaluate and see how successful they are and what new situation they are facing. if we make a quick assessment, we will see that despite the fact that israel has almost turned gaza into a wasteland, in the sense of iranian commoners, in the last seven months, it is a crime. it's not that he didn't do it in gaza, but
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from a strategic point of view, the result he was looking for, not as a partial result, which was the liberation of the so-called israeli era in gaza by the resistance. and with the resistance in gaza to free them. so this a part of the goals has not been achieved in any way. another bigger part is that the situation. in terms of completely changing the body and destroying the resistance and hamas , this has not happened yet . they are negotiating with hamas and putting pressure to make an agreement with hamas, so the result of the war is practically zero in terms of strategy, although maybe close to 40,000 killing a palestinian , destroying an important part of palestinian homes, but strategically, they could not make a change. is this all there is to it?
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it was in its final stages, and in the normalization project, israel became the driving force of the region, and it can be, according to the plan, the concept of the new american and israeli middle east, that is, the middle east whose main driving force and driving force is israel and the arab and islamic countries are actually the followers of this they are the central force, so this project should not be destroyed. it has gone and is still being followed because the natural global strategies that do not change with an operation do not disappear, but are faced with a severe shock, crisis, and new conditions. all imaging operations have been done from israel in particular since the peace process of madrid and oslo, which was a beautification and beautification operation for israel , the global public opinion has disappeared , the public opinion in the west, the public opinion in the united states itself, the biggest world power supporting
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israel, without which israel cannot there is no way to continue life. these days, you see the student situation in the american student environment and the social environment, which has become a major element of pressure on the american government. applying graded pressure to israelis and the ruling team in israel and more towards hamas in order to achieve this agreement, in general, it seems that another great strategic result of the week of october is that before october 7th. the issue of palestine was forgotten. the palestinian issue became a global issue. before october 7, as i said, under the israeli and american normalization project, they think they are the driving force, and they are marginalizing iran, the resistance, the palestinian resistance, and everyone else. what happened after october 7 is that iran and
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the resistance group are an inseparable part of the living forces they are active and effective in the region and cannot be removed in any way. the set of world powers. you mentioned this as an accepted fact that the zionist regime took every action during these seven months to restore its lost dignity in the field of military security and defense and failed . let's go back to the point of deterrence. it restores this deterrence , maybe in a partial form, in the sense of balancing the fear, that is . raising the costs that forces the other party to reconsider in order to act in the future if he wants to, is a mistake from the concept of deterrence. if we want to actually deal with the issue, a slight level of the concept of deterrence may have happened through
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widespread killing and destruction, but has the will of resistance disappeared? no, the resistance is still standing with its full will. on the other side , he has to negotiate with this resistance in order to achieve the partial goals of the war, the liberation of his prisoners, not his larger goals, which was actually imposing a new formula on the palestinian conditions, so the answer to your question is actually that at all costs the greatness that he has done at the international and regional level in the middle east and west asia region , it is true that the masses of people are not effective directly in the state of their own governments due to the separation between the government and the nations that unfortunately exists in the arab region, but this does not mean that they will disappear. . all the international analysts say that the nations of the region are a volcano of anger, and this resentment and hatred that has been accumulating in these few months will show itself sooner or later
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, just as it did in 2011 at some level in the form of the arab spring or the awakening movement showed in the whole region and the entire region. face with rise and with sooner or later, the tensions of the gaza war will show themselves in the general regional framework. this is a level issue. at the international level, a deep gap between israel and the world community has created the atmosphere of israel and the entire depiction of israel and its beautification. it actually destroyed the pointing that had been done for israel during several decades, and the israelis had to go from zero to 100 degrees below zero. they should start to create an international platform and atmosphere of international public opinion for themselves. it is true that in the west it is directly influenced by public opinion it is not possible and power centers are in fact the basic determinants of policies, but the atmosphere of the west
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is affected by the atmosphere of public opinion to some extent , whether you like it or not. the united states of america has the closest organic relationship with israel and provides the highest support to israel, and if it were not for the support of the united states, israel would have collapsed long ago in this seven-month war due to this war and the events that happened. a student is showing that it shows the average space like all other universes the social public is the public opinion, so in terms of public opinion , the israelis have a huge loss, in general, on this issue. the point you mention is that after the al-akhsar storm , we saw in many countries, in many regions of america's own states , that people held large-scale demonstrations in support of palestine and the aspirations of the people of gaza. demonstrations are not participating in this awakening
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of global public opinion due to al-aqsa storm operation. this is really a fundamental change. the policies will not be reflected because the centers of power in the united states of america and western countries do not allow the centers of power and interests that are intertwined with israel and with the existence of israel and the continuation of israel, but in fact, in the medium to long term, this is undoubtedly the public atmosphere that has happened will be effective to some extent in policies , even in the short term, it is true that it will not be directly reflected, but the intense pressure of the american president biden and the american government to bring the ceasefire to a conclusion is the most important part of the result of this atmosphere. it is common knowledge that america is moving towards biden's election is a difficult election ahead, and the democratic party and in this public atmosphere. it is natural for the people that have been created that the competition will be much tougher, so even in the short term, the degree
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of this atmosphere is reflected. in short, i would like to say that the concept of deterrence only means the balance of terror, a slight degree may have been created, but the entire deterrence system of israel has collapsed. not only has it not been repaired, but deeper holes have also been created in it , in addition to paying very large costs in the medium and long term in terms of the public space in the west asian region and in the whole world. a very big platform for confronting israel , the racist state of israel and the racist policies of israel and the existence based on the racism of israel has been created in the whole world, and the politicians have no choice but to be influenced by it to some extent. let's give an example in our own region. . the government of turkey, our neighbor, is an important government in this region. it followed policies during the gaza war
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. it had declared positions, but in practice it did not cut off its relationship with israel, politically, not even in terms of trade. the recent elections in turkey show the influence of public opinion. an important part of the results of the defeat of the ruling party in the recent elections was the result of the central core of the social base of the justice and development party and mr. ord himself. that there is an islamic movement and the islamic base is in turkey , he was not at all satisfied with the position of the turkish government in the gaza war, and when the results were announced on the day of the election, the government immediately announced that we will actually comply, we will diagnose , we will learn from this failure. and one of the lessons was that anyway, the turkish government had to announce the termination of its trade and commercial relations with israel. no temporary suspension. as long as israel's crimes in gaza continue, as turkey has announced, this is one of the manifestations
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. anywhere in the world, where public opinion is effective in government policies, including turkey, public opinion shows itself even in the short term. in the places where the governments are separated from their own nations , unfortunately, like an important part of the arab region , it will show itself in the medium and long term. this is a voice that will soon be heard. you mentioned the american elections, the pressure of the biden government on the issue of ceasefire, and also other matters, i want to discuss in detail i will talk about this topic, but before that , you mentioned the change of public opinion in the world and its impact on the issue of palestine, along with even the student movement in the universities of america, europe and around the world . october or the 15th of mehr in the issue of palestine, now in the west asia region. what new equations were formed that did not exist before or were being formed and
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were strengthened due to al-aqsa storm. all the developments that we are talking about, including the public opinion that we are maneuvering and discussing, are the result of action on the ground. if there is no real event on earth, that is , there is no reality that can be mentioned and has an impact, none of those impressions and messages will be followed by thoughts. public does not form by itself . a group, a collective, a nation, a group of people, in the quranic interpretation , wills, dares, designs, plans and acts in the world's largest open prison. in a situation where there seems to be no hope. the israelis are the rulers, occupying palestine, the international powers support them. in the region , unfortunately, the governments are looking for that normalize their relations with israel. before october 7 at the united nations, netanyahu boldly announces in front of the live cameras of the world that the palestinian issue has ended. we
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are normalizing with the arab governments and the palestinians too. the palestinian resistance created a fundamental change with this bold and big operation. all these processes that were being created actually destroyed the finished issue of palestine and put it back into a fully alive issue and on the first agenda of the world, the peace process that is completely terminated. he had found it , you should look at the project of the islamic republic of iran neither two states nor these stories that are told. but these stories had been completely forgotten for 20 years by the world powers, those who raise the issue of two states, these days they are announcing it again on october 7th, and it has been 20 years since those who call themselves peace builders. they generally knew that their own project, which
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they claimed was a project of two governments, had been abandoned . placed in three corners at an angle taken and new trends are being created that iran has no effect on the resistance to groups close to iran. october 7 showed that the nations of the region have power and are able to influence. the 7th of october showed that all the cooking , preparations and trends that are created in a fake and fake form will shake against the storm of movement of the nations of the region, especially the resistant nation of palestine , and in fact, it will create new trends, new trends. this is the influential power of the people, the influential power of the resistance in palestine, the influential power of the resistance complex and the islamic republic of iran as the supporter of the resistance in the region showed itself and that the whole process created in the agreement between the governments , including the normalization project
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, is actually accompanied by tension, because the will of the nations is another will, so that the rights of the palestinian nation and the land of this nation are not secured. if it is under occupation and the zionist project based on racism continues to deny the obvious and natural rights of this nation, this region will not calm down, the resistance will continue, and israel and the world powers must recognize these new realities, mr. dr. jabri ansari, you mentioned. in part of your speech. to some anecdotes and news about the pressure of the biden government to achieve gains in the upcoming elections in the gaza war . we want to talk about the agreement, the basics, and also the talks about the pressure of the united states on this issue. can we first see a report and go back to the studio let's continue the special news discussion and discussion and program tonight. the
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israeli cabinet is on two fateful paths, or it will have military and international consequences for this regime. israel is on two important paths between the deepening of the war in gaza and the ceasefire and the return of a part of the abducted. but there is no plan or idea of ​​how to conduct this battle for the freedom of the abducted. we are on the threshold. we are not facing victory and the end of the battle, but we are facing a long, frustrating and difficult road. this path will reduce the gap between slogans and lip-service with complex reality. the extreme right-wingers are putting a lot of pressure on the israeli cabinet and army to
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oppose the prisoner exchange agreement and insist on expanding the war. meanwhile, security and military circles in israel. they support the companion, but they only want the prisoner exchange agreement, even if at a heavy cost are that the war does not end. in this situation, israeli experts warn that israel does not have a clear strategy for the day after the end of the war in gaza , and for this reason, this regime may face a predicament that it will not be able to get out of easily , especially if it is victorious in the field. did not come. but it is not a strategic victory. we saw that more than 20 battalions of the israeli army


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