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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] they support the prisoner exchange agreement even if it comes at a heavy cost, but they only want the war not to end. in this situation, israeli experts warn that israel does not have a clear strategy for the day after the end of the war in gaza , and for this reason, this regime may face a predicament that it will not be able to get out of easily , especially if it is victorious in the field. has not come we saw that more than 20 battalions of the israeli army did not have any achievements other than tactical successes and
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did not want us to achieve a strategic victory. in fact, we will face more risks in the solution able to get enough political support for it , we must remind ourselves that there will be no victory without the return of the abductees. in the shadow of two divisions in the political arena of israel about the future of the war in gaza, the opposition to their criticism of the cabinet and first. the ministers continue and say: only by the withdrawal of this cabinet can we put an end to the gaza war and continuous intelligence failures. mr. jaberi ansari , let's talk about the key points of the agreement, as well as the american pressure, the agreement with the palestinian resistance groups hamas, which was one of the goals of the zionist regime at the beginning of the al-akhsar storm.
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the first is to destroy and clean. it was hamas. just as you mentioned, fighting for 7 months and the goals of the war announced at the beginning of the war , we mentioned that one part of the goal was the release of prisoners, but the bigger goal was to destroy hamas, as the israelis announced, the bigger goal was to change the basic equation in gaza. these are the declared goals of war by the israelis. well, now exactly 7 months after al-aqsa storm. they are negotiating fiercely, and all the pressure from the americans and the mediators is to reach an agreement with hamas, the resistance group in gaza, regarding the release of the prisoners. it is shorter to state the failure of israel in its strategic goals in the war, starting the war , destroying and killing gaza for 7 months, and all the global prestige that was falsely
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built for israel by the americans and all the world powers, and the entire work of the public diplomacy apparatus. israel was blown away and new trends were created that we mentioned in the previous discussions will have a completely negative effect against israel in the short, medium and long term and they are negotiating with hamas again in order to get the same prisoners who are a partial target. at the beginning of the war, they had to investigate, so it's been about 2 months for this agreement, for more than two months, they are even negotiating and coming and going, and the delegations are going back and forth, and various pressures are being brought from the mediator and from the powers, especially the americans. there is that a generous offer has been made to the hamas movement and everyone is waiting for hamas to respond. well, first of all, everyone is referring to the person who was supposed to be destroyed and eliminated, so there is still an authority on the ground in gaza and negotiations are taking place with him. hamas is
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in the equation. what is the fight about? why did it take two months for the israelis to stop? the reality was crushed, which was predictable from the beginning. i said at the beginning of the war that the israelis have the upper hand as long as they bombard from the air , but as soon as the dust and dirt of reality enters the ground, it will be rubbed against them and with the facts they will meet on the ground after a few months of arrival. in fact, this equation showed itself . they have been trying for two months. agree, but as usual, the israelis want to achieve goals that are not possible, contrary to the actual result on the ground in the war. what will actually be reflected in the formula of the agreement is the reality on the ground, if the situation of hamas is resistance. it was not good in gaza and not having the power of resistance and stability, why could they resist all the pressures for two months and
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not accept the israeli conditions and the israeli and american formulas. the formula they are looking for is to release only their own captives and in this way, in fact , pull the lock created for israel and the deadlock created for israel in terms of war, that is, when they cannot free the captives through war, they want to release them through politics. they should release asar's diplomacy without paying for it. what is the other side doing ? the resistance and the hamas movement say that this is a charity organization. it is not that we mufti will release anyone . we have goals. those goals must be realized . what are the goals that hamas is looking for? one possibility is for people to go to all the areas from which they were displaced under the force of war and heavy bombings, that is, the population depot in the south of the areas. to the south of gaza, the congestion that has been created , return to the northern areas and return to their own homes and residences. well, the israelis tried hard to escape from this . in general, in these two months, more or less according to the news, it seems that this condition
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has been accepted. the second important condition is that hamas and resistance it follows that we will not agree to a temporary ceasefire again, which will immediately start israeli fire and, in fact, israeli bombings. we have to go to which is actually the cessation of the war, the end of the war and the withdrawal of the israelis from gaza. the fact that the negotiations lasted for two months is the result of two opposing demands, an israeli demand that seeks to achieve what it has not achieved in the war and in the field in diplomacy through pressure, and the resistance and resistance of hamas , the resistance group in gaza, which to impose his own terms on the israeli side in different ways conditions. the imposed resistance, in fact, the latest news indicates that accepting what is called a generous offer from the americans means that, according to the published news, some of these demands have been fulfilled, but
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the resistance continues to stand up until the last minute, so that the maximum take the points and it seems that the israelis have no choice but to accept the equation of resistance and the reality of the field , they cannot change this reality. in the middle of your conversation , you just mentioned the role of america, now he only wants electoral achievements from the pressure on this matter , the americans are actually looking for two goals, one goal maybe in a more strategic sense and a tactical goal . the more strategic goal is that the americans are actually the father of the israeli project and the zionist movement. and they have to compensate for the existing irrationalities and weaknesses in israel strategically and in the long term, that is , they defined themselves in a situation and they are trying to even the internal weaknesses of israel and the israeli system
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. make up for it israel in the war in gaza and after october 7, i said, despite all the crimes the killings he has done are deadlocked in the strategic equation. why is it because israel used to end the war within a few days during the history of its wars in the past, it would make a decision about the war that has been going on for 7 months, it is trying to make a decision in gaza, it has not been able to make a decision, the war is continuing and the international atmosphere has been severely eroded. giving a blank check to israel has created a problem for both israel and the american and world powers, but this check has a date after all. this parenthesis cannot be open like this. they must be collected , so i will shorten it. a component of american politics in the pursuit of the ceasefire formula, it is to somehow reach a formula that will create an opening for israel from the torment it is in, the stalemate it is in, but this
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is not the only one, another important part of the american policy regarding their tactical needs. it is in the american elections and in the interior of america . it has spread to universities. universities are a sign, it shows the fever, that is , it is a sign of the general and larger social platform, and this space is extremely dangerous for the american and for the ruling team for the ruling party is going to have elections soon, and in this atmosphere it is natural that the possibility of failure will be very high, so they need to portray an achievement for themselves as well . an important part is to know what the americans are always doing. it is a construction, which means that even from their own relative failures, they present a narrative of victory, and this is the point that the resistance group and iran should pay attention to. all the successes in the field, if we cannot
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create a narrative of success for them , they will face doubts in the public context, and vice versa, they will all this public flow. they have the international media at their service and they will try to avoid this incident under the name of ceasefire. false and fake depictions create victory and success both for israel and for the ruling team and the government in america, which is going to the elections and needs to win. to illustrate the victory of dr. jaberi ansari, definitely, according to your book taranj and olive about al-aqsa storm operation , he talked for hours about this operation as well as its consequences and consequences. our time is short . with hazrat i would like to speak well and receive your analysis . we will pass on this topic, of course, looking at this operation and what happened and the failure of the zionist regime to achieve its goals. he is referring to the al-aqsa storm and the gaza war and the effort he made
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to spread the war in the region and the aggression and terrorist attack on the consulate of the islamic republic of iran in syria, and the punitive response of the islamic republic of iran in the form of operation sadegh 20 days from this operation. let's see what results we have received in the field and in the field of diplomacy and strategy. as i say everywhere, israel attacked the second building of the islamic republic of iran embassy in damascus, and not the consulate of the islamic republic of iran in the capital of syria. the consulate was located in this building number 2 and other parts of the embassy
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. this is because it is repeated a lot. let's look not as a point but let's look at it in a more general way. when october 7th happened, we pointed out that the most important immediate impact was the collapse of the israeli deterrence system . well, the arrival of the israelis was an important part of their effort to restore this recognition in gaza and in the palestinian equation, but it is another part. also in the public space. there is a region here and the power of israel collapsed, that is, when this israel , whose power has been portrayed so much that many arab and islamic governments surrendered to this portrayal, based on this portrayal , accepted the idea of ​​normalization and the new middle east. israel should be the driving force in the region and be the regional guiding force, when the weakest link is apparently the palestinian nation and the resistance of the palestinian nation, because
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it is carrying out a major operation, this whole hymen and this depiction of power will collapse, so the regional and global equation to the detriment of israel , both in the concept of deterrence and in the concept of the balance of power, the concept of the word balance of power has changed. we have minutes of time. time management is the effort of the israelis to impose new equations on iran and other actors in the hezbollah region. minor area they should compensate for this broken understanding and this messed up balance of power. well, because iran didn't want to get into a conflict, in fact , israel got out of skanj and bombed gaza through the opening of new fronts and the entry of international actors. make maximum use of this demand and
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deliver a new equation to iran. iran was not allowed with the big operation that happened after iran's operation 20 days ago, both in the balance of regional and global power of israel, and it was not allowed to actually create a new deterrence equation that he wanted to impose on iran in the sense that he only hits and does not get an answer. for the first time, iran actually carried out an operation towards israel , a direct operation. this is a new development, an occupying government that is a nuclear power, although it has not officially announced it, but the non-nuclear power dares. it finds that it carries out an operation in this size and in this size of show of power without killing or destroying, iran was able to upset the israeli equation and the equation was created after october 7. in the post-october 7 atmosphere
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, it is still in fact israel, which is in the atmosphere created as a result of the occupation and the consequences after october 7 , and the state of lockdown still rules over israel. this is actually a great strategic success, and the voice of this success will be louder in the days to come. thank you very much , dr. jaberi. ansari from presence. goodbye to you in the studio of special news talk and analysis of the al-aqsa storm and also a glimpse of the issue of the sadiq operation due to the shortness of time in the special news talk tonight. i'll take care of you and thank you very much for your companionship, dear compatriots.
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and god preserver. talebiyeh school in tabriz, which has been the center of islamic sciences education for centuries. this school has seen many professors and students during its lifetime , but it will not forget the memory of one of them. ayatollah seyyed ali ghazi tabatabai. this side is seyyed ali ghazi. they were born on the 13th of dhul-hijjah in the year 1243 ah in a family of scholars in tabriz. a world whose life and times are depicted in asid ali agha's book. no matter who i ask, i can't find an address. on the other hand, the fire of hajran
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did not die of fire. he grew up in a religious family and became famous for his mystical personality and in science like hadith, jurisprudence, and commentary , the late asad ali agha was a so-called spiritual figure and a mystic by profession. being the owner of discovery and intuition, but if we factor in this aspect of the case , there are also outstanding moral aspects of asid ali agha's book. it tells the story of a mystic who reaches discovery and intuition upon reaching najaf. the pious are the possessors of virtue in this world. their hearts are sad and the people are safe from their bite. in this style book the life and conduct of ayatollah ghazi is described and then his disciples are discussed.
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they were diligent students. in such a way that many generations after him, the shiite mysticism is on the way. the so-called continuation and perhaps the last student in the second generation of his students was the late mr. fatemeh nia, who recently passed away . one thing that is very important in the world of islamic science is that the relationship between teacher and student is always preserved. well done narrate this process either from his students or from his teachers and give us a comprehensive picture of who ayatollah ghazi was influenced by and who influenced him.
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ayatollah qazi narrates from the first person and finally describes the last years of his life in najaf, when he refused to leave his master's side . ansi behri of sada news agency, wasim, mom , give me your milk, dad, be aware of mom, goodbye, this is the voice of a 12-year-old boy who left his memory before going to the front, he said, "mom, give me a tape." i brought this tape, i gave it to him, now you want to record it, record it after asking me, he said , "can i ask you to leave me alone for a few moments?" until after his martyrdom, when the news of his martyrdom was brought to me, i gave his sister a tape address and said, "bring it, put it on shahid reza panahi .
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" it can be done, the smallest martyred mystic would tell them that i am a small body, send me for operation information. he used to speak so maturely , intimidating everyone, and now his narrations motherhood, which turns pages in the book of 12-year-old aref. the reason for naming the book after 12-year-old aref was his mystical and spiritual temperament, which was in shahid, and reza panahi was a prodigy of mysticism and spirituality. a book in which the author wrote the memories of 12-year-old aref from his mother's words. reza loved riding a bicycle since he was four years old. as he grew older , we changed his bike and bought a bigger bike. the book contains 28 short chapters from the moment
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of reza's birth until the news of his martyrdom reached his mother. did that my presence made me feel there, my legs went weak. the book of 12-year-old aref ends with two testaments of this martyr, a book that presents an image of a hero to the audience. maryam hamedi , sed and broadcasting news agency. it was during nowruz that the defense situation in karbala 5 operation prevailed. ayatollah sadr al-din haeli, who is an old man with the virtues of being white and with a very good spirituality, the book of the narration of hujjat al-islam wal-muslimeen by abdullah haji
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sadeghi is about 75 clerics during the war. all the effort in this book is to show the culture of holy defense. it is impossible and that's it there is culture, there is revolution, there is jihad, there is victory, there is an enemy. it has failed. the book deals with the history of the border guards during the holy defense period. during the war, the clerics were on the front line as a warrior, but they also performed the role of their clergy. he tells the front that the holy defense was a completely people's war . its different dimensions are more than that extracting this part
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of the historical narrative, which is the mental reserve of its warriors , needs to focus on the topic of tarek sha'ai. the book is the result of 14 discussion sessions and how the 83rd brigade was formed. it shows imam sadiq (peace be upon him) during the holy defense period. where did student protests in america start and how did they spread? student protests on wednesday , april 29 with seriousness at columbia university. new york began and students camped in the middle of the university campus. in the following weeks
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, protests were held in universities across the country. how did the police react to the student protests? according to asushi dead press statistics , at least 38 arrests have been made since thursday, april 30. more than 2 thousand people were arrested in about 40 university campuses. the police dismantled the tents and cleaned them did what happened at columbia university? the most newsworthy protests took place at columbia university. where the protesters first camped on the grass in front of walter's book. on april 30, the police entered the campus and arrested at least 18 students. some of the protestors who remained in the grass field adjacent to another camp. just after midnight on tuesday, after the deadline for disbanding the camp , a number of students entered the building known as
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hamilton hall and blocked the entrance to the building . that night, the police entered the building with a ladder through the window. a little later, the students who were arrested they were seen leaving the closed doors of the university. columbia is just one of many new york universities where student protests took place. what happened at ucla? in addition to columbia university , another university that was an important center of tension is the university of california in los angeles. a protest camp was held on thursday, may 6. the believers of the opposite group, that is, zionist supporters, on tuesday night , protesting pro-palestinian students. the confrontation between the two groups lasted for two or three hours while the police were only watching until finally
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intervened los angeles police officers in the morning. on thursday, after hundreds of protestors defied the police order to leave the protest camp , they began to tear down the tents by force. as the police approached, the pilgrims chanted the slogan "where were you last night" referring to the inaction of the police against the violence that the demonstrators of the pro-zionist group had unleashed. meanwhile, more than 30 people were arrested. how did the police react in other places? apart from new york and los angeles, since mid-april, hundreds of people have been arrested on college campuses across the united states. among the universities with the highest number of arrests they had
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136 people from the university of texas at austin. emerson college. in boston, 118 people , washington university in st. louis, 100 people, and norstern university arrested 98 people. the police action in austin was very aggressive, where hundreds of policemen , some of them riding horses and carrying batons, attacked the protesters on wednesday, may 5. plastic bullets during the arrest of students at emery university near atlanta on
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has reached 30085 from the safa meter of khamran, landed in havar. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. imam jafar sadiq (peace be upon him) was formed in tehran and the provinces. in tehran, the bodies of two unknown martyrs , aged 17 and 20,


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