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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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iranians and jabadan of the islamic republic of iran! in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless him and grant him peace, muhammad and the family of muhammad, dear compatriots, hello, good morning . welcome to this news section. the bodies of 13 unknown and identified martyrs were revealed in tehran and the provinces at the same time as the martyrdom anniversary of imam jafar sadiq, peace be upon him. anonymous, 17 and 20 years old, was dissected in the presence of people in the city of ray and shahid kharazi. in isfahan, the body of the martyr was dissected. abbas ramezani, mojtabi
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nader tehrani and shahid javad morasi, as well as the body of an unknown martyr , were buried in isfahan martyrs' golestan. he said that what you learn, if you are telling the truth , do it for our country, that this country is a secret, the people of hamadan are also dead. in south khorasan, people were found with the body of a mortal martyr. the body of martyr seyyed alidin asadpour rests in zarghan city of fars province and in his hometown of aqjalo village. was buried. the people of babak city
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of kerman province also bid farewell to the body of an unknown martyr . yesterday, two unknown martyrs were buried in the holy mosque of jamkaran. normality of doz dam situation in khuzestan province, the managing director of khuzestan water and electricity organization said that the situation of doz dam is normal and the water flow is not at flood level, according to sadrian. it is safe and the excess water of the river is flowing. spring rains in khuzestan province. these rains increased the amount of water in hundreds of provinces by 81. the type of these rains happened in such a way that it happened in the upper levels and.
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it happened both downstream for hours, that is , we had both the flow of water in the flood in the downstream and upstream. in the past days, the input of hundredoz was about 2000 cubic meters per second. something about 900 cubic meters was produced on the first day of running water. if it happened that we didn't increase the output of 100 demos at the same time, we would have saved the water flow that was produced above and we kept it full from the level of 100 at the same time caused the input and output of our 100-dez to be equal to the input of our 100-dez reached something more than 2 thousand cubic meters per second in these two days in the chain. above 90d and 100dz, 100d of water was drained , we reduced the output of the dezmon to at least about 18 to about 180 cubic meters per second, so that we can manage the flow created in the downstream
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after the so-called travel time or that when this discharge leaves the area, we can release it upstream, which is not a problem for us dear people, do not create. the output set of one hundred doses after complete dewatering was about 600 cubic meters per second. the best efforts of my colleagues have resulted in the creation of unique scenes that you can see, fortunately, both the top is now fully drained and the release is very good. with the completion of doz dam, the water of this dam was released downstream with proper management, and the required water of the cycle area was also provided. hamed nomshadi of ahvaz radio and television news agency. the students of the world are in solidarity with the students of the united states, demonstrating against the genocide of the zionists. frats at the humboldt university of berlin, the
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police have dealt with the improvement of students and numbers arrested in england, students protested the gaza war together with palestinian supporters in london, manchester and newcastle. students in two universities in melbourne, australia
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chanted in support of the american student movement against the zionist regime. students of the university of havana, the capital of cuba, also gathered to condemn the aggression of the zionist regime in gaza. police in several universities in paris. france deals with student protests. in mexico, pro-palestinian students in the country's largest university held their second day of protests with a student sit-in. zionist some members of the resistance groups destroyed their houses in order to stop them. the
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occupying soldiers who attacked deir al-qasun shirk in shabal tul karam with more than 50 military vehicles fired bullets and rockets at the residents. the region got involved. media sources reported that the occupants finally destroyed the house with a bulldozer and an excavator while women and children were present in the house and prevented the arrival of rescue vehicles. six people were martyred in this crime, and the occupiers seized the bodies of 5 of them. zionists also reporters present at the place were also targeted by their attacks. vernod's memorial newspaper. the wounding of a zionist soldier during the conflict between the resistance groups and the occupiers has announced takbir allahu akbar . takbir allahu akbar, allahu akbar
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. al-asher battalions. by issuing a statement , it took responsibility for the drone strike on thursday on a vital target in the occupied city of amorrasash, ilas. two days ago, the resistance forces in bahrain published pictures of targeting a transport company of the zionist regime in the region eilat informed and announced that this operation was carried out with the aim of declaring support for the resistant people of gaza, and such operations will not be stopped unless the zionist aggression on gaza is stopped. and for the first time in germany, wooden battens on wind turbines. these new blades are made of materials
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that are more stable than common fiberglass and carbon composite materials and have much less environmental impact. most of the turbine blades at the end of their life are buried or incinerated because their materials cannot be easily recycled, but these wooden blades are easier to dispose of after the end of their life. are recycled. we wish you a good day. according to the announcement of the fisheries organization, the per capita consumption of fish in the country is estimated to be around 13 kg, while the global average is around 20 kg . the lack of per capita consumption is partly due to the iranian taste, which
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has a problem with the smell of tiq mahi, and households have problems with the style of cooking. but the specialists of a knowledge- based company in the field. seafood offered an innovative and delicious solution for this problem in order to complete the supply chain of aquatic products in the line of fish sausage production . for the first time, we had the apple fish on 13 we produced suzyz calabars product from it , we can store it for a month without preservatives , which is patented, removing the unpleasant smell and taste of fish, besides preserving all its useful properties , being pasteurized and easy to digest is one of the features of this knowledge-based product. in the commercial volume of production , it is made from fish meat, but its unique features are available. for scientists, it is that the additives that preserve sodium nitrite are instead of 120, and
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that the number of micro-organisms can almost be said to be zero and these products are pasteurized. it is easy to digest and has all the characteristics of fish , besides, the smell that people don't like is taken from fish. which is produced abroad, for example, china, europe, norway , has a strong fishy taste and is not suitable for iranian consumers and consumers. i would like to say that it has been patented localization of the price production line. let's bring it down. i can confidently say that one-fifth of the price of similar foreign products is a product that has now
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entered the international markets . currently , we were exporting to qatar, kuwait, the emirates, oman, and we are taking the necessary measures for russia and china. we want to get the related certificates. if we get the related certificates , we can export high production according to their consumption . and affairs charity became possible. mohammad hossein haji, radio and television news agency. the 9th round of student robotics competitions with the participation of more than a thousand students from all over the country. there is no place to sit
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. this chair was not here. how many robots did you make ? i made 2 robots, which in 8 i can participate in different leagues with them. explain to us what kind of robot. explain to the camera of your robot . how long did it take you to make a fireman's robot?
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i made it small, but my socks can't be washed for the creativity league, we made a smart cane to help the blind. when the blind want to approach a hole or bump into something, it gives an error or an alarm to avoid that place. the response of the students to these competitions was also interesting . we brought a warrior robot, it has a sword with control. it's my first time to compete. it's a great experience. it's my first time to compete. i'm very happy. i feel that it's the best moment of my life and i'm very happy. i hope i win. students in different departments, including router robots.
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it's broken, why it's broken, the rotation is broken, so now it's right could it be that your wheel was torn off ? there is a thousand roads that we have to go around by car
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to reach the finish line. i made a warrior robot that rotates. i made a mess outside for a moment, i built a rally robot and i came here, i have a competition and why did the wire get cut off
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? my car went away a bit, the wire got cut off. by the time they came to start the game, you declared it over , because in the legal time of the fight , no one's team won, in fact, the time was over. there is a law called the flag law that the four remaining robots or robots remain on the four sides of the field , the robot that moves to the opposite side the fastest wins the race, so it is over very quickly . we select over 2,300 students from among these 1300 people. and they will undergo more specialized training in specialized courses and once again until the summer when the competitions will be held, in fact another selection will take place . they have assigned themselves to themselves. mohammad ebrahim pakzad
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radio news agency. i came here to imam khomeini hospital, i went to sarkh sal , i went to any of them. they said that they did not have an appointment. this patient has leg pain and needs a doctor. for treatment , they should visit the medical centers in person . what time is it now 12? you have been on the bed for 5 hours now and you haven't had your appointment yet. i have a headache. oh my god . last year, all hospitals were supposed to start their electronic appointments, but a part of
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the hospital of the social security organization has anyway it should be connected with the system that is still complete. the social security organization has not established this connection, but some of its hospitals are connected in university departments, almost all hospitals are now connected, somehow applying a series of rules and regulations to force hospitals to use these systems and increase their capacities. let them , but now there is access for people who can make their own appointment through a system that has caused problems for patients , don't be tired, you finally got your turn, yes , you couldn't make an online appointment, it's my turn because tower 9 i came, there were 3 months left
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, they didn't give us an appointment, i said come and give us an appointment after eid, we came in person, now i don't know when it will be our turn, i don't know. the officials of this hospital announced the cause of the problems in the electronic appointments in some system infrastructures . did you come in the morning? they didn't give you an appointment. no, i didn't come. he said it was over . you probably arrived later. yes, well , now there is a question. the number of clients is very high, at least 150 patients a day, of which maybe 500 people can call by phone. we are waiting for the general office. think please let me know when it will be realized and the patients will be able to say more easily , god willing, how much time will be given, and finally, we will follow up so that we can do anything.
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in social security, some of their big hospitals have the problem of not being connected to us at all. in fact , there were challenges from the social security and ministry aspects that they are solving, that is, they are in the direction of solving it , now the officials of the supply organization. according to the statistics of the ministry of health, last year, 50 % of the country's hospitals joined the electronic appointment system of the ministry of health, and this year,
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all hospitals should use this appointment system. they have tayyab kargar of the radio and television news agency in such a way that he can be hospitalized for free , they don't charge you any money, no, last night we came in , we paid two and a half. what is your insurance ? is there a government health center? it's been a year and it was supposed to be completely free for children under 7 years of age in this government center. have you experienced this or not? it's not free at all . . free treatment means no money don't see, for seno, the hospital photo test, everything , don't charge any money, it's been a year and a half since i didn't get it. i just came this year for the year, i was free, but
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i didn't get any money, i didn't get any money , so far, i haven't charged anything from my child. no, there is no fee for children under the age of seven. our children under the age of seven are still in the hospital. we haven't received any fees from us yet, ahmadullah, however, not all patients under 7 years of age benefit from free treatment . i got how much they took so far, about 300,400 tomans . we haven't done anything special yet. we only got 300,400 tomans for one visit. my social security is paying for it now. last night , i gave 1.800 tomans. i gave 1.800 in the morning . last year, the ministry of health announced
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that medical services would be free, meaning both outpatient and inpatient services in all government centers affiliated to the ministry of health, and now the necessary resources are available for its implementation. provided in terms of sources that i sometimes saw in the virtual space. anqlatai has brought the predicted resources , the supreme council of insurance has approved, the honorable board of ministers has approved , it has been notified with the signature of the honorable first vice president, the highest official of the deputy minister of treatment has been notified, so there is no excuse for taking money from a child who is under the age of 7. year and referred to government and university centers, it does not exist , although some officials of the ministry of health set preconditions for its implementation. we say that children under 7 years of age are free of charge, provided that they go through this route, it will go away on its own, and outside of this framework
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, we cannot accept the responsibility of the ministry of health. a role that he has taken up now is designed by a military , 95% of the people who seek medical services through this system are free of charge and are covered by insurance . and some officials consider its implementation unconditionally mandatory. there is no excuse for taking money from a child who is under 7 years of age and has visited government and university centers . if there is any problem, now the officials of the ministry of health have announced the treatment. free of charge for children under 7 years of age must be reported to the 190 system of the ministry of health, loved ones who visit government centers and their children. under the age of 7 and they do not see the need for a system , it is actually a violation and this is a law that has been communicated to everyone and they are obliged to implement it. we
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will implement the same issue. we will follow up. according to the statistics of the ministry of health , we have 7 million children under the age of 7 in the country, and the full implementation of the free treatment plan can be effective in reducing their problems. tayyab kargar of sed and sima news agency. como habíamos adelantado hasta el prime minister kishida llega en paraguay como segundo país en esta gira, primero fue francia, ahora paraguay, culmina con brasil.
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look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun.


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