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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, dear viewers, hello, good evening. we are with you at 4 p.m. in the news segment at 4 p.m. in the attacks of the zionist regime on the gaza strip in the past 24 hours, 29 more people were martyred. the day passed. 110 people were injured. during this period, the occupiers committed three other murders and crimes in the gaza strip. in this way, the number of martyrs of the war against gaza reached 348 people and the number of injured people reached 78 people. also , thousands of people are missing and under the rubble in the gaza strip. former head of the zionist regime's prisoners case
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he emphasized that tel aviv is not looking for a ceasefire. yaran blum said that netanyahu's claim that hamas is not serious in negotiations is untrue. blum clarified that two officials of the hamas movement traveled to cairo and that this movement is trying to reach a permanent ceasefire, but israel rejected this. in the recent days of the hamas movement, the egyptian and qatari mediators also emphasized that a ceasefire agreement and prisoner exchange in gaza is available, but the zionist regime's cabinet is obstructing this and does not want this agreement to be implemented. american universities approx 2,500 people have reached and more than 50 lecturers and university professors so far. in the latest crackdown
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on students by the american police, 50 students protesting the occupation's genocide in gaza were arrested at the chicago college of arts. the american police also suppressed the anti-zionist sit-in of the university of virginia students and arrested at least 25 students. anti-zionist demonstrations and protests against america's support of the occupying regime in the american city of portland have been drawn into a conflict.
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students at the graduation ceremony of the university of michigan with slogans in support of palestine, the speech of us navy secretary carlos deltoro and raised the flag of palestine. at princeton university, students showed their solidarity with the people of gaza and ghati and the lack of food in this area with a hunger strike. the students of texas and harvard universities also held a protest rally in protest of the genocide in gaza.
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the students of the university of irvine, california announced that they will continue to sit until their demands are met. the scope of student gatherings and sit-ins outside the united states against the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza by joining new universities to the widespread protests in the university of dublin, the capital of the republic of iran , students gathered to declare their opposition to the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza and chanted slogans against this regime and its western supporters. in the english capital, a number of students and graduates
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of the university of london held a rally in support of palestine despite being surrounded by security forces and chanted slogans against the occupation. at humboldt university in the capital of germany, the anti -zionist gathering of students was attacked by the security forces and the police arrested a number of demonstrators. at laval university in montreal canadian students, accompanied by a number of citizens of this country , demonstrated in support of the palestinians and demanded an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip.
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at the national autonomous university of mexico, which is the largest university in the country, students joined the international movement against the genocide in gaza. in vienna, austria, glasgow, scotland , and the capital of malaysia, a number of students and other citizens held rallies in support of palestine and condemnation of the crimes of the occupying al-quds regime. the continuation of the news, the continuation of the free insurance of decimals 1 to 5 for this year, the ceo of the insurance organization salamat said: in addition to this, other health insured persons are also subject to a special government discount.
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the other deciles, the 6th to 9th deciles , will enjoy the special government discount that was last year and this year , that is, our 6th decile is only 20% of the 73rd decile. we have a very low cost for one-year insurance for people in the country. for this reason , we request our loved ones who are not insured to go to our website or to the health insurance citizen systems or to go to government offices and get insurance. they must have peace for themselves and their families for a year. the second national youth award entered the stage of judging the works. the person in charge of this event announced that more than 4 thousand works have been sent to the secretariat of this award. mrs. mohibabi tabar
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considered the works that were selected for the national youth award in the performance of the devices to be significant and pointed out the high volume of activities in the field of marriage. and the adoption of children has actually been done from all iranian ethnicities and from all the geography of the country, very lively and successful families with a high number of children have actually uploaded their information on the site and entered the judging process , which is a lot compared to previous years. really grown. 35. the end of the exhibition the international book fair of tehran begins on the 19th of may in the case of imam khomeini. the spokesperson of the international book fair said that so far more than 2,600 publishers have registered in the face-to-face and virtual parts of the fair. for the third year, all the publishers
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were placed in the mushdaf space and we did not deploy any temporary structure of the publishers. with this difference compared to last year, the number of publishers available to the publishers has expanded both in the southern children's section and in the university publishers' section, and some in the educational publishers' section with the reforms and the completion of the construction projects that the sections had at the disposal of the publishers. garib, the head of the tehran international book fair, also said: the number of book purchase subsidies for the virtual part of the fair for students and professors has increased , and institutions and organizations have received book purchase subsidies in cooperation with the ministry of culture and islamic guidance. institutions and organizations can
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receive up to 20% of their income. in addition to that, it means that if a group wants to receive 1 billion tomans, for example, for its audience or for its employees , it will be a book. the amount of 20% to 20% extra is also contributed by the ministry of islamic culture , amounting to 1 billion 200 million tomans. the maximum clause is given to that institution. the end of this news section of khodnaghadar.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, please accompany us with the stock market news. the ceo of iran's foreign exchange is obliged to establish a corporate governance system for the acceptance of companies. it was announced in the first, second, and other markets of afarin. mr. shirazi said: admission consulting companies are required to prepare a report on the establishment of corporate governance in accordance with the approved standard of the iran exchange and submit it to the admission board. according to the ceo of fara exchange , the implementation of the corporate governance system for the continuation of the activities of economic enterprises, control the conflict of interest between the management and ownership and regulation of relations and interests of xinfan will lead. in the first
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trading day of the week, the total index of the capital market had a negative return, but the index increased in the middle. at the end of trading, about 40% of symbols were in the positive range. massification group also had the most money. the total index had 23 percent of negative games. 510 units decreased, then two million. the receipt of the index has the same weight but recorded a positive return with a 300% increase of 190 points and reached 751 thousand. the total value of the market transactions is 3800 billion tomans . the result of buying and selling is 145 billion tomans. real people have registered and washed the withdrawal of money from stocks and mutual funds.
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at the end of the market, the automotive and metal group had the most transactions, and the food and computer group had the most positive symbols in the saturday market, having 450 billion tomans. the total number of buy orders on the board and sell orders was 41 billion tomans at the end of the market. number of pages buying and selling were almost equal, 53 shopping symbols and 52 symbols were placed on the sales page per capita , real people's purchases and sales averaged 26 million tomans per capita, and 25 million tomans per capita, and
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food products group, which received 24 billion tomans he recorded that the outflow of real people's money was mostly from the group of equity funds with 67 banking groups with 43 and the group of basic metals showing the outflow of 34 billion tomans . 28 percent were negative in the final price. the glass trading hall of the stock market ended the first working day of the week with a balanced trend and was about 5 thousand units lower than its previous level. according to experts, one of the factors that slow down transactions is the expectation of market participants for
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an increase in the rate of the nima system as well as a decrease in the interest rate a bank is one of the important and influential factors in this market, as well as removing the tax exemption ceiling for listed companies, creating an incentive plan for exporting products and creating an incentive for selling raw materials in listed companies is one of the factors and obvious points affecting the capital market. transactions ending on the 12th of may, the value of shares and preemptive transactions in the capital market reached 1596 billion tomans. the stock exchange's share of these transactions was over 1800 billion tomans, over
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9800 billion tomans, the over-the-counter share was over 507 billion tomans. value of transactions in the fund during this period, tradable investments recorded the figure of 2712 billion tomans. the share of real estates from the circulation of small stock transactions and stock market preemption reached more than 2405 billion tomans. the share of legal professionals from this turnover of transactions was recorded more than 274 billion tomans. from raising capital to stopping some symbols, holding public and extraordinary meetings, as well as disclosing important information in the kodal package on the news line. symbols of hatoka se qaim
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and shaduz for the annual general meeting to approve the financial statements at the close of business on the 16th of ardi. they stopped it due to the ambiguities in important information published by the issuer of the froud trading symbol was suspended for a maximum of two business days. the meeting of the general assembly of symbol kamasa will be held on the 10th of khordad. the nabsa trading symbol was stopped due to the increase of more than 50% in the stock price in order to hold an information conference by the publisher. due to non-compliance. the executive order for disclosure of information of the companies registered with the organization in the symbol of tehran stock exchange company emphasized the necessity of complying with these matters until may 31st. the volume based on jami payam trading symbols from the 16th ardibehesht was considered equivalent to 5% and 10% of the base capital of the companies respectively. the trading symbols of sh
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tehran and north tehran, vesno, kaita, and tyndeh were included in the clearing of the trading knot. after holding the annual general assembly, the trading symbol kays was traded with a limited range of price fluctuations. zahra, a scientist of sed and cima news agency. today , more than 3 million and 600 thousand tons of all kinds of goods and products were sold on the board of the iran commodity exchange. the largest volume of supplies was dedicated to iron ore and cement. in the industrial and mineral hall of one million and 80. products including iron ore pellets, sponge iron and bloom ingots released. cement hall witnessed the supply of 1 million 210 thousand tons of cement. petrochemical hall also recorded the supply of 3181 tons of polymeric and chemical materials. in the auction hall, 1 million 218
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thousand tons of goods and products such as iron ore concentrate and lump iron ore were offered. the export hall also hosted the supply of 77,000 tons of bloom ingots and others. the investment of financial institutions and reputable emirati banks in the international stock exchange of iran was the subject of the meeting of the joint economic commission of iran and the united arab emirates. this news and more in today's package of baha bazar news. mohammad baqir qalibaf, chairman. council today, islami is seriously pursuing simulation systems in various fields, including economics , and we are also guiding the field of transportation in this way. the same thing can be implemented in the field of monetary base and stock market and create changes. ministry of roads and urban development news base. investment of
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financial institutions and reputable emirati banks in the international stock market of free zones. iran and shareholding in this stock exchange was one of the topics of the meeting of the joint economic commission of iran and the united arab emirates. hamid reza bagheri, vice president of iran's electricity market, industries that require continuous energy are obliged, according to the law, this year at least 2% of their electricity should be obtained from renewable energy, through the construction of a power plant or purchase from the green board of the stock exchange, so that it is not subject to consumption management. rond farshid pourhat, secretary of the capital market mass builders association, has a key role in reducing the bubble in the housing market , if the capital market can increase its role in the supply and demand of inputs such as cement and steel, it will definitely witness a decrease in the presence of speculators and incendiaries.
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we will be in the housing market. mahmoud gudarzi, managing director of tehran stock exchange, capital market can play an important role in the process of privatization of state-owned companies. this will increase efficiency and competitiveness in various economic sectors. website in the first 3 months of the year, china's steel exports have grown significantly by 28% compared to the same period last year and reached about 26 million tons. the amount of exports in march also increased by 38% and was recorded at about 10 million tons. more than 65 thousand tons of hydrocarbon products were offered on the first trading day of the week in the iran energy exchange. the largest volume of supplies was dedicated to the product left over from the distillation tower and liquefied gas. the indoor hall hosts the supply of more
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than 800 tons of various products, including oxygen and nitrogen was the element. in the international hall , 65,000 tons of various products were offered, such as the defendant of fateh tower and liquefied gas. on the last trading day of last week, a variety of products worth more than a thousand. billion tomans were sold in bers energy. the value of retail trades and stock options in iran's over-the-counter market reached about 5800 billion tomans last week. in this period, t accumulation group accounted for 11 transaction values. in the past week, the value of transactions. the stock in the first market was 2600 billion tomans and in the second market it was 2100 billion tomans. the value of basic market transactions was also recorded at 1,800 billion tomans. also in
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the market of new financial instruments was traded over 426 thousand billion tomans and islamic financial bonds were also 47 thousand billion tomans. from the beginning of the year to the end of the second week of ardi behesht. also, from the beginning of this year to the end of last week , more than 18 million cement deposit certificates worth 19.9 billion tomans were traded. this certificate amount was equivalent to 18 thousand tons of cement. today, 68 cement companies offered 121 cements on the board of the commodity exchange. the value of registered transactions in the physical market of iran energy exchange
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reached 4512 billion tomans in the second week of may. also, during this period, more than 156,000 tons of various hydrocry products were traded in the domestic and export halls of the energy exchange. in this game, more than 37 thousand. methanol futures contract is also registered in the standard parallel futures board, whose transaction value is more than 499 billion tomans. the transaction value of 3,500,000 megawatt hours of electricity was 326 billion tomans in the wholesale board of the electricity market of the energy exchange. thank you very much for your companionship.
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this is a sports equipment store in a large iranian store
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where you can find it very easily. choose your favorite sports equipment from all these impressive varieties buy it and then take it home with an unbelievable price, long-term delivery and free shipping . it's as simple as that, visit the sports equipment store in the great iranian store until 2:00 am in the city of tehran. pat pat shame on you. you will perish in this house. why don't you buy a cooler? the account balance is insufficient . this was the reason. no reason. no reason. we are going to the city of home appliances. buy an installment cooler. it is a suggestion. great sale of all kinds of coolers in the city of household appliances.
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dans un ciel assombri de nuage, une immense columne de vent et de débris que rien ne semble pouvoir arrêter, au texas hier, cette giganticesque tornado.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen , welcome to this special program called rah quds , which specifically covers the student protests in the united states to support the palestinian people. american issues are with us in the studio, and
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we are hosting them with questions. mr. abbasi, welcome . as the first question , tell us the latest news from america and the student protests and the difference between it and the previous days, in the name of allah, the most merciful. hello, i would like to serve you and dear viewers. well , we have been witnessing student protests and sit-ins all over america for more than two weeks . in the first wave , it was columbia university and the university of minnesota, but in the second wave, we saw that even in many conservative and republican states like texas and ohio, universities came and joined the story . according to the latest statistics, there are now nearly 50 universities. the new york times also has a story about american politicians, about 200 universities, about 50 the university is now the scene of student protests and sit-ins in support of palestine and protests against the
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zionist regime and the latest open statistics. it has now reached nearly 2,500 people, that is, 2,500 students were arrested during the student protests , among whom were various professors, journalists , including fox news and qast al-azam reporters. this is the official figure of 2,500, yes, and it includes students , professors, and journalists. what is the fate of those who are arrested? i would like to specifically ask what price these students will pay for being on stage and for these protests. columbia university had sent him a letter saying that he had been expelled from the university, that is, in the past few weeks, we have seen many dismissals in columbia university, harvard university, and various universities in which professors and students were dismissed. not giving the right to education , losing tahsir, giving a part, well, these
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are included.


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