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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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a single macaron at the top. bismillah. rahman al rahim, ladies and gentlemen, hello , we are with you with economic and market news , within 10 days until the end of the deadline for converting paper licenses into electronic ids, the business environment improvement center has announced that more than 477,000 paper licenses have been converted into new licenses. based on the announcement of this center, the provinces of lorestan, gilan and tehran have so far the highest percentage of elimination.
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they have a paper business license and the lowest performance is related to central, bushe and semnan provinces. according to the law, all old and paper licenses must be up to twenty. 5th of may to have an electronic license the id must be converted to one, and businesses that do not have a unique id are legally considered unlicensed. economic operators can refer to the national portal. get a unique id for your licenses for free. workers' preferred shares were registered in their names. according to the head of the privatization organization, more than 5 billion shares belonging to 64,161 workers in 154 companies were registered in the name of the workers. in fact, the policy
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is to allocate 5% of preferred shares of the companies that are on the transfer list to the names of workers and employees of experienced managers in the companies on the transfer list. the 13th government has a serious agenda. mr. bazian noted that since the beginning of the 13th government, more than 305 million government shares in 10 mesh companies. the handover has been given to 308 working and retired workers . cooperation of basij construction and urban regeneration in renovating the dilapidated fabric, the head of basij construction organization said that this organization is cooperating with the iranian urban renewal company with a new practical initiative on the issue of building housing in the dilapidated fabric. that is, those jihadi groups that are registered in the atlas system
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, they have a legal account, and they find the appropriate technical competence for this work. the next province, these nobles say that sir, we have 500 points out of these 5000 points, maybe 285 points and physical groups to express the presence of an individual, but according to haj hossein, one postal code becomes another postal code , which means re-creation. they know with which group that has the technical qualifications and basij has approved the party. the managing director of iran urban redevelopment company also said: this year , with the cooperation of basij , we will build more than 150,000 units in the field of regeneration of worn-out fabric. we hope to offer at least 150,000 units this year. let's keep in mind that with the presence of
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jihadi groups, this is not far-fetched, but rather my estimate i myself believe that this number will exceed 200,000, god willing, and we will actually witness a new development in this sector . the vice president of new technologies of the central bank said that as the first electronic check bank, the agricultural bank will replace other banks with electronic checks. he cashes his banking tools offline and electronically. mr. mohramian emphasized that the technical infrastructure has been provided to provide this service to customers in the entire banking network . november 1401 central bank and the launch ceremony of electronic check. the electronic check was supposed to minimize the presence of customers in the branch. please the cost is actually a travel fee for the customer . the branch and also saving the customer's time
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is really done a lot in this digital check , but it can't be transferred, it can be transferred , it can't be transferred, why? and the training actually takes place within the banking network, we are following up. in fact , we are following up through the banking network. in most of the meetings that we have , digital checks are one of the important topics that come up . we are still following up. in the branches, many of
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our colleagues may not be familiar with this issue, which is gradually being resolved electronic checks should be non-personal, but as the central bank officials say, except for one bank , the rest of the banks only collect checks from their own banks in person. agriculture as the first bank has already implemented it, and tejarat bank will soon, god willing, in the testing stages. and this is to make it operational, in other words, the technical infrastructure for this matter has been provided for the entire banking network , some banks are joining this plan, according to the latest statistics of the central bank, 225 thousand electronic checks have been issued so far and it is supposed to be until the end of the third program, i.e. the year 146 all checks should be electronic. rizvan basfa, radio and television news agency. the head of the supreme council of marine industries says: three documents on the development of the sea-based economy, fleet renewal and
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fuel supply to vessels have been compiled and are awaiting review in the meeting of this council. the 10th session of the supreme council of the maritime industry. it was held in may last year with the presence of the president. a year has passed since the last meeting of the supreme council of marine industries. in that meeting , it was decided to seriously pursue some clauses of the maritime industry development law. the most important issue was the issue of developing a sea-based economy program. the discussion was about the fleet renewal program. and it was the document of the banking industry. for the modernization of the naval fleet and construction. contracts have been signed for various types of vessels. 5 ships with a capacity of 40,000 to 75,000 tons. in fact , we are negotiating, and god willing, based on the technical specification booklet, it will be determined what the price of the ship
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is, how long it will take, and issues like this will be specified in the contracts, god willing. we will make contracts that can start the construction of each vessel for at least 20,000 people . it is now following up and checking the level of implementation the approvals are waiting for the meeting of the supreme council of the maritime industry in the new year, the time is not yet known, we are waiting for the announcement. according to the announcement of this council, in order to modernize the naval fleet , it is necessary to build and supply 4,000 medium and large vessels, which requires an investment of 13 billion dollars. safari of sed and sima news agency. exporters of goods in our country say that
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their products are exported to neighboring countries and some african countries. increased, but according to them transverse and transportation problems. it is still an obstacle to export. in 1402, exports to the countries of iraq, afghanistan, the persian gulf, africa, afghanistan, iraq, kurdistan, kurdistan region, south africa, uzbekistan, tajikistan , how much is our export volume? our export volume is 400 cars per year. almost to most of the countries in the region, all countries along the persian gulf and the african market. export their products to other countries. one of the ways to reach new markets
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and increase exports is to solve the problems of the current obstacles. the relationship we want to have with the countries is our first and most important problem. the existing sanctions become a barrier so that we cannot deal with many companies that operate in our field of activity let's cooperate. international shipping is one of our biggest obstacles now in the field of saddles, high shipping fees, which exist especially in the center of africa, south africa, and west africa. for export, companies that are trusted by the ministry of industry and commerce are introduced to us. because now there are many companies, many of which we don't know if we can trust them or not. for this reason, the ministry of economy and the export guarantee fund came to help these producers to solve some of their problems. those who are new to the jirga exporters. we join we can offer our services to them and somehow
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teach them about the export debates, well , the rome debates of the corresponding institutions of our own children. seyyed hossein kazem nian of sed and sima news agency will acquire the technical skills needed to discuss exports, god willing. the market value of cryptocurrencies shows a decrease of 1% compared to the previous day. the market value of cryptocurrencies reached 2 trillion and 350 billion dollars today. bitcoin is 8 tenths of percent compared to yesterday the price was reduced. today, benchmark code was traded at the price of $6379. ethereum showed a 47 percent price decrease compared to saturday. gives. the second most popular token in the market
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reached $336 today. and the value of registered transactions in the physical market of the iran energy exchange reached 4512 billion tomans in the second week of may. also, during this period , more than 156 thousand tons of hydrocarbon products were traded in the domestic and export halls of the energy exchange. in this period of time, more than 37,000 methanol swap contracts have been registered in the standard parallel swap board, whose transaction value is more than 499 billion. tomans the transaction value of 3,500,000 megawatt hours of electricity was 326 billion tomans in the wholesale board of the energy market. the value of retail trades and stock options in iran's over-the-counter market
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reached about 5800 billion tomans last week. in this period, t accumulation group accounted for 11 transaction values. in the past week, the value of stock transactions in the first market was 2,600 billion tomans and in the second market, 2,100 billion tomans. value of market transactions. a billion tomans was registered. also , in the market of new financial instruments, more than 426 thousand billion tomans and islamic securities are also 47 a thousand billion tomans was traded. from the beginning of the year to the end of the second week of may, more than 7 million and 480 thousand tons of cement were sold in the commodity exchange. the value of this amount. also , from the beginning of this year to the end of last week, more than 18
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million cement deposit certificates worth 19.9 billion tomans were traded. this certificate amount was equivalent to 18 thousand tons of cement. today, 68 cement companies offered 1 million 210 thousand tons of cement on the board of the commodity exchange. thank you very much for your companionship. in the heart of new york city, where the science of thought waves as usual, columbia university, which
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takes courageous positions regarding important international developments , stands proudly and firmly as a center of bold thoughts, and today, once again , not because of scientific achievements, but because of taking courageous and open positions in relation to events. gaza is at the forefront until the slogan of all palestine belongs to the palestinians. in this way, widespread protests and debates have been formed. which has exceeded the borders of this university and has been extended to other american and european universities. columbia university that in more international issues are present and he expresses his views. today, by supporting gaza , he has caused israeli and american anger, as well as creating a gap between american political figures and fueling
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protests in this university to other universities. america has spread in many states of this country and has even reached european universities by crossing the atlantic ocean. in dealing with these protests, the security forces abandoned all the principles of democracy and support for the right to peaceful demonstrations, and under the slogan of fighting against anti-semitism, all flamboyant slogans disappeared. the mask of the real and repressive face of the biggest syrian supporter of human rights in the world left. their behavior is completely autocratic, oppressive and dictatorial , especially when it comes to israel , who in their dreams believe that
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they are god's children and loved ones, and therefore do not shy away from any kind of genocide and do not recognize any international law. they know and do not adhere to any moral principles. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced: groups of anti- semitic elements have taken control of top universities. they want to destroy israel and to students and jewish faculty members attack . this kind of thing is reminiscent of the events that happened in german universities in the last few decades. gave these things must be stopped. israeli defense minister yoav galant announced. protests in american universities are not only anti-semitic, but also incite terrorism. i say to my jewish brothers and sisters that we support you. american authorities and universities must
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act to defend jewish youth. ofer sover, minister of immigration and absorption of israel announced. has caused a tsunami of anti- semitism in american universities in which from jews are prevented from entering academic institutions, it is a reminder of the dark ages. american authorities must act decisively against violent and anti-semitic protesters. this fear and terror of israel is not unfounded, but it is the result of examining the long history of protests in american universities , which had a great impact on the political and social arena of america, and in addition , they were a turning point in the struggle for civil rights and social justice , which opposed the vietnam war and south africa's apartheid regime and the civil rights movement that helped end discrimination against african americans
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it is one of them. the most famous student protests in america are related to the spring of 1968, during which more than 1,000 students at harvard university, where a large number of african students were studying, took control of the university's administrative building. demonstrators demand that the university focus on the history and culture of african americans, as well as the creation of a judicial system that includes students. also, all the punishments against the students who participated in the previous protests were canceled. these protests led to the acceptance of all the students' demands. only one month after that, in the midst of debates in american circles regarding the vietnam war, columbia university students used a similar protest tactic to
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request the cancellation of the university's contract with men. the weapons investigation and prevention program used a gym in a public park in the predominantly african-american harlem neighborhood. the protesting students occupied some of the buildings of this university for a week, and after that about 1000 university security forces intervened to evict them. during this operation, more than 100 people were injured and more than 700 people were arrested. more they were arrested on charges of criminal activity and undisciplined behavior, but the protests continued until the end of the academic semester, which paralyzed the activities of the university, which
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had agreed to cancel its relations with the defense research center. on may 7, 1970, security forces killed four students at kent state university in ohio and shot nine others. they did. this incident had immediate and widespread effects, and after that, student protests were ignited in the country, which caused the closure of hundreds of universities and colleges, and shooting in kent as a symbol of differences and divisions. it became a deep social and political issue that the country was dealing with during the vietnam war. a senior aide to president richard nixon.
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thousands of students gathered on campus to protest uc berkeley's business ties with the apartheid south african regime. protests at the university of california. or, finally , it led to the withdrawal of billions of funds from the racist government in july 1986, and the university board voted to withdraw 3 billion and 100 million dollars from companies that cooperate with this country, which is the largest case of withdrawal. university funds were in america. after his release in 1990, nelson mandela made a special trip to thank students and professors for their role in the fight against racism,
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calling them his blood brothers and sisters. in 2014, harvard medical school students announced their support for the black lives matter movement , and in response to police brutality against african-americans , participated in a symbolic protest known as the dine, during which participants lay on the ground and pretended to be dead. are these protests are in response to two court rulings it was done to prevent the filing of criminal charges against police officers who were involved in two controversial murders of two african americans. these two michael brown from the state. and eric garner were from new york. these two incidents caused intense anger in american society and led to protests within the framework of the black lives matter movement, which
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was started to condemn police brutality and organized racial discrimination against african americans. student protests against the gaza war started at columbia university. hundreds of students. gathering on campus. student protests in america has intensified and its scope has expanded to other universities. tents have been set up at columbia, new york, georgetown, george washington and the university of texas at austin. these protests have been extended to the universities of spain and france, and the police to disperse the students who have dozens of tents on the university campus. they had installed it in france. the students of the american universities, who witness the protests, demand a permanent ceasefire in gaza and stop the american military aid
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to israel and withdraw the funds of the american universities from the arms exporting companies and others. companies that exploit the war. they also demand the cancellation of measures against professors and students. were punished or expelled because of the protests, and now the question is whether the student protests will do their job again and will lead to the cessation of the humanitarian disaster in gaza . family is the way to be, my daughter-in-law, my son.
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you made me angry because we were so eager for it to be part of it. god willing, it's part of all the lovers, everyone who really wants to be part of the teacher. i think it's been 15 or 16 years. the original house is right here. do you think you have this feeling now in front of the replica of god's house? what can happen to you in the house of god ? he described it as a lawyer. his condition is indescribable. i certainly
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wrote it next to the real kaaba. it is the best time for human development and for knowledge. faraj imam zamanzaman, i pray for everyone , especially the people of gaza, god willing, that they will be saved from the hands of these cruel zionists as soon as possible. we really remember them every moment, and we must support our muslims in gaza . one of the slogans is that we want
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peace and tranquility for the people. the world of all the people of the world god willing, a pure and sincere intention in the act of making our nation proud and the health of the parents of their relatives. which will really help us to become hundreds of times better than what we were. these pilgrims are part of 875 iranian hajj pilgrims in 1403. last year, there were about 5 caravans. this year, there are two caravans from the collection of executive agents, the headquarters, the bahse, the collection, and the caravan managers and executive agents. we reduced the average age of iranian pilgrims to khaneh khoda this year to 57 years old and managers
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the caravans are also 40 d young. it has become more than before considering that the brokering conditions are such that the age of our brokers is increasing and we can also use the younger generation. almost forty percent of the managers of the hajj caravans this year, our first year of management, are the supervisors of iranian pilgrims from the new training of clerics. caravan and planning for this trip, he said to make good use of this opportunity that god has given him after many years. ambassador with the spirituality of the islamic republic of iran and the martyrs of this land, the reduction of 220 staff members and 300 dollars for hajj expenses were other news that it was announced at this conference. this group of hajj pilgrims on the 24th of april 1403 from imam khomeini airport is going to the land of revelation. vale nematian of sed and sima news agency.
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now, people, welcome, we have anjad, there is no martyr , there is no martyr, there is no new one, and we have victory, god is great , khomeini.


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