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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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there were projects that were finally resolved. at the end of last year, the instructions were announced, and now specifically. factoring, where both sides are non-governmental , that is, the contractor and the employer are both non-governmental , work is done in the same system, which is based in the ministry of economy, and we are aware of how much it has been implemented. it was supposed to be implemented , but it has been delayed a bit, now it is being implemented, but now it is actually a test of a number of contracts.
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i just want to leave this as a guarantee the title, for example, the guarantee of good performance for another project, means that the income stream from the project is mine, i did not sell it to anyone, yes, but i left this as a guarantee or as a guarantee to either get a facility or do any other work, let's go in. let's talk about guarantee , what is happening to guarantee, here too , institution building is happening. yes, there is an institution. tazmin baz
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is another innovation of the law, which again gives the responsibility to the ministry of economy. the law also states that non-governmental guarantee institutions under the supervision of the ministry of economy can be established and issue guarantees for now, any activity that those companies want to do, we only
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have a guarantee for the capital market, but this can be much more general, that is, it can be a trade union , more comprehensive, and for the work of people in different places, the ironmongers can have a guarantee fund, the trimming trade they can have a guarantee fund , or it can be regional or provincial, for example , yazd province has a guarantee fund for the economic activists of yazd province, so it is not as extensive as a bank , but it can perform many of the bank's activities in reducing risk and guaranteeing. facilitate it creates in the financial space, well, now with the series of events, one of the expectations may be that bank resources will be directed towards the real sectors of the economy and production. will this happen, what
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is the guarantee for this? look, before i get into the exact answer to your request, i need to say an introduction. controlling the banks' balance sheets , in practice, granting very limited facilities by the banks, that is, we have a ratio of facilities to gdp , the ratio of facilities balance to gdp. the domestic one that we calculate has a serious downward trend, which means that the value of financing through bank facilities has been decreasing in recent years relative to the total value of the economy. well, this is a policy that sums up the country in order to control inflation. we do not want to retreat from this. we don't want control.
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leaving the banks aside, it is necessary to introduce a set of new methods and tools in the field of financing, that is, especially our production sector should come to other methods of financing , which is one of the serious measures of the ministry of economy in this regard. the last two years have been focused on this area this law also gives a set of powers to the ministry of economy for these actions, for example , suppose chain financing through electronic bill of lading, which was recently unveiled in the economic report, is one of the same set of actions, or the guarantee institutions are open to exactly this. the topic comes back to the expansion of the driver's domain, if it is done , it will basically reduce the need for facilities for financing , instead of me going to get a facility , i should pay the facility to the seller of the goods, for example, the seller of household appliances, from whom i can buy, for example, a gas and a refrigerator, that seller himself. he comes and tells me
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i will sell you an installment on the condition that you give a guarantee, give me a bond and there is no need for bank facilitation at all. this recent period and this law is creating the opportunity for development in this area, so i want to say that we are reducing the reliance on banks and we are going to find other financing methods in this law . what is the use of the capital market in this law? or what capacity to use the capital market. displayed again , we had a series of setbacks and obstacles for the development of a series of entities in our capital market, and this law created a series of tax exemptions for various entities in the capital market, for example, suppose the transfer of
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assets for various types of market funds. the capital of building land fund, fixed income funds and other funds are exempted from tax. or, for example, suppose that if the capital increase is from the place of accumulated profits or from the place of the so-called preemption, the companies will be registered within a limited period of time, and their profit for the year will be passed. i want to say that this collection will be exempted from tax . now i don't want to get into the details of the cooling market. a series of tax exemptions have been added for the capital market area, which makes the actions of capital market institutions more cost-effective. you mentioned that this law can facilitate foreign investment in some way. how? with
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regard to this guarantee and let me tell you, are these the same tools that are used for validation and such? a forgiveness is exactly by relying on these tools. in another part, in the field of foreign investment, we have the issue of introducing opportunities in this law first of all , our investment organization is required to create a system in cooperation with the province and various agencies to introduce investment opportunities , and the agencies are required to update the data of this system once every 3 months and constantly introduce investment opportunities. . make it available for free. from then on, it will be a phase of the investors' discretion, exactly yes, and basically even the law has come so far, it says that we will rank the provinces and the devices according to how much they are trying to introduce.
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investment opportunities or, for example, we did not recognize until now, legally, the companies that worked. it is good to introduce and introduce opportunities and bring in foreign investors. in fact, these are activities to facilitate foreign investment to introduce opportunities to bring in foreign investment . we have a share of that investment here legally . we recognize this and the company is registered. exactly with this function, he finds an investor , connects him to one of the opportunities in one of the provinces, and he himself will have a share either in the income stream of that investment that happens , or basically, a contract with capital. it has a foreign investment and receives money from it. of course, i would also like to point out here that the obstacles to our foreign investment are not limited to the few things i mentioned. the fact is that we
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have attracted many foreign investments in the last one or two years. we got permission from the investment organization. in all parts of the country, in hormozgan province, for example, let's assume that for the cultivation of fish and shrimp in azerbaijan province, for example, let's assume that a cement factory gets a license, but we see in practice that basically no other investment has been officially registered after the investment organization. he goes to cancel their licenses on provincial trips, he goes to cancel these licenses, he sees that the factory is working at all and enters the shower phase, then when we check what the reason is, basically , it is not profitable for the foreign investor with the official exchange rate that we have. we say that you should come with this rate and sell your currency through our official network. mr. foreign investor, do you want
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to bring 500 million dollars to, for example , start a fish farm or buy a cement factory? the banking network is either in nima or now in the same way the central bank has specified that you take the rial , bring the rialto, invest, and i will register it as a foreign investment. if you don't do this, i will register it. he says, "well, when the market rate and the unofficial market rate are higher than this, it is not profitable for me to come and sell on the official network, so i will not tell you in the same way that i know how to finance my riyal, which can actually be an outflow of capital." i provide my rials , i set up a hair factory and it reaches the income stream, what happens ? as a foreign investment, we really
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have a foreign investor, but because of this policy we adopted in the field of land rate settlement with foreign investors, unfortunately, we were deprived of the good performance we had, and we look bad. now, of course, this is an issue that we are finally discussing at the government level. this is one of the manifestations of the difference between the government and the government that you mentioned . now, see that the difference is an expert discussion, and i do not mean a dispute between experts. finally the economic commander of my government is clear, the president has repeatedly stated that in cases of expert disputes , this is done by referring to the fact and determining the task by the economic commander. in this law, we have another issue that
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is important for many exporters and foreign investors, the issue is the so-called government guarantee or government guarantee. foreign party we did not accept the bank guarantee and the service exporter. in this law, the possibility is actually given to the investment organization and the government in general to give a government guarantee for the exporters of technical engineering services and exporters of goods and services , which can greatly help exports and from that side to investment.
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i think it is very important news for abroad and foreign investment inside this area because we have had many inquiries in this area in the last year that basically our exports have decreased because we don't have a guarantee. you are the government issue us a government grant, we can develop a relationship with the foreign party , so this law removes that obstacle . if you answer this quickly , i would like to ask one more question about the term legal representative , so i would like to say that the license without a name is a concept that we already have in one province. ministry of jihad ministry of health, each and every permit that is required is from the relevant director. they get his signature, they get one a paper with seven or eight signatures to complete a project, they say, sir, this is in front of
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the investor, bring your money, write your name here , we will put exactly 20 anonymous permits in front of the investor , we will tell you which one you want, i knew it would be successful , it would not be implemented, a guarantee he didn't have the important executive, and that was that if the signatures of one of the seven or eight managers were changed, he could hit him and say , well, what did the previous managers do? i don't agree with this law. provinces and agencies are required to issue anonymous licenses, so anyone can do so is not. all provincial agencies are required to do this. secondly, if a license is issued without a name and a number of agencies sign it, regardless of whether the manager was changed or what happened, that license is valid and if one of the owners of that signature , the legal entities of the owner of the signature are required. if he hits it and actually refuses, he will be subjected to a series of punishments , so it is completely guaranteed to be implemented, and this
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will greatly help the predictability of the economy and the economy. investing , tell about the legal representative. this amendment in the law, until now, knowledge-based companies of one actually have a privilege. having this and that was that they did not need to hire a lawyer for their legal claims and they could introduce a legal representative. this privilege was extended to all legal entities, that is, all companies. after all, the cost of a lawyer can be higher in terms of quality. in terms of cost , it is much higher than that of a legal representative. therefore , if smaller companies and small companies have legal problems, there is no need to spend a lot
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of money on the matter. appoint a legal representative let the legal representative follow up on their legal work. so now it has been decided for all the companies and i think this will help a lot for our economic activities. these and other things that we did not have time to talk about in this program are all part of the production and infrastructure financing law. i want to know that this law has been thought and planned so much, where was this thought in the government, was this bill and went to the parliament or in itself. the parliament came in the form of a plan, the fact is , where is his proposal, the rest is that this is one of them the manifestations of serious cooperation between the government and the parliament, that is, the beginning of this law was from the beginning of the current parliament, and with the cooperation of many people who may have been in the previous government at that time or were not in the government at that time and are in the government now, we
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have been involved since the beginning. we were talking about the same thing when i was in the center of the pages of the majlis. and along the way , there was a back-and-forth between different institutions , for example, a meeting was held in the parliament, but all related institutions came from different government departments and participated in the development, so it is true that the production and infrastructure financing plan it was but really thought i believe that the government's cooperation with this plan has been like a bill from the beginning. thank you very much . in a word, i heard a lot of interesting things tonight and... i hope that this law will be implemented as soon as possible, god willing, and you will see its results on people's tables, i think. i think this law can make a serious contribution to the goal of non-inflation financing, which is basically the goal of this year to bring the cost of financing. thank you very much, mr. rouhani, for accepting our invitation
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. bespar or non-flammable or fire-resistant polymers do not burn and decompose against very high temperatures are not one of the technology companies located in the materials and energy research institute has achieved success in the production of these materials, glass, tile and ceramic lines, which are automatic cores that are very high technology and at high speeds and at high temperatures. they are working with very special features that are banned, we cannot import them, these exist and many
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of these are difficult to import. for the company and we sampled these, we were able to replace them or reach their technology. localized knowledge has overcome many technical challenges. in the main minute, we were designing and developing and actually providing and replacing parts related to mold in the glass industry. the parts that were separated from the mold had a very high temperature. it could happen, including the very high temperature of the oxidation that occurs. as far as the adhesion it creates to the parts and the wear it creates , we developed based on the fact that we can overcome these four problems and
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thanks to god, we reached the conclusion of different parts of the glass and tile industry with this technical knowledge. native it has been made, there are about 15 consumer parts of different companies, which alhamdulillah we were able to bring to the ideal production stage, these are also ceramic composites. a glass factory consumes 3 to 4 thousand parts per year, and we are the customers of most of the glass factories in the country, and we are the main supplier of them, and there is a large share in the market to achieve the production of these parts, many specialized devices. . it has been built , there were not many devices and tools, we designed these devices and tools, furnaces, pressure tanks, etc. with the help of knowledge.
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we built these from various companies that are now partner companies and we managed to have successful examples . technical knowledge is used for various industries, in addition to the glass industry, which was the focus of our discussion, it is expanding for the high temperature industry, refractories, as actually parts and materials related to heat treatment furnaces, furnace layouts, in general, furnace heaters and all parts that high temperature applications can be developed. the price of this product is quite affordable. product sales domestic is almost a third of the foreign product. for more information, those interested can contact the growth center of the materials and energy research institute.
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afrooz islami, sed and sima news agency. in the form of the minister of justice, in a meeting with the employees of the provincial government penalty organization, he said: the number of rosoubi goods in warehouses. have been. the cases are overcrowded. rahimi also announced the transfer of bandas prison to the suburbs of east. now the prisons organization has given its suggestions
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all over the country. those prisons that are inside the cities. these are actually productivity. do not sell at the same time, he built prisons outside the cities be do it as a precaution. therefore, all prisons are now on the agenda of the prisons organization, among others. for hormozgan province and bandar arab prison, the general director of public relations of the judiciary also met with the citizens by attending the court of justice no. 2 in bandarbas. read this for results? if we write to you, you will receive a text message. i had a financial problem and we have been dealing with it for almost a year now, unfortunately, we were all on the way to tehran and shahristan. they listened patiently to my words, and all my documents
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are specially examined by experts in tehran, and then the correspondence with wherever they are recognized. if it is given and done, the sms will be sent to the applicant. with the presence of the head of the judicial organization of the armed forces, the military prosecutor's office of bandar jask district was put into operation. the head of the general inspection organization of the country also went to parsian city and visited the sanayeh energy company for the parking lots of impounded and accidental cars. dabiullah khodayan visited the prison of parsian city and expressed his satisfaction with the low number of prisoners in this city. some people. about the lands of the economic zone. bringing these up, god willing, through the provincial judiciary will be followed up. haji city. abad also
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hosted the vice president of human resources and cultural affairs of the judiciary, visits to document registration offices and the haji abad entrance trench were part of mohammad baqer alfat's plans. inshallah, we will meet their human resource needs in the near future. judges who should be employed in this city will be provided, god willing. the political deputy of the judiciary with his presence in rodan city in a meeting with activists of the sector. we participated in the agriculture of this kurdish city with all the representatives of the farmers of this city. their problems were investigated and resolved a complete report of bensen's problems and solutions will be presented and reviewed. also , 155 prisoners were released from hormozgan prisons in a ceremony attended by the head of the country's prisons organization. also. with
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the presence of the head of the country's prisons organization, 12 construction and service projects of the hormozgan prisons directorate were put into operation. the sections related to the development of prisoners' employment are the sections related to the development of intellectual spaces. part of it is related to the measures taken by the prisoners' cooperative foundation in agricultural and industrial communities, and part of it is related to the areas of providing services to prisoners to 12 a couple of the children of the applicants were also given a dowry , rafi sed and sima news agency.
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we all have to put whatever we have in the middle so that the work goes on. i myself will put everything i have worked until today. i just started working, my money is more, how come we barely provided the base of the ruby, the middle of the ruby, and the ruby? you said that ruby ​​is the product with which we can increase our money and go to work with peace of mind. how should we act? just go to the credit institution nations, let's ask for more than what we give and take and start the work. so easily prosperity with the help of nations. the yaqut-e-mal plan, especially for businesses. nations credit institution. ladies and gentlemen, now
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it's time to go to the city of household appliances. well , well, well, well, i don't have a check. god bless you all, god bless you all. no, madam, i don't want a check . will you be my guarantor? pardad does not want to make a special purchase for the dear social security retirees from the city of home appliances, the city of home appliances, the specialized authority of avila household appliances, started moving and it was impressive that the movement cannot be stopped , it continues, and balance is the secret of continuity and movement. the first
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ones are streamers. in the name of god. hello , viewer. i am at your service with some news. the first and the largest chemical fertilizer production plant in herat province of afghanistan started working with an investment of 540 thousand dollars. according to the head of industry and trade of herat province, this factory has created jobs for 20 people directly and indirectly, and the daily production capacity is 20 to 25 tons of fertilizer.


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