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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm IRST

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the beginning of the registration of representatives of candidates for the second round of the islamic council elections in the volunteer system.
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pro-palestinian students, the use of chemical sprays by the police in suppressing the students of the university of virginia, the number of arrested students and professors exceeded 2,500 people. in france , high school students also joined the anti-zionist student movement. there is a genocide going on. we must expose it at any cost. the death and wounding of 13 zionist soldiers in the palestinian resistance's missile response targeting the zionist base of karam abu salem. hezbollah also responded to the zionists' attacks on the south lebanon with dozens of missiles north of the occupied territories. aimed the failure of the
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zionist regime's cabinet to achieve a ceasefire in gaza. the former person in charge of the tel aviv israeli prisoners case is not looking for a truce. regulating the basic goods market with the participation of organizations. deputy minister of agricultural jihad. regulating the domestic market and increasing exports with a partnership model. people are done. we will check in the special news chat. the participation of organizations has stabilized the market of which basic products. what is the plan of the ministry of agricultural jihad to implement this model? improving the technical knowledge of 3d printer production used in dentistry. a student's achievement. it
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significantly reduces the time and cost of making artificial teeth. the dentist easily scans the patient's mouth with a scanner very quickly and neither the patient nor the doctor spends much time. in the name of god. god bless ali muhammad. and to the family of muhammad and ajl farajham , i have a good evening . i invite you, dear and respected countrymen , to accompany us until the end with the detailed news of this hour. in the joint meeting between the government and the governors, the president listed security as well as fulfilling the slogan of the year as one of the duties of the governors. mr. raisi said that all measures depend on security and this importance should be improved day by day.
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regarding the implementation of the slogan of the year, the president asked the governors to formulate macro, provincial and regional plans for the jump in production, and to pay attention to all aspects of wealth creation, such as maritime economy, tourism, and knowledge-based companies. in the fifth joint meeting of the government and governors, the president advised the members of the government to communicate with the people and said: the government can increase trust and social capital by acting and implementing and being honest with the people. mental knots open up, in fact, communication with the people is very important, especially the people who feel that they do not participate in the gatherings that we hold sometimes. all departments must have a plan
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. industry, mining, agriculture, housing, knowledge-based companies, production. services in the field of energy should have a plan to jump production both macro and regionally. we should have a plan . mr. raisi called for the formation of a special working group for the provinces with the highest unemployment rate they have these three, four or five provinces that have the highest unemployment should form a working group, like the province of istanstan, kurdistan province, kermanshah province, these are the ones that have the highest unemployment . let's do it fast for these provinces to get out of this situation. the president asked all officials in the government to pay attention only to the benefit of the people in performing their duties. whatever is in the interest of the people, do it this year , so that there is no delay in saying that if we do something, maybe our vote
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will go down, maybe the opinion of some of us will fall. at all, i do not consider these views to be acceptable. do what is in the interest of the people. in the meeting, governors from all over the country presented a report on their performance, especially in creating employment, reducing inflation and implementing provincial travel approvals, and explained their plans for the implementation of the slogan of the year. reducing the percentage and also reducing the installments , alhamdulillah as the leading province in the field of housing construction. alhamdulillah, we no longer have this problem in kurdistan province, both in the fall and in the season in the winter, we had the first place in reducing the unemployment rate in the field of the infrastructure sector, unique measures have been taken in the province, also in the fields of large projects, water supply
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, roads, housing, gas supply, water supply, electricity , sadik school, about more than 9 thousand billion tomans in the last two years. the construction budget that the government spent mainly . in the projects, the plans are almost 3 times the total budget of our previous 6 years. the members of the government also gave explanations about the issues raised by the governors. last year, the road transit record was broken in the country. this year, god willing, it will be broken again with your help. for our current year we tried to strengthen the sources of credits of the provinces . from 120 thousand billion tomans last year to 156 thousand billion. we took over the country with a very deep dissatisfaction. four warm months, 1402 industrial electricity has surpassed the domestic one. the joint meeting
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of the governors and the government board took about four hours, and every governor participating in this meeting raised issues related to their own province. the president described the treatment of students in the united states and some western countries as a violation of student dignity and human rights and a violation of freedom of expression and pen. mr. raisi said what is happening in western universities is the opposition of honor and evil. i am deeply sorry for him. what is happening to students, professors, and universities all over the world and in the west, these are really tragedies that people are witnessing at the hands of america and the pretending westerners
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. zionism is a deterrent for americans. and it will definitely play a valuable role in clarifying the crimes of the zionists. in this meeting, the oil minister presented a report on the performance of his ministry profitability of 12 thousand billion tomans of abadan oil refinery he said: abadan oil refinery was a loss-making refinery in the previous government in december. in the month of 2014 , the minister of oil announced that we are ready to give this refinery free of charge. this abadan refinery is 100% state-owned. with the measures taken by this government , we relied on the power of domestic manufacturers and contractors and
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brought the second phase of this refinery. your excellency also came. abadan, this ghetto was put into operation, the shower phase, alhamdulillah, lord of the worlds, is one of the most profitable. most refineries. annual average of 12 profit making efforts. the head of the central bank referring to the decrease in cash growth rate. in farvardin, he said: inflation expectations in the country have decreased. in april, money grew by 16% last year at this time , it was april 33, which shows that inflation expectations have decreased. spokesman of the guardian council since the beginning. the opportunity to register candidates' representatives in the volunteer system was announced. at the same time, some
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political movements and groups unveiled their supported lists in tehran constituency and 21 other constituencies. registration of the representatives of the candidates who have reached the second round of the election to attend the polling stations. the registration of representatives has started today we will have the candidates in the daftalab system, god willing, so that the volunteers pay attention to this point and do not miss the opportunity, so the processes are the same process, the system of the observers is at the service of our honorable people. second, they are ready. fully secured. and there was complete security of elections in all cities, in all countries, in all villages, the elections were healthy
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, along with healthy, competitive, and participatory, and it had these characteristics. gentlemen, the governors whose constituencies are holding elections should make sure that these four principles of leadership are always emphasized in their constituencies. voting in eight constituencies is going to be held entirely electronically , which has stages. after the electronic authentication , the officials of the voting branch will receive the identification documents of the people who have the conditions to vote , and they will be given a tariff card. voters should place the tariff card in the designated place on the electronic cash register. with the permission to register the vote, the list of names, code and pictures of the candidates in it is up to the voter.
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voters register their votes by entering the code of their candidates. the islamic iran front for tehran and the independent and moderation party of iran for tehran and other constituencies presented their desired candidates. people also have criteria for choosing lawyers. he must be brave. taking care of the people should help the people, think of the people, be concerned about solving the problems of the people, meysham delawari of the sed and sima news agency, the 12th election cycle of the islamic council is approaching its final station on may 21, with the holding of the second phase of the elections. the assignment of the remaining 45 seats in the roshd majlis. 66 days
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have passed since the twelfth round of the islamic council elections. he participated in the first round. yes, i participated. the fact is, no, we did not participate. there is still one chance left. would you like to participate, god willing, if there is a part , we started from the beginning and we have to reach the end for it to end. among the selected candidates , 245 people made it to the parliament, and the fate of 45 seats went to the second round. how many of the candidates you specified voted for, now most of them voted no, unfortunately, 32 people are competing for 16 seats in tehran. the mechanism of this course but it is slightly different in eight constituencies, including tehran, the elections are held electronically , there are no differences, there are no problems. . they must vote again in the same constituency, but those who
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did not vote in the first round are allowed to cast their votes in any constituency. also, those born on may 21, 2005 and before that are allowed to participate in the elections. the two-month gap between the first round and the second round has become an opportunity for further research and knowledge. some of my properties have changed, considering that i saw the advertisements. well, for example, this option is also not bad. i will try to be more careful in this one week. in the path of legislation, finally vote for things that are in the interest of the people. in my opinion, iran should participate, because their non-participation means that others will choose for them, at least they will choose themselves. one week's advertising for the second round of the islamic council elections will continue until 8 am on thursday, the 20th of ardi behesht, fatima.
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henrond of seda vese ma news agency. trying to mentally harass american students protesting the zionist regime's crimes against gaza. this action is carried out by supporters of the zionist regime with the support of the american police. listen to this voice. the sound of crying is a hungry child. angering and mentally harassing the students who have decided to support the palestinian people at the university of los angeles, california , broadcast this sound with their speakers towards the tent of the students, and of course the police do not stop them.
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or when in the same university, supporters of the zionist regime insulted and insulted the supporting students. palestine spits on them. at the same time , in the same city, in the large park of downtown los angeles , a group of non-zionist jewish students gathered by lighting a candle in memory of the ships of gaza in opposition to the genocidal crimes of the zionist regime and declared their support for the students who were sitting in . these students faced a wave of arrests and the lord's message and the terror that is given to them with repression do not stop them from protesting. our political leaders should condemn israel's war crimes in gaza , not the actions students are taking for peace and to stop the killing. a correlation that in these studies, the students show that peace means something to us as jews, because in
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our jewish tradition, the tent is used as a symbol of peace. meanwhile, when nearly 100 students raised the palestinian flag in support of the people of gaza and chanted slogans against the zionist regime's genocide at the national graduation ceremony in the state of michigan , they faced a sharp reaction from the police and were expelled from the ceremony. become while bombs are still being dropped on the people, talking about peace and justice has no meaning. to establish peace from. first you must from let's start it ourselves and let our university cut its economic ties with israeli companies. in chicago , a peaceful demonstration of students at the art institute of chicago was met with police repression. the police arrested 68 students protesting the crimes of the zionist regime. they say anti-semitism is bad.
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islamophobia is also bad. they cannot hide their crimes against the palestinian people behind the issue of anti-semitism. because many people in palestine are also jews. at the university of virginia in the united states , students with the same demands as the rest of the students are protesting the crimes of the zionist regime and the continued support of the american government to this regime with repression. they confronted the police. in this university, the police arrested at least 25 students. the speaker of the house of representatives of the united states has assigned six legal committees of the congress of this country to investigate the increasing pressure of punishing pro-palestinian students in the universities of this country. deprivation of student financial privileges, cancellation of visas, and expulsion from american soil are among the punishments that are being investigated by these committees for students participating in anti-zionist protests at universities. ali rajabi, radio and television news agency, new york. demonstrations
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of students in four continents. in support of the palestinians in malaysia, the students of this country, along with a number of citizens and a number of officials , formed the largest rally in support of palestine since the beginning of the zionist invasion of gaza. today, the universities of tunis, baghdad and istanbul were the scene of demonstrations and gatherings of students in solidarity with the resistance. at the laval university of montreal, canada, students accompanied by a number of citizens of this country. they demonstrated in support of the palestinians and demanded an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip.
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in the university of dublin, the capital of the republic of ireland , students gathered in protest against the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza and against this regime and western supporters chanted that slogan in the capital. a number of students and graduates of london university gathered in support of palestine despite being surrounded by security forces and chanted slogans against the occupiers at humboldt university in the capital of germany . the anti-zionist rally of students was attacked by security forces and the police arrested a number of demonstrators. did in vienna, austria, glasgow , scotland, and at the national autonomous university of mexico, which is the largest university in the country, students joined the international movement against the genocide in gaza. student movement supporting palestine
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in the world, it has now reached french high schools. the union of high school students in france has announced that we will besiege and close high schools everywhere in france. from columbia university in america to the secretary. in france, a high school rally will be held in support of palestine and disgust at the crimes of the israeli regime. after the students, now the high school students of france also joined the pro-palestinian movements and against the crimes of the zionist regime. high school student unions in france announced in a statement monday. and on tuesday, high schools across france were blocked they join the anti-zionist student movement. at the same time, french president emmanuel macron
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strongly condemned the actions of the pro-palestinian student movement in a conversation with two french publications. there is a genocide going on, we must expose it at any cost . the important thing is that they don't pressure us and oppress us so that we can cry out to the palestinian people. he usurped the land of the palestinians. in
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the last 2112 days, the french government made every effort to not hear the voice of palestinian oppression. from the banning of demonstrations to the inspection of representatives and the last case of preventing the entry of qasan abusita the doctor. the palestinian englishman who was deported at shard and gol airport in paris to testify about the situation in gaza at the invitation of the senate of this country. the spread of popular protests in western countries against the zionist regime is at a time when the western governments used to smother the slightest anti-zionist voice. shahzovar hosseini of paris radio and television agency. the uprising of american university students against the zionist regime continues to record photos in history that
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are followed by art designs and graphic posters. suppressing freedom and imprisoning the famous statue and symbol of america is the main part of this plan host. statue of liberty or statue of liberty. the apparent contradictions of the ideas hidden behind the slogans these days. in these plans, it has been made more visible by the police's continued treatment of american university students who have stood up in support of palestine. and now these artworks and graphic posters show the statue of liberty, which is the symbol of america, in prison and caught by the police of this country, because at this point the palestinian flag is raised to the sky. with titles such as suppression of freedom, the events of these days in american universities and violence against the supporters of palestine
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are depicted in these plans. some designs are closest to the photos the photos that narrate examples of the arrest and imprisonment of more than 100 american students and professors in the past days are real . the crime of protesting the genocide of the zionist regime in palestine is the name of freedom in the shadow of totalitarianism. this is the meaning of totalitarianism, a form of government that interferes in all affairs by using power and the principle of creating terror in the society by creating an oppressive atmosphere . based on the photos recorded from these days and the plans and slogans are being published. he did not get tired of fighting for them, despite the violence and
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its consequences. at least 13 soldiers were killed in the rocket attack of the palestinian resistance zionists were killed or wounded al-aqsa tv channel, citing zionist sources , announced the number of soldiers of the occupying regime who were killed in today's resistance attack as 3 and the number of wounded as 10 in today's rocket attack by the military branches of hamas and jihad. islamic palestine , the newly established karam abu salem base, which is located two kilometers from the gaza strip, was targeted. this base was established two weeks ago with the aim of managing attacks on the rafah area, and a number of zionist generals and shabak officers were present there.
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they reported that the occupying forces were killed due to the intensity of the attacks the wounded had left themselves for an hour. israeli security minister ben gweir called the resistance attack on the karam abu salem base as a precise attack and asked the prime minister of this regime to enter the israeli army into the rafah area in the south of the gaza strip . in the latest attacks on light. the bombing of a house in rafah, the southernmost city of this region , left a number of martyrs and wounded. previously, air strikes on this city had resulted in the martyrdom of 3 people. the israeli fighter jets also bombarded the northern city of gaza, in one of these attacks, a mother and two six children were martyred. central areas occupied lands, including deir al-bala and
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al-maghazi camp, are other targets. today's air was zionist. the spokesman of the gaza relief forces announced that since the beginning of the attacks on the gaza strip , 68 of these forces have been martyred and 20 people have been injured. according to the palestinian ministry of health , the total number of martyrs in the gaza strip has reached 348 and the number of wounded has reached 78. and emma sat down. cairo ended the cease-fire in the gaza strip and the hamas delegation returned to doha. according to an official of the movement, the hamas delegation left the egyptian capital after a two-day negotiation period to continue consulting with its leaders. has left earlier, the head of the political office of hamas considered the zionist government's cabinet as an obstacle to an agreement and announced that this movement acts seriously and flexibly in negotiations. esmail. haniyeh said: "a
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possible agreement should include the end of the offensive against the gaza strip and the retreat of the zionists and the exchange of prisoners ." israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejected the request to end the war and withdraw from the gaza strip and said: tel aviv is determined to achieve its war goals in this region. the information base of the zionist newspaper yediod aharonot fired more than 100 rockets from the south of lebanon towards the north of the land mr. azimzadeh, i am greeting you. please tell me what is the reason that today hezbollah used a large number of missiles for this offensive operation.


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