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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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right now, get 60% of gilna publishing resources as a gift by sending 5 to 3085 in the name of allah, rahman, raheem. hello. researchers have developed a new drug that can prevent type 1 diabetes and even reverse the course of the disease. this is an experimental antibody produced by johns hopkins university researchers and protects insulin-producing cells like a shield from damage and even extends their lifespan in some cases. according to the researchers, when this drug is taken regularly , it protects the cells that produce insulin and thus the ability of the patient. it is maintained for insulin production.
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the specialists of daneshmanian company succeeded in localizing the solid type of wastewater treatment material, which has a higher purification rate compared to imported samples and is almost 50% cheaper. one of the problems of the industries is the production of a large amount of waste water, which also carries the risk of environmental pollution, and companies that produce waste water purifiers have prevented the spread of environmental pollution. one of these purifying materials is aluminum chloride, which has the property of coagulation of pollutants, and only its liquid form is produced in the country, and now danesh banyan company has succeeded in producing its powder and solid form. slow down other companies import single imported solid , liquefy it and bring it to the market , but the company we exclusively
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produced the maye pack with our company's completely exclusive formulation , and we were able to produce the solid pack internally from the maye pack. due to its combination of new ingredients, this product has created a series of advantages and a series of new functions for the pasava settlement. it has created such as speed of separation, transfer, better flocculation , purification with higher quality, removal of parameters such as cod, bod. which makes them able to recycle after that. this product in compared to some imported samples , it does not contain harmful substances for nature, and in addition to the higher cleaning power , it is more economical in terms of price. imported products that come to iran especially from chinese suppliers really have unknown formulas and many of them contain harmful heavy metal materials compared to imported samples. various industries can
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use this chemical to treat their wastewater . the target industry is an industry including steel industry, oil, gas, petrochemical, paper industry , textile industry, and all industries that are one resolution. the house is in their collection. in fact, they are consumers of polyaluminium chloride. this daneshmounian company is for exporting this product. it also has a program. our products have been sent to two or three neighboring countries. it has received technical approvals. god willing, we are in negotiations to be able to export, and there is a great potential in the markets of the region. mahdi naqbi radio news agency . engineers from shanghai university in china unveiled a robotic dog to help blind and visually impaired people. this dog for balances.
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help them walk and prevent them from hitting obstacles. this robot also does not need a constant internet connection because it can remember predetermined routes. the walking speed of this robot can be adjusted according to the user's needs and reaches a maximum of 1.6 meters per second. the next part of the hour news.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashemzadegan with jahan today with you in the case. first of tonight's program , we will examine the continuation of student protests in america with mr. tim anderson, a retired university professor .
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attempting to psychologically harass protesting american students due to the crimes of the zionist regime against gaza, this action of the supporters of the zionist regime is carried out with the support of the american police. listen to this voice. it is the cry of a hungry child in gaza. zionists and supporters of the zionist regime to anger and mentally harass the students who are sitting in support of the palestinian people at the university of los angeles, california. this sound with their speakers towards the students' tent. or when supporters of the zionist regime throw insults and obscenities at pro-palestinian students in this same university. at the same time in the same city in the large central park
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in the city of los angeles, a group of non -zionist jewish students gathered in opposition to the genocidal crimes of the zionist regime by lighting a candle in memory of the dead in gaza and declared their support for the students who were sitting in. these students do not give up their protest with the wave of arrests and the message of the quarter and the terror that is given to them by repression. our political leaders must condemn israel's war crimes in gaza. not the actions that students take for peace and stopping the killing.
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a student raising the palestinian flag in support of the people of gaza and opposing the zionist regime's genocide they chant slogans. they face a sharp reaction from the police and expulsion from the place of the ceremony. while bombs are still being dropped on people, talking about peace and justice is meaningless. in order to establish peace , we must first start from ourselves and our university should cut off its economic connection with israeli companies. in chicago, a peaceful demonstration of students at the art institute of chicago was met with police repression. police 68 students protesting the crimes. because many people in palestine are also jews. at
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the university of virginia in the united states, students with the same demands as the rest of the students are protesting the crimes of the zionist regime and the continued support of the government. america from this regime. they faced police repression. in this university, the police arrested at least 25 students. the speaker of the us house of representatives has assigned 6 legal committees of this country's congress to investigate ways to increase pressure and punish pro-palestinian students in the country's universities. deprivation of student financial privileges, cancellation of visas and expulsion from the american soil are among the punishments that are imposed on students participating in these committees. anti-zionist protests in universities are under investigation. ali rajabi , new york broadcasting news agency. student demonstrations in four continents in support of the palestinians in malaysia , the students of this country, along with a number of citizens
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and a number of officials , formed the largest rally in support of palestine since the beginning of the zionist invasion of gaza . universities of tunis, baghdad and istanbul. even today, the scene of demonstrations and gatherings of students was in solidarity with the resistance. at the university of laval , montreal, canada, students accompanied by a number of people from the city. the people of this country demonstrated in support of the palestinians and demanded an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip. at the university of dublin. republic of ireland students in declaring their opposition to the crimes of the regime zionists gathered in gaza and
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shouted slogans against this regime and its western supporters. in the capital of england , a number of students and graduates of the university of london gathered in support of palestine and chanted slogans against the occupiers despite being surrounded by security forces. at the university of berlin in the capital of germany . the anti-zionist gathering of students was attacked by the security forces and the police arrested a number of demonstrators in vienna, austria , glasgow, scotland and in the national autonomous university of mexico , which is the largest university in the country . students joined the international movement against the genocide. they joined in gaza and now. in the rest of the world today , to further review and analyze the continuation
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of student protests, especially in america, we want to talk with mr. tim anderson, a former professor at the university of sydney. mr. anderson tonight , we will review and analyze the latest developments related to student protests. you have decades of teaching experience at the university, and you also follow international issues. what is your assessment and feeling when you see that these students and universities are now the main center of protests against the genocide in gaza and the defense of the palestinian people. i think a transformation it is very natural and normal that it is happening in american universities. because it is quite clear that the american government
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has a very clear involvement in the events that are happening in gaza, and therefore, with the money that they give and the weapons that are provided to israel , they are in fact a very influential factor in these issues and that's why. there is also a reason that the students, in a natural action , organized those protests and opposed the supply. this is the regime, protests have spread to more than 100 american universities and colleges, and so far more than 2,400 students and professors have been arrested. newer pictures of the police entering the university with weapons and the use of violence against academics are seen every day. the use of police and violence could not silence the protests, but rather spread the protests. even so , do you think why the american government
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insists on continuing to use violence and police action? see, in many ways, this action that the police is showing is actually a natural reaction of the police, and in fact it is fishy.
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what will be the result of these pressures against the universities ? obviously, the american representatives threatened to cut the budget of the universities where there are protests. will cut off it is true that this happened, the federal government is trying to put pressure on students in terms of with financial means, but the students resisted this pressure, as well as the violence and brutality of the police, they were even attacked by zionist mobs, even armed attacks with weapons, but they resisted and insisted on continuing their demonstrations and protests. the body in
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some cities, students tried and actually put pressure on israel. it is a concern and danger to support israel. now, these supports are being challenged by people, especially the young generation. us government in what has he lost all these years that now his foreign policy towards israel is not able to influence public opinion and he has to arrest his own students. the problem is that now the students
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have their own sources of information , some of their sources are inside gaza itself , information images that reach them from gaza, and therefore they receive first-hand information and see that the things that they have direct information. they understand that it is different from what the government announces and the american ruling system is announcing, so they react.
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in one of the universities, at least this request for sanctions making israel seriously deprived is raised , on the other hand, we see that now the police, in addition to violent actions, are also financially pressured. bringing in some zionist groups that control university budgets , they threaten to cut the budgets, but on the other hand , the students are continuing, so it is possible that the students' words will be listened to even to the extent possible. yes, mr. andsour, thank you for
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being with us in this conversation.
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jewish students. the american emphasized the need to continue the protests against the zionist regime in america let's see al jazeera's report about one of these students. i am a student here , my major is english, please don't leave us alone , don't let us down. i was in the front line. we had not done an illegal gathering was in front of us. this group was pro-zionists. 25 of our friends were taken to the hospital because they were hitting our children with sticks and
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throwing stones at us. not even one of the people who committed these attacks was arrested. even one person my mother is jewish, i grew up jewish. my great uncle is a two-pronged zionist. if he is watching my movie now, i will say hello to uncle. mediaization of protests. it made us more courageous. what we achieved was people joining us who we never thought would join us. those who don't seem to be politically active joined us after seeing us being attacked and no one being held accountable for these actions. we will continue our demonstrations. we will continue our work. we will still be here. we continue to fight for gaza we give. we will continue to fight for the palestinian people. the student movement supporting palestine in the world has now reached high schools in france. the union of high school students in france
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has announced: we will besiege and close down high schools everywhere in france. from columbia university in america to high schools in france, high school mobilizations will be held in support of palestine and disgust of the crimes of the israeli regime. after the students , now the high school students of france also joined the pro-palestinian movements and against the crimes of the zionist regime. unions of high school students in france announced in an announcement that they will block high schools across france on monday and tuesday and join the anti-zionist student movement. at the same time , french president emmanuel macron strongly condemned the actions of the pro-palestinian student movement in a conversation with two french publications. there is a genocide going on. we must expose it at any cost. what
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is important is that we are not pressured and oppressed so that we can be the cry of the palestinian people because they themselves are bombarded and have no possibility to cry. this week, the demonstrations of the french people in support of palestine and gaza are under strict security measures in different cities, especially paris. held. french students these days play the main role in anti-zionist demonstrations and gatherings. we participated in the demonstration because of the problems of the palestinian people. we know that palestine existed 2 thousand years ago. israel is a colonialist regime that has usurped the palestinian land since 1948. and in the last 12 days, the french government made every effort to prevent the voices of palestinian oppression from being heard, from banning demonstrations to inspecting representatives, and lastly preventing the entry of
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qasan abusita, an english palestinian doctor who was shaheswar hosseini testified about the situation in gaza at the invitation of the senate of this country at shard and gol airport in paris. the spread of popular protests against the regime in western countries, while at the beginning of the work of the western governments, they suffocated the slightest anti-zionist voice. paris radio news agency, to find out more about the situation of pro-palestinian students in france , we had a conversation with one of the students of the faculty of political science in paris before the program, and i need to explain that this student asked us not to disclose the name or full display of his image
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refrain dès qu'on est dès qu'on soutient la palestine ou qu'on part pour la palestine et ben on est considered comme... des terrorists, surtout qu'on vit dans un pays euh qui soutient l'israël, dans un pays zioniste et qui se tait face à ce génocide, et nous, les étudiants français, nous on va pas se on va pas se taire, on va pas se laisser faire et on va résister, bah quand on soutinet la palestinne en france, surtout en tant que étudiante bah je vais prendre mon cas personalement euh bah au travail, moi je suis en alternance et bah je peux pas exprimer mon soutien envers la palestine, sinon je vais être considered comme une terrorist euh donc on est obligé de... et on peut perdre notre travail, notre alternance,
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nos études, soulève et tout le monde bah est pour la cause palestinienne, il a conjunto les zionists qui sont pour l'israël et on voit de more en plus de jeunes soutenir la palestine et se mobiliser euh notably dans les universités où des étudiants euh manifestent even si risque de perdre leur leurs enfin leur université et leur leur emploi donc c'est une la cause palestinienne elle touche elle touche tout le monde et en france les étudiants ils se soulèvent et ils
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manifestent alors. euh qu'est-ce que j'en pense de de voir autant de gens qui viennent à la manifestation euh pour la palestine bah ça me ça me touche mais je trouve ça en normal parce que quand il s'agit de de des enfants et des femmes qui meurent on devrait tous être contrèssantes on devrait tous agir et se mobiliser surtout quand on voit que les gouvernements se taisent et restent silent face à ce genocide et même son complice euh donc quand on en manifestation on voit des musulmans des chrétiens des des athées des blancs des portugais de toutes les origines et euh tout le monde. on est en france enfin une grande partie qui sont concerned et euh quand voilà.
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i will continue today's world with some news from palestine . in the latest attacks on the gaza strip, the bombing of a house in rafah, the southernmost city of this region, left a number of martyrs and wounded. air attacks on this city before. it had led to the martyrdom of 3 people . israeli fighter jets also hit the city they bombarded northern gaza, and in one of these attacks, a mother and two children were martyred. the central areas of the occupied territories, including deir al-balah and al-maghazi camp , were other targets of today's zionist airstrikes. the spokesman of the gaza relief forces announced the beginning of the attack.
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so far, 68 of these forces have been martyred and 200 injured in the gaza strip. according to the palestinian ministry of health , the total number of martyrs in the gaza strip has reached 348 and the number of wounded has reached 78. but at least 13 zionists were killed in the rocket attack of the palestinian resistance. or were injured, quoted by al-aqsa tv channel zionist sources announced that the number of soldiers of the occupying regime who were killed in today's resistance attack was 3 and the number of wounded was 10. in today's missile attack, the military branches of hamas and palestinian islamic jihad targeted the newly established karam abu salem base, which is located two kilometers from the gaza strip.
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this base. it was established two weeks ago with the aim of managing the attacks on rafah area, and a number of zionist generals and shabak officers were present in it. zionist sources reported that the occupying forces had left their dead and wounded for an hour due to the severity of the attacks. ben guer, minister of security of the regime the zionist called the resistance attack on karam abu salem base as a precise attack. he asked the prime minister of this regime to enter the zionist military into the rafah area in the south of the gaza strip, and the cabinet of the zionist regime decided to close the office of the al jazeera network in the occupied territories. benjamin netanyahu , the prime minister of the zionist regime, announced that his cabinet decided with the majority of votes to close this office. qatari network taken according to three sources


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