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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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get gilna publications as a gift by sending 5 to 3085 salam. using leech as a model, scientists have produced a new blood sampling device that takes blood samples without the need for a syringe. researchers at the federal institute of technology in zurich, switzerland , developed this non-invasive device in the form of a small silicone suction cup that has a circular array of stainless steel needles and is placed on the skin of the arm . according to researchers, these needles penetrate the upper layers of the skin without pain and by creating pressure. internal causes the blood to leave the
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capillary veins and collect it in a tank of a cloth which contains an anticoagulant. this technology is cheaper than traditional needles and requires minimal training. also, the risk of accidental contact between fingers and needles is very low. researchers have developed the world's first stretchable electronic skin with the ability to accurately mimic skin behavior. human-made by making this skin, researchers at the university of texas are paving the way for a new generation of robots with human-like sensitivity and reactions. these robots allow them to have the same accuracy of human skin touch and perform tasks that require precision and control. new robots that can care for humans and monitor vital signs and help the elderly . inspiration. emdadi to the operational fleet
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of the red crescent, the head of the red crescent relief and rescue organization said that with the permission of the government this year , 1,600 more vehicles will be added to the red crescent vehicle fleet. addition of 900 rescue vehicles to the operational fleet of jamiat hilal ahmad, including 600 hilux rescue vehicles on which rescue sets are mounted, as well as the number let's buy a hundred ambulances, rescue vehicles that can be converted into ambulances, some flood vehicles can some of these be equipped for the mountain rescue vehicles, we need all of them, even specialized winter rescue vehicles, some of these vehicles will be equipped, in addition to this , another 1,600 vehicles will be re-licensed this year, and god willing, we are in the process of signing a contract and purchasing them. and more than 2,800 devices by the end of the year. we
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will add rescue vehicles and ambulances to the country's rescue corps, and with the addition of these vehicles, the operational and rescue capacity of helahamar will increase. the condition that the honorable government and the honorable board of ministers put for us is that these must be equipped inside the country be the operation of equipping them is done immediately after the cars arrive at the nejad relief organization and they are delivered to us, and some of the cars are equipped. also, the head of the red crescent rescue organization for the construction of 100 bases. dadi bin jadeh announced that we have 620 bases this year, and the plan is to add about 100 more bases this year, god willing. if god helps us, we will reach a very favorable number in terms of time to reach the scenes. and we will witness something less than 15 minutes, god willing . these cars after numbering and equipping by the end of ardi behesht, the month will enter the cycle.
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the red crescent will be operational. nafiseh sohrabian of sed and cima news agency. video artificial intelligence to convert text to video was introduced in beijing. the chinese technology company, in cooperation with the researchers of xinhua university , unveiled the first artificial intelligence model of text-to-video conversion in china called vido. this artificial intelligence can produce full hd video with one click and a simple text command. video artificial intelligence simulates the environment and objects and produces scenes with light and shadow details. video is going to compete with artificial intelligence sora from america. the first part behind the scenes of nonkhe 5. it will be broadcast tonight at 22:15 on channel one. with the end of the broadcast of this series, the participants of noon street 5, while appearing on the 162 sedasaima system. we
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answered the audience's questions. thank you very much. thank you for calling. where do we call from? of all. inshallah, i recommend it. you were very satisfied with the series. you liked our series . it was about the people. it was about us. it comes from the heart , and it has to sit in the heart. the attention of nonkhe viewers they had understood our difficulties. just now, this lady was saying that i was crying with your tears, you were laughing, we were laughing, this is very attractive and lovely , the series has its own influence, let it be known that we had gone to sistan baluchistan province, the beauties
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there the beauty of kurdistan and now this visit to iran. i'm going to go , sir, you laughed so much with your mood, i was laughing. sincerely , be healthy. i want to say, salman, everyone likes to be very satisfied and to have suggestions that if this happens , it will be much better. stanna, you can use it, they say it should be directed to other ethnic groups, just as this series was directed to the balochs, the next series was directed to other ethnic groups. the viewers also wanted to make a continuation of this series. isfahan, from now on, this lady who spoke was from karbanshah, i was from yazd , i was from lorestan, we have to talk about it soon, we have to see what conclusion we reach, god willing , the fifth season of this series, directed by saeed agha khani, will be broadcast on the 15th of farvardin, and the seventh
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ardibehesht payan or you, neda hosseini, sed and sima news agency. golestan environmentalists from bandar gaz to the park golestan nationals are busy with the caspian spring census. in the fall census, about 600 qargh vols were counted in this district. the habitat of this bird is in the forest and bushes on the shores of the caspian sea, in the northwest and northeast of the country. one of our census sites, we gather here, we divide into groups of two or three. we moved with the news team to join the environment. golestani, where i went to count a unique and supported bird , the caspian road was a little slippery and full of mud because of the rain. it is about 29 km from bandargaz to golestan national park. census of this
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birding is done throughout the year in two seasons: spring and autumn. what is the audible sound like? mating has started now. with the sound that the male bird makes , i am here, it shows the power of the mind of the male bird in my area. they also think that if you listen to the sound , they will not be counted as repeated. we recognize the area . in autumn , when the chicks come out, you will be happy in the movement path , that's why we see more. in the fall, we had 25 voices in the fall. in the fall, the voice was less, but 594 views of our colleagues are a lot of statistics it's good and we are increasing, considering the state of this year's rainfall, the peace in the region, with a little effort and sharp vision, we were able to see a few of these beautiful caspian birds
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. hit and under in the heart of the city of new york, where science and thought are making waves , columbia university, as usual, which
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takes brave positions regarding important international developments , stands proudly and firmly as a center of bold thoughts and ideas, and today once again , of course, not because of scientific achievements. but because of taking a brave and open position regarding the events in gaza it is placed at the top until the slogan of all palestine belongs to the palestinians. in this way , there have been widespread protests and debates that have gone beyond the borders of this university and have been extended to other american and european universities. columbia university, which is present in most international issues and expresses its views, has angered israelis and americans by supporting gaza. and also creating a gap between american political figures and the
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flame of protests in this university to other american universities in many states of this country. it has spread and has even reached european universities by crossing the atlantic ocean. in dealing with these protests, the security forces abandoned all the principles of democracy and support for the right to peaceful demonstrations, and under the slogan of fighting anti-semitism, all the flamboyant slogans lost their color, masking the real and oppressive face of the biggest supporter of human rights in syria. the world moved away. their behaviors are also completely autocratic and repressive and dictatorial, especially when the issue is related to israel, which believes in its dream. they are god's children and loved ones and therefore they do not shy away from any kind of genocide
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they do not recognize any international law and do not adhere to any moral principles. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced: groups of anti-semitic elements took control of top universities. they want the destruction of israel and to knowledge. and the jewish faculty members attack. such a thing is reminiscent of the events that happened in the last few decades in german universities. these things must be stopped. israeli defense minister yusufant announced. protests in american universities are not only anti-semitic, but also incite terrorism. to brothers and sisters jew say we support you. authorities. and american universities must act to defend jewish youth.
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israel's minister of immigration and absorption ofer sover announced. a tsunami of anti-semitism engulfs american universities, where jews are prevented from entering academic institutions, and is a reminder of the dark ages. american authorities should act decisively against violent and anti-semitic protesters. this fear and terror of israel is not unfounded, but it is the result of examining the long history of protests in american universities , which have a great impact on the political and social arena. america had and in addition , they were a turning point in the struggle for civil rights and social justice , which was the opposition to the vietnam war and the racist regime of south africa and the civil rights movement that started. african americans helped include that
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. the most famous student protests in america are related to the spring of 1968, during which more than a thousand students at harvard university, where a large number of african students were studying, took control of the university's administrative building. demonstrators call for concentration. university on american history and culture african descent, as well as the creation of a justice system that includes students, and the abolition of all punishments against students who participated in the previous protests. these protests led to the acceptance of all the students' demands. only one month later, amid the controversy in american circles regarding the vietnam war , columbia university students used a similar protest tactic to request
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the cancellation of the university's contract with the weapons research center and to prevent the implementation of a gymnasium program in a public park in the neighborhood. harlem, which was mostly inhabited by african americans they did the protesting students occupied some of the buildings of this university for a week and after that about 1000 university security forces intervened to evict them and during this operation more than 100 people were injured and more than 700 people were arrested. most of them were arrested for criminal acts and undisciplined behavior. but the protests continued until the end of the academic semester , which paralyzed the activities of the university , which
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had agreed to cancel its relations with the defense research center. security forces on the 7th of may. four students at the university of kent state of ohio killed and wounded 9 others. this incident had an immediate and widespread impact, and it sparked student protests in the country, which caused the closure of hundreds of universities and colleges, and the shooting in kent symbolized deeper political and social divisions. it became what the country was dealing with during the vietnam war. a senior aide to former us president richard nixon said the shooting had a direct impact on national politics because it led to the watergate scandal that brought down the nixon administration. 1985, thousands
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students gathered on campus to protest the university of california's business ties with the apartheid regime of south africa. protests at the university of california eventually led to the withdrawal of billions of funds from the racist government in july 1986, and the university board of trustees to withdraw 3 billion and 100 million dollars from companies that cooperate with this country. the vote was the largest case of university defunding in the united states. after his release in 1990, nelson mandela made a special trip to thank students and professors for their role in he fought against racism and called these people his blood brothers and sisters.
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in 2014, harvard medical school students, for whom it is important to declare their support for the black lives matter movement, and in response to police brutality against african americans , participated in a symbolic mooms to dine protest, during which participants lay on the ground and pretended to they are dead. these protests are in response to two court rulings to prohibit the filing of criminal charges against police officers that were cut in two. two african-americans were involved in the controversy. these two michael brown from missouri state and eric garner from new york. these two incidents caused intense anger in american society and led to protests within the framework of the black lives matter movement
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to condemn police brutality and organized racial discrimination against america. afro- descendants had begun. student protests against the gaza war started at columbia university. hundreds of students gathered in the university campus. student protests have intensified in america and its scope has expanded to other universities. at columbia, new york, georgetown, george washington and univ tents pitched in aston, texas. these protests. it has also been extended to universities in spain and france, and the police intervened to disperse students who had set up dozens of tents on the university campus in france. the students of the american universities who witness the protests demand a permanent ceasefire in gaza and stop the american military aid to
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israel and withdraw the funds of the american universities from the arms exporting companies. and other companies that exploit the war. they also demanded the cancellation of measures against professors and students who were punished or punished due to protests were fired and now the question is whether the student protests will work again and will lead to stopping the humanitarian disaster in gaza. a new phenomenon in the anti-zionist protests of american students.
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it doesn't matter what the university or the zionists want to do against us , we will stay here until we achieve our goals. at princeton university in the united states, where the police arrested 15 students
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, now a number of students of this university have started a hunger strike to express their solidarity with the hungry people of gaza. we want to remind everyone with this work that we are the people of gaza they don't have enough water and food and they suffer a lot. the demands of our students to stop the cooperation of our university with israeli companies and help the people of gaza are ignored. this judicial strike is our declaration of solidarity with the people of gaza. at the university of portland in america, the police had already arrested 12 of them by suppressing the students protesting the continuation of the economic cooperation of their university with companies affiliated with the zionist regime. now, by raiding the university library as a place of peaceful anti-zionist improvement, they arrested 18 other students. at
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new york university, 13 students participated in the protest peaceful anti-zionists of this university were arrested. the number of students arrested in the nationwide anti-zionist protests of american students has been announced as more than 2,100, including dozens so far. some of them have faced criminal indictments in the new york prosecutor's office. ali rajabi of sed and sima news agency against new york university. god bless you, how many years have you been a teacher? i have been a teacher for 6 years, approximately 6 years. you are the teacher who voluntarily chose the village to start the cartoon
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. yes, how many years did you stay in the village? for me, three years in the school where i studied, i taught for students who were in two grades, third and fourth grade. and even when i got married , i said to my wife, i grew up in the village where i was born for two or three years, as much as i can , i will serve its people and its children, then i will return to tehran , oh, your wife and life in tehran, yes, because i am all i knew the children of this village , i was aware of their pain, and i could have helped them very easily, and your work continued for several years. i was there for 3 years, and then you came here.
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paksht, hello to the lovely girls of irazmin. hello , they told us that this procedure of yours is still going on. it means that you are paying attention to the children here as well . what do you do for the children in the school class? i knew that there was a student whose mother was illiterate, so i said, either i will bring these students to my house, i will teach them outside of class, yes , outside of my teaching time, or i will come to your house. i will teach this student, which means you will go to the home of children who need help with their studies and their mother, who is not literate now. he teaches at the same time. we will give and even let me record the sound, then repeat and practice and i will bring it to my house, even my mother
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will tell me if you have free time, you can come with your child to the quran class, whichever one you like, work with you in my house, seven groups. four, how many to 28, seven, four to 28, well, you are teaching them in class, what else is there to do ? see, one of the problems i see in classes is that the density of students in the class is too high. his studies need to go from an acceptable level to a good one to. he has to receive a special education and i know that his family situation is poor and he cannot do this at home. on the days when my wife is at home , you go to the student's house. it means that the joy i have in this work , i don't have anything else to do, i really love doing it. letting
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me know that i was a student, i was able to take it a step further , my sweet chubby, how many chocolates did we have in total? 10 to 10 barik allah himself, the headmaster of your school and some other teachers, you get a salary leave it and items will be prepared for some of the family , it's very hearty, you can't really say this . 12 and 475 thousand tomans, so how much do you give every month for the children who need it, 4 tomans, 3 tomans , and what do you get for this family and these children , in general, items for them, stationery for them, now , for example, can it be clothes, yes, all this with submission of the principal and assistants who
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are part of the benefactors of our school. i wanted to finish the program and ask for this school, which i think is the busiest girls' school. i am a teacher, we have 900 students, what if there is something to be done, one of the problems we have is that our school does not have a laboratory, which means that if there is a laboratory , the math science kits should be in this laboratory. the service of one of the benevolent teachers of education , we are the school director. yes, the school of mr. doctor needs a laboratory. stay healthy
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. i will provide as much as i can. in these days , god willing, stay healthy. this was good news for the school with 900 students. if you can contact me, mark this number for me . thank you very much, mr. minister. may god bless you. well , this is a free gift from national media 230.
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