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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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we had just now in the discussion of the factoringo law, where its implementation has reached, whether it has been implemented or not, that is, whether the banks have finally entered into it or not . in fact, i conclude a contract with an employer, that employer can even be in the private sector, it does not necessarily have to be the government, and they are supposed to deliver a project. and at the end of the project delivery, assume
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that i receive the project value in full . at the beginning of the project, i need financing. i will receive the money at the end one year later now. i want financing to actually equip the workshop or buy machinery or anything else. i can use these demands that i have from my employer as a financing tool, which is called this process, based on the contract i signed with him. a third party financial institution comes and discounts this contract from me and says that you are going to receive this money from your employer one year later . the explanation of the story means that the rest will be profitable. yes, now it depends at what rate does he want to discount it? i am definitely
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ready to finance myself now with a discount rate so that i can actually get an education from the bank without having to go to the bank or want to publish bonds somewhere. simple, if i have a project or a contract with you that is going to be done in 3 years and i will receive 3 billion from you, let me know as an employer . when that company comes, an institution comes in the middle and says that i will buy this contract from you for two and a half billion, but now i will give it to you, but you will pay 3 billion altogether. you have to give me this way, but i will have money now, instead of receiving my money in 3 years , i will have money now and i can make this my capital, exactly, and i am waiting for the process of receiving bank facilities or i don't know the release of bonds in the capital market. we won't have these anymore, so this is a very important tool. and what is the guarantee that i
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, as a contractor, will do the work now and complete the work. the financial institution that wants to come and do this factoring is naturally aware of this guarantee, and we can enter it right here . it is also used for validation. and once again , there is another institutional innovation in the law, the issue of guarantee institutions, so to speak, which i will explain later, but in short, i want to sum up factoring. factoring , its recipes and even the draft of its contracts , have been compiled by us in the ministry of economy since last year. it was sent to the money and credit council . there was a series of disagreements between the ministry of economy, the central bank and the program organization as the government pillar of the projects , which were finally resolved . it is government, which means that the contractor and the employer are both non-government in one the system that was finally in place before this law
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was supposed to be implemented, but it has been delayed a bit, and now it is being implemented. now , as a matter of fact, we want to say that a number of factoring contracts have been registered in the system of the ministry of economy. very well. now, this law specifically includes documents in this field that these contractual claims can be collateralized. then tell me, which means that you want to see those contractual claims. at some point, you want to discount it. once you say, i don't want money, i need a security deposit. i don't have money either if someone comes and buys our matches from me, i just want to leave this as a guarantee, for example, a guarantee of doing the work well for one. it means
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that the income stream from the project is still mine , i did not sell it to anyone, yes, but i left it as a guarantee or i left it as a guarantee to either get a facility or do any other work. yes, open guarantee institutions are another innovation of the law, which again gave the responsibility to the ministry of economy, and that the guarantee institutions are not a government under the supervision of the ministry of economy can be established and also.
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so that if there is a delay in the collection of claims, or if there is a risk, in simple terms, to reduce it , to compensate for it, you can see exactly that the tezmin fund is an institution similar to what exists in the open capital market in the capital market. but this can be much more general, that is, it can be a trade union , more inclusive and used in different places by the people of the trade union. they can have a guarantee fund , the groomers' guild can have a guarantee fund , or it can be regional or provincial, for example. yazd province should have a guarantee fund for the economic activists of yazd province, so it is not as extensive as the bank
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, but it can perform many of the bank's activities in risk reduction and guarantee, and it will create a lot of influence in the financial environment . one of the expectations is that bank resources will be directed to the real sectors of the economy and production. will this happen? what is the guarantee for this? look, before i get into the exact answer to your request , i need to say an introduction. well, our economy is very bank-oriented. it has been and is, but in the last two years according to that we went towards the control of the banks' balance sheets , the granting of very limited facilities by the banks means that we calculate the ratio of the facilities to the gdp, the ratio of the balance of the facilities to the gdp, which we calculate
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, has a serious downward trend, that is, the value of financing from the bank facilities in the year the recent ones have been decreasing relative to the total value of the economy. well, this is finally a policy that sums up the country to control inflation , we don't want to retreat from this, we don't want to abandon the control of banks' balance sheets, but it is necessary to introduce a set of new methods and tools in the field. if we introduce financing, it means that especially our production sector should come to other methods of financing rather than relying on banking education, which is one of the serious measures of the ministry. in the last one or two years, the economy has been focused on this area, and this law also gives a set of powers to the ministry of economy for these actions, for example, suppose chain financing through electronic invoices, which was unveiled recently, the economy is part of this set. there are measures
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or guarantee institutions, it goes back to the same category this has been the issue in recent times and this law is creating the opportunity for development in this area , so i want to say that we are reducing the reliance on banks and we are looking for other methods of financing in this law. what
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is the use of the capital market? in this law or what capacity to use the capital market was seen , we had a series of setbacks and obstacles for the development of a series of institutions in our capital market , which created a series of tax exemptions for various institutions of the capital market. for example, assume the transfer of assets for types of funds if the capital increase is from the place of accumulated profits or from the so-called place of preemption, the companies have a limited period of time.
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how to facilitate the foreign investment in some way with regard to this guarantee. in another part, in the field of foreign investment, we have the problem of introducing opportunities. in this law, first of all , our investment organization is obliged to create a system in cooperation with the province and various institutions for investment, which institutions are obliged to establish once every three months. update the data of this system and
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constantly introduce investment opportunities it should be available for free. from now on, a phase will be available to investors, exactly yes, and basically even the law has come so far. it says that we will rank the provinces and the devices depending on how much they are trying to introduce. investment opportunities, for example , until now we did not legally recognize companies whose function is to introduce and introduce opportunities and bring in foreign investors. take a share of that investment here we recognize the law and the company is registered exactly with this function of finding an investor
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, connecting it to one of the opportunities in one of the provinces, and he will also have a share in the income stream of that investment that happens. basically , he has a contract with a foreign investor and receives the money from him. of course, i would like to point out here that the obstacles to our foreign investment are not limited to the few things i mentioned. this is that in the last one or two years, we have attracted many foreign investments and the license from the organization invested in all parts of the country in hormozgan province, for example, for fish and mingo farming in azerbaijan province, for example, they got permission for a cement factory, but we see in practice that basically no other investment has been officially registered. the investment organization goes for their permits in provincial trips to cancel these permits. they see that the factory
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is working at all and enters the shower phase. after we check what the reason is, basically , it is not profitable for foreign investors with the official land rate that we have. we are making it his duty that you with this the price should come with our official network , we will tell you to sell your width to him, mr. foreign capital, do you want 500 million dollars. for example , if you want to start a fish farm or buy a cement factory , you have to sell the currency you get at a rate of 38,500 tomans to the banking network or in nima, or now, in the same way as specified by the central bank, get the rial, bring rialto, invest, which i registered. i will do it as a foreign investment. if you don't do this, i won't register. he says, well, when the market rate , the unofficial market rate is higher than this, it's not worth it for me to come and sell on the official network, so i will do the same. the way i know, i won't
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tell you how to secure my riyal, which is actually possible. which we registered in the official statistics as foreign investment, we really have foreign investors, but because of this policy we adopted in the field of the type of settlement with the investor, the type of exchange rate settlement with the foreign investor, unfortunately, we were deprived of that performance. we are making the good that we had look bad now, of course, this is an issue that we are finally discussing at the government level. it is a manifestation of the difference between the government and the government that you mentioned. now, see , the difference is an expert discussion, and i don't mean a fight, and we are in the process of consulting and, god willing, solving the problem. after all, the
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economic commander my government is clear, the president has repeatedly stated that in cases of expert disputes, referring to the fact and determining the task, the work is done by the economic commander. a subject another thing that is important for many exporters and investors is the foreign issue of the so-called government guarantee or government guarantee. in the field of export, especially what kind of goods and services did the foreign party accept the bank guarantee from us , especially technical engineering services, the problem we had. he did not do this, and the exporter of technical engineering services did not have access to any other guarantee in order to leave with the foreign party as a guarantee
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, either a good undertaking or an advance payment or anything else. it is possible to have a guarantee government for exporters of technical engineering services and exporters of goods and services, which can help a lot to export and on the other hand to investment abroad and foreign investment in this field, i think it is very important news. yes, because we have had many inquiries in this area in the last year, basically , our exports have decreased because we do not have a guarantee, if the government officials are for us. issue a government time grant, we can develop communication with foreign parties, so this law removes that obstacle, one of the things. it is mentioned in the law about licenses without a letter . of course, we have less than 5 minutes. if you answer this quickly , i will ask
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you one more question about the term legal representative. now we have an investment opportunity in a province. there are officials in that province, one permit, the environmental organization, the ministry of jihad, the ministry of jihad , the ministry, they get each and every permit that is needed from the relevant manager, they get his signature, it becomes a sheet with seven or eight signatures to complete a project, they say, sir, everything is done. this is yours bring your money, let's write your name here , we will put 20 anonymous licenses in front of the investment, we will tell you which one you want . it was impossible not to have an important executive guarantee, and that was that if one of the seven or eight signatures of one of the managers was changed, he could say , "well, this was signed by the previous manager, i don't agree. what does this law do?" regarding the name, first of all, provinces and agencies are required to issue a license without a name, so whoever wants to , all the agencies of the provinces are required to do this
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. secondly, if a license is issued without a name and a number of signing on the devices regardless of whether the manager was changed or not, what happened, that license is valid and if one of the owners of that signature, the legal entities of the owner of the signature, wants to stamp it and actually refuses to do so, he will be subject to a total of penalties, so it is completely guaranteed to be executed. again, this greatly helps the predictability of the economy and the development of investment . tell me about the legal representative. this is the amendment that came to the law, so that before these companies of scientists actually had a privilege, and this and that was that for legal claims. they don't need to hire a lawyer and can be a legal representative let them introduce this privilege to all legal entities, that is, all companies. after all, the cost of
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a lawyer can be higher in terms of quality , and it is much higher in terms of cost. compared to a legal representative, therefore, smaller companies and small companies, if they have a legal problem, there is no need to spend a lot of money on a matter , for example, suppose that it may be a common issue, from a legal point of view, they can appoint a legal representative for that matter. let the legal representative follow up on their legal work, and the concession that was for daneshmanian company will now be resolved everyone participated and i think this will help a lot in economic activities. these and other things that we could not talk about in this program are all part of the production and infrastructure financing law. let me tell you that this law has been thought about and planned , where did it come from in the government, was it a bill and went to the parliament, or
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did it come as a proposal in the parliament itself? the fact is, where is its purpose? it means that the beginning of this law was from the beginning of the current parliament and with the cooperation of many people who at that time. maybe they were in the previous government or they were not in the government then and they are in the government now . we were involved in the same issue from the beginning. that is, for example, a meeting was held in the parliament, but all the relevant institutions came from different government departments and participated in the development. therefore, it is true that the plan was to finance production and infrastructure, but i really think that the government's way with this plan is as much as a bill. it has been from the beginning, thank you very much i heard interesting things tonight and i hope that this law
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will be implemented as soon as possible and you will see its results on people's tables. i think that this law can make a serious contribution to the goal of non-inflation financing, which is basically the goal of this financial year . thank you very much, mr. rouhani , for accepting our invitation. thank you for your evening and good times. the specialists of fanawar company succeeded in producing anti- bacterial threads using zinc nanoparticles.
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the use of antibacterial compounds in the production or completion of textiles is efficient. the most effective methods for producing antibacterial products are nano methods we added particles and modifiers to the polyester chips in the form of a mixture and added nadine yarn to increase the durability of being antibacterial, and sometimes it can even be washed up to 20 times . the particles have a size between 30 and 70 nanometers and are approved by the food and drug organization. and well compared to the other nanoparticles that were used before. less hearing. they are higher. 90,000 tons of chickpeas are produced in this company every year, which now
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retain their properties for a long time due to the presence of zinc nanoparticles in their polymer network. a significant part of this production of antibacterial threads to countries various are issued. countries from the tribe of turkey, iraq, syria, poland, greece, moqd. helping to prevent the spread of disease in the hospital and also helping to maintain more hygiene in mosques and public environments by producing and using textiles.
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how can i help you, we can have two hands of the same mod, the same color, the same price? my model with the same color is left in the same hand , that's why it came at this price in the fake house . i also came to ask the same thing about the price of that refrigerator , which is very good. well, it's because there are discounted heads here, and all the accessories here are in addition to the discounts. sarai irani i also have a special discount, then when will these purchases reach us? any purchase you make right now will be delivered to you at the moment , attractive, unbelievable discounts at sarai tahfisi , sarai irani, tehran. sirah afsarieh
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, how is the price this year? buy this year at last year's price. congratulations , did you hear that this year is at last year's price ? they say this year is at last year's price. the children say this year is at last year's price . . buy this year at last year's price.
2:00 pm
welcome to the half-day news, leader of the hajj revolution this year. hajj is for you. what is happening in gaza today is a huge indicator that will remain in history and will show the way. if it wasn't for america's help, the zionist regime would not have had the strength and courage for these barbaric behaviors. if it wasn't for america's help, the zionist regime would have had the power and the courage to
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act like this.


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