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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm IRST

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from mr. magareh, a reporter of sedav and radio based in rafah. opponents of the zionist regime raised the palestinian flag at the graduation ceremony of students at ohio and northwestern state university. the police arrested a number of demonstrators in norse stern. kurds at the university of southern california officials canceled the graduation ceremony due to the fear of student protests. the police gathered the tents of palestinian supporters in this university before sunrise . in chicago, the students of depaul university formed a human chain in support of palestine and gaza and emphasized that we will not stop and calm down. we don't sit.
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at the university of virginia, police beat students and collected their tents. in washington, george washington university officials' talks with the protesters to stop the protests did not go anywhere, and the president of this university announced the failure to quell the protests and announced that the police. increase your presence in and around the university. at the same time, in chapel hill, north carolina, students along with a number of citizens held a demonstration to condemn the crimes of the zionist regime . with the continuation of student protests in america and the inability of the police to quell them, tom cotton, the senator of this country took the path of attacking the students and said: demonstrator students deserve to be humiliated and ridiculed. students at the university of
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bologna in italy joined the global uprising of pro-palestinian students. the students of this university sat in solidarity with the palestinians. laval university and toronto, canada were also the scene of student sit-ins in opposition to the crimes of the zionist occupation. at the university of cologne in germany, pro -palestinian students announced their support for the palestinian people by holding demonstrations and night sit-ins. and demanded an immediate stop to the attacks of the zionist regime on the gaza strip became maghrebi students also marched together with the people of this country in support of the palestinian resistance and condemning the crimes of the zionist regime. the marchers in the city of tanjeh muhammadiyah, holding the palestinian flag , chanted the slogan of greeting palestine, may the occupying regime be destroyed .
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in the capital of pakistan, students, civil activists and a number of other citizens of this country joined the popular movement to save gaza by holding an anti-zionist march. columbia university student council by publishing a statement from b. the attention of the university authorities to the voice of protest and the invitation of the police to intervene and suppress the students has been severely criticized did the number of pro-palestinian students arrested in these protests has reached more than 2,500 people after two weeks. i was in our camp at the art campus. i didn't know i was suspended. a few friends told me to look at my email and that's when i found out that i graduated from the university. nick wilson. he
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is one of dozens of students who have been suspended from the university for participating in rallies in support of palestine and on charges of anti-semitism. anti-semitism will not be tolerated in texas. students who engage in hateful and anti-semitic protests at any public college or university in texas must be fired even jewish students were suspended or expelled from the university on charges of anti-semitism.
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i used it in the streets in various demonstrations . my tweets in support of gaza received millions and millions of views. i subsequently received thousands and thousands of threats. threats on my life, threats on my job and finally after 18 years i was expelled from john jay college of criminal justice in new york city. the presidents of the universities have also been pressured to deal with the students, from the trial in the congress sessions? is there any kind of punitive action against students who the phrase "shouting from the river to the sea" was adopted. a phrase that the congress voted for, that this phrase means anti-semitism. foreign students and these efforts are carried out by our six judicial committees. with all these pressures and threats , now and after two weeks , american professors and students say that they are on the right path.
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i knew the threats and dangers of this gathering and i also knew that these threats would be implemented. what happened in gaza. it goes completely against what i learned as a jew about the value of human life. the more they suppress us, the more we are we resist. students and professors here are not afraid of anything. they are willing to risk their university and personal life. they are ready to stand here and risk everything for the freedom of palestine . the way, according to the veteran american senator, is the right side of history. i see the student. who are protesting the war in gaza , i am proud, stay calm and focused, you are on the right side of history, the supreme social council
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was held in the presence of the president, the investigation of social harms and finding solutions to them was one of the main points of the meeting , mr. raisi obliged the social affairs organization the performance of responsible institutions in the field of social damage to. the form should be continuously monitored and the violators should be introduced to the social council. let me tell you that mr. minister came with the vice president of education, and one of the highlights of the leader of the revolution was to strengthen the vice president of education . the country's ministers of education and health were supposed to report what they have done to reduce the social damage of the minister of education. the project holds the symbol of the system of dealing with the social harms of students that we want the reasons for social harm should be closed from school . this is the right way. the minister of health also has the siraj plan in hand . in fact, about 100 of these offices in this government have been established in all the provinces of the country
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. now, in this meeting, the ministers will report to mr. president what to do to realize these two plans. one hour of counseling for students has been approved in schools and fortunately we have implemented it and this has made the number of counseling centers of the ministry reach 700 centers. previously , we had about 30 centers. another meeting was held. certainly, the ministry of education alone is not able to implement this plan, even though it has 100 resources.
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what about the social damage and how much we were able to do this ratio and this duty that we promised to do, at whatever hour you say, i will hold a meeting so that it becomes clear that this issue is the concern of hazrat agha, the concern of the religious, the concern of the lovers of this country, the young people. we can reduce it to the extent that we can. we can reduce everything that we can . using people's capacities to reduce social damage . sir, many times they say to the government , solve the economic problem with the people , solve the problem of social damage with the people, the people are very capable in your neighborhood, in your mosque, because there are elite people who can help us a lot, the rest of the meeting members also told us. what can be done to reduce social damage, now in tehran city
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, there is no other colony of drug addicts. the issue of marriage is what we are doing in the ministry of sports. it is the issue of pre -marriage counseling, which is very active in our group. we created teko so that young couples can get advice from counselors from the beginning of their marriage in relation to lifestyle education and then, if the issues are as much as the devices around this table perform their duties well, the work of the police will be reduced. as much as we can, as much capital as we have , we should put in the education basket so that we can create responsibility, the work of the police will be easier in the future, yousef salami, reporter of sed and sima news agency, the first vice president , said appropriate development in the meeting with the iraqi minister of trade.
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it is necessary for the joint cooperation commission to identify the obstacles to the development of commercial interests and take action to solve these problems. the first vice president also used the national width in exchanges the economy of iran and iraq became demanding. in this meeting, the minister of commerce of iraq emphasized on the expansion of trade cooperation with iran and said that iraq is pursuing this issue as a priority. mr. salman al-ghariri added that iraq is a good market for iranian hats and he always wants to increase the import of products from iran. burial of the body of an unknown martyr in the grounds of the holy ground defense exhibition. this martyr was martyred in the summer of 1964 in the ashura d operation in chengoleh region of ilam at the age of 28, and his body was recently exhumed after 39 years. in
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all the barracks and in all the houses of the organization that our dear employees and warriors live there , our famous martyrs, alhamdulillah, and our famous martyrs were buried. the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters announced the printing of seven and a half million tariffs for the second phase of the islamic council elections and said that the elections in eight constituencies will be held electronically. the governor of tehran also said that the second round of the islamic council elections in tehran's rishmirat islam constituency.
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we put the machine on the carfare, which we put here , a list is prepared. now, in fact , there are 32 people in our area, and 16 people should be selected. the candidate code is here in the form of a list, and the code in fact, it is better for our friends to bring them with them. it will be easier at the same time as there is a one-week opportunity for candidates to advertise in the second round of the 12th election. the period of the islamic council of ministers broadcasts programs and debates of the candidates from the provincial networks
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. for the sake of electoral justice, the national media provided equal advertising opportunity to all candidates in this phase of the election, as in the first phase . hamadan qabi provincial media to introduce the candidates of the second round of the islamic council elections in malair constituency by starting the advertisements of the candidates who have qualified for the second round of the elections. the islamic council has started broadcasting the two candidates' advertising programs from hamedan province radio and television three times a day in the constituency of malair. we were able to record the 20-minute programs along with the debate program and the placement of the 20- minute promotional programs of the honorable candidates of the islamic council in hamadan center. for three times and from radio hamedan, and for three times broadcast
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in 24 hours of shaban day, we have put the advertising programs of the respected candidates of the islamic council of malaya city on the television platform in the electoral district of malayer in alphabetical order of ahmad. aryainejad and hossein ahmadi are competing for a parliamentary seat in the second round of elections. i think it is very appropriate and god willing, it will spread, we will go to a fairer environment where all volunteers can use it. and to prevent unnecessary spills and what is created around these spills and alienates people from their representatives , i think it is a very appropriate thing to do regarding tv programs for election advertisements, many election programs. it is good and people get most of
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the news from tv. they receive especially in this course, they made a very interesting program and invited the candidates, and everyone was satisfied with this matter. the second stage of the islamic council elections in malair, like the first stage , will be held entirely electronically. the election of the second stage of the islamic council of representatives will be held in melvir city on friday, may 21. mehrddad najafsha hamedan news agency the plan to organize the rental housing land market was approved by the guardian council. this plan emphasizes on strengthening the rental market by providing incentives to landlords and using the capacity of municipalities to identify empty houses. it is organizing the land market for rental housing. the project
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that was discussed between the parliament and the guardian council since last year was approved by the guardian council after the ambiguities were resolved. we hope that this plan will achieve its goals in order to organize this matter, god willing. for the first time since the formation of modern governments in iran, we have a uniform law to protect tenants and the rental market chain. strengthening the rental market by providing incentives to landlords and using the capacity of municipalities to identify vacant houses are some of the features of this plan to support tenants. how many this law has a very explicit provision in support of the executor. one of the important articles of this law, which is article 8, gives permission to the government that if the inflation of the housing market is higher than the general inflation of the country, it can set the market on a provincial and city basis . another feature of this plan
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is to support real estate consultants in order to provide more reliable services. let's help our real estate consultants to get rid of this traditional mode and professionally. to be able to provide more reliable services to people, and these more reliable services will help people refer to them more. based on this plan, all my contracts for renting, buying and selling are registered in the national real estate and accommodation system, so it will be possible to evaluate what is happening in the housing market. hasannejad of radio and television news agency. yes , as you have seen in the report, the guardian council has approved the plan to organize the land and housing rental market , and after several rounds of back-and-forth , it was approved by the islamic council. now i am having a conversation with dr. sadad, the housing consultant of the minister of roads and urban development, who is here in the studio with us. mr. saded, i welcome you. tell us that this plan, which has now become a law, and after the parliament will be notified to the government, and finally it will be implemented.
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how can he solve the inflammations of the rental, housing and land market? well, in the name of allah, the most merciful, i thank you for your invitation. i agree with you that , as you mentioned , we did not have any clear rules regarding the rental market before. often, the conditions depended on the understanding between the lessor and the lessee, or other sub-sectors who are in this market, such as real estate consulting firms and platforms that are present in this market , clearly there was no such incentive tool and regulatory tool for this issue. you are the law that now in the plan, which will be promulgated as a law soon, god willing, we have considered various tools for the beneficiaries who are present in the rental market, both incentives and regulation. our incentive tools include tax exemptions for landlords who can help to further regulate the market, for example lessors who make their properties available to tenants and respect the price ceiling are exempted from note 11, article 53 of the direct taxes law, which
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until now only included properties up to a ceiling of 200 meters in tehran. exemption from income tax will include these lessors or in article 8 of this the law that is currently being discussed is one of the most important articles of this law and it was a challenge in this back and forth between the honorable parliament and the guardian council . based on a certain rate, which god willing, the supreme housing council announces every year, they can make decisions and form their own transactions, god willing. that this happened in the corona period, we helped with the notes that came under this article 8 and help the respected councils to resolve my dispute by bringing notes that god willing, this agreement. between the lessor and the lessee , the price ceiling can be respected, god willing, mr. sadat , this system will also lead to the strengthening of the national real estate and
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housing system. it is working well and it is moving forward, but we wanted to expedite it so that, god willing, it will reach the rental market this year as well . it was the cooperation of other agencies that could share their information with us in order to identify empty houses and the owners of these empty houses , whose documents are sometimes undocumented. it was official and the owners the main thing was not those units. we hope that for the first time after years, now that the modern government has been formed in iran, we did not have a specific legislative package for tenants. we have a specific legal package that we hope will play a very good role in regulating the rental market of the year we are in. inshallah, thank you very much for the explanations. you, mr. sadad, consultant
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housing, minister of roads and urban development, thank you for your presence in khabar 14 studio. the price of beans and sugar will be adjusted . the deputy minister of agricultural jihad said that the fluctuations of the bean and sugar market in the last one month will be stabilized with the adjustment policies of the government. we have imported a significant amount of both pulses and sugar. now there are almost three or four ships of sugar berthing, there is no shortage of added value. our friends in the organization plan to reform part of it, god willing, and we are trying to cause the government to reform yes, in the field of rights, yes, we are trying, now we are talking about the added value of 1% we are also planning the issue of domestic production . in the field of taxes, we had a 70% increase in global prices. in spite of the high supply , domestic production and the prospects of the world market
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are also decreasing, god willing, the price of drugs will also be corrected , and we have a good prospect, god willing, soon in the field. now the harvest season starts in june globally, we have a decrease of more than 5% from the beginning of the year until now. its million dollars were related to basic hats and medicine. now to know the latest statistics of the provided width in order to import, i am talking with the vice president of iran gold exchange center. mr. terzli, i would like to greet you, please tell me what currencies were sold in the exchange center today and under what headings? in the name of god. greetings to you and dear viewers , i am bringing to your attention the latest exchange rate and currency supply in the exchange center. today, monday, the price of land in the exchange hall
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is 4458 tomans for the dollar, 47982 tomans for the euro, and 1241 tomans in the dirham. and also in the hall. transverse remittances of dollars were 4163 tomans, 41632 tomans, euro 44801 tomans and dirham 11336 tomans. the total amount of supply since the beginning of the year has reached 5 billion 679 million dollars, which is 1 billion 228 million dollars for basic goods and medicine, 3 billion 301 million dollars for commercial goods and 1 million 5 million dollars for imports and exports. million dollars, sorry, 1 billion and 5
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million dollars, and in the service sector, 145 million dollars have been provided, the amount of foreign exchange for basic goods and medicine since the beginning of the year has been 1 billion 228 million dollars, and the share of basic goods and agriculture is 1 industry from the beginning of the year to now in the nima system, 3 billion and 31 million dollars and more 1 billion and 5 million dollars have been allocated for imports versus exports. yes, thank you very much, thank you for the explanation.
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in the name of god, hello, have a good time. the twenty -sixth week of the premier football league will be followed today with seven games in different cities. in the rest of this week's games, according to the schedule, pikan will play with iraq aluminum , sepahan isfahan, with esteghlal khuzestan, nasaji mazandaran, with prespis folad khuzestan, with tractor tabriz, melvan bandar. anzali and fanadar sanat naft abadan are going to compete with misr rafsanjan and esteghlal sadranshin with zubhan isfahan. in the first game of this week last night golgohar sirjan and shamsazar ghazvin they achieved a goalless draw. however , ipswich's captain's support for palestine in saud's celebration for the premier league is the latest action by football players in support of palestine. this movement
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had a lot of reflection in the media. with the continuation of the crime of the zionist regime in martyring the women and children of gaza, support for the oppressed palestinian people has increased in the world football community. in the latest action, the captain of the ipswich football team celebrated his team's success with the support of the palestinian people after his team's promotion to the english premier league. 32-year-old tom merci-hafek is facing the palestinian flag at the end of the game accompanied this game has been supported by palestine and gaza throughout his career. he has already spent his time criticizing english teams and always wrote to him from the people of zinchenko, the ukrainian player of arsenal: you cried for ukraine for years, but you never did anything about the people of gaza. we are proud of this success and celebrated 30 thousand people with the presence of fans. but the calamities
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in in support of the palestinian people and the children of gaza , london has organized a team of world football stars in this match with the presence of players such as robin van persie, karisani adamatravere, donnie fendbeck and ebrahim aflai is present in al-qazi some time ago due to the obvious support of the people. in response to the crime of israel, he was expelled from germany's mainz team, but the minister of foreign affairs of the zionist regime threatened to imprison the head of the palestinian football federation, jibril rajoub, because of his activities in line with the exclusion of the football team of the occupying quds regime from participating in international competitions. fifa and the international football community demanded that israel
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be banned from participating in the competitions due to the crimes committed by the zionist regime in gaza. kaneh mehdi ziai of sed and sima news agency , thank you for your companion today, monday, may 17 in tehran, the sunset will be at 185 minutes from maghrib at 1915 minutes and midnight will be 23:13 minutes. khalji also offers greetings and politeness and respect to the dear viewers. the topic of today's debate is the smartening of ardonan's subsidy, a plan that has been implemented for more than two years and has its supporters and opponents. proponents say that this plan prevents the deviation of flour from the explanation network and thus saves consumption. but the opponents say these numbers and figures are not very accurate and have challenged the baker's economic plan
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. above, today we will discuss the opinions of the experts in favor and against in barra about the intelligentization plan for flour and bread subsidy. i invite you to watch the above on the news channel, the iranian coach sharaf iran is playing with the whole country . below the footballer, we do not want any kind of sugar therapy, we do not agree with the above above both or above today wherever you are.


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