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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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"cuba sabe bien de la solidaridad, esta escarinata sabe bien de la solidaridad y de la lucha, with their dyen mimicking the israeli bombing of gaza, south korean peace campaigners global day of action demanded the country stop sending arms. that fuel israel's genocide. south korea has seen its weapons trade with israel grow significantly over the past decade, and south korea's arms exports to israel carried on despite israel's massacres of
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civilians god is great, god is great, god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god . i testify that muhammad is the messenger
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of god . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. . god
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bless you, god bless you . god is great, there is no god but god, there is no god but god.
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in the name of god. electronic elections. the electronic voting system is a system with the highest security and protection factor, which has a significant effect on increasing accuracy, speed and reducing costs. therefore, based on successful experiences in the world and also four fields. this system will be used in the first stage of the election in the second stage of the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council in eight constituencies. the voter must bring one of his national card documents, certificate, end of service card, passport or birth certificate that contains the national number, so that after checking the original document and verifying the identity, the voter will issue a voter authorization card that the verdict of the same ballot. to provide him
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. at this stage, the voter should use one of the electronic voting boxes to withdraw his special voting license card at the designated place. put it to the end. do not move the complete voter registration. after a few seconds, the vote registration page containing the names of all the candidates will appear on the screen. the voter can register his vote by selecting the candidates he wants from the screen, which will be marked with green color after selection. after choosing the desired candidates, the voter should press the green button to finish voting. and press the green key again for final confirmation if you are sure. the vote is stored in the memory of the device and a copy of it is printed under the glass case it is shown to him, then the ballot is thrown into the plastic box under the cash register. now
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, what should be done if the voter makes a mistake when choosing the desired candidates? here before the final registration can be nominated again. remove the desired one from the selection or start correcting from the last selection by pressing the red correction key . at the end, the voter takes the voter's permission card that has been used and is invalid and submits his identity documents to the relevant institution in the same branch. but some tips about the security and protection of this electoral method. cash fund electronic is not connected to any network. that's why no one knows the results of the votes until the end of the legal voting time and breaking the pulp of the device and emptying its memory. in addition, since the voter's license card does not contain the voter's information , it
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is not possible to identify who each person voted for, and your vote will remain completely confidential. information technology committee of the national election headquarters. traders who have caused turmoil in the real estate market by entering ayeh amalaq platforms. turbulence that is getting closer to the moving season of tenants is now getting more attention is. some of the companies in the field of publishing advertisements provide conditions that allow brokering and speculation in the market. housing came into being in this way that sometimes some of the properties that are published in these advertisement publishing platforms do not exist at all, sometimes it can be seen that several ads
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are published for one property at several prices, which is related to the topic. inflammation in the market and pricing in the market, let me tell you that the ministry of roads and urban development is creating this atmosphere. traders consider this inflammation to raise prices, a matter that the activists of the housing sector confirm. most of the prices that it is now in the market and it is really fueling the chaos of the prices and the price increase is related to these platforms. for now , unfortunately, your sites and the only ones who lose are our dear tenants, the softwares that exist because they do not have price monitoring. the prices are very out of the norm in the region. if the market is disturbed , anyone who wants to read the high prices should call. if you think about it, in an area like here, for example, the price is 100 million tomans, it will cost 120 tomans, 130 tomans. the
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real buyer does not know, for example, confusion, then someone comes the awareness is looking at 110 tomans, while the standard is 100. on september 11, last year, the country's union announced a virtual business. the two real estate advertising platforms are preparing the technical process and will implement this important soon. as much as we can increase transparency in the real estate market , it will increase the security of transactions for those who advertise and for those who want to use this information. this will reduce court cases later. now, after 7 months from the letter of the national union of virtual businesses , one of the platforms has made a new promise to implement this according to the law, a series of other minor items are in the process of being loaded, which will be done soon, and in the coming days, according to the approval and coordination that has been done,
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it will be ready for people to use. but one of the most popular real estate advertising platforms has not fulfilled its legal duty in the real estate and housing system, as the official of the ministry of roads and urban development says. another big platform in this area has not accepted and has resisted until now, and if this resistance continues, based on the equality of the supreme housing council and the committees organized by the security council, then it will be fine. the properties of these platforms will be blocked. after these criticisms, the managing director of a real estate advertising platform in a statement claimed to have fulfilled his legal duty and criticized the ministry of roads and urban development in a part of this statement stating that among the contracts of the ministry was that if someone other than the owner it was intended to advertise a property , it is allowed to publish the ad only if the national code and mobile number of the property. when registering the ad in the platform , and after the owner's approval, the ad is allowed to be published
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. the implementation of this issue is one of the tasks of the ministry of roads and urban development, but so far, to specify this no action has been taken. however, the director general of the housing economics office of the ministry of roads and urban development says that the required infrastructure is available. the infrastructure is fully established, technical friends. we have fully established the infrastructure and there is no infrastructure problem to inquire from the national real estate and housing system. another big publishing platform has not fulfilled its obligations and there are various excuses that there is no infrastructure and these are the summary of this. the subject refuses. the organization of real estate advertising platforms is the topic that the president discussed in the 11th session of the supreme housing council. had emphasized the issue of segco and platforms
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must be organized in such a way that they do not set prices and start speculation in this space. the ministry of roads and urban development has announced that the organization of real estate advertising platforms will prevent traders from running wild in the real estate market. hasannejad of radio and television news agency. someone who has spent his life in building a part of the identity of the south of the country, here is the identity board for us. both built and trained for 20 years. now we build barges, we also repair barges
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. we work as a group. the customers are iranian barges for tourism , they actually use them in qatar for business . there are orders that are actually made so that we can see that the barges are in the sea. we are proud of it. ustadisa and his colleagues are less busy these days. now , not before, we used to build 5 to 4 to 5 big small barges since the fiberglass industrial barges opened to the sea. although new barges are built sooner and are cheaper. but the fiberglass lance has a useful life of 20 years. a wooden barge can last up to 60, 70 and even up to 100 years if they protect it a lot it actually lives. whatever it is, the work of barge-making workshops. the tradition has fallen from prosperity , now we are repairing it very little
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, they really need support so that this part of our country's maritime identity can be revived. in the sea-oriented development policies that were announced on november 16 last year , there was a section dedicated to supporting economic activists and small businesses to workshops such as barge building in the south of the country, and we considered land for workshops and feasibility studies. we also did its economic analysis and showed that this industry can be profitable and its licenses as well for those who want to invest in this area, in fact, we have prepared and issued them anonymously. in addition to these licenses, those who have been building barges for years have started to revive this industry by building tourism barges instead of commercial barges. he has actually made confirmations from the organization. and we got tourism and we were able to start this first
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wooden tourism float. 13 years ago, iran's barge building was registered in unesco's endangered heritage list. satisfied mr. radio news agency. production of diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. the field of diagnosis is full. use it yourself we can mention technetium 99, which itself is obtained from molybdenum technetium generators, and after the generator. technicium was obtained from this generator, and it was obtained with different kits depending on the target organ , the labeling takes place and it is injected into the body in the form of a radio drug, then a scan is taken. domestic production of our beta donor
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is becoming more efficient. our alpha donor lutetium 177 is currently in the research phase. foreign is competitive. we are competing with major countries in the world such as america and germany in the rain trial and it has achieved very good results in this field. these are part of the achievements of the nuclear industry, which is on the sidelines of the 30th national nuclear conference of iran, the first international conference of nuclear science and technology 202. 24 has been presented, all of these are domestic achievements , all of these are the result of the efforts and hard work of all domestic and young scientists of our own country. respected students and professors
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can take the necessary measures for the progress of nuclear activities by exchanging the available information, of course, right here. who are present, professors from all universities , institutes and industries are present here, as well as from abroad who are present here, god willing , i hope this will be useful. holding this nuclear event, according to the deputy director of planning of the atomic energy organization, can bring scientific advancement. based on the activities that were carried out in the organization in the past few years, this information will be presented and this exchange of beliefs it makes some scientific belief in poison universal . a scientific lecture and 50 foreign lectures will be presented at the end of the national nuclear conference, the first international conference of nuclear science and technology 2024. more than 50 universities in our country
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participated in the judging process of articles and 420 articles were accepted to be presented in the conference . it is the first international conference of nuclear science and technology in 2024 in four sections : scientific lecture, poster, exhibition and round table. special events are held . it can be said that this is unprecedented for the amun core collection in terms of content in the round table 80 academic speakers from the university. the art of many of these lectures is with the participation of foreign researchers, considering that now in the world and in the field of nuclear technology, the discussion of the development of the application of radiation technology is very welcome. this is the field of mohammad ali
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sahlpour of isfahan radio and television news agency. a country surrounded by the waters of the indian ocean, sri lanka, the reduction of fossil fuels in this country has caused disturbances in their electricity grid. south asia has caused the implementation of price policies for energy carriers due to the high price of fuel in sri lanka. most of the people use the public transport system . how much is the price of diesel here ? you can see this price here. it is 386 sri lankan rupees, which is approximately according to
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our tomans, each liter of diesel is 65,000 tomans here, but sri lanka is known for torrential rains. for several years now, this natural resource is supposed to be used to generate electricity, with the construction of the oma oya dam and power plant by iranian engineers, the most important goal of this project is to transfer water from the water-rich part of the series. lanka, in terms of irrigation , is about 5 thousand hectares of land in this country, as well as production. due to the height difference between the mountainous areas and the plain areas, it also provides a suitable ground for electricity production, which produces 120 megawatts of electricity , which is a very good number for the country of sri lanka compared to the scale and capacity of electricity production in sri lanka. the purpose of this power plant is to save fossil fuels.
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one of those fuels is diesel. now let's see what is the reason for saving fuel? most of the electricity in sri lanka comes from fossil fuel power plants. as a rule when the power plant comes into operation and actually both units are at peak consumption of 100. it produces 20 megawatts of electricity per hour. this produced electricity causes a series of fossil power plants to go out of operation, and this in itself significantly reduces the consumption of seasonal fuel, especially diesel. with the exploitation of uma-o dam and power plant in the southeastern region of this country, stable electricity reached the houses of the villagers. this infrastructure project has also been completed here. after this project, the electricity supply has become excellent. people
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use the internet and facilities that work with electricity they do. according to the officials of sri lanka, in one month of the operation of this power plant, one billion rupees of fuel has been saved . listen to this sound, the cry of a hungry child in gaza. the zionists and supporters of the zionist regime broadcast this sound with their speakers towards the tent of the students who have improved in support of the palestinian people at the university of los angeles, california. or when in the same university, supporters of the zionist regime
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hurled insults and obscenities at pro-palestinian students they mouth at the same time, in the same city , a group of non-zionist jewish students protested by lighting a candle in memory of the dead in the city of los angeles. they gathered with the genocidal crimes of the zionist regime and declared their support for the sit-in students. these students do not give up their protest with the wave of arrests and the message of the quarter and the terror that is given to them by repression. our political leaders must condemn israel's war crimes in gaza. not the actions that students take for peace and stopping the killing.
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let's start with our university's economic relationship cut off israeli companies. in chicago, a peaceful demonstration by students at the art institute of chicago was met with police repression. police 68 students protesting the crimes of the zionist regime. because many people
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in palestine are also jews. at the university of virginia in america, students with the same demands as the rest of the students are protesting the crimes of the zionist regime and the continued support of the american government to this regime with repression. in this university, the police arrested at least 25 students. the speaker of the house of representatives of the united states has assigned six legal committees of the congress of this country to find ways to increase the pressure and punish the supporting students examine palestine in the universities of this country. deprivation of student financial privileges, cancellation of visas, and expulsion from american soil are among the punishments given by these committees to students participating in the protest. the anti-zionism of universities is under investigation. ali rajabi, new york broadcasting news agency.
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i am a student here, my major is english , please don't leave us alone, don't let us down. i was on the front line. police forces hit me with their batons. they caught me. i did not resist when they arrested me. they physically intimidated the students and in fact they hurt them. so that they don't even think about boycotting israel anymore. this situation is very disappointing. we had done nothing wrong. an illegal gathering was in front of us. this group was pro-zionists. 25 of our friends were taken to the hospital because they were hitting our children with sticks and throwing stones at us. not even one of the people who committed these attacks was arrested. not even one person. my mother is jewish, i grew up jewish. media coverage of our protests made
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us more courageous. our achievement it was to close people to us we never thought they would join us. those who don't seem to be politically active joined us after seeing us being attacked and no one being held accountable for these actions. we will continue our demonstrations. we will continue our work. we will still be here. we continue to fight for gaza . we will continue to fight for the palestinian people. this is gymnast publications. we have always tried to serve you with the most up-to-date methods, and today we are going to offer you 60% of your educational resources for free, only with
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send number 5. get 60% of your educational resources completely free by sms to 30085. get 60% of gilna publications as a gift by sending 5 to 3085. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the information base of the virtual section of semini tehran international book fair has been available since today, 17 urdobehesht 1403. users can register and search for books in the book system. refer to r. the 35th tehran international book fair with the slogan "let's read and create".
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from 19 to 29 may in maslai


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