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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to the half-day news. the president in the ceremony honoring the heroes and emblems is the highest platform of the champion of not recognizing the zionist regime in sports fields. ground attacks began with the arrival of zionist regime tanks in rafah at the same time as hamas agreed to a ceasefire, at least 20 palestinians were martyred in today's attacks. police attack. america
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has sent more than 100 students to prison for the sit-in of students supporting the people of gaza in the universities of california, los angeles, massachusetts and illinois. production of blood clot powder by nuclear industry experts, a practical product in the operating rooms of the emergency departments of hospitals, which were shown in the first international conference of nuclear sciences and techniques in isfahan. in the above program , we will examine how effective the action of the central bank in the supply of muskrats is in reducing the fluctuations of the gold and coin market. in the name of allah
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, the most merciful , the most merciful , may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate. honorable men in the field of sports were honored. i congratulate the gymnastics federation, mrs. zahra . what is it like? mr. mahdi alfati, who is well-known, and mr. seyed mohammad reza khairkhah, the head coach of the national gymnastics team of our country, are three representatives of the gymnastics federation, and i wish success to this federation, one of the famous mr. raisi with appreciating the heroes who
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made the people happy by raising the iranian flag, he said: humility, masculinity and maintaining divine values ​​are the most obvious characteristics of the country's athletes. this does not count. but the highest championship platform is from the one who is against the zionist regime standing up and willing to recognize, recognizing this regime has not killed children, this is the highest platform of heroism, it is a true heroism that is accompanied by an idea, a motivation. mr. raisi considered it necessary to expand the infrastructure of championship sports and said that the athletes should not have anything to worry about except winning the championship . the president also emphasized the need
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to pay attention to the common nomadic sports and women's sports and called the increase in sports funds a national investment. the president's meeting with athletes is the fifth meeting of mr. raisi with athletes in the 13th government. when was the last medal you got that you are going to come and get your reward for, hanzhou?
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you don't have any more demands, no more, god will take care of us . there is nothing left. nothing left. zero zero . we thank the officials, dear minister and mr. president, that what happened this year was unprecedented. the effort of that sweat is definitely worth it in national issues. on my side , they take their bananas before the sweat dries up. after a few months, there is a reward for the children who work hard and gives this effect. well, it always worked. a year, two years , a year and a half later , it is the best thing for an athlete, which can be seen. the highest rank of the system is thinking about sports. i think that's it these dear people who are sitting here trying to make the flag of our dear country iran known will make the athletes finally take heart . when they see the president up close, i hope that the conditions will be such that we can see them more often . in
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this valuable community, god willing, may it continue and be able to have more support from the breeding field. who passes his medal right and refuses to recognize the zionist regime, and this is a trend-setter and against sports and championships gives meaning the highest platform of the hero belongs to the one who stood up against the zionist regime and is not willing to recognize this child-killing regime. thought is a motivation. the president said that the celebration should be continuous and not just limited to this meeting , and the government has the support of sports on its agenda. at the beginning of the government , i told a group of heroes, pioneers and notables that i want the ministry
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of sports to have a managerial approach to sports, and more importantly , there should be people in the administration who know sports. they have a record of history in this collection, thank god we were faithful to this promise. emphasizing the expansion of championship sports, providing infrastructure for championship sports , finding talent and paying attention to the cultivation of talents , sports productions and sports economy, emphasizing the improvement of quality , emphasizing the observance of justice in the country's sports, paying attention to women's sports were other axes of the president's speech. the president said that we believe that people's expenses for sports are not expenses. it is an investment . our belief in the government is that spending money on sports is not an expense, it is an investment, and therefore we
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believe that as much as the spending on sports increases, especially managers should monitor that it is spent properly. for an important work and to spread a name and perform a national duty that will be the responsibility of the government. all the federations above have a conversation. today, 230 billion tomans were awarded to 1517 athletes who were on the podium in 1402 international competitions. receive this reward from the hands of the president. now, with this recognition , the athletes are preparing for other competitions, especially the 2024 olympics in paris. youssef salami sada and vasima news agency reporter. the 10th live televised conversation of the president with the people tonight. mr. raisi after the news at 21:00 tonight on channel one he will speak live on tv. in
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this tv interview, the president talks about the latest measures of the government's achievements, as well as internal and external developments and events. the head of the judiciary asked the ministry of education to appoint representatives to follow up the petitions in order to solve the problems of the teachers in the court of administrative justice. mr. mohseni ajei, in a meeting with the minister of education and a group of teachers, said that the problems related to the teachers' pension fund can be solved. a letter has been written in line with this reserve fund and a file in line with capital bank. bringing me a report from what i read, i really think there is a way out there, but the letter i said can't be done with this letter, now i will refer this letter, go somewhere else, you won't get anything, i said to mr. saraei , "sir, take it to someone, we will tell you, we will come," i said,
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well now you should come yourself, he said, let pulu come, i told him to come with my own plate , let's set a time for him. it is like this that if we consult together, it will definitely be done . the minister of education said in this meeting that it is being corrected with the help of the inspection organization. savings box culturists, this is a set of issues and problems that we have with the help of the inspection organization. first of all , we want to fix its statutes, because it was considered private, the inspection did not enter. god willing, i have given myself the task of doing two things, one of which is the basis.
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by attacking the rafah crossing on the border with egypt , they occupied this crossing. the zionist regime has announced that the 401 brigade of this regime has taken control of the rafah crossing. zionist since last night, rafah has been targeted by massive air and ground attacks. these attacks then it is done because the hamas movement announced its agreement with the proposal of qatari and egyptian mediators for a ceasefire. palestinian medical sources report the martyrdom of at least 21 people and dozens of injuries in the occupation attacks. for the first time since 2005, the tanks of the zionist regime entered the street that shares the border with egypt. they penetrated.
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according to the previous agreements between egypt and the zionist regime , entering this area is considered a violation of egypt's sovereignty. some reports indicate that the zionists martyred 20 policemen after entering the rafah crossing. following these rape attacks the qassam battalions reported targeting the occupying forces in the east of the rafah crossing with heavy caliber grenade launchers. the resistance battalions also took the positions of the zionist army in the military base. karam abu salem and other axes targeted with short-range rockets. but
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i am talking about the developments in gaza, especially in rafah, with my colleague who is present in this area, mr. hani al-maqari . i greet you. we see and hear your report about the latest developments in rafah and other areas of gaza. hello , i am serving you and dear viewers today. targeting their own attacks, which are full of people was. these crimes are new and dangerous, and
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the zionists attacked the rifa crossing with their tanks and closed it, preventing the entry of aid trucks and the exit of the sick, injured and passengers. in fact, rifa crossing is now closed and cannot be done. also , from a political point of view , a new round of political negotiations is scheduled to be held in cairo today due to the agreement of the hamas movement with the egyptian and qatari mediated ceasefire plan . karam abu salem crossing is also closed they are closed, these
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are closed by the zionist regime and they do not allow aid or aid trucks to enter the gaza strip, and we will witness real hunger and starvation in the gaza strip, especially in rafah province, because the zionist regime does not allow food to enter. and he does not give the medicine. forcing the citizens to be displaced from these areas and go to other areas in stanfe. the qassam battalions also announced today that they targeted the israeli army and managed to set fire to one of their tanks.
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thank you very much, mr. haani al-maqari reporter. setini in rafah , we are saying goodbye to you for being with us, but the head of hamas's political office in a telephone conversation with the foreign minister discussed the latest situation and developments in the field as well as the process of the ceasefire negotiations in gaza. egypt and qatar said about the ceasefire, now the ball is in the court of the zionist regime , mr. haniyeh also from the positions. the leader of the revolution and the support of the government of the nation of iran appreciated the people of palestine and gaza. the minister of foreign affairs also announced our country's support for the plan presented for the rights of the palestinian people. mr. amir abdullahian also admiring the standing of the palestinian nation and resistance groups against the 7 months of genocide by the zionist regime
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, a report on iran's diplomatic actions in support of palestine, especially in the last meeting of the year. organization of islamic cooperation presented. the secretary general of the united nations warned about the consequences of the extensive military attack of the zionist regime on rafah in the south of the gaza strip. antonio guterres stated that israel's ground operation would be intolerable and said: a ground attack on rafah will be very painful due to the devastating human consequences and its effect on the instability of the region. secretary general of the united nations of the community. global and also, the zionist regime wanted to stop the attacks and try to achieve a permanent ceasefire in gaza. un experts announced that the signs of torture
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were evident on the bodies that were recently found in the collective hands of nasser and shafa hospitals. in the research conducted in mass wedges in the gaza strip. some possible cases of people being buried alive have also been seen. at the beginning of may, three mass graves were discovered in nasser hospital in khanyounes, south of the gaza strip, and 392 bodies were removed from these graves. the european mediterranean human rights watch has announced that more than 140 mass graves have been found all over the gaza strip. the media of the zionist regime are calling hezbollah's operation with inthari drones accurate and unstoppable, the most recent of which resulted in the death of several zionist soldiers. please
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tell me from the beginning of the battle in the northern front of the occupied territories. how many operations have suicide drones been used so far? mrs. mirsane , dear viewers, hello, have a good time since the beginning of the battle of storm al-akhsa in the northern front of the occupied territories. in the past 7 months, hezbollah has conducted more than 1,700 operations. in 62 operations, hezbollah has used its own uavs. the number of uavs used in each operation varied between one and four uavs and the total number of uavs. which hezbollah has used in these operations reaches more than 200 endhari drones. the first time was on the 11th of aban last year when hezbollah
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targeted the zionist base of zebedin in the heights of the occupied shibaa shrine and the occupied tebeh of kafr shoba with its own drone. the agreement is behind your servant's back you can see the ruins caused by the artillery attacks and also by the zionist regime's fighters in the shabaa area. hezbollah responded to these attacks by the zionist forces yesterday with its own uavs . it was secret. first , the media of the zionist regime admitted to the wounding of two soldiers. the 13th tv channel of the zionist regime admitted that four were wounded , and after that, the spokesman of the zionist regime admitted to the death of 2 zionist soldiers. kurds, two of them are in serious condition and are in zift hospital in safed city. these
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hezbollah operations were carried out in response to these crimes and the attacks of the zionist forces . it was about an hour ago that the sound of several rockets were fired from here towards the zionist forces' radar base. in the heights of the occupied fields of shabaa and the occupied hills of kafr. we heard shoba and hizbullah targeted the radar base with several guided missiles. after that , the zionist regime again targeted areas near and around shaba. thank you very much, mr. hassan azimzadeh, reporter of sada vasima news agency, we say goodbye to you, have a good day. american police attacked the sit-in of university of california students protesting the genocide in gaza.
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students of fana institute. this university asked companies to cooperate with the army of the occupying regime . a group of high school students joined the gathering of students of this institution in closing their classrooms. in shika, the students are improving, the slogan of israel
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is terrorist , mit and hunter university in america also witnessed the improvement of the students. it was in protest against the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. mit officials students protesting the zionist regime's genocide in gaza threatened to suspend their studies. so far, more than 2,500 students and university professors in america have been arrested for protesting the genocide in gaza, and dozens more. some of them have been suspended. despite the suppression of the arrest of students protesting against the crimes of
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the zionist regime, protests and sit-ins in american universities are in their third week. students say that giving up the protest means participating in the blood of innocent palestinians. peaceful student protests. america continues the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza under the shadow of the government's support the country continues with a joint request to cut off the financial cooperation of their universities with the zionist regime. for example, in the university of san diego, the police attacked students with batons and pepper spray. he collected their tents and arrested 64 students. what is happening is the mistake of arresting these students against the first amendment
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of the constitution. the students arrested at this university were taken to san diego central jail. the rest of the students continued their rally in front of this prison. and freedom. the arrested students shouted. pointing their guns at innocent students who are protesting peacefully and are not armed. this is not acceptable at all. when i told them why they are doing such a thing , they also sprayed pepper in my face. at the american community college of massachusetts, the anti-zionist attitude of the students continues. the university has threatened that if the students continue to improve.
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the peaceful anti-zionist gathering of students continued . all classes of this university are still held virtually. we are not happy about the closure of face-to-face university classes. but still i have a clear conscience. because although we could not we can do something to reduce the suffering of the people of ghazda and stop the genocide, but we could do something to bring their voice to the world. the police
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arrested 43 of these gathering students. and he interrogated them for several hours in the parking lot of the university with handcuffs, then took them to prison. the american media, citing the security apparatus of this country , announced that all the students who were present in the anti-zionist protests and gatherings of the last three weeks of this country will be under special security surveillance even outside the universities, and gradually with processing of images recorded by cameras security will arrest more of them. however , the anti-zionist protests of the students of this country continue all over the united states. ali rajabi, radio and television news agency, new york. students of the university of copenhagen, darmmark joined the global student movement to condemn the zionist regime's genocide in gaza.
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the students of the university of vienna, the largest university in austria , also set up sit-in tents in the university campus in line with the student protests in america and european countries in support of the oppressed palestinian people. these students stop the policy of the university of vienna in support of they demanded zionism. the pain. canada's university of ottawa students continue to announce their several days of improvement in support of the people of palestine and gaza.
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we find out the second round of the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council will be held on friday this week in 22 constituencies. election candidates have until 14:00 tomorrow to register their representatives to attend the polling stations in the volunteer system. the election calendar of the ministry of interior
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shows less than three other second round elections the islamic council is held. in the second stage , with all the passion on friday, the statement of the fundraiser. i want them to help me in the future of my country. we will definitely participate in the next round, when we have to choose the original representative. our one vote in the election shows that whoever casts a vote proves his loyalty to the revolution and answers two questions. the national media also continues to fulfill the justice of the elections. he has aired election programs for the constituencies whose elections have reached the second stage. candidate programs are usually watched on tv we will see what they want the parliament to do. i follow the debate programs through radio and television. i really don't want to choose a candidate at all. they look to see which of them i choose the weapon.


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