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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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do you have anything related to your considerations ? from the exchange of debt and gold, this is definitely growing, and because it will continue to grow, it can be compared with the requirements and structures that are happening now in the iranian commodity exchange. the number of suppliers also increased, it was not only the central bank, this infrastructure was provided, then the number of suppliers increased , a new market was formed, and the point is that this is a special market, the definition of the supplier here is not the suppliers, the finishers, and besides, this is a market.
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there is no secondary, we are in the capital market, that means the second difference is that we are talking about the market. now, i only gave an example of the market players, but if we want to talk about the continuation of the market and the activity of the market , we still have the discussion of the secondary market, we talk about the secondary market in the exchange center. we don't have tala currency , if we have capital in the market, then in the definition of the market, we are different from each other in this place. before you say your opinion, if you agree, we should go and see a report together, let's take a look at the opinions of those who agree and those who disagree. the subject that i presented to you and we are debating about it, let's see what the other experts think, we will come back and follow our views . mohammad waez, a member of the faculty of economics of golan university, safte bazan, in the coin market, the consequence of not offering it in the stock market is a commodity. the price of each product in the stock market is more controllable than in the market because stock market rules allow excessive and unreasonable increases.
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it does not give a product. sohrabi, economic expert. if the coin was offered indefinitely by the central bank in the commodity exchange, the prices would move based on the world price and there would be no bubble. because no one can create rent or atmosphere in the stock market it is slow and the price is available to everyone. mohammad wali , an economic expert of the central bank, could prevent the excitement of the coin price through the supply of coins and quarter coins in the stock market. the supply of coins from the stock market in the medium term can be market. in this market, revenues, fees and taxes are clearly defined. ahmad ishtiaghi, an economic expert, said that the supply of gold coins in the exchange center will prevent the game from tightening , because the demand in the commodity exchange will increase the trend of gold prices. but in the exchange center, auctions are held for coins so that anyone who wants to buy can meet their needs from this center. rahman saadat, a member of the faculty of the university, by offering coins in
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iran's gold and currency exchange center, the central bank will bring the coin market to reality , with which applicants can meet their real needs. in this center, the coin will be offered at a fairer price and somehow the price bubble will be smaller and smaller. mohammad dereza akbari jar is an analyst of economic issues. the supply of coins in the exchange center and gold is a conservative policy and can take money from the society. accumulation slows down thus the speed of money circulation in the market decreases when the money circulation decreases in the market effect of contraction gives to the market, which reduces prices. yes, we saw the report together, mr. shahbazi, please answer mr. farzani. yes, this is the issue that if gold is imported, the central bank is obliged to do so.
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or risk hedging, they want to do this work, for all this in the market, we have to define the tools and terms of the transaction, so that we can say that we have a real stock market, in the capital market, for the stock sector, you can use these examples, that is, when the first offering happens, the capital increase happens. financing for companies is happening for the discussion of secondary transactions for sebet bazan there is a discussion about the protection of contracts, the trading
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of securities that is actually being published on stocks is happening. is it a disadvantage or a disadvantage? this is not a disadvantage. if i want to make an initial offer now, first of all , the contradictions with the law on combating smuggling of goods and currency will be discussed. this is me. now that we have discussed for a few minutes, i would like to comment on the criticism of the policy of anghazi, which is in this direction
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you see, last year we imported gold bullion and the central bank allowed it. those who are exporters, instead of uploading their cross remittances to the nima system and offering them , buy gold and offer it at the exchange center. well, we are seeing the results. according to the statistics published by the customs , we have a deficit of 19 billion dollars in commercial gold. the main thing is to control inflation, it has some control to reduce cash flow it is being implemented, they are trying , the government is trying, please let me, they are trying to move the government to reduce the budget deficit and we hope to move beyond the budget as well. let's create a width that will affect inflation in this way. we want to come from behind the so-called second path and choose a more distant path in
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order to reduce inflation. it is clear that the effect of land price on inflation is more than the effect of gold price because the price of gold itself is affected by the price of land. it is very clear that the central bank, if this is what it is trying to do, instead the main thing is that the essential needs and raw materials are imported. in this way, the buyer of gold is mostly an investment demand. we cannot compare the key consumer demand with the investment demand. all the producers are on the commodity exchange. i emphasize that the suppliers of the central bank believe that the suppliers in the center should be equivalent to those who import gold , this is certain, and therefore these are the issues , so the policy of tightening will not be accurate and correct. when we can control the exchange rate, the budget part of the currency
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let's get the ladies out of their dissatisfaction. we are trying to do the banking part , we are trying to do a lot of budget. until now, the ratio of net foreign assets to monetary base is constantly decreasing, which is the best and
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most high-quality center, except for the year 9, it is about the exchange rate, this figure is constantly decreasing. your past to take back the same ones, so to speak , and if there is a fluctuation in those prices now, well, it will play its role now, now, maybe now it may not be appropriate to say that gold is supposed to accumulate in the market, how much, because in fact there is something, the point is liquidity, you see, in general
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, the exchange rate itself is a problem, the reason is open liquidity, that is , if you see, in the last one year, the central bank has emphasized criticism control. it is happening again from the aspect of money creation or liquidity of banks, which is part of the control policies of banks' balance sheets. first, it is like this, but you say that we want to control it, and if i want, i can manage it
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i have to have liquidity control . our budget policies are the financial policies of the ministry of economy , the monetary policies of the central bank, the commercial policies of the ministry of foreign affairs . these should be in line with each other, and when i say, for example, that our monetary policy should be conservative, but now in our if we have real dissatisfaction or budget deficit, then definitely this. it is good to supply gold and import it . it is not a high conditional figure. now that you
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are an effective figure, but it is still the same, it should be in line with increasing the country's gold reserves, that is, we are exporting in line with the fact that imports have come to the extent that resources are available. the money of horizontal resources cannot enter the country easily , it has been converted into the country, it needs liquidity through this center and provides it, so i happen to be providing liquidity to that exporter, that is , i did something to facilitate this instead of come to destroy the export altogether, by the way, i opened a way that my exporter can easily increase the resources of kesha's gold resources.
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we will see the demander in the market, now the number is different i can't say that it has an effect right now
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, but with the continuous process that the central bank has seen for auctions, you will definitely continue without another season or two. there will be an arrangement before you also give your opinion about the coin. no , i said that when five people come , you will see real people . they give 5 so-called coins. this is a capital expenditure. what does this coin want to do? it wants to stay there and be stored at home. no , i see this as capital expenditure, like the supply of something that resources there is no increase in the central bank's external resources. i see capital expenditure. if there are really foreign exchange resources coming , we should not increase the central bank's external resources and leave them for essential needs, not to cover the second issue . even though it was the sources , please forget it now. you discussed the rate
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, there was also a criticism that sex is being exchanged at a high rate in the exchange center. what do you think? criticism is correct i think the exchange center should cut that thread, because if you know its nature, you don't know it right. no, i don't know the right criticism . what is the reason, because the coin is being offered , so why should i give a subsidy for a consumer product, yes, it is logical, but the goods that are capital, why should i be subsidized? don't get me wrong, something over 80,000 to 90,000 tomans is not 67,000 tomans, and at this rate , it is becoming ours, and i consider this policy to be a reasonable policy, so this issue is not our problem, but i the same thing that your experts are saying now, this thing that has been broadcasted, could the central bank, if it intends to do so, in short, this is what the central bank really wants to
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do . this is the coordination between the commodity exchange. what is the solution? the solution is that , considering that the policy making of this department is related to the central bank, with all due respect to the central bank, but it can be done in coordination with the stock exchange organization , the same stock exchange council that you say that the central bank should also be there. these went together darren can act through coordination with the commodity exchange and move the issues forward, as this has been the case in other countries, there is no need for us to start such institutions and what will be the result. the result will be that the discussion of declassification, which i have discussed, the legal situations that i have discussed, now you may not accept some of them, but the discussion of article 141 and the board of directors, i would like to share with you that the bank is the center of exchange of employees , and there are many other cases of this kind. there is, i didn't have time to say that such situations happen, the discussion of secondary markets, which i mentioned, if you want to develop
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tell me, how do you want to get a license when the supreme council of the stock exchange is the body that gives the license to issue bonds. because you know that its symbol is being traded , it has a separate board of directors, its character is independent from the stock exchange organization , and therefore we cannot say that in fact it wants to act in harmony with an institution like the stock exchange organization. first of all, you said that because the central bank's price is in its own hands
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, i would like to ask you to do this at the exchange center . you are offering it almost at the price of the market margin. this could be done in the commodity exchange . look at the point of the discussion. you wanted to implement a stabilization policy, but you have it at the market margin , which means that it works according to the market price. now, i won't call it a stabilization policy because basically the purpose of this is actually the sale of coins, which is also happening to real people, and now the number is limited because of the volume of supply that is happening. basically , it is not stabilization, because the volume is not so much that we want to say that it has an effect on stabilization, but it is a continuous process , its continuous auctions may be effective in the market, but determining the price, well, definitely, when i have the system, i provide the auction mechanism . in fact, the applicant determines the price. the applicant, who has two goals
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, does this . an applicant who has two goals, one is what i want. if i pretend to play, from physics it means buying coins from the central bank and after that i expect the price to go up and sell, or in fact i want to preserve my assets and turn my money into a valuable asset that can be used in case of a decrease in the national currency. the truth is that the situation is stable , but why does this not happen in the commodity exchange, because the mechanism of the commodity exchange is the supply and demand mechanism , the mechanism is actually the matching of prices with the lowest selling price and the highest buying price in this case, the mechanism is actually an average price auction. as a result, the commodity exchange does not have the executive platform for this issue, so that
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the average bank can do it. from the price of your cash price with do you compare the proof of deposit? what is the benefit for the country and the people? the point is that the central bank's inherent duty is the last will of the law. the central bank law passed last year also gives this authority to the central bank. as a result of the central bank's action , we can say that this is a settlement in terms of legal differences.
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why did the central bank do this? well, definitely, according to the gold support that it has and the width support that it has , now that we have left width and fullness aside from the advantages of this discussion, we did not mention the center of the equation of width and gold , the width part is really managing and because the sensitivities that exist there, this thing happens. now the gold part is in. it doesn't show that we can see a high impact from the supply of gold in order to reduce the bubble rate. in my opinion, this could
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have been better managed by other methods. if it was in the commodity exchange , its negative and beneficial for the country, and what was the issue with you people, it would have been better if it existed . commodity exchange is the same. there is, but it can be done with a continuous coordination of the society , not only between the stock exchange organization and the central bank , there are other institutions as well. the ministry of economy is the same ministry on the side of the comprehensive trade system. if the coordination is better, the ministry of economy and the organization of financial affairs, all
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of these can be put on the right track. in the interests of the free country, thank you to both the guests of the program, all the good viewers of the higher program, who accompanied us until this moment, may god protect you, ali. here is one of the musts of agricultural machinery production, the products we produce are baler style combine in two models, rice combine and cooperation with the unit. research for the construction of a semi-heavy harvester with transverse economy.
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the country's needs are currently produced and supplied through domestic production units, and this with a capacity of around 50%. the work of the industry sector actually covers this, which means that we have surplus production in this area. if we want to use the full industrial capacity , we have a glimpse of the export area in the region and the countries where it is possible to export our goods, 200 to 220,300 units per year. fortunately, the rice harvesting combine in niazeh was localized in our country. satellite in different sizes and also production of car control
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among the agricultural systems are laser and satellite systems, the tillage machine is used in the cultivated fields , black root trees, and garden trees all over the country. we managed to localize 40% of the machine. between the only agricultural vehicle whose production rate does not match the demand is the tractor. of the 52,000 tractors that we need in a year, between 20,000 and 25,000 tractors are supplied, and almost 50% of those who buy tractors are not successful, and this causes an accumulated demand. it is possible to misuse it, god forbid, in different titles. if it is found, it should be added to this page and this page will increase the demand, and there are five tractor factories in the country, but the largest production share
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is owned by iran tractor manufacturing company, approximately 9. the country is producing 88 tractors , and naturally the depth of construction inside it is much higher than the other companies that are working. the long requests for tractors by farmers our darling used to sleep for up to a year and a half, today we will reduce these shifts. support the manufacturer. no product should be exclusive. exclusive production destroys competition and quality motivation. exclusive production causes problems in the price. our ministry colleagues promised to help other private sector companies or possibly the government that wants to invest. to remove us from the monopoly of toli
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, this is our serious demand , we reached an agreement with the ministry of mining industry to remove us from the monopoly of production and supply. the ministry of agricultural equipment has announced that with the plans made this year, the production of tractors will reach 50,000 units.
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we have built a house for you so that you can come and see, this is called an installment purchase, it can come as you want , different accessories of each model and name, don't worry about buying, come to the house. bia sera bia sarad has a lot of farad discounts for anywhere you like, cool stuff, what happened? installment purchase , whatever you want. big iranian sera in the cities of qom, isfahan and tehran, only three ways away.
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i am pedijeh moftari, the winner of the first washland lottery, an apartment unit, a car, 100 i won a million in cash, 10 years of fixed salary , i am zahra wiley from mohala, in the name of god elham kazemi, i am from sabziz, washland, a land full of prizes, ladies and gentlemen, now it's time to go to the city, buy luxury goods, and i don't have a check. god.
4:00 pm
a single macaron at the top. greetings to you, dear companions of khabar network, we have reached 16:00 and the news of this section, the efforts and follow-ups of some educational staff in gaza have caused 115 students who are eager to study in wartime to attend the classroom. for more than 7 months, the attacks of the occupying regime deprived the students of gaza of the opportunity to learn
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