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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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a single macaron at the top. have a good time, dear viewers , you are watching economic and market news from khabar network , the monetary base growth rate decreased by 16% to 28% , according to the announcement of the central bank, the monetary base growth rate compared to the figure of april last year, which was 45, was 28% at the end of march. according to this report , the rate of increase in liquidity is also in a downward trend from 31 percent
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at the end of 1401 to 24 percent at the end of 1402. the rate of increase in the monetary base of liquidity are both the most important factors of inflation. officials of the stock exchange organization announced the offenders in the misuse of confidential information that caused last year the reduction of the index in the stock market was detected. in may last year, the total index in 5 days exceeded 2 million. 500 thousand units decreased by about 333 thousand units. the most important reason for this decrease was related to the letter of change in the feed rate of industrial gas, which some of the shareholders had access to the information and sold their shares in the stock market. increase the feed rate and hide the information . from 50 days ago until now, many have abused . the five percent correction of the total index that
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happened with the exit of a small number of investors from the stock market due to access to confidential information, people who until the 17th of the 18th and a few months ago , they had not made any transactions in the market and entered the market only at that time. they had invested more than one billion tomans in this return from the capital market and did not have any transactions in the stock market after that date. now, on may 17, 1403, after a year with the application of various restrictions, the stock exchange organization finally obtained the information rent codes. 16 items of correspondence with government institutions. the woman is aware of the reason
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and has correspondence with the ministry of home affairs and finance of the government board and with the code now, a natural or legal person. we had the central bank, some of them responded, some of them did not respond, obviously, the central bank did not give us any response, the ip was shared, and let me tell you that it was the son-in-law, the cousin, the son-in-law, the sister, the case of the concerned persons in the beginning of august. 1402 was submitted to the prosecutor's office for dealing with economic crimes and inquiries were made to the institutions. these people did not want to be brought before a bailiff by the order of the judicial authority . there have been about 367 hearings so far. many of them have been summoned for judicial investigation. according to the deputy supervisor of stock exchanges, if the list of names of suspected persons if the violation is confirmed, it will be subject to the sixth chapter of the capital market law, which means it will be punished with a fine and publication of names. became. maryam fadaei of the sed and broadcasting news agency. 57
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thousand billion tomans of tax revenue was collected in the first month of the year. according to the announcement of the tax affairs organization, the collection figure for april this year has increased by 30% compared to the same period last year. of this amount, 3,1932 billion tomans means 56% collection from direct taxes, including tax on legal entities. incomes and wealth tax . also, more than 247 billion tomans, which is equivalent to 44 billion from the tax on goods and services which has increased by 2% compared to the same period last year. during this period, 948 billion tomans in taxes were collected from companies exporting raw and semi-raw materials. the export of knowledge-based companies in 1402 was more than 2 billion. dollar receipt.
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according to the head of the international business development office of the scientific and technological vice-chancellor, helping in marketing and understanding global markets can increase the export power of these companies. connecting the two, in fact , the producer, the buyer, the seller, the buyer , and this marketing, as the minister of mining industry and trade says, is the most difficult and professional work. it is the world, if you can sell it, you have won. this is a very professional and very difficult job. according to the statistics of the scientific and technological assistants of the presidency , last year, out of 2000 scientific companies, 900 companies were able to enter the international market. we exported to iraq , afghanistan, azerbaijan, uzbekistan, egypt, thailand , vietnam until today. 5 export countries are our target market. we are a knowledge-based company . we currently have 3,000 people . we produce 90 of them. we export them to
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european union countries, germany, spain, and african countries, algeria, kenya, cameroon, iraq, syria and we had venezuela and we are currently working on the markets of uzbekistan and russia. from the point of view of these companies, product pricing and after-sales service are the secrets of their presence in the market. for our international customers, as well as our domestic customers , we were able to sign a contract by signing an exclusive contract with a series of representatives who know their target market well. we have increased our ability to lower prices and be competitive.
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you went to a market there to export your hats and now the government has measures to support it we support you now. we guarantee this product, if it does not have the quality it claims, if you return it, we will buy it from you. according to the report of the presidential vice president for science and technology, the export of scientists reached more than 2 billion dollars last year, and this amount is planned to reach 4 billion dollars this year. zahra teacheng, sed and sima news agency. the head of the renewable energy and electricity efficiency organization announced the transfer of land required for the construction of 90 solar power plants by the end of june. mr. kamani in a joint meeting with some managers and the investors of the electricity industry and the country's regional affairs organization said that with the construction of these power plants in 30 provinces
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of the country, 4500 megawatts will be added to the country's electricity production capacity by the end of this year. allocation of land was done in the past. which was according to the existing regulations. it was a long process. the resolution that was approved and announced by the honorable government on 23 12 shortens and simplifies the processes of land allocation for the construction of renewable power plants. well , this meeting that was held today was actually to explain this resolution and speed up the transfer of land. we hope with much cooperation the good thing about araz affairs is that at the national and provincial level , god willing, we can do it for a maximum of one month. let's hand over the lands and after actually providing education, which is also an agreement with the development fund, god willing, the work on the construction of the power plants will begin. iran and iraq emphasized on the completion of the shalamcheh basra railway , the minister of economy and finance in the joint
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economic commission of the two countries considered the construction of the shalamcheh basra railway and the development of industrial towns to be the priority of iran's economic plans and said that there is no limit to the cooperation of the two countries as business partners. does not exist. shalamcheh to basra is a 32 km route from south of iran to south of iraq, the route that is supposed to connect the two countries of iran and iraq. this time through the railway. shalamche basra railway line, which is one of the most important corridors and routes to be launched. it has many benefits for both countries. currently, the railway line in iran has been extended to shalamcheh. in iraq, there is a railway line from basra to karbala and baghdad. this means that by connecting the shalamcheh railway to basra, the missing link of the railway network between iran and iraq
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will be completed. a plan that, after four decades of efforts by different governments of iran and iraq, finally fell on the ground in arbaeen 1402. with the name of hazrat. made this railway line has four stages, demining operations in the territory of the two countries that own the desired land. in iraq , the construction of a movable bridge over the arvand river and the construction of a 32- kilometer railway line. four steps that are being pursued at the same time. so far, about four kilometers of demining has been done in two countries. the equipment of arvand mobile bridge construction workshop has also been completed , the first part of 16 km is at our disposal. the second 16 km is in the possession of the iraqi side, which is supposed to do the infrastructure and russian construction, and the third part, which is the part of the movable bridge, is in the form of an elevator. about one kilometer in the middle of basra from the island sinbad will be done, the iraqi side is also in the process
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of acquiring the lands, it was established that all the desired lands will be delivered within the next month, as the minister of roads and urban development says, the company that will build the 32 km railway line has also been appointed, and iranian companies are also supposed to help. for the construction of 32 km shalamcheh to basra train , it will move at least 3 million passengers and pilgrims between iran and iraq every year. razie aghaei, sed and sima news agency. the secretary of the iran coal producers association announced the import of half a million dollars worth of coal last year. mr. samadi added: iran 12 it has billion tons of geological reserves of coal, but 90% of coal mines remain unused . mr. samadi said that mandated pricing has effectively stopped investment in the sector. almost last year, 600 million dollars were spent on
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importing coal and its derivatives from the country , and it was half the price, not the free price, and while we have at least 90% of this, if the conditions were provided , if the price was the real price, the producer would spend for it. definitely, a significant part of this departure will be stopped. you know, in the 8 years of the sacred defense period, not one kilo of coal entered the country in the past, the price of domestic coal was 5,900,000 tomans, and the price of imported coal was 16,300,000 tomans. this is 16,300,000 tomans. the volume of gold bullion deposit certificate transactions in the commodity exchange has exceeded five tons. this volume of transactions is equivalent to more than 681,000 pieces of gold coins have been minted for the whole of azadi, and more than 1850 billion tomans of liquidity
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have been attracted to this market. gold bullion certificate of deposit transactions were measured in the one-piece systems of the iran commodity exchange from the end of 1401. we have reached the end of this news section. thank you for your companion, god bless you. in the heart of new york city, where the science of thought waves columbia university, as usual, regarding important international developments.
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it stands proudly and firmly as the center of bold thoughts and ideas, and today, once again , not because of scientific achievements, but because of taking brave and open positions regarding the events in gaza , it is at the top until the slogan all palestine belongs to palestinians. in this way , there have been widespread protests and controversies that have gone beyond the borders of this university and have been extended to other universities in america and europe. columbia university that in most matters between the international community is present and expresses its views . today, by supporting gaza , it has caused israeli and american anger, as well as creating a gap between american political figures, and the protests in this university have become a source of fire to other american universities in many states of this country. the country has spread
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and has even reached european universities by crossing the atlantic ocean. in dealing with these protests, the security forces abandoned all the principles of democracy and supporting the right to peaceful demonstrations, and under the slogan of fighting anti-semitism , all slogans were filled. the mask of the true face and suppression garneh, the biggest supporter of syrian human rights in the world , left. their behaviors. it is also completely autocratic and oppressive and dictatorial, especially when it comes to israel, who believe in their dreams that they are god's children and loved ones and therefore do not shy away from any kind of genocide and do not recognize any international law. they know and do not adhere to any moral principles.
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced: groups of anti-semitic elements took control of top universities. they demand the destruction of israel and to the students and jewish members of the delegations they attack scientifically. such a thing is reminiscent of the events that happened in the last few decades in german universities. these things must be stopped. israeli defense minister yoav galant announced. protests in american universities not only. it is anti-semitic , but it also incites terrorism. i say to my jewish brothers and sisters that we support you . american authorities and universities must act to defend jewish youth. israel's minister of immigration and absorption, ofer sover, has announced the tsunami of anti-semitism in american universities, where
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jews are prevented from entering academic institutions. it can be done. and it is a reminder of the dark ages. american authorities must act decisively against violent and anti-semitic protesters. this fear of israel is not unfounded. rather, it is the result of examining the long history of protests in american universities , which had a great impact on the political and social arena of america. in addition , they were a turning point in the struggle for civil rights and social justice , including opposition to the vietnam war and the apartheid regime in south africa, and the civil rights movement that helped end discrimination against african americans . the most famous student protests in america, it refers to the spring of 1968, during
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which more than 1,000 students at harvard university, where a large number of african students were studying, took control of the university's administrative building. demonstrators demanded that the university focus on the history and culture of african americans, create a justice system that includes students, and also cancel all punishments against students who participated in previous protests. these protests led to the acceptance of all the students' demands. only one month after that and in the interest of debates in the circles american over the vietnam war, columbia university students
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used a similar protest tactic to demand the cancellation of the university's contract with the center for weapons research and to prevent a gymnasium program in a public park in the predominantly african-american harlem neighborhood. the protesting students occupied some of the buildings of this university for a week, and after that, about 1,000 of the university's security forces intervened to evict them , and during this operation, more than 100 people were injured and more than 700 people were arrested. . most of them on the charge of action. criminal and undisciplined behavior were arrested, but the protests continued until the end of the academic semester, which paralyzed the activities of the university, which had agreed to cancel its relationship with the defense research center. on may 7, 1970, security forces
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killed 4 students at kent state university in ohio. and injured 9 others. this incident had immediate and widespread effects, and after that , student protests were ignited in the country, which caused the closure of hundreds of universities and colleges, and shooting in kent as a symbol of political differences and divisions. it became a deep social transformation that the country was dealing with during the vietnam war. one of the deputies of varshad. led to the overthrow of the nixon administration. in 1985, thousands of students
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gathered on campus to protest uc berkeley's business relationship with the apartheid south african regime. protests at the university of california eventually led to the withdrawal of billions from the racist government in july 1986. the university's board of trustees voted to withdraw $3.1 billion from companies that work with the country, the largest ever. the case of withdrawing funds it was a university in america. after his release in 1990, nelson mandela made a special trip to thank students and faculty for their role in the fight against racism. and he called these people his blood brothers and sisters. in 2014, harvard medical school students
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announced their support for the black lives matter movement, and in response to barris' acts of violence against african-americans , they participated in symbolic protests known as the dineen, during which participants lay on the ground and pretended that this protests in response to two court orders to ban the project criminal charges have been filed against police officers involved in two controversial murders of two african-americans. these two people were michael brown from missouri state and eric garner from new york. these two incidents caused intense anger in american society and led to protests within the framework of the black lives matter movement, which was started to condemn police brutality and organized racial discrimination against african americans.
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student protests against the gaza war started at columbia university. hundreds of students gathered in the university campus. student protests in america intensified and its scope expanded to other universities. tents have been set up at columbia, new york, georgetown, george washington and the university of texas at austin. these protests have spread to universities in spain and france, and the police intervened to disperse students who had set up dozens of tents on the university campus in france. the students of american universities, who witness the protests, demand a permanent ceasefire. and stopping american military aid to israel and withdrawing the funds of american universities from arms exporting companies and other companies that
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the war was exploited. they also demanded the cancellation of measures against professors and students who were punished or expelled due to protests. and now the question is whether the student protests with. it will do its job and will lead to stopping the humanitarian disaster in gaza. after the students, now the high school students of france have also joined the pro-palestinian movements and against the crimes of the zionist regime. unions of students and teachers. in france , they announced in an announcement: monday and tuesday , they will block high schools all over france and join the anti-zionist student movement. at the same time, emmanuel macron
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in a conversation with two french publications, the french president strongly condemned the actions of the pro-palestinian student movement. there is a genocide going on. we must expose it at any cost. the important thing is that they don't pressure us. these days, french students play the main role in anti-zionist demonstrations and gatherings. we participated in the demonstrations because of the problems of the palestinian people. we know that palestine existed since 2000 years ago. israel is a colonialist regime that
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has usurped the palestinian land since 1948. in the last 2112 days, the french government made every effort to silence the voice of oppression palestine should not be heard. from the banning of demonstrations to the inspection of representatives and the last case, preventing the entry of qasan abusita, an english palestinian doctor, who was invited by the senate of this country to testify about the situation in gaza at the shard and gol paris deportation airport. the spread of popular protests in western countries against the zionist regime is at a time when the western governments smothered the smallest anti-zionist voice in the bud .
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electronic election is a system for obtaining electronic votes with the highest security and protection factor it has a significant effect in increasing accuracy, speed and reducing costs. therefore, based on successful experiences in the world, as well as four constituencies in the first phase , in the second phase of the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council, this system will be used in eight constituencies. the voter must bring one of his national identity card documents, certificate, end of service card, passport or birth certificate that contains the national number, so that the officer, after checking the original document and verifying the identity, will issue a voting authorization card. which has the same ruling as the ballot paper, to provide him with it. in this the voter should go to one of the electronic boxes to obtain a special authorization card
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to vote on the spot. and do not move it until the vote registration is complete. after a few seconds, the vote registration page containing the names of all the candidates will be seen on the screen. the voter can register his vote by choosing the candidates he wants from the screen, which will be marked with green color after selection . after choosing the desired candidates, the voter should key. press the green color to complete the vote and if you are sure, in order to confirm finally, press the green key again. the special vote is stored in the memory of the device and a copy of it is printed and shown to him under the glass case, then the ballot is thrown into the plastic case under the cash register. now , what should be done if the voter makes a mistake when choosing the desired candidates? here before the final registration can.
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remove the desired candidate from the selection by pointing again or start correcting from the last selection by pressing the red correction key. at the end , the voter takes the voting permit card that has been used and is invalid, and gives it to the attendant at the door the same delivery branch will receive your identity documents. but some points about the security and protection of this election method of the electronic ballot box, which is not connected to any network, so no one knows the results of the votes until the end of the legal voting time and breaking the device's seal and emptying its memory. in addition, since the voting authorization card does not contain the voter's information, it is not possible to identify who each person voted for, and your vote will remain completely confidential.
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information technology committee of ant.


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