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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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if you were present, before the elections started in some provinces, we had a limited number of cases, of course, it was a case, but i have many cases and the same case. it seemed that this person should not be in this position in this constituency, this was done, which means more clearly, for example, a manager who has a bias .
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let's take care that this is about the health issue of all the complaints of the members of the branches, which we strongly insisted should be sent to the respected guardian council. many from the center of the country or from the provinces
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now to the provinces and constituencies that were possible, well, some of the cities were recounted, and in some places , it was found that the votes were not checked. this is that we basically have no right to act other than this . this is why we are supposed to do this, for example . this means that we really have to ask ourselves a question. what should we do here, this is really a point that we did not allow ourselves to no one allowed us to. in the second stage
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, we chose the same path , we did a thorough field investigation, if there is any point, my rule is that if there is someone, they will be warned first . midan means that all this has been predicted and god willing , this path will continue with strength . finally, when a branch is taken, for example , the person whose ex is being questioned should be matched with the vote inside the box. for example, the protest went to the ballot box, it was recounted . everywhere, the law is that if there is a complaint of violations to the extent that it affects the fate of the votes, this is in the opinion of the guardian council , of course, not our opinion.
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the guardian council decides how to act according to this law. we may have or have cases that are our case , for example , we have moved some elements of the branches, for example, or we have said that they will no longer be used. accepted should be its duty is to perform these three sections, the third section is the executive branches. and the observers, the observers in your head, that is, the guardian council , if he feels that someone needs to think for him, he will definitely do the same. yes, mr. shahcheri, you mentioned something about the role of sada and vasima at the beginning of the program. what was the effect of this new role of sada and vasima in the elections? in spite of all the enemy's efforts
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, sedasima is one of the places that has maintained media authority in different dimensions in the country, and we should congratulate sedasima and our people are paying attention to this sector based on intelligence and tact. despite all efforts the enemy of sedasima, i believe it did a great job in the first phase of the election. after all, it's easy to say . now you are more technical than us . you know better than us that 200 local networks should come up according to the constituencies. how much does this work? you have to make a plan for it. ok, i said, you know better than us , to be fair, the national media and sedasima left no stone unturned, and the news that i have now is also equal to the orders that the supreme authority and leadership have in their meetings , thanking all the groups and devices that
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are involved, definitely sedasima. one of those devices it was a very good event. now, not only television , this possibility of competition for everyone, how much effect did it have in making the elections more fair and the opportunity to compete is equal, basically, this is what caused it, that is, electoral justice and justice in the competition , this was the principle. sometimes it was brought up, well, for example, this gentleman has some goods , after all, for example, he has abilities , what should he do if he can't get them, then this is at the level of the whole country, that is , all of you in the remotest villages of this country can see who they can choose if they want. this was a big event. congratulations to sesada vasima. ok i worked hard, we had many meetings. respected head of the organization, friends who were involved in the issue in various meetings, in the executive board, in the guardian council,
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in many meetings, well, they came and explained that it was a difficult task from a technical point of view . now definitely. but what we got from the floor of the square are the people's opinions of the leaders of the organizations. first of all, of course, i expressed my gratitude and it was really a very good event . god willing, i hope that of course, in the second stage , considering that there are 22 constituencies left. it was from the capacity of the provincial radio stations this is more capacity. provides for volunteers. this was destined to happen and this will definitely be an experience that will bring better things to the next courses, god willing. in addition, i would like to say that in sada sima, it was not only sada sima and networks. the capacity of television social networks,
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the collection that is available, all these come to the field. yes. i would like to say that there is another discussion about the conditions of participation in the elections for the voters. however, there is one point in this election that you should pay attention to. the law says that anyone can participate in the elections of a constituency. we are based here. we set up a constituency for those who vote in the same constituency, for example, if someone voted in shiraz in the first stage , they cannot vote in tehran, then those who vote in any constituency in the same constituency can
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vote, this is not in the branch, for example. if the constituency of alborz, which is karaj, is fardis, and the city of its satellites, for example, someone voted in fardis , he can go to kore, the constituency is not a branch. those who did not vote anywhere in the country, for whatever reason, it was not possible for them, these two groups can vote, well, this information has been loaded in the systems, that is, if i have voted in a constituency other than tehran, i will go to tehran on friday at 8 am. i definitely don't accept the machine because the program given to the authentication machine is for those who vote in the electoral district of tehran, shemiranat, islamshahr and pardis, and all those who do not vote anywhere in the country are here in shiraz, but the information
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of shiraz is in kermanshah. i would like to say that abadan is the same in the east and in every country, wherever the vote is going to be if it is accepted, these two groups can vote and pay attention to this. there is another point. at this stage, which was the same in the first stage , they can vote with these five identity documents, of course people , now i have to look again, i think more than 80 people voted with national cards. national is easier and more up-to-date, transparent, easy to read, of course , you can read all five documents, the device has no restrictions , so you must have one of these five documents that has a national code. id card is ok, passport is ok, yes, it is the end of the service
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certificates and national cards, but people have shown their desire to participate with national cards more in this election, so this is a point that he should participate in this stage too , god willing. i would like to state here that yes, it is assumed that, for example, in the branch where this machine is used, especially where electronic elections are held, the machine that we want to vote for did not work for any reason due to a technical problem. of course, i said that we saw an average of 3, 8, and 4 electronic ballot boxes for each branch in the country, but we assume that now a province will recognize it and put a doubt in the branch. if not, why first of all, we put reserve forecasting devices. the closest point to the branches will be reached in a short period of time . we do not assume at all. we
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have provided electronic voting photos for all branches, in case the members of the branch are recognized and approved by the supervisory board of the provincial executive group and the constituency, they can vote in the event that there is no possibility of correction or , for example, it is not possible to lose time. josh, the information is given to the members of the branch, the branch manager and the branch supervisor, the governor of the supervisory board of the complex involved, they know that this is predicted, so it seems it turns out that all this is for convenience, that is, people should not be delayed, either from the beginning to the end . it has been done and, god willing, it will be done
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. mobile polling stations will still be held in places where elections are held electronically, in the same way. it doesn't matter whether it's electronic or non-electronic, we are barracks, elderly care centers, people who want to vote are not allowed to leave their homes.
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of course, time is important and predictions are made. we even we put the summation in the first stage, which of the cities had the most demand for the presence of the mobile fund. well, added to this number in those cities. yes, this is predicted. the electronic cash register is the same. because the width there is a network and it is established and the work is done, but the fund itself is not connected. yes , please tell me about the process after holding the elections . on the 7th of june, the new parliament of the 12th parliament must
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be formed from friday to the 7th of june. how many days do we have? yes, it is a short distance. 9, 10, 17 days, the law provides that when the election is confirmed for the candidates. by the executive board and the board for the supervision of that constituency, an election confirmation card is issued, for example, this man or woman with so many votes is approved by the members of the executive board and the supervisory board. it comes in 5 copies , one copy is given to the individual, and one copy is given to the council. dear guardian , it will be placed under the control of the qur'an province. well , the second stage was supposed to be held on the first of the seventh
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. for the seventh, well, the seventh and the fourteenth, a section was discussed it was the entrance examination, i think it was the 7th grade, if i'm not mistaken, it was the entrance exam, then we saw it. well , maybe it's hard for the students , it's for the people and their families . fourteenth, there was another observation that didn't happen. the field of preparations has been prepared in such a way that, god willing , we will deliver the card we need to issue in the constituency and deliver it to the parliament and deliver it to the honorable guardian council based on the approval of the honorable guardian council , god willing, this will reach the 7th of khordad. timing anyway
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there may be complaints. yes, it is foreseen. see , the law has allowed 7 days, which is according to the law. at this time, god willing, we have given these 45 people their cards. we have now given the 245 people their cards . the work was almost new, which was done this time , that is, in a better way. it has been done, god willing, with the coordination that has been made, this will reach the 7th of khordad, god willing, and let me tell you that you have a weather forecast, yes, we are in the first stage. well, we had some problems. of course, we no longer
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have the conditions of march because a cold came, for example, we were in south khorasan. the cold that came in south khorasan was really unexpected. according to a gentleman, people called and said that we could not leave the house until 9 in the morning. at this stage, our conditions are not those conditions. there are two places where, if there is a case, this is because the weather in the provinces and the good capacities in the country have been given. a forecast has been made. if there is a need, the capacity of the helicopter should be used. a reserve has been seen for it, that is, if autonomy is foreseen the reserve has also been seen. there is also a point . the people are really strange. i will say this sincerely with everyone, god willing. if there are no people, then we are not really what is effective, what is moving forward is the grace of god and then
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the presence of the people at all. people hold elections , we have several hundreds in the first stage. a thousand people in the city are supervisors, people, teachers, clerics, students, professions , workers, farmers, that is, really, this is the people , this is what we are now, we have 1150 dinars at the branch, for example, now my employee is dead, but for example, when we say employee, we say that this is not the case, people are helping each other. 40 in the second stage, 40 % of the presenters are women. the election is one of the hundred tasks of the ladies. well, alhamdulillah, this is a blessing that, god willing , we should be grateful for and we will do our duty . god will provide, and god willing, things will continue with the same strength. very well, the campaigns of the candidates will end at 8:00 a.m. on thursday. god willing
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, they should be ready after that and people should prepare themselves, god willing, and on friday, from 8 am to 6 pm. yes, very well, thank you very much, mr. shahcheri, honorable political deputy minister of the interior, secretary to the head of the national election headquarters, for inviting us you accepted and answered our and the people's questions about your elections. if you are in cities and constituencies where the elections have been extended to the second stage, then you probably got the answers to many of your questions in this program. good night and good times. a solar cell is a system that can receive solar energy and convert it into electricity. several solar panels
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are needed to generate enough electricity to power a household. like the leaf of solar cells, it is the right way to directly convert the sun's rays into electricity that we can use. and now the young elites of iran have invented a juicy solar cell. from the first year of research provided by the school. we had a concern , what is the concern, iran is actually prohibited from importing solar cells, and since the new science is almost emerging , we started making different types of solar cells and gave ideas until we were able to invent a type of solar cell. the choice of the name of the juicy solar cell is that we used fruits such as raspberries, blueberries and raspberries in this weather where there are no clouds at all. the best we could get. the status of this the invention is cheap and high efficiency.
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our cell can convert 87% of the energy of sunlight into electricity, but the point that it can compete in the market is that the cost we spent to make this cell is the minimum cost, and compared to other examples, it is very expensive. it is lower and the efficiency compared to the price is very high . how long did it take you to actually produce this product ? well, in fact, this research had two phases : research and construction. we spent three months just researching it to see what to do and what material to use. it can be used so that we can actually have one to have a correct future, that is, the future of what we are doing, to be able to actually predict if we go this way or not, 3 months were spent on this and we continue. we spent all this time in making it, that is, we tested different materials and we were able to optimize the most optimized one. in fact, we have the most optimized one here. these two
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teenagers are looking to export their solar cell to the global market in addition to selling it in the domestic market. we tried our best to optimize it. 67% of the cell in the world that is used in the world is the monocrystalline type. in fact , we put this as the center of saqal and compared it to that cell of my sun. what can we do to make it better than this? what can we do so that the people of the world can use this and if we can grow it in iran? we can grow it, well, after actually using different parameters of different materials that could be used, we were able to actually register this solar cell until a month ago, and this optimized sample of the solar cell is a monet, god willing, the peak of our success will grow this will be the solar cell in the world. ahmad amin fard radio news agency. production of
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diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. we can refer to technicium 99 as a widely used field of diagnosis. that this technician itself 9.
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iranian products that can compete with foreign samples are competing with major countries in the world such as america and germany in clinical trials , and they have achieved very good results in this field. these are part of the achievements of the nuclear industry , which is on the edge of it is the effort of all domestic and young scientists of our own country . the countries will be presented. i hope that the respected students and professors will exchange the information that exists. to be able to take necessary measures for the progress of nuclear activities. of course, now that they are present here, professors from all universities , institutes and industries are present here. there are
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also people from foreign countries who are present here , god willing, which hopefully will be useful. holding this nuclear event, according to the deputy director of planning of the atomic energy organization, can bring scientific advancement. these are based on the activities carried out in the organization in the past few years information will be provided, and this exchange of alliances will make a certain amount of scientific belief universal , and also our country, this is the first conference, as the head of the iran nuclear association says. universities in our country participated in the process of judging articles and 420 articles were accepted as articles that could be presented in the conference. the 3rd
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national nuclear conference of iran. the first international conference of nuclear science and technology 2024 will be held in four sections: scientific lectures, posters, exhibitions and specialized round tables. it can be said that this is unprecedented for our nuclear complex. in terms of content. in the round table, more than 80 scientific speakers from the university, industry, as well as many of these speeches with the participation of foreign researchers, considering that now in the world and in the field of nuclear technology, the discussion of the development of the use of annihilation radiation is very welcome. in this section, we had the most articles, and most of our speakers are in this field. mohammad ali sohilpour, isfahan broadcasting news agency.
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each of us should put as much as we have in the middle so that the work goes on. i was going to put everything we have in the middle
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. my new job is more money, how come we just barely provided the ruby ​​base , you had a ruby, and you didn't say that ruby ​​is the education with which we can increase our money and go to work with peace of mind, how should we proceed, just go to the nations credit institute let's ask for more than what we give and take and start work, prosperity is easy. with the aid of the nations, the yaqut-e-malli plan, specially for businesses , of the malli credit institution, art takes us to a world of colors and patterns, knots are woven into knots. until a carpet becomes permanent, the city of farsh is the place of the most precious art of iranian handwork with the advice of the most expert experts. the price is suitable for every
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purchase price. at 8:30 p.m., we are at your service with some news. afghanistan's transit exploitation of chabahar port, director general of ports and maritime affairs of sistan baluchistan province said: taliban have invested 35 million dollars in chabahar free zone to build a 25-story residential, commercial and helting tower. according to mr. askari, the installation, due to the confinement .


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