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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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madam, you mentioned that it has been implemented in the government and its implementation works, we said that friends in the province and in the center should announce that my dear people should be informed. yes , thank you very much. i have a question in this area, see mr. president, people really seem to need social vitality now, and the government should take measures in this regard. social in society and help to these cultural fields , which can be symbolized by music, can be movies and theater. what program does the government have on the agenda? those that we in the
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less privileged areas are not deprived, i don't say disadvantaged , have been created during this period. when i went to kurdistan, for example , i saw the cultural officials of kurdistan. creation of books , cultural works, centers that created halls the whole country has multiplied this. cultural presence halls in different departments and exhibition halls and the works that you mentioned, for example, about the book fair, dear, let me tell you that last year, we sold one million and 600 thousand books only to the villages, not only to us in astana. the book fair, i say, is only in tehran, and if someone can reach the book fair, not with their mobile phones , they would announce the need from here, the book would be sent to them, the background would be provided, and those facilities and support would be provided for the student, the student, the
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professor . it was also done there, that is, the village and the center city tehran was no different from each other in this respect, this year it is planned to be completely able to have distributive justice and cultural justice. you see, in the direction of social vitality, 25 million people attended cultural events last year. the various activities that have been done in cinemas in different centers and being present in different cultural arenas are manifestations of social vitality. it is very important for us to be present in sports centers. this is one of the effects there are good things, but people don't have problems , they don't have problems, but when 9 million pilgrims of hazrat reza, peace be upon him, go to the grave of hazrat reza, whether during eid or after eid, this is a manifestation
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of the people's vitality and the spiritual spirit of the people. even if they don't have a problem, the government considers itself obliged to solve various problems for the society , and to try to produce a better car that is under the feet of this pilgrim, and to try to improve the food available to him . from the beginning to the beginning, he can have a pleasant pilgrimage or a good trip that's all. it is a work that is being done , the statistics of trips, these are all manifestations of social vitality , but this is not enough. the government should take more steps to create social vitality, especially among the young generation, especially among women and men, girls and boys. very good efforts have been made. but these efforts are not enough. there are plans of the government, which , god willing, will definitely strive for more social vitality in this direction, and the actions that have been taken in this regard. maybe he can
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solve a part of this need, god willing. haj agha, if you allow me, i want to talk about a topic it is a concern of many people, especially respectable ladies , that i should talk to you. the dear people of iran, especially iranian women and girls, have always been known for their modesty and chaste life. now, especially in recent years, the issue of modesty and hijab is a very important issue for almost all the people of iran . various plans have been implemented in these years, even new plans that we faced during this time , but some people still complain. they are concerned about this issue, what is the plan of the government to be able to do something in this field so that people can live in a healthy, clean and chaste society. fortunately, the women of our country throughout history always respect modesty and hijab.
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they were committed and their adherence to values ​​has always been unspoken. even now they have the same attention to hamdallah. well, for example. hijab and modesty is both a shariah duty and a legal duty due to the fact that the law is clear in this regard, now there may be people who do not have the same strictness towards sharia places, but in the end, in a country ruled by law , naturally, everyone must adhere to the law and be law-abiding. the main thing is that the government is concerned about what the law is about it should be noted and we believe that the enemy is seeking to humiliate our society and our society, our people and our religious people, will not allow the enemy to
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achieve this goal. and they have their beliefs, and if they pay little attention or are not paying attention. it is natural that they should be paid attention to pay attention to this principle. there are also people who seek to mess up with a plan. yes, in fact , they are the law-abiding environment of the society. naturally, they also have their place. it is their own responsibility for those people who have a plan at all, that is , they come with a plan to break the rules, naturally, the legal rules are clear. the task of the institutions in this regard is clear and specific. i think that today, with the atmosphere in our society, paying more attention to modesty, chastity, and hijab is more than ever, and to this plan of the enemy, who seeks to reduce modesty in our society, more than ever. it has already been noted that the government
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must fulfill its legal duty in this regard , both in relation to the administrative bodies that are under the control of the government and those that are in some way related to the government. it is related to the environment that is related to the government and the sectors that are public. naturally, our dear people will pay attention to the issue of hijab and modesty. there are institutions such as the judicial police and cultural institutions. you see, we have a solution in the wake of the cultural revolution, where more than 20 institutions have been assigned the task of cultural institutions. other agencies also have duties, and in my opinion, if all the agencies have the duties specified in the law, they will fulfill their duties on time we think that we will not have any problems in this regard, god willing. the government considers itself obliged to adhere
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to the law and pursue the implementation of the law . very well, thank you. let's return to politics, mr. president, on the eve of the election. second. we are in the twelfth term of the islamic council elections, and the remaining 45 representatives should be chosen by the people in this round of elections, god willing. first of all, if you have any questions about the parliamentary elections, please let me know. my question is, what are the government's expectations from the new parliament? how to satisfy the composition of the new parliament. the basis of the institutions in our country is the popular vote , one of the honors of the system and that all institutions are formed by the people's vote. strong and in fact
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will be followed by a strong implementation without doubt, therefore the formation of the twelfth parliament is very important, dear people. we should participate in the elections, but complete what we have already done by voting for a number of representatives who should be elected. god willing, the parliament will be formed in its own time. may they be able to take steps to serve the people and solve the problems of the country with coherence and unity and with the cooperation between the government and the parliament. you see today , the people expect the same from the government regarding their economic issues, social issues and culture. naturally , the cooperation of the state assembly is very important here, and i hope that this mid-term election will be held in a glorious manner, although, since it is actually a mid-term election , some people may say that since we participated in the first
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election, we won't vote again. we gave it, why should we do it twice or the task has been solved, i believe that we should not he completed the assignment, why compared to the number. you have voted for the representatives, you have made it to the parliament , and there are still a few more, for example, tehran, half of the required representatives, still need to be more than the ratio of 16 people, yes. 16 more people , our dear people, must vote, god willing, they will be elected in the parliament , 40 representatives, 45 representatives must be elected. i want our loved ones in the constituencies . we will be able to form a strong parliament at the appointed time, god willing, and cooperate the government and the parliament can move things forward, god willing.
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we have production on our agenda. please tell us what measures the government has taken in this regard and so that , god willing, the slogan of the year, which is a very important slogan , will come true and it will grow. creating real employment, which people also now say , not real, because the rest is unreal , now whatever causes this employment , it is better to find an objective. building housing. now you asked the question about employment . look, i said at the beginning of the government that we should let's create one million jobs a year. now, i said this at the beginning of the government. during my election, i said
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that it should be created. again, the country's need is like housing. if it is not created, some people will be unemployed. it means that with the amount that is going through the government now, for almost 3 years, the government has been able to fulfill its promise every year. do it and we have one million jobs in the calculations that the ministry of welfare, labor and social affairs has accurately determined with the actual number that has been created in some of our provinces, the unemployment statistics have reached 5% of employment. employment in some of our provinces is not a serious problem, but in some of our provinces , when i had a meeting of governors and ministers a few days ago
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, there are 3 or 4 provinces with high unemployment rates, and we said that special attention should be paid there. what the government has done, thousands of workshops and factories have been closed and closed . these ancestors themselves are employed. when i enter bandar abbas, i go straight to the shipbuilding factory . they say, sir, i don't know . it means that there were 400 workers in 2017, 40 of them, 400, and one of them actually lost his wife he got a divorce, one of them took his child out of university, one of them suffered addiction, and another problem. well, these are the problems that unemployment brings, but now when we left , a worker went behind the podium and gave a speech and said, "i am speaking with the same worker's language. today, our factory has 500 workers. targeting by the managers." when we asked thousands of workers , why did you sleep at home? they said, "sir, sanctions are not possible with sanctions. what
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is needed in this factory is steel, what is this , what does it need, that is, outside of this." the country is completely capable of being supplied in the country alhamdulillah, the road has been measured. for example , in all the provinces where i go , there are factories that have been set up, that is , a factory that has been operating for 5 years, for example, 10 years ago, 15 years ago. we have seen that these factories are the last statistics to be announced for me. there are nearly 9 thousand factories that have actually entered the production cycle and this is a very satisfying place. therefore, our employment statistics are the same one million jobs that we said every year. first of all, the government is not behind what it promised and this factory and the work of workshops the fact that it has been activated will help us to have a better work situation than before
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. the unemployment statistics have also decreased. it has been reported on channel 7d and these are almost 8 in some cities of our provinces. we are committed to creating job opportunities especially for the educated ones, god willing, you will see what the supreme leader said: the companies of academics should increase slightly, and in fact, the day we started the government, we had 5,000 academics , and today we are at your service. we have 10 thousand companies of active scientists. well, this has doubled our scholars and these are the educated people. there is a field for a job in the country . and the activity in
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our country is quite adequate in relation to the payment of education with the same fund that should support the scientific work. the fund should support the entrepreneurship that we have activated that can provide financial support, legal support, and legal support from various sectors. let's have a day in the country where there will be no unemployed, the job field will be fully provided for all those who are looking for work, and my production will also increase . see, we are the day when the government we started with, for example, 750,000 cars , today we are producing 1,30,000 cars. again, our manufacturers are increasing their activities. the leadership said that we should increase production. our producers and entrepreneurs
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are working hard in our various fields let's see today's production, not just production. assume that i mostly used industrial production as an example. in the field of agriculture, our growth was negative. in agriculture, the 5th and 6th tenths were negative. we have the production of basic goods in the country in various fields of agriculture, mining industry , thank god, we are doing good things in the country. there is action and it is being done, and these are all signs that the government is working and the people are fully aware that the government is working , and therefore we need the support of the people from god's blessings. we know that in this people's participation, which the leader said, we believe that people's participation is possible, which i
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emphasized to our government men, firstly by empowering the private sectors that are active in this field, secondly, by removing production obstacles and thirdly, with those sectors that are potentially active but actually cannot do anything. these should be identified and followed up, which is on the agenda of the government for people's participation, and one of the very important sectors that can help the government and help the country are cooperatives. ok, i have some tips for those i am not bothered by criticism at all , i believe that constructive and reformative criticism can definitely help the government, but today these statistics that i am giving regarding the issue of reducing inflation or increasing employment or increasing production, well, these are the statistics that are the external statistics. sometimes they trust
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me to say the international monetary fund, eight indicators. the international monetary fund has announced that the country's economy has these 8 indicators this year. i will share three indicators here, one is economic growth, two is the growth of trade and exports in the country, and the third is the reduction of inflation. the international monetary fund also has other sectors. global their prediction is that our indicators clearly show a decrease in inflation, in fact. the control and reduction of liquidity growth in the country, clearly show the monetary base, show the increase in production , and show our economic indicators clearly show this. see, for 10 years, our economic growth in the country has been below 1%, be average, i say it may have been higher for one year, but the average economic growth 10 years before this government was below 1%, now since the
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first year it is 44 5%, now this year we have 6 more than 6% economic growth. we are growing production. the enemy did not want this country to grow production and economic growth alhamdulillah, with the efforts of the people, with the efforts of the youth, with the service of the government, this work will continue. after this, god willing, we will definitely have signs of growth and progress in the country. the reason why the enemy is angry with our country is because we are progressing. the supreme leader of the revolution said that the reason for the enemy's hatred towards the country is that they did not want our country to grow with sanctions and threats, but our youths turn sanctions and threats into opportunities for growth, so some heads of state sometimes they are surprised , they say, we are surprised by a country that has sanctions and threats how did such a growth happen in it
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? our country is an advanced and technological country. indeed, an advanced country . iran is strong and what can stand against the enemy is iran. strong iran must be strong. it needs a strong industry, strong mining, strong agriculture. strong sports and this strength in all areas. can you show the strong iran to the world day by day , thank god , we see different manifestations of this strong iran today, and the government is also building it, with the help of the people, in order to implement the policies that the leadership of the islamic revolution has repeatedly announced for the government. hi announcing different things to us in public meetings or in the form of written policies announced to the government is to implement these strongly and we know the country's prosperity. in the same group, it is the implementation of policies and it will surely follow the progress of the country , but now we are witnessing progress and in different areas
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, all my departments should help. help everyone is important, this big move that was done as a sincere promise , we had this national consensus , we had national cohesion, this cohesion can help everyone. i emphasize to my country that all people, all parties , groups, holding different political, social , and cultural viewpoints should know that in this country they should work hand in hand and the government should serve the nation , the republic should serve the entire nation, even those who may not have voted for me. i know myself as their servant and i feel responsible towards them and this is my duty. therefore, the country is developing. we see the effects of progress in the country. the enemy also sees these developments, that's why he is making enemies , everyone should help, god willing, we can
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make this train of progress faster and definitely. know that this will be a blessing for the country and the dear youths and the future of the country, that we have a bright future for the country . according to the interpretation of hazrat agha, it should be said that this conversation has taken time and of course we still have many questions that can be asked . god willing, i hope that in the not too distant future we will witness the 11th live conversation of his highness. this was the 10th conversation that was held with his highness . with viewers from your excellency sir, thank you to those who base the receivers of the petitions should pay attention to our promise. we are loyal to our promise to you people. the government has always
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been true to its promises and we will be . your wishes, your needs, your concerns are our issue. the issue is our government's work. it is different from the living conditions of the people and the demands of the dear young people. at the same time, i always find myself in need of attending people's gatherings, which is one of the manifestations of the people's government. we can be together, god willing, and with national cohesion and unity. god willing, we will continue the journey together sure. know that as you have disappointed and frustrated the enemy nation so far , your presence, bravery and
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resistance, dear people, can boost islamic iran more than this, god willing, and the government will always serve you, dear people. especially the dear young men and women know, and the almighty god, god willing, we hope for the right of this blessed prophet masoumeh, peace be upon him, to grant our women and girls, to our men, and to our society , that, god willing, they will be able to take great steps towards the development of the country. for the advancement of science and technology may god bless the economy and production in the country . as servants, it is our duty to serve the people, and i consider this service to the people as a servant for myself and an honor for our government. stay alive, god willing. thank you very much, ayatollah raisi, president of the islamic republic of iran, dear people of sarb.
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i am also very grateful to the high and noble people of iran for accompanying us in the 10th direct and frank conversation with the president of the islamic republic of iran. my colleague mr. mehdi gholi and i tried to represent you, dear people, and asked questions from the president. dear islamic republic of iran, let's ask about the promises they made in the election. i hope that we have been successful in this field and you will also be satisfied with our presidency. islamic iran, thank you again and you, dear people , thank you very much for your companionship and attention , dear viewers , i thank my colleagues behind the scenes and in the radio and television organization of the islamic republic of iran. i wish the great nation of iran, who deserve the best, to greet you again and god bless you. farewell.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan with the world, i am with you today. in the first case of tonight's program , we will examine the zionist regime's attack on rafah, and in the second case , we will discuss the continuation of the student uprising in america and europe. we present to you from gaza
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, aka al-hijrat, that is
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, to investigate the zionist regime's attack on rafah in the last couple of days, at the same time that the negotiations were going on, i want to talk to mr. mansour barati , an expert on zionist issues, mr. barati. hashemzadegan dear and also dear viewers of mr. barati's news channel, as i said, while intensive negotiations were being pursued between egypt, qatar, and the united states, and even last night hamas announced its agreement with the package proposed by the mediators, the zionist regime attacked rifa and even the palestinian side occupied the rafah crossing. first , let's start with the negotiations, where exactly did it reach and
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the reaction of hamas.


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