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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am IRST

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this fact is reminding america that you cannot prevent peace, you must agree to a two-state solution, agree to the formation and establishment of palestine , and agree to the capital of east jerusalem, and now america is caught in this situation, and we see that the countries the world, especially the islamic countries, actually have one opinion in this regard. the americans are becoming diplomatically isolated , and this is something they don't want, and we also believe that the united states should no longer make excuses. nations are saying that a two-state solution should be established in my opinion, america should not continue this situation and oppose it. thank you for the question. in conclusion
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, the american foreign policy regarding israel has been a two-party policy, which is now being challenged in public opinion and universities, while it is very, very rare for the american people to make such protests about an issue that is purely foreign policy. to express the question to the street, why is there such a gap between the american government and public opinion, especially the youth?
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this is the reason why we see american politicians getting very corrupt because of that money which is in the middle and that is why they are at odds with the public opinion in many areas, we see that the same lobbies, in fact, the zionist lobby, injects a lot of money to politicians and their campaigns, and that is why there is a gap. between the politicians and the american people, i thank mr. the use of ukrainian fighters was warned by the russian foreign ministry in response to the ukrainian army's announcement of its use. gharib al-waqoo
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announced about the f-16 fighters, because some of these fighters are capable of carrying nuclear weapons, moscow will consider all of them as carrying nuclear weapons. the fighter denmark, holland, norway and belgium have provided hi-f6 for ukraine. russia has also announced that the entry of f-16 into the fleet of the ukrainian air force is a provocative act by the united states and nato. the system of the british ministry of defense was hacked and the personal information of a number of military personnel of this country was revealed. the hacked system had the banking information of british armed forces employees. it is said that the addresses of some army forces were also hacked. the british ministry of defense immediately removed the hacked section. no one or group has yet claimed responsibility for the hacker attack. donald trump said: judge's order.
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he does not run new york and is willing to go to jail for this. a new york court hears trump's accusation of falsifying business records. trump has published the details of his case on social networks several times and has received an arrest warning from the court judge. the new york court also announced that donald trump has insulted this court several times. the president of china called for the strengthening of all strategies between china and the european union. xi jinping, who went on an official trip to paris, the capital of france, in the third meeting french president and european commission president macron said that china and the european union , as two major world powers, should remain partners , continue dialogue and cooperation, and deepen strategic relations. the chinese president also asked europe to strengthen strategic mutual trust and consensus.
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consolidate victory macron also said in this tripartite meeting that the future of the european continent will clearly depend on our ability to continue to develop relations with china in a balanced manner. this trip takes place in the garden of many disputes between china and the european union. following the strike of the employees of parts of the british railway a sign of protest against working conditions and low wages today, rail travel in england is different. this strike will continue on wednesday and thursday. train drivers in england will not drive until saturday next week in the last hour of the night in protest against the lack of wages and working conditions. british media reports that the dispute between the train workers' union and the railway companies in this country has now become the longest dispute between employers and employees. the end of today's part of the world is closed according to
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putin's picture. to respect, to protect, to protect the constitution russian federation, with 88 years. we will continue to pray in our personal prayers, and the most important thing is in our common national church prayer in your life
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congratulations on the lottery festival of washland's new home. the prize for the first place is a two -bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary, bashland is a land full of prizes. ladies and gentlemen now. some time go to the city , buy household goods, put it on the floor, well, well, well, i don't have a check , bye, everyone, bye, no, lady, she doesn't want a check , will you be my guarantor, she doesn't want a guarantor, really.
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prepayment for household appliances. prepayment does not want. a special purchase for dear retirees . social security from the city of appliances . hello, good night. we arrived 5, 6, 7, 8 minutes late to your service. 10 minutes . friends told me to take your time . differently, we will go to our conversation
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with a football man and a honorable sportsman, and only i will say that the reason for our discussion now is the cultural events that happen in the stadiums. and i can say a strange decision that the disciplinary committee gave tonight, that one man made a mistake, thousands of men were sentenced, which means that women were not allowed to enter the stadiums. said
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it has nothing to do with the president of the federation, not with the general secretary, not with the members, president , there is something that is in the clubs, for example , let me tell you that everyone is talking about morality, but we don't see morality, don't doubt that this young man who the people sitting in the stands are under the authority of the leader, the coaches and the managers of the club. when they allow themselves so much
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to interfere in the work of the referees' committee, they say before the game , "we don't want so-and-so referees, so-and-so assistant referees. i don't know what permission a coach or a club has to the federation should write a letter and say that i don't want this . you clearly say esteghlal. anyone , i call everyone. you know that nekonam is one of the children who knows nekonam. how do i know nekonam since i was 12 years old, but the nekonami i knew with the new interviews that they are doing talk a lot about power . where does this power leak from the managers of the board of directors, that the board of directors that does not know how to lead the team, does not know how to lead the coach, does not know how to lead this letter. that you say and now the last one is independence, but it's your custom the clubs are telling us not to do this refereeing for us. we haven't seen anything like this. we haven't seen
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anything like this. i see new things. i just want to say that the power that the coaches get from the board of directors and clubs and the federation is under the question of the committee. i want to see this referee. yes. this referee of esteghlal yesterday and mr. kopal nazimi, yes, what was wrong with the boss. we are doing injustice, i believe, i am saying right now that all the coaches, all the managers of the club are obliged to obey the number of referees, they are obliged to obey the internal referee.
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i say play, go play your game, coach, go coach, if you make a mistake in refereeing, it is one of the rights sure, yes, i am not wrong, you are not wrong, this program is not wrong, why this glass has water up to here, i say this lemon is less or a portrait, i want to tell you that we have eaten many points in this football because of your water. that's why i felt like saying this . look, i want to say something. i witnessed something. my whole life was told. a man named
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salemi from qatar came to tehran to help. he came here very honestly and left very expensive the federation spoke with him in the meeting i spoke with, and the federation spoke with him, mr. salemi, hamid salemi, and it was decided to do this work, why was it done. why was it not done? he is one of the most influential people in preparing qatar's stadiums for the 12th world cup. an iranian and a patriot. he served so much . it happened that in the preparation of the stadiums that were created in qatar, the qatari government tried to please the government. this riot and chaos, judgments and spectators show the rudeness of some spectators who say, well, they are insulting each other. they will insult me ​​tomorrow, mr. mustafa , let's talk a bit about tonight , we agree that the football federation, considering
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that it is the guardian of football, has a big role in this tension. it is not on the platform, and you also confirm this statement , what is the role of the clubs, the role of the fans and others, how should we bring this peace back to the platform, one day in the year, 2 teams of persepolis esteghlal played, i was the president of the federation, yes, there was chaos. i didn't let morning kill me , i did my job, i suspended 10 or 12 players for that game, which the current head coach of the national team is now with majtama. they got involved in a secret, they were banned, well, and then it subsided for a while. i don't believe in banning and being banned, and players, coaches, and supervisors don't leave football, but at some point, i say that all our troubles are from the platforms.
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how are these platforms? he is guided. see how they are guided. when a great coach comes, how many matches? from the game, they say it's a game in advance, both the police press and esteghlal, it doesn't matter to me, it doesn't matter to me , it doesn't matter to me, it doesn't matter to me, it doesn't matter to me, they say before the game , we want to be champions, sir, who are you to say this, you have to say that the federation does not want us he will become the champion or should you go on the field and become the champion. if you go and score four goals, you will win . can the referee stop you? i will say to football and the federation that we were also fined in the iran -qatram game. we interviewed a kuwaiti referee against him in the same way. afc was not kidding there . we were fined. we may be joking. of course, this disciplinary committee that i see
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is voting on the fine. in my opinion, all these heavy fines. expensive price is not a solution kill those effective people of the teams, like their head coaches, make them like those who are popular , talk to them in the administrative committee, if we continue like this, we won't have a league next year , there will be more riots. they are from this community, ladies, they know that these young children are talking in the middle of the fire, they are talking to anyone who wants tabos, like india, who wants to watch football, they have to make it themselves, accept it , one person made a mistake, 20 people are making a mistake now, why? they should deprive the fans of this place he answers why, look, i agree, dad, you agree. i don't agree at all that someone made a mistake . a spectator may have bought a ticket. dear, he went to his seat . one of my friends is playing. our teacher won the same
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game yesterday. what did mr. hossein say about this? i won't go anymore, there are too many of these people, the solution is not to fine, deprive, destroy. the solution is to work with this great head coach and these leaders who can do both good and bad things. where you read it, they work well, where you don't read it, they don't work well. that 163 kid viewer is full of heat. it is very easy to change it to anything. we do not know how to manage, not us. federations, we are the head coach of the player, we point out the smallest thing, we give a code to everything that starts , tell the audience to curse. therefore , it can't be done like this, neither by depriving it
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, nor by showing a lot of kindness, danish khan. i think that somehow this has become a tactic for the coaches and players. when they are free, everyone talks, there is a regulation , everything has a regulation, in football, there are different regulations, that's why they don't have the right before i saw mr. hashemi nasab saying something, i don't like what you are doing, what you are saying, you want us not to be the champion, you are not a single person, esteghlal has 20 million people, mr. darvish this year, mr. darvish and whoever is the ceo now. today , there are football people, not the federation, the federation is doing its own thing, putting people in clubs who are part of you, you all know
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that i don't even agree with this nonsense , how do you evaluate the removal of mr. khati? i didn't rate khati as good , i rate his removal as bad, mr. khati in asara it was to become a hero. pay attention, i say that if mr. nekonum is becoming a hero, it is a part of his management. khatira, that day when mr. khatir came, he should be given a chance. now that you have allowed different organizations to agree that mr. khatir should come, now that he has come to the team, why should he be put next to someone ? now, why should he be put aside? well, he was going to be the champion of the team. he was going to become a champion. if he becomes a champion with khatin, they can't change him. what are you doing in football? because of this trickery and the right to play, everyone is playing for his own gang, or do you see that the government is possible, thank god for example, mr. askari has a lot of money, but there are a lot of walnuts in my market, this
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walnut is in the account. they are the same government . i am telling you to change the shape , but the inside is the same. should the head coach protest against the referee of the federation, people like you who want from outside football, the tension, the tension that
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is on sek kouh now is too much. from the ground and from the tension from myself, from myself from inside the bench check out the clubs from the inside, especially these big teams like tractor sepahan estahal proposition. i have malkhwan, but his headache is less. the more famous the team is, the more famous you are, you can't. when i see mr. nekona , don't ask him about me. talking about the answer to radio and television, of course, i would like to point out an interview . it was strange and he said to the reporter on the other side , how was the game, sir, and he said, "we didn't see it, how was it, i saw it." i saw it, no, you didn't see it, take a look and see where he came from. the boy has grown up, he has trained well
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, he has had a good coach, behravand has become the best goal in the country , this is not the way to answer . i have to look at where i was 5 years ago. i was, well, be one. he has come in the name of a big club like police, he has cultivated, developed and played with the people, but this is how the people are the servants of my father, without anyone, everyone, the best coach, the best ceo, they should be at the service of the people, they should be at the service of the federation. big clubs don't care mr. mohseni's football has been broadcast a lot and his video has gone viral. a ruling by the disciplinary committee, such rulings, for example , may be implemented in the world's professional football, that 10 years of football and football, now you want to go see beach football , it doesn't ask for a ticket, nothing, you go like that
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, today was yesterday, when was it, i asked for the same game. police, i saw a movie, ticket sales. now we are taking tehran and iran in qaimshahr. it's strange at all. there are still scaffolding and people are jumping over the scaffolding. for example , on the other side, if he hits his beautiful sybil, he won't be able to go to the stadium for 10 years, mr. mustafa. look, we are. giving us something, telling us to stay here , giving us a chair, a pen, we don't know how to use it , that gentleman with whom you went for 10 years, 15 years, did you film with him , went to radio and television, how is he allowed to go and talk to these people, of course there was no radio and television , mr. mustafa, no, be sure of this, not that film from the mobile phone . but what i want to say was broadcasted and went viral. now, with the advent of the virtual network, these words, these troubles are too many, sir. we have to fix the original.
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what is football? what is the essence of people related to football in football? what is the essence of respect? first, the federation, then the referees' committee, then our referees, then the players. for about a minute, i will use your presence. i will use your presence. when you were in the football federation and my national team was successful, now you got the world cup and these rewards for the players. this is a lot of questions. you gave them this for all the cars, sir. yes , when our team went to the world cup , there were a series of rewards from the people of dubai and those questions. gulf it was given to the players, someone was in charge, this was given to them, then we came to iran, the government is concerned with all the players, coaches, assistant coaches, maybe i have the assistant coaches wrong, but with all the players, they took car remittances. going
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to bring very expensive cars. if he goes today, he will go for a test car . he will go for an expensive car. on that day , our players will go and bring the same type of cars. they will bring the same type of cars. we got it and we didn't get it, and for example , i don't know the statistics from you yes, i gave those remittances to mr. bayaghi, and i gave them to mr. aftakari. he also broadcast something to all the players, what is the reserve, what is the first fix for the car, don't you have anything in your pocket for us, sir , no, we didn't take it ourselves. good night, god bless you.
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the president expressed a sense of national pride and consensus in the televised interview of the sadiq operation operation. this effect of iran is strong and can remove the military option from the table. orange warning and weather conditions for the northern provinces of the country, possibility of floods and floods in the provinces of east azerbaijan, west azerbaijan, gilan, mazandaran and ardabil.


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