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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , dear viewers. at 2:00 am, the qassam battalions announced a merkaba tank of the occupiers in the east of rifa. set on fire also, palestinian sources reported that the zionist military center in karam abu salem was targeted. lebanon's hezbollah also announced that in a combined operation with anti-aircraft drones and guided missiles, enemy military officers.
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targeted when he was in the compound of yeftah barracks and killed some of them and wounded others. hizbullah also targeted the iron dome of the zionist army in the south of the ramot naftali barracks it announced that it was disabled. and presenting a part of our country's defense knowledge capabilities in the international exhibition of mal defense services. the official opening of the 18th international exhibition of defense services and national security of asia in kuala lumpur with the presence of the prime minister of malaysia, an exhibition with an area of ​​45,000 square meters, which hosts the presentation of the most important achievements of the defense industry. domestic and foreign reporters
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cover this exhibition, which is one of the five most prestigious defense exhibitions in the world. arafa of the islamic republic of iran is also welcomed and visited by presenting a part of the capabilities of defense knowledge and export products he became the prime minister of malaysia. mr. anwar ibrahim, prime minister of malaysia. together with the minister of defense and the minister of interior of malaysia, he visited the islamic republic of iran and expressed his satisfaction with the achievements of the islamic republic of iran. weapons, smart ammunition, rockets, all kinds of missiles in the air and sea defense sectors, ground-to-ground ballistic missiles, electronic industry and export drones in the field of the aviation industry, including the export products of our country that will
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be used in this 3-day exhibition. it was in tehran's attack on talavieh. advanced defense equipment in iran's booth i saw. i think it will change many people's view of iran's military authority. given that the representatives of 60 countries are here and some of the defense and military officials of the countries also came in the games they can, considering the quality. our defense industry will start initial negotiations that will lead to a contract. 400 delegations from 45 countries visited the booths of the 18th asian defense and national security services international exhibition on the first day of the exhibition. but the goal of the representatives of our country in attending this international exhibition is to present part of the capabilities of defense knowledge
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it is in the form of manufactured products for a bold presence in global markets. esmail pourache, kolamberg radio and television news agency. thank you very much for being with us.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashemzadegan with the world, i am with you today. in the first case of tonight's program , we will examine the attack of the zionist regime on rafah, and in the second case , we will discuss the continuation of the student uprising in america and europe.
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we present you from gaza.
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i would like to talk to mr. mansour barati in order to investigate the zionist regime's attack on rafah in the last couple of days at the same time that the negotiations were going on. expert on the issues of the zionist regime, mr. barati , hello, i am at your service, mr. hashemzadegan. dear and also respected viewers of mr. barati's news channel, as i said, while the negotiations between egypt, qatar and the united states were being intensively pursued, and even last night hamas announced its agreement with the package proposed by the mediators, the zionist regime attacked rafah. and
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he even occupied the rafah crossing from his palestinian side . first, let's start with the negotiations. at what point exactly did he reach and in what conditions did netanyahu's hamas reaction? well, if we want to discuss let's start negotiations. due to the fact that the negotiations are going on indirectly. with the mediation of egypt, it means that the egyptians have the most influence on these negotiations, and the negotiations are ongoing in cairo. it seems that at first the egyptian side, knowing the general conditions of the israelis , conducted negotiations with hamas, and hamas actually
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announced its agreement with this new truce, and now the israeli side is also supposed to be negotiated. the side. egypt, america, and in fact, the opinion of the israeli side, but what in reality it is stated in the draft agreement that in fact the war will stop for 120 days. first, in a period of 40 days, about 30 people who are actually kidnapped by israel or israeli prisoners will be released, in return for each israeli, between 30 and 40 palestinians will actually be released from prison. israel will be freed, and some prominent palestinian figures
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will be among these people, among them it is said that marwan barghousi may be released from prison during this exchange. first, the zionists are supposed to schedule their own flight operations to identify and reduce their attacks in two or three days. first , a ceasefire and then, in fact, a complete cessation of war developments, and this ceasefire should actually last for 120 days. the palestinian side has announced that they agree with this ceasefire, but the israelis, although they still keep their delegation in cairo. and the head of the mossad and the head of shabak, which is israel's internal security service. yes, both of them are present in the negotiations, and this shows that they are
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taking the negotiations very seriously, they are serious about them, but the israeli army's operations in the east of rafah have actually continued. we will jump to the exact outline of the negotiations. i would like to ask what is your analysis of today's zionist action in attacking rafah, when the negotiations were taking place and were being carried out. use as a tool to get more points in negotiations . well, look at the explanation given by the israelis themselves about this attack today, it almost shows us that this is a relative attack. it will remain limited, it is expected that it will remain limited, and
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well, just to the east, the attack has been removed and not to enter the city. simply entering the crossing and actually taking control of areas from it in the border strip , entering areas where, for example, we know that more than one million people are present, basically the ground forces and agricultural vehicles of israel have not entered yet. it is said that this attack is israel's response to the attack a few days ago, a rocket attack by palestinian groups on the camp to the karam abu salem crossing, which is the closest israeli crossing to the rifa area. during this attack , four israeli soldiers have been killed so far. and 8 other people were injured, some of them are in serious condition it is said that this response is action. today, israel is the answer to that attack, the israelis are claiming this, and in the future, it seems that
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they want to take a more extensive action in rafah . that netanyahu's cabinet, on the part of some members of the coalition, who actually form the extreme right wing of the cabinet , led by ben guerr and s. moutrich , are against any agreement for a ceasefire before the attack is stopped, and they say that if such an agreement is reached we will reject it on the cabinet table and vote we will give it a negative, it seems that this attack is probably being carried out with the aim of actually gaining the satisfaction of these extremists, that one by one a gesture of attack on rafah is taken so that it
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is not thought that the war stopped before the attack on rafah. thank you, mr. brati, thank you for being with us in this conversation. in the rest of the world, today we want to go to paris to talk with mr. elijah mcnair, a writer and analyst of political issues , and get his opinion about the nature of the zionist action. hello mr. magnair. what was your analysis of today's action of the zionists in attacking rafah? do you think that we. we will face a massive attack or just a limited attack for internal purposes and also use it as a tactic in negotiations . first, netanyahu said that this attack
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will be limited. of course, the minister. netanyahu's intention is to make sure and do something so that the war continues as long as possible, that is , to continue so long that he remains as prime minister and
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does not think about the prisoners or the palestinians at all. france and england to israel. cases in the international court of justice and the attack on the removal of warnings as well as israeli leaders they have an international criminal court that may issue an arrest warrant for them. the heads of the israeli government and the army are accused of murder in the world. has any of these cases succeeded in controlling netanyahu's behavior or not? israel is determined not to pay any attention to the world conditions against it. continue to crimes. continue the war and genocide. look , israel has committed genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in the last seven months because it feels that no one can hold it accountable . the international court of justice in the
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security council and in the resolutions of the security council in this case, we easily saw that those resolutions were vetoed and israel went along with the masons and actually benefited from the masons, so the israelis may be worried about their own image, which of course is very unlikely, unless it is only because of their image. do not do this , otherwise they will continue their attacks and there will be no hesitation. they have no qualms about killing and even cleansing the palestinian people and forcing them to move from the north of gaza to the south of it and then to rafah and then again from rafah to khanyounes, if we know that khanyounes has also been destroyed, so i think i don't think that international laws are very important for the israelis, because they feel
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that they are actually helpless and have no recourse. i would like to thank them for what they are doing, and our final question is about netanyahu's current motivation and goal, who at the same time wants to attack the ongoing negotiations. there must be an agreement and only 38 citizens in israel consider the attack on rafah as a priority. these negotiations became more intense and serious in the last few days where hamas also announced its agreement with egypt's proposal. at the same time, there are many reports that netanyahu has played a destructive role both in front of the camera and behind the scenes to make these negotiations fail.
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what is your analysis of the decisions made in israel regarding the negotiations? both netanyahu himself and other determining factors.
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in fact, he challenged egypt in the past , attacked egypt in 1978, is coming to egypt, and is bringing his forces into rafah and its people. our forces should enter rafah, and now he has said that we are conducting a limited operation in rafah, the minister is actually the head of their war cabinet. benny gans too. who said no, we want to take over rafah, so we really can't trust what netanyahu says , now the biggest problem of the americans who
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sent to sign this negotiation document is that they really don't know in fact , their reputation and reputation are now at risk because they actually signed a document and agreed to it. but they see that israel is not burdened by onor and is not ready to end the war , so we see in this situation that netanyahu's presence in any peace agreement actually causes his instability and no trust in him. there will be no negotiations. thank you . we talked with the writer and analyst of political issues from paris , mr. mcnair. thank you for being with us in this conversation.
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and now, in the rest of the world, today we present the latest pictures of student protests in america and in other parts of the world. so, wenn die kollegen auf euch zukommen und
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euch tajten.
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as i said at the beginning of the program , our second case is dedicated to the investigation of the continuation of student protests, which, in addition to the united states , are continuing in other universities and places in europe and other parts of the world. tonight's conversation with mr. jeffrey saks is a professor at columbia university. we are going to new york, mr. saks. hello, thank you. i am very happy to be with you. thank you. in recent weeks , columbia university's name was regularly in the headlines of the world media, even the current protests started from columbia university . america to university.
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other countries have also been drawn. look, columbia university students are very upset. from the painful war going on in gaza. they are defending the rights of the palestinians they want peace. and i think that their action is very brave. in fact , it has caused the politicians in america to be really surprised and even the university authorities did not expect them at all, they expected the public opinion to be silent or to support israel , but this did not happen. and are in danger of being suspended and fired. we also witnessed the arrest of professors. in
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new york itself, for example , we talked with professor dunya, who was arrested, in our program we have news from the us congress that some representatives are looking to cut off the university budget . what do your colleagues and students in columbia look at the recent issues and what do they think about the confrontations that have taken place. look, of course, i can't speak on behalf of all my colleagues, but i can speak on behalf of hundreds of colleagues , because i talked to many knowledgeable university professors, and in fact, they believe that what the university administrators are doing is completely correct. it was wrong that they
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violated the rights of students and professors. ethical rules and regulations violating the university with their own actions because the students have no desire except to establish peace and stop the bloodshed in gaza, so i think that the american government, on the other hand , is actually the government against the students and universities. now maybe everyone students of this view. however, the majority of students are now in a situation where the government is acting against them. the most important title used to label students during this period is anti-semitism, while the protesters say that we are not against jews and only with genocide by the zionist government of israel. we disagree even we see jewish students and movements in america right now saying "between
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jews". a significant number of jews in american academia and society reached such a distinction. i think the demonstrations are against those actions.


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