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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 11:00am-11:30am IRST

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a single macaron at the top. day. the speaker of the islamic council spoke about the strong attention given to the red crescent organization in the annual budgets and the 7th program .
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he is an influencer for change in the red crescent organization. the speaker of the parliament also added: the use of social capacities, the use of capable and creative forces can bring the most output for the red crescent organization with the least cost and time . the head of the country's election headquarters announced the time 8:00 a.m. tomorrow, thursday, candidate advertisement time. the second phase of the elections of the 12th parliamentary term is over and any advertising activities are prohibited after that. this headquarters requested all candidates, parties, political groups, supporters and the general public to refrain from any promotional activities after the deadline for advertising and to refrain from carrying advertising items or symbols on the day of voting. the minister
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of culture and islamic guidance , referring to the beginning of the 35th tehran international book fair, said on the sidelines of the government delegation's meeting that the government has provided conditions for all those interested in the implementation of justice-oriented policies. they can buy books anywhere in the country from the exhibition. this year's exhibition is being held for the first time in 150 thousand meters, more than 25 countries are actively participating and thousands of publishers are present in the exhibition. an important event is happening for the second year. log in to a relevant system, buy at a discount, and
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get the book delivered to your home for free. the deputy health minister of the ministry of health said that in the implementation of the youth law , midwifery services are covered by insurance. the head of the midwifery services development group of the ministry health also said that the pricing of midwifery services in the delivery department has been started since last year and this year the implementation problems will be resolved. the first hand is a motherly caressing hand. midwives
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are the first midwives between the health system and the women and girls of the society, and today we witness the success of many programs in the field of culture-building in the field of fertility reduction . they are experts who maintaining and promoting the reproductive health of the educated and empowered midwifery community a field rooted in the country, as well as a specialized field , along with other health roles , play a prominent and important role for the health of the mother and baby. midwives play a key role in promoting natural childbirth and encouraging childbearing, which is the key role in the projected population youth law. 70% of the materials presented in the law on the youth of the population are directly related to the so-called cases that must
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be implemented by the ministry of health and medicine, and midwives play an important and direct role in most of the materials . active attendance from pregnancy to postpartum we have done two things, one is that we reached an agreement on midwifery services with the insurance , and it is almost done, and in the midwifery offices, the services that are provided as counseling for the youth of the population are now accepted by the insurance, and the definition of many services of midwives in the maternity hospital. our doctor also announced this, and these two can help a lot as the midwives. work harder and hope for the future of their work. more than 80,000 midwifery experts are currently protecting the health of mothers and babies in the fields of health and treatment. soltanian of radio and television news agency. jamiat national headquarters
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he honored 30 plays with the theme of population. the secretary of the national headquarters of jamiat with gratitude to the producers of the show. javani jamiat said: this headquarters supports artists who present works about family. in this ceremony, mehrdad , the only producer of more than 30 works with the theme of the youth of the population, was appreciated. the music video of baba reza 2 was released on the eve of the ten honors and the birth of imam reza (peace be upon him). this work of art was performed by the ehsan and fitras groups of qom in collaboration with the astan quds razavi media communication center. from baba reza to the children, hello, my dear, you are welcome, how beautiful i am.
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dad, you called all the stars of mashhad. a night of stars, when we built a house with beads in the shrine of imam rezaei with the children, now the prayer people are from the cream of imam rezaei , another kind of fantasy. people were arrested. the deputy of operations of tehran intelligence police expressed hope that the judicial system will punish these people severely. april 31 an area from the south of tehran. arazel is a mob with a knife and a knife in his hand. citizens
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want to resist them. but useless is. above my heart i know this part. he hit me in the face, which was already all stitched up , and because one of these gangsters had a history of being a mobster, a level one gangster with a history of violence, carjacking , stabbing, and stabbing, he has already had a history of 10-15 years. god, he is in the hospital now, what injuries did he suffer, the tendon of his hand was cut, exactly one of his hands was disabled, the knife that hit him broke his jaw, his jaw was broken, his lip and mouth were torn from here. the conflict started when the mob harassed two girls who were with their brother. the 10-12-year-old brother was jealous it's okay, he gives the answer, the citizens who are now interfering in this issue of stabbing say that you should not follow this 10-12-year-old child with a knife . what did he do to stab you with a knife
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? you can get involved in allegations, lataf is an accomplice, but the main thing is that my husband is now hospitalized with a knife, and we hit him with a knife. that it will be a lesson for others ghadir nazari of the news agency of your day ok ok
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both for the school and for our city and country, each of you girls are god's gift. and we look at you as precious gifts from god . you play a role in society. we do not accept the western view of women and girls , which wants to view women and girls as tools , we do not accept this and the view that separates women from society and role-playing. tick he says that a woman
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has no role for her destiny, for her society, for politics, economy, and society . we do not accept this view either. the wise leader of the islamic revolution said that the deep view of islam is the view that believes. our daughters can be wives, valuable mothers, and the family is very important for the family, also playing a role in the community, see how many female university professors we have , female teachers, and female managers. among
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the countries of the region, islamic iran has the most. these are the honors for the country. in sports fields, i was among the medal winners yesterday. the honors that our girls created in the sports fields were placed on the championship mounts, the proud flag of the republic islamic iran was raised in honor of their hard work and efforts, you dear ones can see in the olympiads how much pride you can create , these are all our honors.
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our girls and women play a great role in cultural, artistic, sports, scientific, research and research fields. today's girls and future makers, role players, those whose future condition of the country is in your capable hands. with your thoughts, i want to sincerely appreciate your teachers , i sincerely thank your parents , my dear children, appreciate your parents , appreciate your teachers, appreciate the wise leader of the revolution.
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know that you are everything to us, our pride and honor, let us appreciate those who work hard for you day and night in every city and country , and you must know that i want to say , my dear girls, today is a symbolic day. but every day, one should appreciate girls, every week , month, and year, one should appreciate girls, just as our prophet appreciated girls, just as our imams and leaders appreciated girls , just like the great martyrs. they appreciated us and appreciated the girls . these are our models. we must
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follow them. i hope with the blessing of the name of fatima masoom, a country that raised its flag in the name of quran and in the name of religion. he can progress in different fields. the progress of the country. in the hands of the youth of kishore, you have girls in your hands who will shape today and the future, god willing, and we as the government. honorable mr. sahraei, minister of education, mr. zakani, mayor of tehran, other colleagues who are here, our dear, honorable secretary of the supreme youth council, mr. aminpour, and all colleagues, all directors, all of us are proud to serve you girls, all of us are proud to
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be able to do something. that you dear girls may your parents and your coaches be satisfied. i have come today in your glorious and solemn gathering to congratulate all of you, but you are not all the girls of iran. there are others, i am from the same speech. and together with you , i congratulate all the girls of iran on girl's day. to all of you , dear girls, on girl's day, a girl means kindness, which means beauty, which means a girl's love, which means a girl's affection and feelings.
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it means honor, it means divine mercy, it means the loving existence of my daughters, i say all of you with all my heart i would like to sincerely thank the presenters of the program, the media, and peace and blessings of god.
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they used to say that whenever you catch a fish,
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it is fresh, what does that mean? it means that it is never too late to turn to our own actions. continuing education, creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, correcting consumption habits, managing snow consumption. now, a small part of people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy, they can definitely return to the consumption pattern. take 5 minutes to check all the common electrical appliances in your home do. for example, lamps can be changed from this to this, no, no, yes, and their consumption is 90%. previously , a part of our electricity consumption is due to devices that are not being used, i.e. in ready-to -use mode or in sleep mode, such as coffee makers, tea makers , microwaves, chargers, computers, tvs, etc. they consume electricity when they are off, and they should be unplugged when we don't need them. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom, but
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we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which usually consumes much more than the lamp. if you get used to it and supplies remove the unused electricity from the electrical outlet and be very careful when buying them . finally, you will see that you have done a great favor not only to your pocket. rather, we have taken a big step this year in order to protect the environment and vital resources of the country. how to buy this year at last year's price? well done, did you hear that this year is at last year's price? this year
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is at last year's price. children say this year is at last year 's price. we built a house last year. they call this until you come to see installment purchase is available as you wish. various accessories of any model and name can be seen . don't worry about buying. they have a variety of prices. come to the store. come to the store. come to the store. it has a lot of discounts for wherever you want . it has items with current condition. so what happened to the installment purchase, the way you want to store it? great iranian in the cities of qom. isfahan and tehran are only three ways apart.
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cuál ha sido históricamente escenario de las principales luchas de recuperación
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. hồ chí minh, tại hội từ tổi tại hộm nay, tá hội ký tại hồ chí minh tạh lạm nên hụng hồm việt liện thố , hộng hồm bần một hồng thong dạn tốc, dụng lại thức thốc khội khưới bộng hộng một hồng thức .
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and the speedy recovery of them. greetings to the viewer. dear , i invite you to join us with the economic news. the number of conversion of paper permits into id has exceeded 1 out of 500,000, according to the announcement of the business environment improvement center of tehran province, with the issuance of more than 82,000. the id of one has the highest conversion rate of licenses.


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