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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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transparency and justice watch training and honorable mr. abbas bayat, general director of technical, professional and education affairs, welcome to the higher program, but our time on ik sima network is coming to an end. please follow the continuation of the program from khabar network. well, hello again, we are at your service with the issue of increasing high school courses, yes or no . in any case , we are at the service of two of the respected experts who came to the higher program today . if you allow us
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to start the discussion with mr. amraei, mr. amraei. you agree to the increase are you a high school student? why, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, i would like to say hello to the noble people of iran . you are a respected guest. well, first, before we get into the question , i would like to say something about some words whose prefix is ​​plural. we have many schools. we have quotas , we have a plurality of regions for education and we have a plurality of disciplines. the previous three are different with the plurality of disciplines. the plurality of quotas is a psychological burden for the society. the plurality of schools is a financial burden on families. it will not have a negative impact on our society let's do it, especially the plurality of fields. in the fields
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of theoretical high school, if we look at specialization, our view is actually skill-oriented, we must come here to announce that we must make these fields so diverse that our candidates and students can easily distinguish between them when choosing a field. let's not merge these fields with theoretical science fields . for example, consider a person who is interested in biology. we should have a field under the same title of biology and biology. consider a person who his interest is sports, we can't now, let's mix and integrate our experimental sciences, one of whose sub-branches is life, with mathematical sciences, which can be sub-branches of physics, calculus, and geometry. this is of no use
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. will something happen, will education bear a heavy burden? no, by the way , education will be helped and our society will be helped. why is it that someone who is interested in a field and specializes in a field does not need to go to other books. to study, there is no need to go to several units of books not related to it come and study the field he is interested in. in fact, and a person who wants to enter university , now see why a person who wants to be a doctor should study physics in experimental sciences, but we tell him in high school that you should study physics , we also give him a factor of 6, while a person who wants to be a doctor read, by the way, we should come and bring this anatomy from university to high school , so that a person can easily and simply go along with medical education, or a person who is interested in mathematics
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, let me tell you, for example, if he is interested in computer engineering, why should he study chemistry in the field of mathematics? well, if he is interested in computers, but now he has to study . however, in fact, the policy that currently governs education in the field of mathematical sciences, by the way , chemistry is one of the courses that has a high coefficient . and the increase in fields helps, especially in theoretical sciences. now there is also a branch of student and professional work, see here. again , i agree that this increase in fields should be done. the person who refers to work and danesh, in fact, i am saying here that he was not interested in studying, and by the way, he is the best now our schools, which can train foremen, skilled and specialized people, the same work, knowledge and technical skills.
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yes, i agree with the integration of a series of fields and i also agree with increasing the diversity of a series of other fields. see, for example, the merger of fields such as accounting, which i recently saw in the news that this had happened, or for example, industrial electricity, electronics, power. look at these things , in my opinion, the electricity itself is not that powerful , it is not so heavy that it should be a major, even in our university, these are also related, for example, the discussion of the university in the bachelor's degree is all about electricity. ok, and it can be divided in master's degree, doctorate and phd, and there it can be divided into branches and anyone and everyone can continue their education based on that interest, that is, you are saying that we should separate our theoretical fields to become more specialized, but some fields skill -oriented, which may actually have fewer students and applicants now. yes, i would also like to say something. for a while, the number of applicants for a
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field in our country is high for whatever reason, but we see that the work is saturated, that is, graduates. that field cannot have a job in society. ability to separate this number of strings and now provide is there a teacher and an educational environment for these students or not? to serve you and our esteemed viewers and guests, mr. amrai, if you allow me , even though one day has passed since the teacher's week, yesterday was the last day, i would like to congratulate the teacher's week, which is creative, hardworking, and the identity maker of
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islamic iran. the topic we are discussing is a really specialized topic and needs to be pondered. and let's open the angles of the discussion so that we can get a suitable result. one of the dimensions of this topic is the discussion of academic guidance, that is, you focus on diversity. when you want to discuss the multiplicity of fields , you can't necessarily just consider this subject as a scientific part or simply as the country's needs
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. let me tell you about the discussion of the curriculum and textbooks that my honorable brother has pointed out well about this point and a more basic discussion about what is your view on public education in the country, that is , what is your view on public education or public education? we in the ministry of education are supposed to look at this now, sometimes even the supreme leader criticism doing it correctly is actually the introduction to the university or not it is a separate set that prepares the student for life and it is not like that now it is a half-baked university
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. the question is , if only in the field of our current theoretical branch, we are now in the ministry of education. in the curriculum that we are implementing in high schools and conservatories , that is, in the second secondary level , we have 3 fields of study, the theoretical field of study, we have four fields of study, we have mathematics, experimental sciences , humanities, and islamic studies in the technical and vocational field. we have about 40 fields and in the field of knowledge we have about 160 fields. well, this is a total of 20 high schools, we currently have a variety of fields, and if we want the second high school group, we can consider it, but if we don't want this , let's close the discussion a bit, let's go to
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our high schools and discuss them again. this view will be a little different. for example, now there is a lot of distinction here. this will make the discussion a little more open and help. i will focus a little on the theoretical branch. we now have mathematical and experimental fields in our theoretical branch. a challenge now we have been involved with it for several years due to external conditions, in fact, external advertisements and the view that families have of the success that may be expressed in the theoretical branch in the experimental field. which actually lays the groundwork for the progress of abadani and imran kishore has suffered and the number of its students
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has increased for a year, which fortunately has increased in this government. and my post-graduate education is getting worse, that is, we are at the first level. actually, many of our majors are now behind because of the lack of your service. now, with the current philosophy, this philosophy and this point may change in the future planning of the ministry of education. your excellency , in fact, you gave the necessary instructions for this work so that the investigations are carried out, but now we have separate mathematics and experimental fields, for now the planning is such that a graduate of the mathematical field or a graduate of the experimental field or humanities graduate. of skill and
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you don't have the necessary ability to enter the labor market and have a job. this is the fact that mathematics is our human experience. at the high school level, you should definitely go to the university system to continue your education. now let's see what happened here in the 1402 entrance exam that passed. more than 70% of our entrance exam capacity in the higher education system was through no exams. without exams, it didn't matter what the person's diploma was . without exams, a small percentage of the gpa has an effect, whether it's a math diploma or experience, in most of them it doesn't really make a difference. now as you if we go to the exam book, for example, we are 3 years old. we faced the student with a lot of stress. we put a lot of pressure on
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them. in our areas, for example , we have an experimental class with 40 students. we have 50 students. sometimes , there are limited resources. in fact, the pressure to get into the field. in other words, in many admissions this year in the field of medical engineering, it didn't matter what the student could have studied in his high school , he wanted to go to many fields such as management, like accounting, like entrepreneurship, are many sub-fields. the art of these and the language does not matter at all, which field you studied, and
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you can continue the university regardless of the type of your diploma, so why do we put such a thing and stress in the intermediate course, to the family and to onor, sometimes sometimes, because the volume of demand becomes unbalanced, the volume, that is, it is not the majority of education, the volume of demand becomes unbalanced. due to the external pressures , we will not be able to provide high-quality services. the view that exists in the university and the admission is there, we can definitely provide better quality services here. the student actually has a better chance to make a better choice in guidance. thank you very much , sir. of course, we can. we have universities and conservatories , you say that
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there are almost 190, in fact, now we have the specialization and diversity of these fields, most of which, as far as i know, are not formed at all because there are no students to go to that field at all. for example, i myself know how many of these conservatories in tehran, to collect some of their fields because of the lack of applicants, mr. emrai , nevertheless, you say again that we should have diversity and give the number of students, see, first , let us really find the roots and see that education is the reason why he wants reduce the fields or claim that it is a complaint about education. i have and always have. unfortunately , the teachers and the target community, who are the students themselves, and the people who have a direct influence and direct connection with them, that is, the families , are not informed about the decisions in the decision-making process. that means you look now, go and ask questions to experts in the field of education, teachers with
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experience, and see what percentage of these things are going on now. these decisions are in education. see education itself. i feel that it is not yet fully familiar with the subject of whether to integrate or reduce. one of the main reasons is that we send the student to the university, but basically a student who just got a diploma and is inexperienced and not an expert, see the content of this month's textbook. my textbook is at least 10 years old our textbook must be updated, its content must be efficient, but unfortunately we do not see efficient content in the textbook, if the textbook is for teaching and nurturing the society and is complete, why should the student go to the educational help books and why should they be in
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the exam preparation classes. to participate in the final exam and entrance exam because some schools take money from the student in order to be able to say it, in any case, they have to provide more services , that's why they push the student to books beyond books. teaching and educational help, and in my opinion , this is a gift related to this, that is, related to this the problem is that those non-government schools have completely pushed our education system to the point where they go to something beyond books. first, i said the number of schools , i was referring to the number of our schools, i am explaining this because
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it is related to the issue of the separation of disciplines. this is completely unconstitutional rather than school otherwise, unfortunately, we have to announce that education in our country is actually viewed as an economic commodity, and to succeed in the exam, to succeed and to have a job in your society, you have to spend money, while this was not the case before. regarding the fields that you mentioned, what are the plans of education to reduce this field and integrate them ? if education is concerned, i suggest that you go in this direction and look at persian literature and language courses in the field of experimental sciences. english is known as a general subject and physics is a subject it is considered special for a person who wants to enter
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the fields of medical sciences, english must be a special subject or physics. for a person who wants to become a nurse, we need to work more on our persian literature language with him or to work more with him on the math course. now, education considers the english language course as a general course , and on the other hand, the physics course and specifically, we are faced with the most reports from experimental science graduates, why should i, who wants to become a doctor, go and study physics , if education really wants to go in this direction. who actually has a claim or reduction, let him make some changes. now the english language lesson is a general lesson in our society, while the english language lesson is a global language, it is an international language . now the foreign minister of our country must know english because in the meetings and, and, and my majors
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, i gave an example. i gave an example for the discussion of foreign affairs. i would like to say that the change must first be aware of the problem that education should be aware of the second problem of determining the way. the fundamental transformation document of 1990 was approved, and its road map was recently approved after 13 years, the road map has been approved by the supreme council of the cultural revolution. this shows that some of our documents are just rotting and we are facing problems in the implementation of the document in the field of education . the third issue is after awareness and after determining
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the road map. the third issue is whether now, if we have these changes in the fields , we are thinking about changes in the chart in our classes. adjusting another series of schools that are specific to a series of disciplines these are also facing us financially, that is , if this issue is brought up in the islamic shura majlis , iran will take it, the guardian council will reject it because it is a burden, the second society should at least think for the next 10 years if this happens this year.
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if you want to separate the field of law, which is recognized and considered as a basic science field all over the world , you should first go and call the law professors
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, you should go and call the law professors first. and i say that he is not yet familiar with this system and how he wants it separate how you want to integrate or reduce or increase the most criticism now from experts in the field of education. it is that education does not pay attention to the target community for its decisions. the target community of students. the target community of parents. it doesn't matter if i should say about his personnel, i should say about his own strength. teacher, you also congratulated the teacher's week , i am here to congratulate all the dear teachers . god willing, we can make a week a decade, including today. congratulations to all dear teachers. i want to tell you not to ask the teacher questions. i'm on the same topic the program asked many experts questions , believe me, they didn't know what was going to happen in education, they said that they wanted to combine experimental sciences with mathematical sciences, or
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i said mathematics with a human being. it makes the experts know that before creating the program, the expert should have known, he should have expressed his opinion, but i thank the radio and television for putting this follow-up program to stay alive, mr. hamari, now mr. hamari's words are more focused on the continued influence of knowledge. there are students and you. you said that 80% of these fields are not very suitable for high school students. one of my colleagues prepared a report . if you let us see it, we will come back with mr. viadashon. the subject of summation and claim of the courses of the second period of high school in some courses of technical, professional and associate branches has been realized to some extent. its approach is territorial as well. the needs of the country and the labor market have been. in the second term of theoretical high school, the subject of integration of experimental sciences and mathematics, physics,
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is considered due to the affinity of content. the important thing is that if a merge in the string if theoretical changes happen, naturally, the entrance exam will be changed accordingly and the test group will also be claimed. therefore, the acceptance of university courses will be done based on the changes. a subject that has supporters and opponents. bahram mohammadian raees. former research and curriculum planning organization. in my opinion , the five fields of experimental sciences, mathematics, physics , humanities, technical and professional sciences, and work and knowledge can be reduced to 3 fields of basic sciences, humanities, technical and skillful sciences, and the selection of academic fields is also done in the tenth grade. many technical and professional fields and knowledge work lost their nature and should be reduced. mohammad badhai, former minister of education. high schools of science and education. although they are few in number , they have been established with the efforts of righteous people and are responsible for education and training at the same level as the islamic republic, and its outputs are a level of good life emphasized.
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it is a fundamental transformation document. therefore, the integration of the field with the humanities makes it more refined, and i do not see it as good. ahmed abedini, former deputy of the supreme council of education. currently, 62 percent of secondary school students are studying in high school and 38 are studying in conservatories, which is related to the objectives of the education document and the needs of the labor market do not match. therefore, with the reduction of high school subjects, considering that mathematics is considered a basic science field and basic sciences are equal to the development of the country, the reduction or integration of the mathematics field and its students endangers the development of the country . well, thank you, i will continue
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to serve you with pride. dear mr. bayat , we are at your service. please, in fact, as i said, before we see the report, all the discussions are about the continuation of the students' education , while, anyway, many of us are trying now. we want to make sure that the future of the students' work is not dependent on the university, they should learn their skills and then be attracted to the job market, because now we are really seeing that it is more difficult to find work for students who have postgraduate education, and for university and now post-graduate doctorates. thank you , it was a very good report, and almost a number of experts had given their opinions, and it was good , and mr. omrai's points, let me say one thing first , mr. omrai said two or three things, now because we have an official responsibility in education.
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we are raising this so that it is actually a problem. it is in the present the review is placed now either as an idea or as an agenda, there is a lot of room for discussion , it welcomes discussions in the media , it actually welcomes various opinion requests, it appears , it gives interviews in different media, which is now about the same issue from the past. in fact, the interviews were conducted by the relevant deputies. even now
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, in fact , no decision has been made in the field of education regarding this issue, neither for mehr 140d nor even for mehr 1404, that is, in the next two years, no decision will be made, which is naturally not the case now, so this is a definite news that we will be the future is nothing a change in the fields in the year of the bachelor's program that has been decided to be taken. there have been detailed investigations of the zinfoni community, whose opinions should be taken into account, and the executive effects of the work, which has been rightly pointed out, should be taken.
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answer with a time frame from the time of its approval and decision to the time of its implementation. how the fundamental document looks at this issue , you can see in the fundamental transformation document very clearly about the subject titles and how many be separate, well, in the fundamental transformation document, it was not planned to be oriented. don't worry for the families or entrance exams, sir, for example, something is happening , secretly in creating a point. i can say that public schools have almost happened to this man in two years, which is actually a year there is a new government, it didn't happen


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