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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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convey what the government's programs have been in supporting books, book reading and bookstores, and what results they have had, the obstacles facing the per capita increase in the study of publishers and the publishing economy, and what are the government's solutions in this regard, receiving answers to these questions and examining the dimensions of this important issue with the presence of mr. dr. mohammad mehdi esmaili, honorable minister of culture and islamic guidance , mr. dr. saar, greetings and good times, and welcome to your service, in the name of allah, the most gracious , the most merciful . i wish you a very good time let us thank and say goodbye to the dear viewers of channel 1. we invite you to follow this conversation with mr. wazir on khabar.
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well, mr. doctor, in order to manage time without wasting time , let's go to the main story, that is, the discussion of the exhibition. well, during the past years , these exhibitions were held with different expectations and requests from different strata, until this year, how much did you think about it? the university of the book should provide the necessary education for the readers and book lovers and the publishing industry as a whole, as much as we can actually answer those demands in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, at your service. we want to make serious changes in the cultural field during these two years and seven or eight months since the beginning of the government. because
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the field of culture is the driver of the country's problems, it is possible to solve the country's general problems through the promotion of culture. we in the government, from mr. president himself to all those who are responsible in this field in the government , believe in this matter. for this reason, issues in the field of culture, infrastructure and software have been identified. for example, the year we started our work, in september 1400, the production of writing paper in the country was 5 thousand tons. today, i am talking to you. i think this number has reached 80,000 tons and, god willing , another 50,000 tons will be added within the next month or two. that is, from a number of 5,000 tons to a number of
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130,000 tons, this is an important task . anyway, the first issue in the book field is paper, and this is our paper. the slogan i gave on the first day in the parliament was the nationalization of the publishing industry, and the publishing industry includes paper. other parts too. the zing of print debates will be completed and today, when i am talking to you, all the necessary preparations have been made for us to carry out this slogan until the end of the 13th term of the government . this is an important event in the field of infrastructure. you know, this is tied to the cultural identity of our society. in the past
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, we printed 155 million volumes of education textbooks entirely with iranian paper and celebrated its self-sufficiency in mazandaran. now, god willing, this series of new factories and new production sets is being prepared . i will tell you about two sets in khuzestan province. god willing, it is under construction. we will enter the production cycle within the next two years at most, our country will become a paper exporter, that is, our natural need for writing paper is about 130,000, which this researcher has. it is possible that in the next month or two we will celebrate it in shiraz, god willing, and in fact.
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new launches of this number will reach nearly 300,000 tons, about two yes, for example, the need of all paper in the country in all sectors. packaging, other works , papers, paper for different subjects that are used, about 270,000 tons, our prediction is that , god willing, this government program in this area will go ahead , this number will reach over 300,000 tons, this was an important and primary work . let's move forward in a balanced way. a paper work group was created by the first door of the government, mr. dr. mokhbar first deputy honorable president, it was discussed with the officials , his secretary in the ministry of culture, our vice-president of culture, who took charge of the book department .
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it has been a year, things have come, there were problems, we really did this despite all the problems that were there, with the personal support of mr. president. dear revolution, at the book fair when we were summarizing their orders , they mentioned the same point that now so-and-so has made this promise and must follow up and make it happen, and we are happy that we are at your service today . well, it happened and we took a basic step to solve the problems, but other measures have also taken place. you see, we still need to expand public libraries. i will tell you , with the help of god, in the next few months, the largest
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library in the region with 18 thousand meters central libraries will be closed in iraq. in different cities , i opened seven or eight folds during this time it might be interesting for you and our dear viewers, i visited the shahid soleimani library in tabriz, in the new city of sahand. tomorrow, photos came out from there that showed a queue of several hundred meters where people flocked to register to become a member of the library at that time. book library. there is no house, and this means that the people have that interest, maybe that fence and platform is not available. above all, we were overwhelmed. we , as the general government and governance, somehow failed in our own strong point. the field of books and the field of culture is the strength of this country.
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the history of our country is several thousand years old, if this we are from the field of drinking culture. all of our resources are directed to the region, that is, you and your other issues are solved. now i will point out that we have linked cultural diplomacy and book diplomacy in parallel with the various things that we do inside, which, if we had the opportunity , would be mentioned in your questions. it was good, but since the main topic of the book fair is anyway, let 's see a report together. we are at your service. may is the month of the exhibition and the spring that accompanies the book. the books had an ups and downs journey. since 2016, the first period of the book fair tehran. this exhibition album
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is now accompanied by newer pictures and slogans that have changed every year. let's read and make. since the time of corona, the virtual section was placed next to the exhibition, the section that still remains in the system with the address of the book. r number 9198 98 from 9 am to 9 pm, the virtual section of the exhibition is usually responsible for the buyers, and now the book exhibition is in terms of visitors and the area is one of the most important exhibitions in the world. the admiration of foreign viewers, visitors from foreign countries, even large and densely populated countries , from the number of publishers, the volume of production, the number of visits the participants and the area in which the tehran book fair is located are significant in the book fair
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, cultural programs have gained a special place over the years. it is that it is not just a place for presentation , while the publisher of this writer and their favorite cultural figures play a role in this great cultural event. during more than 30 holdings, the tehran book fair has faced the growth of content and the increase of book presentation spaces. children's books and teenagers and educational books and teaching aids are at the top of the titles that have increased during this period and their exhibition spaces have expanded accordingly. miterra labafi of radio and television news agency. thank you very much to my colleagues. mr. doctor, it was in my news, now there is a discussion about the description of the book in the virtual system
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, and the discussion about sales is naturally very serious for the government to support this sector, but the news coming from the local bookstores is not very positive, they are still in the process of closing, they have problems now. how much bookstores are supported, what plan do you have to make this happen? he managed the process. yes, we are in this chain. what we have is from the discussion of the respected author, whose work is actually the main work of the book, to this cycle that is completed, the last link that actually reaches the audience is bookstores, we believe that bookstores are the cultural soul of every city, that's why in these two years, many important things have been done, the most important of which is that we brought up a system. it is connected to all the bookstores in the country , that is, the virtual shopping issue
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. i opened this system. i wanted a book . there was a bookstore in zahedan. i chose it in two or three days. then it dawned on me that we brought this to our house now , that is , we brought all the bookies to the discussion of virtual support. in the same exhibition today, the bookies are together with the publishers, this is an important event. another important issue that happened, we had a government decree , we are setting up large bookstores in all the cities , well, you know, the cultural front of the revolution does not harm the local bookstores, this is based on the strengthening of bookstores. i am a person who has been with books since i was a child.
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to improve the current transverse work actually ate we are doing book sales, and wherever this has happened, it has actually helped the book economy, that is , to make this space a cultural space, to make it stand out in the city environment . the supply itself will be stronger, so believe me. perhaps many viewers
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may have a question regarding the good news that you said at the beginning of your speech. let's export paper we accept the events. it's very good, the ministry of guidance has made very good efforts, but our reports say that due to the increase in costs in other areas since the 13th government, now since 1400 , the price of books has increased almost 5 times according to some reports. now, if you are wrong please correct me, what is the reason, and if you confirm this report and statistics, your plan is to manage the price control, which
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is actually a growth proportional to the same inflation growth that we had in recent years, almost even lower than that , because the book supply area is actually. in the priority system of buying a household in the shopping basket of the family, naturally it may not be the first priority, that's why its growth is not the growth of, for example, food items. no, often , for example, much lower than the general rate of inflation, and i think these numbers that we see sometimes are exaggerated and a bit disappointing. do you have any statistics on how much the price of books increased in these two or three years? in these two or three
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years, the average price of something that was always between 45 and 50, for example, increased by 55%, because the area that, yes, yes, from 1400 to 1402, is now 14, which is new. it has entered about 45 to 50 percent. yes, it is possible that, for example, the paper of books that use expensive foreign paper has actually increased more due to the increase in the price of the currency , but now we are doing this. what we did , you know , we give 1000 tons of our own paper per month to the publishers in the form of a quota, that is , we give iranian paper, now if someone does not use iranian paper, he may go for high-quality paper, for example, he may buy a special one.
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he wants special programs for children and teenagers. now, if we accept this number, the program see what the government has to do to manage this upward trend. we have a part of it in the field of publishing paper management, well , a part of it belongs to human resources, a part of it is the place of supply. we will increase our direct subsidies. look at this year for the first time in the history of these 35 periods. this year, the government has decided to give direct subsidies to 2 million government employees , that is, we are giving the same subsidies that we give to students, to students, to university professors. we have this for a 2,000 to 2 million employees, which means the entry of a thousand billion money into this cycle
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, since when have we been operating this , put it to bed now. we also did it on this platform, the virtual space will start in the next few days, but we did not close the ceiling to these 10 days, that's right, because there may be high traffic in the discussion because of this post , we have it until the end of the year, so we will extend it so that whenever they want to buy from this space virtually, with this difference, i give you another good news that people are experiencing now, maybe they will hear less if a good compatriot of ours in, for example, mako in chabahar in khorramshahr. in fact, in one of the villages of these cities that i mentioned from four different regions of iran , he can enter the ktabtab.ayr system with his mobile phone , he can buy a book in 10 minutes and pay with his phone with a 30% discount, and we
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are free at the ministry of guidance. we will deliver at his house last year. at the book fair , we bought nearly 2 million books for free and delivered them to people's homes free of charge. post rai means that we and the postal company came again . we gave a subsidy. we deliver vote a lot because we want to collect the discussion of the paper , some conversations now, the text messages we used to receive. reports that we should see one of these reports together, some of the printing house and activists of the book field complained about the quality of iranian paper and believed that these papers with this quality will destroy our devices and this is your answer. what do you see in this review, do you accept the quality? i don't claim that the quality is at the
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desired level, but for example, we came all year 1401 and actually unveiled the iranian four-color paper , the first holy quran produced, actually printed with this. iranian four-color paper was very good, even now in newsprint, which is actually mostly used in foreign papers, now our friends in the field of domestic production claim that they are also producing it , but now we are back there. we have a subsidy, now we accept that it is not ideal , what is your plan to have this increase in quality? it's not wood, you know , i read somewhere, i had said this news, i fell back into a tree, now you know that most of the news that comes out is raw material.
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at first, it was from paper waste. it was a very important event. we also had factories in that area that were made of stone. yes, now we have that stone and this in sugarcane in khuzestan. it is true that we call it green as the poison industry, but here it is from paper waste, and this is a happy event. at. our own children are also involved in this work in our academic companies. we are making progress in this field every day. alright , let's see another report. we will come back and we will be at your service for the final part of the conversation. trying to overcome challenges such as more presence in the exhibition
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i had and i felt that there was more prosperity, while we attracted different audiences . i think that with this distribution of paper, there is a subsidy for the publishers, those who are now in the publishing business , that more communication between authors and publishers, authors and people will happen. why are the prices so high ? let us not ask them. they are busy with
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their own work. mr. minister , what can be done to make books better visible? well, i wanted to see what is being done for the private sector of private publishers, especially young people. yes, i really want to know. are there any programs, especially the position of a journalist? the book should have a strong and definite place in our country. at one time, our circulation was 4,000 to 5,000. now it has reached 50 to 100. so how do you see this performance? actually, i don't have any questions about government officials. but i always wanted one thing, and that is to try as much as possible in the field of culture , especially in the field of publishing and books, and allow the government sector to be less involved in it. yes, doctor, this was a part of the questions that people want to raise, about one or two things, for example
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, more communication between the author and the publishers and the people, and the support of the private publishers. we started a system, first of all, this media flow, which i always had a pessimistic attitude towards cultural measures , is now a public surveillance system. every book that we published with this is for the same reason that now you, every book that is published, we give permission, you can enter there , express your views, your suggestions, and your criticisms. it was very difficult to reach the author. now we have done this. the private sector is the work of the private sector. now this is the collection and your support is our support. the percentage means that we in the ministry of culture and government are completely at the service of our friends. i have said many times that you can see the support. we actually
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have a lot of facilities from our banks, and we make them available because most of them do not have serious demands from us. the servants of god say that only these normal things will happen. and really, i am a publisher, i am a cultural personality. and i would like to thank each and every one of them for their efforts. well, in the above documents, the government is obliged to buy books for the bookstores . how did you implement this program in this year's fair? you see, in the ministry of guidance , we buy books in two areas, in two separate departments, one is in the cultural vice-chancellor and the other is in the public library institution . there is really such a wide support for our friends. i always recommend that their umbrella be more open. most of the time you read books.
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i have experienced it. i will tell you the number in 2004. the book economy in the country was about 250 billion. the ministry of guidance had 80 billion money to manage the book market . 250 80 years ago when we started, i became the minister. the book economy was close to 11 thousand billion. the ministry of guidance had 30 billion for management. book means zero
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there was a movement here to remove the governance of culture from the hands of the government. well, if it is removed from the hands of the government, what will happen? these books, as the famous saying, multiply the quality books of our translated books in the last two years, this number is approaching. we have increased 300 billion tomans, this year we are going to increase it to 1000 billion and with.
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follow up that this budget. look, the government of mr. ayatollah raisi created a revolution in the cultural budget. the year i took over the ministry of culture, the budget was 1200 this year. our main budget has reached nearly 20,000 billion , 120,000 to 20,000, where did this come from, that is, if we want to calculate it, in these 3 years , the country's cultural budget is approx. 20 times in the ministry of culture, why did this happen? it was only 1% in 1400 for the budget of 100. now i will tell you, 1400. yes, 1400. we were allowed 2% . state companies did not pay a rial in 1401. we set an obligation for 1402, about 400 billion this year we brought this number actually.
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what does it mean that we put it as an objection? that is, if they don't spend 3 months of each season, the treasury will take it independently and give it to the institutions it will be implemented anyway, this is the most effective way, and i have to give special thanks to the government of the parliament, the cultural commission , for this, we can request that you give this report to the people every three months , because the budget system the one in the glass room is known. it is not that every organization has fulfilled its duty and every three months we have this gap. in note 13, this has now been approved. for example , guidance in the ministry itself has up to 600. everyone knows that it exists.
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thank you very much, mr. dr. mohammad mehdi esmaili, honorable minister of culture and islamic guidance. thank you for accepting our invitation and thank you for your explanation. inshallah , our colleagues , i will follow up on these issues again at the book table and they will reach you, dear viewers. thank you for your company . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world. today, i am hosni sadat shabiri , and i will accompany you in this program for about an hour.


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