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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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mr. boudieh, you mentioned that if this attack starts, and now i have taken from your words that this attack cannot be widespread , considering the responses that the resistance axis has planned for it, you mentioned that if it starts and if it expands, it will fail . the british deputy foreign minister used the same interpretation and said that the zionist regime will not succeed in defeating hamas in rafah. my question is specifically , do you think that the palestinian resistance groups and hamas have turned a new leaf in response to the zionist regime in this program, which they now announce that they will prepare he will have and will do without doubt , the islamic resistance of hamas in gaza, the walls of gaza, did their best for
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him, and the germans and french supported him, and also all the nato countries came to his aid, but he could not do anything. he will enter it, but he will run away because he cannot stay there because the resistance of the owner of his land.
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they don't just need condemnation, they need men to support them in the field, just like the islamic resistance of lebanon has done this, the islamic resistance of iraq and yemen. all of them are supported by the islamic republic of iran. the islamic republic of iran has stood by the palestinian resistance from the very first day .
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we are in the crazy actions of arab and western countries, and these countries cannot be zionists. he is limited to condemning in front of the television screens. history will not forget these actions. this crime that the palestinian nation is suffering from, every day on the pages of television can be seen and some people are only satisfied with crying ministers, but there are men who support and truly believe in the cause of the nation. in part of your speech, you mentioned the unity of the resistance fronts from yemen, iran, lebanon, etc. today, we
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heard in the news that on the lebanese front, hezbollah destroyed a newly installed system in al-aasi base with a drone. i want to ask if the coordinates this system of do you have any information on the importance of it, and what do you think was the importance of hezbollah's action? without doubt, hezbollah's equipment and possibilities. it is big and has advanced technologies and it has worried the zionist regime a lot. i want to start from a main point.
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it has not officially declared war, but it is only supporting the palestinian resistance. these are the things that hezbollah is doing, so if hezbollah enters this war fully, what will happen and
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what will the zionist regime see? a. israeli settlers recent developments we are witnessing that 200,000 zionist urban dwellers are unable to return to their homes in the northern regions. the five kilometers that they evacuated the northern areas has now been added to 20 kilometers and it is not known how much more it will be. the settlers have no security and confidence anywhere and they do not trust netanyahu 's cabinet. are their own homes. and they are resisting, they are sure that they will win because the resistance has gained a lot of experience and has acquired a lot of military technology, and despite the tough regional equation, it has been able
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to prove its power. the zionist regime cannot use its own drones. because hezbollah he knocks him down. it has the capability of cyber and radar attacks, so the zionist regime cannot do whatever it wants in this region. this issue has scared the zionist regime and its western supporters and some arab countries. they are sending their own delegations to lebanon to
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put pressure on hezbollah to stop this front. there is resistance. you mentioned the unity of the fields from yemen to lebanon to iran. we mentioned the resistance of iraq. we will not forget that he was able to send many rockets to sennius settlements bekne and also after that, lincoln traveled to iraq and became the prime minister. sudanese wanted to stop the attacks of the iraqi resistance towards the interests of america and the zionist settlements. also, yemen, which is putting pressure on the zionist regime in various ways , has succeeded in uniting the resistance fields.
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this is the point of view that the resistance in lebanon, syria , iraq and yemen supported and realized with the great support of the islamic republic of iran . they travel to the lebanese and ask the lebanese authorities to help them so that hezbollah
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does not open a new front against the zionist regime . in your opinion, if we see more widespread attacks on the rifa front, this is the northern front of lebanon's front against the zionist regime , which is an indication of the expansion of this operation in order to
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put pressure on the zionist regime to stop these crimes. it is not only desirable that hezbollah expand the scope of its activities when the countries that claim to be worried about rafah raise their voices against the zionist regime, it is egypt and jordan.
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like the dead, i will not say anything. therefore , the resistance has declared from the very first day that it is with the gaza strip and the residents of gaza and the palestinian resistance, and it has proven its support with precise and clear military tactics and will support the nation until the last breath. and the palestinian resistance will declare . thank you very much, mr. fadi boudieh, expert and analyst. lebanese, as well as the editor of al-maraya magazine , who were with us in the form of a picture from beirut
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i am also grateful to my colleague, mr. abdullahi, who was in charge of simultaneous translation of this live conversation.
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or lord of the first thing.
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in the conversation
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we had with the expert of the program, mr. boudieh, it was mentioned the various responses of the resistance axis to the crimes of the zionist regime. now let's review some of these responses, including the lebanese hezbollah's drone attack on the new technical system of the zionists in the el-asik base of the lebanese resistance . as a result of this drone attack and its accurate hitting on the target , it destroyed this technical system that had just been installed. today , qassam battalions also announced the gathering of zionist soldiers in karam abu salem targeted with a short-range missile system . the media of the zionist regime reported that in the recent wave of rocket attacks by the palestinian resistance , 8 rockets were fired from the gaza strip towards the occupied area of ​​sholomit. also, quds battalions
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reported mortar attack on israeli soldiers and weapons in a town east of rafah. however, in the shadow of the destructive war of the zionist regime in the gaza strip, unemployment in this area has reached 80% and the economic infrastructure and industrial and agricultural activities in the gaza strip have been destroyed, according to the united nations arab network, the cost of reconstruction esme has estimated the gaza strip at 40 billion dollars. the severe economic crisis and continuous humanitarian disaster in the gaza strip continues seven months after the israeli invasion, the decline of the palestinian gdp continues, and the united nations says that it has reached 30% since the beginning of the israeli invasion , while the war continues. in the shadow of the continuing
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war against the gaza strip, the unemployment rate reached 80% and the economic infrastructure and industrial and agricultural activities in the gaza strip have been destroyed. the international labor organization revealed that 25 percent of the dead in gaza were men of working age, which caused the loss skilled labor is leaving and all sectors will be affected in the future. in the private sector, the war caused the loss of 90% of job opportunities. in addition, public sector employees and workers in the gaza strip who worked in the occupied territories became unemployed. according to the announcement of the united nations development, more than 80% of the residents of gaza live below the poverty line, and the human development index in palestine will go back several decades, which means the loss of investments in the fields of health, education, and drinking water. , sewage, electricity,
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infrastructure and economic growth and investments it is private and public. the direct damage to the infrastructure in the gaza strip is catastrophic and preliminary assessments by the world bank indicate destruction. about 300,000 residential units will be destroyed or destroyed, which is 60% of all residential units in this region. estimates indicate that 40 million tons of debris have accumulated in the gaza strip. a united nations-affiliated organization announced that clearing debris and collecting unexploded ordnance in the gaza strip may take about 15 years, and the cost of rebuilding the gaza strip, according to the united nations, may be estimates that indicate the extent of the car's economic damage will reach 40 billion dollars israel's war brought to gaza. and
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some short news from around the world, from the flood in brazil to the chaos of the desert and the unusual crowding at british airports. number of victims the flood in brazil reached at least 100 people. 128 people are still missing. floods in southern brazil have also submerged thousands of homes and displaced at least 70,000. the current flood in brazil is the fourth environmental disaster in the country in less than a year. long queues formed at uk airports after identity recognition computers went down. thousands of passengers were forced to wait for the disruption to be resolved spend the night at the airport.
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there are over 270 electronic facial recognition systems across uk airports and railway stations. this is not the first time such a problem has occurred at british airports. last year, numerous technical problems caused the cancellation of more than 1,500 flights. the european union agreed to allocate profits from russian blocked funds in european banks to ukraine. with this decision, kiev will get about 3 billion dollars, which it can use to buy weapons against russia. since the beginning of the war in ukraine, 210 billion euros from the assets of the central bank of moscow have been frozen in the european union. previously, the russians had warned the members of the group of seven. in case of confiscation of russian property, in addition to the diplomatic reaction , they should also expect economic countermeasures. tik tok
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reacted to the law prohibiting the activity of this social network by filing a complaint against the us government. byte dance company, which tik tok is a subsidiary of, filed a complaint and announced that the new law signed by the president of the united states violates the rights of the users of this social network. according to this law, if the byte dance company transfers tik tok to a company in 9 months do not sell american will be banned. we reached the end of the world today because you were with us tonight. thank you. good night and god bless you.
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the sea of ​​love of a good sister is a blessing, a good sister knows. brothers, sister's mercy in life, your mother's help , your brother's all his life, your father's cane, you should be a role model for siblings. dara masum with imam reza should be a model of sleep.
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i will put my innocent brothers with imam reza, imam rezaiim, my sister, and on the head of imam rezaiim, the ten-year honor of imam rezaiim . my decade of dignity imam rezaiyim, i will go to the shrine this night to ask questions. from the scene of qom to mashhad al-reza
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, the table of fehne nemat faravouneh, my soul, my soul , my soul, i will take you, mrs. idi .
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imam rezaiim, i will put my sister on my head, imam rezaiim, ten years of honor, my dove, imam rezaiim, tonight, i will go to the haram to the pyramid.
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blow some more air to cool down. be embarrassed, we will perish in this house, why don't you buy a cooler, the account balance is not enough, this is the reason, there is no reason, there is no reason, we are going to the home appliance city, buy an installment cooler.
11:30 pm
hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the football magazine with us. we have an interesting 26 7 minutes at your service. members of the national futsal team met with the supreme leader of the islamic revolution. today at noon, the members of the iranian national futsal team, who won the asian nations cup for the 13th time in the past few days , met and talked with the leader of the islamic revolution. that may make your heart


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