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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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stay with us. the presence of the national post company in the book fair with the establishment of three postal acceptance counters. according to the managing director of iran's national post company, apart from the establishment of these three post offices in masla, tehran , arrangements have been made to send books with virtual orders. we have three mail acceptance counters in m. matla , we have 12 permanent post offices around tehran, because usually many publishers do not send books from the actual exhibition site, maybe they do it from their warehouses and stores. we want this to happen faster. we have appointed post offices that are near stores and book warehouses should be located in 11 mobile post offices. in the densely populated areas of the city
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, we predicted that the special book exhibition in the 8th educational festival of shahid beheshti university of medical sciences was honored from 9 educational groups in the field of medical sciences. the minister of health said that this year we gave about 1,800 new permits to recruit professors, and last year, 1,000 people were recruited. and the best plans in the field of education of shahid beheshti university of medical sciences. the great pride of the anesthesia department is that it provides many services to patients. these services are both in the form of very reliable scientific articles and in the form of educational processes it is very reliable and has been able to offer it at the national level and at the world level. before the pathological changes show up on their own images, a mass grows, we can see through the imaging techniques and the indicators that we extract. qualitatively and quantitatively we can
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achieve early diagnosis. nursing diagnoses have won the top rank at the international level and also have several inventions that can help the nursing care of patients. emphasizing the importance of medical education was the focus of the conference. the choice of our colleagues in the field of university education as the medical education of people based on the theme of the year and with the participation of the people , 13 specific strategies were chosen in the field of education with a program this year. a review of education experiences, a review of the education program last year and the future program of the university in the coming year, what kind of improvements and achievements are expected in the field of education, and they are followed by the minister of health from the operationalization of research and support for scientists, said the university. and education is a
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progressive process and is always growing. we care about education and investing in education is a long-term investment. this is a way to encourage people who work in education. elites and doctors, along with gathering knowledge and striving for success, had expectations from officials to support superior projects.
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the next part of the news is three in the morning.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world. today, i am hosni sadat shabiri , and i will accompany you in this program for about an hour. in addition to destroying residential houses in rafah, where more than 1.4 million people have been forcibly settled, the zionists are also destroying the tents of the refugees . the british deputy foreign minister said that israel succeeded in
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hamas will not be defeated in rafah. tonight, i ask if hamas will turn over new leaves in rafah . we are also talking about the demonstrations in support of palestine in american universities about the fact that the american authorities seek to legalize any confrontation and opposition to the zionist regime. we will return to see a selection of images of anti-zionist demonstrations in america. absatz 1, nummer 5,
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versammlungsfreiheitsgesetz berlin da. shame on you, shame on you, shame on you, shame on you,
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more details of the student demonstration in support of palestine in america, i am talking to mr. jeremy casamaru, an american political analyst and writer who is with us from oklahoma, usa , welcome mr. kazam to this program. as a first question, i would like to ask that the united states
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is said to be seeking to legalize confrontation with the zionist regime and not to allow any confrontation and opposition to this regime. . what more details do you have and how likely is it to become a resolution in the us congress? it is possible to create a distance between the students
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, but at the same time, it is done that these protests coincide with the large presence of jewish students, and we witnessed that in some places like los angeles. i suppressed the students and sent some of them to prison. we are witnessing that the police are implementing double standards and suppressing the demonstrators instead of taking care of them . i will repeat my first question. do you think it is possible to legalize confrontation with any agreement, opposition, confrontation with the zionist regime. be approved by the us congress. of course, i don't think that the law
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will become private and take place in american law. of course , we also know that the american police is acting against the american constitution. we know that the american constitution provides for any kind of protest if it is peaceful, and the police are actually violating the american law with their actions, and there are speculations , there are talks, especially on social networks , that the police are against demonstrations. the producers have used chemicals, but this news is reflected in the main american media. not given. how true is this? do you
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know more details about this? yes, yes. it is possible that the police have done anything vandalistic by claiming that the demonstrators and the believers are doing bad things. to suppress them. there have been signs of this problem and we know that dangerous gases have been used against the students in the form of capsules, gases that harm the sight and smell of the students . and the police
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attack them instead of protecting them based on their legal rights. mr. casamero, according to these protests and their extent, how long do you think the students may stay in the protest scene because some people are talking about this? that the university holidays are approaching in america , these protests may subside. in fact , i would like to ask you a couple of questions with this introduction, how much do you think these protests can be subsided and if it subsides , what effects do you think that question and the issue that has become clear in the minds of american students will have in the long run? well, it is a good question. my opinion. well , soon we
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will witness the end of the student semester and on the other hand we see that some universities have delayed or canceled their graduation ceremonies. i will witness the continuation of these protests. it is for the first time that students can express their protest freely and in this way to politics. policies against countries such as iran, russia or other countries are implemented. we
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are actually witnessing a corrupt government and a corrupt structure in america. it is possible that these protests will become more widespread and challenge this structure. by the way, mr. kazam, we had a conversation in the same program with a protesting student who was in the group of protestors in american universities, he was white, he was jewish, and he used a phrase, he said, "if this if the protests do not reach the place, we will take it to higher places. you who are an analyst and monitor the political situation in america , do you think it is possible to really take it to higher places ? due to the corrupt structure of the american government , most of the american people have the feeling that the american government is starting
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endless wars in the middle east in ukraine and war. he is making demands in different regions and this is while ignoring the general will of the people, a structure that exists in a society where the infrastructure has been weakened, and in fact, on the other hand, it has witnessed the economic situation. inadequate, including heavy student loans , and young people in america want real change . mr. kazam, you talked about the nearness of student holidays in america . do you think it is possible that people from other trades and other groups will join with the university holidays and we will see a new and perhaps broader picture of protests in america? you know this is possible and likely. i hope that it will be like this and
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that we will see the protests become more widespread, just as we saw this issue in previous years for police brutality, which is actually against bad governance and corruption. in the police , we witnessed the corruption of the police. it is foreign that is done against countries like iran and russia. i want to ask my final question related to the issue of rafe. the americans
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do not openly support the attack of the zionist regime. on the other hand , we hear some officials saying that if they attack the rafah crossing, this is a legitimate action. do you think this position is correct? why is it happening next to the american authorities? well, in my opinion , the relations that america should have. and israel looked at this issue in the attack on gaza and the cooperation they have , just as we saw in the united nations issue , we had unconditional support from the united states, and the united states does not consider any borders to israel
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, and in fact to israel. as one of its own agents, we are witnesses to the fact that the policies of america and israel to change the regime in other countries are still continuing, and the bellicose policies of the united states are actually for the achievement of a greater israel and the realization of this desire. it is and the neocons have a very important role in the implementation and realization of these policies, and this is according to the wishes of the people. america is actually in contradiction that israel is seeking to push people aside to palestine. america's indirect policy is also
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considered. thank you very much, mr. jeremy kazamarov , an american political analyst and writer, who was with us from oklahoma, usa. from my colleague , mr. yami, who translated at the same time. mr. casamaro believed that if the student protests were temporarily reduced or stopped in america, but this it has the capacity to be extended to higher places in the long term, but the pro-palestinian student demonstrations in the past weeks were not limited to america and spread to other countries as well. let's watch a tv interview from a french student who supports palestine. vous en pensez quoi vous madame du hamas? en train de justifyer qu'il ait 34000 morts en me parlant du hamas mais c'est insupportable parce que moi je suis étudiante mobilisée contre le genocide et dans les
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placaux télés télés on nous accuse d'être pro hamas d'être pro iran on nous assimile à la nuit de cristal but c'est délirant c'est délirant ce niveau d'offensive contre les jeunes qui ose denouncer le genocide à gaza qui ose denouncer les massacres est-ce que moi je retiens de de cette cette. c'est que en mai ça n'est plus ça n'est toujours pas possible de denouncer ce qui se passe à gaza, ça n'est toujours pas possible et efficently ça et oui la convocation d'un certain nombre de représentants politiques pour leur prise de position sur gaza parce qu'ils n'ont pas dit qu'ils étaiten pour israel, pour vous c'est la même chose dans les facs, c'est la même chose qui s'est passé notably hier à lasarbon, on empêchement il a eu trois interventions de police dans les... université en une semaine, je sais pas si vous vous rendez compte, c'est un précédent enorme, la police n'a pas le droit de rentrer dans les universités, c'est c'est un lieu sacré, elle n'a pas le droit, donc il a eu des interpellations à la sorbonne hier,
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elle a le droit, mais elle a le droit, vous dites c'est, bah oui, c'est un principe, normally la police ne rentre pas comme si elle était chez elle parce que en fait il a un sitin ou un drapeau palestinien, ça n'est pas possible de dire ça, ça fait 6 mois qu'il a des massacres à gaza et on ne peut toujours pas dire que ce n' it's not normal. this is the reality, today there are 1.4 million refugees who are trapped in rafat and there is an imminent invasion of this city which has been doubled by the western powers and it cannot be manifested in our country. universités, il faut queil atal rotallo qui a faire la police politique, nomentamente est-ce que vous appelez un soulève, let 's go to belgium, where the students of the country's largest university. together with students in different countries of the world, they sat in support of palestine. according to al jazeera, these students want an immediate
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cease-fire in gaza and the severance of their university's relationship with the zionist regime. belgian students first started a similar improvement after several weeks of sit-ins at american universities. the students of ghent university, which is considered the largest university in belgium , asked the university administration to declare their relations with israeli universities and institutions during the past weeks. however, the administration of this university denied the announcement or termination of these relations last week. for this reason, the students set up this improvement and raised these demands. this improvement was held after several months of protests and requests to sever ties with israeli universities. we hold weekly gatherings for this purpose. we used to send letters to the president of the university and other parties to sever relations with the israeli parties, but unfortunately their answer
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was vague and they refused to implement our demands , and there is no other way for us except to hold tahshen inside the university until it is realized. our wishes remain they did not let we are here to oppose the israeli occupation. let's declare that i do not want to be part of a university that supports the occupiers . in this sit-in, we want to cut off all relations with the israeli parties, and we also want an immediate ceasefire. students say that this improvement will continue for 3 days until the university administration revises its position. but in front of the university administration, he says that he will not reconsider his decision . organizers. announcing that 200 students are participating in this improvement and will extend the sit-in if their demands are not met. at this university has the largest number of foreign students
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studying in belgium. this is the result. it can be the beginning of the movement of other universities in belgium in the coming days. you are still watching the world today. let's go to the second case of tonight's program. médecins sans frontières announced that the ground military attack on the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip will have disastrous consequences for more than 1 million people. it is related to the organization. emphasizing the establishment of a ceasefire in gaza, the nations called for the reopening of the rafah border crossing. martin griffiths, deputy secretary general of the united nations humanitarian affairs also warned: the evacuation of palestinian homes and the israeli army's attack on rafah will only lead to more killing and displacement. just a few hours after the children of gaza
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were trampled. after the displacement, the attacks resumed. then the occupation tanks entered rafah and closed the rafah crossing. the main entrance gate for people's basic needs in gaza and of course the exit gate for critically ill patients. outside the scope of the attack that also raised the voice of the opponents of netanyahu's regime, why now that hamas accepted this agreement, israel decided to enter rafah and take hostages and the process of negotiations. hamas says the answer to this question is clear. by attacking the rafah crossing, netanyahu
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is seeking to preserve his reputation and create an imaginary victory that will save him.
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mr. boudieh, hello and welcome to you , as the first question i want to ask, which has been a long time coming.
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the zionist regime is especially talking about the attack on rafah in their media. in your opinion, what we are witnessing now is a limited attack, just as the american official pointed out, and some experts also believe that the attack will be a staged attack. to monitor reactions or not to attack o wide, of course, masaa khair to you and a great blessing to the people of gaza and the people of rafah. we send greetings to the residents of gaza and rafah and all of palestine. without a doubt, netanyahu has failed to achieve the goals he announced at the beginning of the war against the gaza strip. these goals were to liberate asra and destroy hamas and change the government in the gaza strip. to


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