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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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this is gymna publications. we always tried to serve you with the latest methods. and today we are going to offer you 60% of your educational resources for free. only by sending the number 5 to the sms system 308 55, 60% of your educational resources completely.
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get a gift from the sources of gilna publications by sending 5 to 308 55 in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. we are at your service with the four morning news section. the ministry creates a special fund for people's participation in major national projects. according to the minister, with the creation of this fund, people will have the opportunity to work with the artisans direct their capital to national profit schemes and earn more than the rate of inflation. i am confident that if this process happens
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, the country will migrate from the current situation to favorable conditions, god willing. our effort is to create project funds for the implementation of large national projects, so that people can participate in those funds with their capital, and the government also provides sufficient guarantees that they will actually benefit more than inflation, god willing. this is a point that in my opinion, if it happens, it will be a happy event , and god willing, this mechanism will be implemented from today, the key is open. today, that consortium was formed. in that consortium , we will provide this fund so that people can participate . it is specific to the central province. for now, it belongs to the central province . it can start from here, and later , god willing, it will be developed by the country. more than 1 million archive files in the organization. documents and
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the national library of iran are ready to inform and present to researchers. the head of this organization said at the ceremony of the national day of documents and written heritage: in a campaign , we invited people to send documents and documents of spiritual and material value to the organization for better preservation. provide documents and the national library of iran. we invite the dear citizens of our country to bring their own documents to the documents organization. if they want, the original document will be returned to them and they will keep the digital version with their permission . if they want, they will give us the original document , they will take the digital version. the cases that donate the documents that today also honored us from some of the prominent donors of last year, following the increase in violence. and the
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successive murders of women in parts of australia in this country a state of national crisis was declared. australia's women's minister says the wide gender pay gap is one of the reasons women are killed. they have to choose between tolerating violence and sleeping on the street. this is the voice of panic of women who are wrapped in houses and streets. this is the guardian columnist's description of the protest marches of australian residents in the past days. venbata says, what australia is crying out for is not a culture war, it is a war for survival. data shows that the rate of death of australian women by their sexual partners increased by 30% last year. australian women this year at a faster pace they are decreasing. a poison every four days.
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the australian government, which has declared violence against women a national crisis for several days , is re-examining the conditions for accepting bail from criminals , but that is not the whole issue. his cry is from fear. an eyewitness to the attack on a shopping center in the last days of april. this man was running around with a knife , wounding the streets and women. seven women were killed. many people are talking about violence against women in australia these days. the head of our watch institute says: violent murders are only the tip of the iceberg. tens of thousands of women in control of relationships
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they live unhealthy. why women are still not safe to go for morning exercise, take their baby to a busy mall and live in their own homes. this is, for example, in the australian parliament, which announced on its website a few days ago that earlier this month , the victim of a rape was injected with a large amount of drugs by the man who assaulted her. a little later, he wrote again on his page that several women contacted me and said that they had a similar experience in this city. you have already talked about the harms of the online space and social networks. how can the youth in this.
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and protest marches in different cities australia is still standing. gatherings are mostly filled with women. women who probably have this lady's handwriting in their minds. am i the next person ? he was honored by the alumni of tehran university. according to the managing director of tehran university supporters foundation, 600 faculty members and staff each month an amount for affairs. they dedicate a ceremony to honor the benefactors and relatives of tehran university, please encourage the dear ones. in this ceremony , 303 benefactors in different departments
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were given a thank you plaque and a statue. during this beautiful heart beats, it fills with energy , and it is a very sweet work. dear ones should do this work to enjoy it. people who want to be good should help the deprived and orphans . they should serve the society. you can do it with the lowest amount. that is , help as much as you have, if it's more, then you can do more, but if it's less, you can help with the same amount. . it should be big enough that every person can help. at in 1392, the number of benefactors of tehran university supporters foundation was about 40 people, while in 1402, the number of benefactors increased to 120 people . we hope that
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these 1,200 good-minded people who cooperate with us will develop with the activities that are being implemented. what we aimed for is about 2000 people. we are trying , god willing, in this year, which is the 175th year of higher education in the world. the donations given to tehran university must have two important conditions , one is that the donations are shariah and the other is that they are legal they can help not only financially , but also intellectually. they can join this group and feel that the doors of the university are open to the people, so that they can help the youth of this country, who are our talents and excellence.
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tehran university has cost about 300 billion tomans , mohammad ebrahim pakzad, seda and radio news agency, the next part of the news is panj bammad.
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this smoke fire is from the explosion of iranian tanks and these pictures are iraqi tanks captured from iran. promotional images of iraqi tv. these scenes are a salvo against iran's atomic forces. operation in january 1359. trust is the same force that muhammad reza pahlavi had given the order by following the bad army of tofanian. chieftain heavy tanks and american m60 tanks. but the iranian army had a big problem. before the revolution, the army did not have the ability or plan to face an independent border with any country. iran relied on nato. in the western wall of iran , there are four army divisions, while in this vast wall, at
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least 12 divisions are needed. iran's armored power is not enough to cover all of this wall. these conditions are the beginning of the dreams of many young people. they are sure that an armored force can be created in the irgc. but the thought of forming an armored force in the army itself. newly established is more like a joke. armored forces need to buy tanks. if you buy a new tank, you must also prepare its repair packages. individual, group and battalion packages. but iran is not allowed to buy any tanks. therefore, the young people of khobustani decide to attack the hearts of the iraqis themselves and take a booty tank. one of these young men will one day become an armored commander of the irgc. this man
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is hamid sarkhili. from the youth of abadan. we saw the armored work like this in the war, when we attack everything, we hit everything, it doesn't end and not too much. it disappears. after the defeat of res abadan , we captured a number of iraqi tanks in abadan. therefore, we decided to launch old tanks. that's why i remember that for the first time , we brought first-class mechanics or first-class heavy mechanics drivers to the tanks to see how we can use the driving of these tanks and move them, much more than other kids. at that time , they were working together with the army guys, with someone named mr. jafarzadeh, who had collected the remaining chieftain tanks in khoramsheh. but those tanks were western , they were a little different from these. iran's military has a new problem. they
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have not worked with the eastern military product at all. but every tank they take is from the t series. the irgc children communicate with the iraqis who oppose saddam, so they might understand what the russian tank means. the elders come to the aid of the army. they came to iran through the children of iraqi maawdin who were from the iraqi army. or they were mujahideen who fought against the iraqi army in our country , some of them were the children of armored officers, i remember. i went to ahvaz, a place called perkan, and i was given a number. i saw an iraqi there for the first time in the morning to noon , he told me how to use this t-55 tank , how to repair it, how to put shells , i wrote it down on a small pocket book, i came to abadan. i did the same thing with the old tank by shooting it, now it's planted.
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beit al-maqdis operation is fatah al-fatouhi. so many tanks are captured that the first armored division of the irgc is formed. 3rd armored division this routine continued. that thirty-armored army that mr. fitullah jafari became a commander in the army. these booty tanks were being repaired and launched in a place called atomic energy in darkhourin, some of which were the children of the iraqi mojahedin and mojahedin. in zareh, you are familiar with the repairs known as abu hamed abu jassim, these are children , they help, but besides these , there are also our own children, guards, basij children , mechanics that we have from various companies of lust sazi company in ahvaz. we had brought different ones, well , these are heavy mechanics , they worked with heavy engines after a limited time with the children
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the iraqi mujahideen gradually became familiar with the pound of work. the first stage is to cross this pythus until we reach the second pakuz, which will be captured on foot. we have no firepower. the army has captured more than 200 tanks from iraq and organized its armored divisions . in this situation, the war will end. the war is over. it needs to be renovated. after the war , the embargoes started, the intensity of the embargoes increased, many of your sectors do not give us supplies, or the same tank we had when we wanted to repair a part at an exorbitant price, for example, you the price of pmp 2 was changed from 20 to 20 million tomans to 150 million tomans once. well , all the sanctions affected you, you couldn't
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buy it. at that time, we didn't have the necessary parts to repair the engine or basic repair. but we had learned the method of reconstruction, the same method was transferred. for the war, the irgc decided to set up a reconstruction center. the zindin reconstruction center of the irgc was established in a short time after the war . sepenta company from ahvaz had come and set up a reconstruction line and this the turret that used to remove the tank got an upgrade and its cannon was changed a 15th cannon was installed, the method that was produced inside , this cannon and finally its fire control system was changed , a tank made specifically for the islamic republic, after the reconstruction, conditions will be prepared for iran to import the tank production line the name of the t-72s tank will be drawn. the special feature of this tank is speed and agility. but it also has big flaws.
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everything in this tank was produced 50 years ago. its parts are not found, nor how effective it is. it is admirable, one should also think to upgrade this tank , our elite guys in the army think like during the war , make decisions in many places, we monitors we fixed the driving, which means that we no longer need to look through a prism, in a tank or in a submarine, that we have limited visibility, or in many places, we have electronic sectors that belonged to 40 years ago, with equipment that could not even be found in these sectors in
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iraq and war. remember, america would have defeated the inexperienced iraqis with its powerful atomic force. that's why i think this shows negative results. the war between iraq and iran. when your enemy is only ground forces, t55 tanks are enough. america
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marches to the desert between iraq and kuwait. abrams, merkava and modern tanks of the world they don't even bother to hit the old t series tanks. the t-72 is hunted down by abrams to kill himself. the iraqi army was an army that wanted to fight the american army during the classic bama war. it entered a battle scene where the americans had complete air superiority. all of iraq's air defense systems were different, so yes, it is natural that the tank on the ground easily therefore, our discussion is mainly trans-regional today, because a trans-regional discussion arose, we should have changed the type of our war tactics, 1-2 upgrading our equipment.
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empowerment is a gift of fire that can be a fortress it can shoot steady and fire, but its second capability is mobility, the power of mobility when it moves on the ground , the noise it creates, the amount of fire it can pour while moving, causes panic and terror in the enemy. why not use this capability? well, this movement required us to strengthen the body and armor of our tanks or
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to provide non-active defense during the movement. it installs so-called thermal detectors and improves its fire and interception system . however, all that for iran armored force is more important. ban is used tactically , like here, in this exercise, iran for the first time reveals its tactical combat method in its borders. with trust in god. our tactical assumption in this exercise is that the enemy will start his attack through the sea. navy. our strategy overcomes the initial resistance and inflicts irreparable blows on the enemy , but the enemy manages to
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reach the shores of the islamic republic of iran in the southeastern region of the country. this is where the mission of the ground forces begins. iranian intelligence elites in the sky. it is very high over the entire region, they can monitor any movement against iran without being seen. notify the defense system. during the conflict between iranians' native defense and air aggression, the ground force also intervenes. throughout this conflict, no reconnaissance aircraft or military satellite has the ability to accurately detect moving trenches and the location of armored forces. suddenly, the invasion of iranians begins. for many years, the iranian army has entered into the production of indigenous tanks by following the example of the best western tanks.
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zulfikar one. 2 and 3 are the products of the same makoor constructions. zulfikar is technically similar to merkava and it works like abrams in terms of engagement power . armor suitable for this type of tank is also being produced. but what was unveiled in 2017 is a little different. the ministry of defense unveiled the plan . a tank very similar to the t-90 days. to. the most agile tank in the world. having said that , from now on, iran should be considered the owner of the technology of making multi-purpose tanks. but these developments have not caused the design of uneven battle tactics to remain far from the minds. this is one of the most important exercises in the history of iran's ground forces. bandarbas public area, 2017. we are in the exercises
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in the past, until the prophet 11 exercise, which we conducted in the persian gulf region in the khuzestan region , mainly the approach we had at the lower levels , the operational and tactical levels, was a defensive approach , that is, we had created positions and defended the positions, but in this exercise that this year we organized our approach at the strategic level. if any country, if they have any intentions , are a threat against us, we will not stand behind the ground anymore, before they ask to make a move, we will attack. the design of the exercise is like this . towards the waters of iran
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he attacks the iranian islands at once. a massive air attack begins. all the coasts of iran are engulfed in fire, but in the very first hour of the conflict, the air and sea forces of the islamic republic engaged with the aggressors and leveled the battle .
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in these breathtaking moments of the conflict, the news reaches the irgc ground forces. troops are immediately drawn up from omari provinces. this column drawing is so important that it has this meaning. any country that can get its troops on the road this quickly will have the upper hand in the next days of battle. that's it. will be armored force and the ground forces of the irgc immediately reached the area and entered into battle with the coordination of the irgc's naval forces. the task of these forces is to conquer the strategic obstacle of the enemy. that is, for the first time in the history of iran , the forces of the islamic republic declare that they will not defend only within their borders. from any point we will be attacked, we will conquer that point.
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but with the least number of weapons, this way of warfare is called tactical warfare. as the ground forces begin to move, the divers hit the water. then the speedboats along with the ground force commandos will break the first line of the enemy. all-iranian cobra-backed helicopters. head the commandos take the second line under fire. at these moments, the ammunition necessary to capture the base from which the enemy attacked is dropped from the sky for the troops. at the end of the story, the personnel carriers and tanks hit the water to add a little weight to resist in the early hours. this is the fighting style of a country that has been under attack for more than 40 years


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