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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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the branch with the identification cards that i introduced to serve you and dear viewers should be adjusted , this is under the title of configuration, that is, these cards are for specific branches for which this fund is registered. after this , it will be installed in the relevant branches by the end of tonight. and the executive group , god willing, will be called from 6 o'clock in the morning. in order to be able to raise this in a meaningful way, prepare it and make it ready . what time does the voting officially start at 8:00 am? that if voting continued in the first 3 hours with the opinion of the honorable minister of the interior and the election headquarters of the ministry of the interior
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. for example, 12:00 pm , yes, and of course we hope that due to the speed of voting, this feature of this machine is both speed, accuracy and safety, so these features will help us to do the voting faster and people. don't delay to vote. in the previous periods that to voting was done manually, we had mobile branches, now we have mobile branches with these equipments and facilities, or not? for this purpose, we have predicted about 311 funds, of course, with a thematic regional plan, in other words , how many hospitals are there in a certain region, where some people may apply to vote. or, for example
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, there are sections where people's access to vote is low , we will announce them on demand through a phone number, which is tehran's phone number 45,500, for inspections that, if god forbid, people will be able to vote for the polling stations themselves. running into a problem and they want to follow up and be accountable for their work and through these so-called branches . we don't leave our mobile cash registers anywhere that is empty of people's demand, and we are fully prepared, god willing , we will find this complete coverage. it has been said that everyone is against this new form because we
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have been voting in that way for 45 years. the work is done in a systematic way, of course , the supporter of this system is located in the ministry of interior , and on the other hand, there are teams that can provide support in the conditions that are necessary to fix the defects , even we have reserve funds. to be able to use the reserve fund, we have reserve cards to use the reserve cards so as not to delay and prevent the voting period and predictions that have been made, considering that for any reason this may be called an attack, even we have made the necessary predictions for this work and for the complete safety in particular voting is available through the so-called electronic system. and there is nothing to worry
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about. how many of these are installed in each voting area and are ready to help vote depends on the so-called statistics that we had from the first round and calculated, almost a number between 3 and 3 and a half so- called the fund in each branch is expected to receive votes on an average and it is normal. somewhere there may be four, somewhere there may be three, somewhere there should be five, so that's right. we took a number as an average and this amount has been provided and explained so that, god willing, it can meet all the needs. provide it. considering that the voting is held electronically, of course the costs will decrease and the speed of increase is your expectation of when the results will be announced in this period of the election, because sometimes before. because
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it is really the same in the first period, when there are 1,000 and 200 people, each of these votes must be counted and then summed up, and what do you expect in this period? see, we have a rehearsed timetable on the agenda. we set a minimum of 70 minutes to a maximum of 200 minutes for ourselves, and these two can help us from the final stages of voting are the opening of the ballot box , the final control, the minutes of the meeting are recorded and announced to the center. in the previous courses, you have witnessed that for the counting of votes, sometimes, for example, for a day or two, we had all the agents at the cash register
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. maximum 2 hours after voting, we have completely transferred the results we will be able to give the statistics on the first night, god willing. if necessary, they will announce it tomorrow to announce the final results, god willing. now, apart from this , the election process is good. god willing, we will have a good election, but i have one point from you as a professor.
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how is the situation in tehran? as the governor of tehran, what do you expect from the representatives of the city of tehran? and now the other areas, of course, other areas exist to some extent, tehran city, shemiranat, islam city, pardist city and ray city. do you have any expectations? yes, well, finally, tehran , as the center of the islamic republic and the center of the world's attention , really has an exceptional position. it will be and people's expectations may be higher compared to other places. therefore, the interaction between the respected representatives and the people through understanding the system of issues and involving the opinion of the people to solve the problems of the province is one of our demands.
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that is, to the extent that the respected representatives provide the opportunity to communicate with the people and from this relationship if the system listens to the problems directly and provides executive and legislative solutions, naturally tehran's problems will be solved. tehran's problems can be an example in all areas. therefore, with the help of respected representatives, through both monitoring and enforcing the laws that are really necessary for the advancement and development of tehran, we demand that in an interaction. two-way and multi-way and by using their supervisory capacities to advance the goals that are under the current laws of the islamic republic , to facilitate the work of the people , to strengthen the needs of the people in the field of supervision and to meet the demands of the people
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provide directly and where people participate, problems are solved better, faster and with quality. what are the most important issues that may be necessary ? as the highest executive authority of tehran province, do you think these should be on the agenda of tehran's representatives? there is a close relationship between governors and representatives of the province. that the system of issues becomes clear , they exchange opinions with each other, and you think this in tehran what should be the type of interaction? it seems to our residents, first of all, we should
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have a review with our dear representatives on the target that has been implemented in tehran province, that is, our understanding of the working environment is very important, this basis of target work shows us the strengths. and our weakness in tehran province. it is true and especially the city of tehran is the basis of this work , it can provide a basis for us to adapt to the desired situation and the existing situation. we should extract the problems in the form of the system of the province and tehran issues, identify the responsible organizations, and then in the budgeting system and development plans of the province. let's have an agreement and step by step to solve the problems of the parties, god willing, cooperate and try. therefore, what your excellency said is a direct, clear and direct interaction between the officials of tehran province , the honorable representatives. the people of the respected representatives will help that toilet find its place and
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these problems will be solved. well, we have major problems . in fact, it should be taken care of in tehran. it is one of the issues of population burden in tehran province. let's really determine the container for tehran's future populability and we know the conditions that today we are faced with it, some measures must be taken so that even reverse migration can be taken seriously, and this situation that exists today for the field of infrastructure provision, for the field of road transport network, especially the weather and this situation we have as problems. the term clean air, clean air , etc. well, these are the problems in the recirculation basins of resources, for example, surface water, etc., or the development of the city of tehran. the privacy of the city of tehran, the interference of this privacy with the privacy of other cities and towns of the province, these
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are issues that the honorable representatives can certainly help to solve the problems, god willing. it seems very important that we should consider the social harms that we are more or less facing in tehran. the help of the honorable representatives should be seriously available in terms of their perspective and mastery of the statistics and the nature of the harms. we have seen that in the last three to four months, the discussion of country divisions in the area of ​​tehran province, which may be the smallest province in terms of size, but in terms of population , it has several times the population of other provinces. has this plan reached anywhere ? what is the latest situation? first of all, based on the estimates and
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studies that were done in the past, the plan separation of three provinces of tehran, one of tehran itself, west of tehran, and southeast of tehran, was considered. well, the initial studies were done, one went through the processes in specialized areas in the government and it was prepared to be transferred and reflected to, god willing. to the islamic council, which i think is part of the agenda of the new parliament, this work will be done in this period, god willing. naturally, based on the estimates and divisions that were made, we have done our studies in the west of tehran and in the southeast of tehran with the centrality of varamin studies, which of course i think there is still room for more work on the study topics of these two provinces. conditions which provides, well, it is true that we the province in terms of the manager. we make a division, but we must be able to justify where this division
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serves the common interests of the people, and these conflicts, which may be due to the proximity of the land and the integration of the infrastructures of the so-called geographical areas of the region, do not deprive the people of peace and this can be the basis. provide a way that people can get the final benefit from these divisions, and with the reduction of management, people's access to factors that help in advancing systemic goals and organizational and administrative positions will be provided. these are the goals that are considered for the implementation of the division plan. we hope that god willing, by completing the study work and making sure that these divisions can solve the issues that we have at the level of the current tehran province , god willing, it will provide a basis for the comfort and peace of the people. and god willing, how long do you think it will take to make a final decision? regarding the divisions in the area of ​​tehran, i.e. tehran province, now
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this timetable is not really available . naturally, after the notification or announcement of this issue , it depends on the islamic council as a matter , with which priority the islamic council puts this on the agenda. give it and before that, as a rule, the representatives should do the necessary studies be ready for the opinion and, god willing , the final vote, which i think requires its own special time. we also see in the provinces that, for example, the general administrations that exist in a province each play a role in the field of environment, now there are different areas of document registration , but it seems that all these executive areas exist. in tehran province
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, this is because the ministry of home affairs exists there. has been overshadowed, what should be done for that this should not be under the influence and that everyone should know their own responsibility, for example , there is no need to go to the ministry of interior , the governor's office of tehran and various districts, and this process that exists in other provinces should also take place in tehran. yes, well, see. the truth is that we should consider national duties, provincial duties and urban duties. naturally, if this separation is not done, the overlap of duties will cause the place of reference to be distorted. naturally, we are facing this in tehran province. sometimes there are some national projects in tehran province. and it seems that there if the national economy is reduced and transferred to the provinces
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, it can create a new dish. likewise we. in tehran province, we give this to the governor of tehran and separate it as a duty. of course, in our work policy, we now have the governorship of tehran as a front-runner to carry out work in the tehran area . we completely separate it in all social, political, and cultural areas. we are making it a religion independent of the provincial decisions so that it can find the necessary identity .
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i thank the presence of the people, the will of the people and what they wrote. they do it to achieve the very big goals they have for the future development of the country. in a sense, this is determined at the ballot box, and those who want to make a condition to be elected, i would like to say one thing , that those who sacrificed their lives to preserve the authority and future of dear iran, do not make conditions for our election. and in continuation of that great movement. don't set a condition. thank you very much, mr. alireza fakhari, the honorable governor of tehran, and thank you , dear viewers, may god bless you. thank you for your hand in.
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the commission for agriculture, water and natural resources is one of the specialized commissions of the islamic parliament, which is in charge of reviewing plans and bills, investigating the questions of the representatives and preparing monitoring reports in these areas, agriculture, water resources, livestock and poultry , fisheries, environment and meteorology. with a note , in fact, the water policies of the entire resistance economy , the general policies of the system in the agricultural sector, the general policies of the reform of the consumption pattern, the general policies of the system regarding water resources, the general policies of the population, the general policies of the housing and urban development sectors, clauses there are several upstream documents with the duties of the agricultural commission it is related. the parliament's agriculture commission
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is responsible for monitoring part of the performance of 4 ministries of energy, jihad, agriculture, health and country and: 26 corporate organizations and government institutions. the internal regulation of the islamic council states that the educational fields of the members of the parliament to participate in the agriculture commission of the parliament are as follows. agricultural collection of natural resources, meteorology collection, biology collection, health and environment collection, animal medicine group, geology collection, management collection, local development, rural social development, environmental economics. amendment of the law guaranteeing the purchase of basic agricultural products, according to some work. scientists this area was one of the laws that, in addition to increasing the production and purchase of wheat by 60%, was able to attract the trust of farmers and society.
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nasser eshkriz of radio and television news agency. our next meeting is at 7:45 in the morning on the first day. on june 2, the end of the 11th term of the islamic council , we announce the end of the session, which started on june 7, 2019, and during which important plans and bills were approved. was approved. the first election cycle of the islamic council was held on march 24, 1958, and the assembly began on june 7, 1959. the islamic council as a popular institution in the islamic republic of iran is known as the center of many decisions, legislation and planning for the country. the parliament is the basic base
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of the system and the people and the source of the people's real participation in decision-making and the manifestation of the national will. the islamic council is made up of people's representatives who are elected to the national house directly and by secret ballot in a free and fair election. now the parliament makes a decision, either it gives an authority based on 85 or it says no, i make the decision myself, exactly the same decision must be made by the parliament now, according to article 63 of the constitution, the term of the islamic council is 4 years. there are currently 290 minority seats in the islamic council. religions also have their representatives in the parliament based on the constitution. every mp is responsible to the entire nation and has the right
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to comment on all domestic and foreign issues. in the implementation of article 3 of the internal constitution, we are preparing to read the text of the oath to the brothers, and of course, the religious minorities of the parliament to the holy book. they themselves swear . i swear by the almighty god, the almighty god , i swear by the holy qur'an. i pledge to be the guardian of the boundaries of islam , the guardian of the boundaries of islam, the guardian of the achievements of the guardian of the achievements of the islamic revolution of the iranian nation, the
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islamic revolution of the iranian nation, the foundations of the islamic republic. be in the position of the islamic republic. representatives are completely free to express their opinion and vote in the capacity of performing representative duties. although the youth unemployment rate. the country's communications balance between the public interest and the need of the honorable minister of communications as a private regulator. these days, floods have caused a lot of damage to infrastructure, especially in the south of sistan baluchistan province. the solution i have nothing but to raise a question to mr. president to deal with this very vital axis that is daily. we are witnessing the loss of his loved ones' lives . dear colleagues, you also owe it to shiraz-slaviyeh to stand up against this axis. my first contact is the ministry
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of roads and urban development . there has been a shortcoming in the national housing in shirvan, and despite almost 3 years of the honorable government , no appropriate action has been taken and it needs to be done. dear president's special order, please follow up on the rights of retirees from war zones. the people who are entering the work now will benefit from those who have been with the people in the lines for a lifetime moghadam jabeh is not busy with making approximations . the subsidence in isfahan is serious . the historical building of isfahan has been damaged. first of all, i invite the spokesperson of the health and treatment commission, article 88 of the constitution
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obliges the president and ministers to appear in the public hall of the parliament to answer the questions of the representatives. the president and ministers can also attend the islamic council and give their reports to the representatives nation to provide thank you for the presence of each honorable member of the government delegation, the deputies. i would like to invite here the honorable presidency that we are in the service of. it has been that what is being done is the implementation of the law and it can be accurately reported , it can be measured and announced to what extent the law has been implemented. the approvals of the parliament must be approved by the guardian council and in cases of disagreement, it will be referred to the expediency council.
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legislation, monitoring the implementation of laws is the inherent duty of the islamic council. at the same time, the islamic council has its own supervisory tools, such as the 90-way principle commission it has strict implementation of rules. the islamic council has 13 specialized commissions, as well as a number of special commissions, each of which has specific tasks of reviewing plans and bills and following up on questions from ministers, as well as reports from executive bodies. are in charge of examining and approving the country's industrial budget and five-year plans is one of the other legislative duties of the islamic council. the first order is to proceed with the report of the consolidation commission on the budget bill for the year 1403 of the whole country. and some of the important proposals that were reviewed and approved in the 11th parliament. the tax plan on gambling and gambling should be implemented this month
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current month. among the parliament's approvals that passed the approval of the parliament were dealing with the interests of dealers and traders in the real estate, car, width and gold markets. this tax is to calm the markets and slow down the blade of traders. this issue has nothing to do with the people, i clearly declare that the basis of this tax is based on the game registration approach, which does not even cover less than 1% of the society and is very small. teacher rating law, retiree salary proportionation law, automobile industry organization law, strategic action law to cancel sanctions and protect the interests of the iranian nation, purchase guarantee law basic agricultural products, housing production jump law, knowledge-based production law, business licensing facilitation law, also approving the afaf and hijab bill and reviewing the family support plan. the psychology of the population
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is one of the laws passed and reviewed by the islamic council in the 11th period. anyway, with the second stage of the elections of the islamic council for the 11th term on friday, the 21st of may, the assignment of 45 other seats will be determined, and another period of legislation will begin on the 7th of june. enforcement. the need to control inflation, reform the economic structures of the country, including the banking system, the budgeting of the tax system, as well as the follow-up of approvals related to housing, are part of the issues that can be considered in the eyes of the 12th parliament. pesbehar, sed and sima news agency.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good night, at 23:30 , i am at your service with some news. on the eve of the birth of hazrat masoumeh , peace be upon her, and girls' day was celebrated by afghan girl students and their teacher in mashhad. mazboumeh is the best girl in the world, this lady is like my smile, i am omid, i am coming. you live in germany, we tried to create a space for khorasan razavi education of immigrant girls, especially afghans.


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