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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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mr. raisi's order to the banks is to speed up the provision of facilities, the construction of residential units will speed up. the banks, too, i want them to pay the facilities. people in 22 constituencies are ready to go to the polls to determine the remaining 45 seats. voting assembly in eight areas, including tehran, all electors. he is the spokesman of the guardian council. about 40 thousand observers of the guardian council will supervise the voting process tomorrow. they have their own supervision over this process .
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and the spread of student protests in american universities in the third week of the anti-zionist uprising , the use of police technology. three figures to suppress the students of the george washington university student rally was accompanied by police violence. in the name of god. may god bless
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muhammad and the family of muhammad and speedily to them . greetings, dear viewers, in less than 8 hours, the second round of the islamic council elections will be held to determine the remaining 45 seats out of 29 seats in 22 constituencies. according to the spokesperson of the guardian council , election candidates through the volunteer system people also through the naz people system. they can reflect their violations or complaints to the guardian council . the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters also advised the people to go to the branches in the first hour of the voting process and not to postpone this work until the last hour. the final.
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bring one of the five identity documents, i.e. birth certificate, mail card, certificate, termination of service card or passport for authentication at the time of voting . 40,000 observers from the guardian council are monitoring the implementation of the second phase of the 12th parliament elections. we also registered 7 thousand people from the so-called representatives of candidates and volunteers to be able to be with executive agents.
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have their own monitoring of this monitoring process, therefore, i have to offer you my service, whether in areas where elections are conducted manually or in areas where elections are completely electronic, the necessary arrangements have been made , the necessary training has been given, and god willing, everything is done for an intelligent participation. people are ready to determine the remaining 45 seats. the credentials of 245 elected members of the parliament have been sent to the parliament by the ministry of interior. the credentials of the other 45 elected members will be determined by the people's vote tomorrow and will reach baharestan before the opening of the new parliament. nahid akbarzadeh. broadcasting.
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the second phase of the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council will start at 8 am today in 47 cities. referring to the duration of the elections, the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters said: the voting process is 10 hours, which can be extended with the coordination of the guardian council. where do you go to the gym and where are you going to go tomorrow? tomorrow at work, tomorrow at work, you are not going to go anywhere tomorrow , you don't have any special plans, no, maybe there will be news, but i don't know how many days tomorrow is tomorrow, friday , i should probably be at home, how come you are not going anywhere special, tomorrow, maybe there will be some news.
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think a little more. well done. tomorrow i want to vote. tomorrow i want to vote. tomorrow at this time i want to vote. there are less than four hours left until the second round of the islamic council elections and we went to the people with a question. how much can our voting affect the fate of our country? well, many people should try to vote for the best people who can fulfill their expectations. infinitely many i myself am the one who expects that we will not see the vote because nothing happens, it is completely my fault. i say it's a trick and i'm right if i don't participate. entrusting to another for it's great that we choose our great destiny . may our destiny be better. elections will create a new change in the society. we were at the polling station with the presence of hadak. we will go to the polling station in the first round on friday
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. it is very important. it is very sensitive. god willing, we will be able to elect a person at all , the reason is that he is an opposition and anti-revolution. people say that the name that is written on these papers is very important, so our voting should be in such a way that those who are the best option are chosen . we can help, if we make the right choice , we can improve the country , everything is possible with a better choice. i hope it ends well . some people have already written their election list . did you decide who to vote for? my list is clear. yes , you have chosen. yes, you have chosen. do you want to take it ?
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it is possible to say with all these high prices and conditions, yes , because of the high prices, and this is not possible at all . we asked others about it, not the economic situation, the election, anything else his place is moderate, sir, maybe this rationalization has opened the people's work, problems of good planning are needed , good management is needed, 100 because we accept the military, we accept the leadership among the people, but there was one thing in common. to serve their personal interests aside. in short , 45 more people are going to be elected tomorrow in the second round of the islamic council elections, 45 people who
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can be very influential in the functioning of the parliament in the next round.
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if you can't pay it with overtime, you can't calculate the 40 million, why did you come back with all these problems to welcome your president, well , we love the country, we love the president , housing is important for 100 people, all of them are eager to visit the national housing. this fiber could help those in space. mr. raisi, who traveled to qom in the second round of provincial trips , informed the public about the construction of a workshop to finish the monorail project of qom city. according to mr. raisi , the construction of the airport in this province will be completed by the end of the thirteenth government. mr. raisi, the problem much employment. important and said: the government
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is seriously pursuing the creation of one million jobs a year with various methods, including the revival of rocket industrial units. we in the country can announce that according to the definite statistics, i went from province to province and sometimes to cities. we are witnessing today that we are entering the number of 900 revived factories and workshops, which means that today in the country, not only will we not allow any workshop to stop production, but closed and semi-closed workshops and factories are also included in the president's production cycle. to the students and scholars of the school mr. raisi also went to this meeting , referring to the successes of the country in the areas where the enemy has put the most pressure, and said: the government
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is determined to advance politics, economy and culture with the teachings of the revolution. the president also pointed to the cancellation of document 20-30 at the beginning of the 13th government and said: we will not use other people's versions without studying and localizing them. one of the documents that i signed as the first government to cancel the bc document. it was the country. we ourselves have documents on the transformation of education. we have documents. localization and paying attention to the needs and conforming to our own religious and revolutionary culture , we will not use those versions. mr. raisi continued by referring to the economic achievements of the government. he announced the empowerment and withdrawal of 100,000 people from the relief and welfare committee and said: "for the first time in
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the country, no one is in line to join the welfare and relief committee." stating that the country can be managed despite threats and sanctions, the president said: although we took over the government with discontent, many problems have been solved. at the same time with. qom and opening of fiber optic project in this province
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mr. raisi's first work plan was to announce the statistics of 7 and a half million iranian families across the country who can use this opportunity. possible. a light to facilitate businesses and the president's emphasis on internet speed. one of the points i told mr. minister from the beginning was the need for speed and acceleration in communication. he promised that this work would be done scientifically and technologically quickly. alhamdulillah, this promise is being implemented in order for the network to be fast and for people to be able to do their work quickly, even if the gamer is playing an entertainment game, he should not
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worry about it. the minister of communications also said that about 40% of the country has been covered by the fiber optic network, and the number of households covered in the entire country will reach 7.5 million households. mr. raisi also visited the plan and website of the national housing agency, and the families who today received the land contract for the land of the plan, you would have thought that they are not at all poor. i didn't think so soon.
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right here, i want them all to pay their bills and act quickly. about a week ago, the people of the nirogah area had invited the president to come to this area during his trip, and today mr. raisi showed up in the mosque of hazrat ali asghar, peace be upon him, without the mediator discussed with them
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the problems here, the issue of two mega projects left on the ground, the completion of the monorail and the construction of the airport , were among the concerns of the people of qom. personally, i will continue to solve these two i was concerned. i heard that you are now going to a meeting
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to follow up on issues that have been left for years. in the middle of the meeting , there is a problem that, as you mentioned, is sometimes not resolved. there are issues that maybe since the beginning of the revolution, for example, the winner of the revolution has remained in one province, the same governments come and go, and it's not that they didn't want to , but they haven't been resolved . for more than 17 years , legal and contractual problems, technical issues and, of course, numbers have remained on the ground. follow up on tui the employer actually has legal issues . the president said that the money spent on this project cannot be left unfinished. the issue of the solution is that, for now, in the phase where you all
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agree, that you have checked and made an expert , let's start on the agreement, sit on the dispute and resolve the dispute. he says that the resources that are available should be absorbed , but there are other sources, after all, there is government aid and the municipality itself has the income that it has and it is taking action. it is a joint work, people expect that after this period of time, this work will reach a good point . it was promising. the meeting was good, thank god. no , the opinion of the honorable president, alhamdulillah , is a problem solver. it was a problem solver. it was a problem solver. yes, follow up. next, the construction of qom airport, which took more than a decade. the minister of roads stayed on the ground, the first step is to determine the tasks of the opponents of this project, he knows that this is one of the old demands of the people here, and it is really right for my president to set a deadline to solve this problem. solving the case by decorating the right it should not be done, it should be done with the right
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, this is also the second base, the third point is to make sure that the work that has been done will be finished here, if it is moved to another place, this is a new plan, it needs a new study for it. let's see what to do with this situation, that is, how can the problem be solved with the current situation. the legal form of the continuation of the work should be clarified by mr. governor. however, this should not take long. when we decide now that these two or three things will be done, i think a maximum of one and a half months is suitable. it was good. alhamdulillah, mr. president, ordering the deadline is decisive, and by the hope of god, i think within the next 45 days, a clear and transparent result will be given to the summons of our dear people for an operational look, god willing. special follow-up and solving of issues left on the ground during provincial trips is one of the regular programs of mr. president. in short, the people's words
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are always right. the problem of monre airport is to control the inflation . hopefully, it will be solved, god willing. trust in god. yousef salami, reporter of the provincial news agency. the attacks of the zionist regime on rifa from one side and from the other side for four consecutive days without the arrival of vital items contrary to the zionist claims, the director of the world food program announced that no aid has arrived from the border crossings in southern gaza and the relief operation of this international organization is closed for the time being. medical sources in gaza also talk about the end of drug and fuel supplies and death.
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news sources reported that contrary to the claim of the occupying army about limited operations in the east of rafah , zionist soldiers have carried out numerous attacks on other parts of this densely populated area. on the other side of the square, the zionist army said: three of its soldiers were wounded in rafah. the explosion at the entrance of a bombed tunnel on the zionist road in the east rifa also led to the killing and wounding of some other occupants. the quds brigades also
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announced a heavy conflict in rifa from a mortar attack on an enemy command and control center in the support line of the net zarim axis in the south of gaza city. navatim air base of the zionist regime was targeted by the iraqi resistance. the islamic resistance of iraq announced this morning that it has targeted the navatim base in bese with several armed drones. navaati base is the most important air force base of the zionist regime and the headquarters of war planes, including f-35 planes. the islamic resistance of iraq emphasized that due to the continuation of zionist crimes in gaza, the resistance attacks on the vital targets of the zionist regime will continue. secretary general of the ansourullah movement said: the attack on rafah does not only target the palestinian nation.
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there is also an action against the egyptian people and army. seyyed abdul malik badreddin stated that the attack of the zionist regime on rafah in the south of the gaza strip , which borders with egypt, is a challenge to egypt and a threat to its security. he said: the protest note of the egyptian government is not enough and this country should be at the forefront of the arab movement and uprising. take a decisive position to pressure the zionist side to leave the rifa crossing. the secretary general of the ansrullah movement criticized the fact that the arab countries are spectators to the crimes of the zionist regime reminded these countries of the many options to deal with the zionist regime and clarified that if the arab regimes do not have the courage to take any action, they should provide the ground for their people to act on a large scale. secretary general of the ansarullah movement, sanratullah. he considered the united states to be the main partner of the zionists in the attack on rafah and said: if the united states makes a serious decision, the zionist regime will never take military action against rafah. seyyed
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abdul malik badreddin comments. american officials pressuring the zionist regime to stop sending weapons he called it a pretense and said: america has already prepared a large arsenal of bombs and weapons for the zionist side , and these weapons are enough to destroy and genocide the residents of rafah. until the. students of american universities continue to protest against the crimes of the zionist regime. at george washington university, students' gathering led to clashes with the police. the police used pepper spray to disperse the students. a group of american professors and teachers held
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a rally in berkeley to protest against the censorship of palestinian history and emphasized that they are facing limitations in teaching palestinian history. these teachers in the gathering emphasized that there is no anti-semitism in educational centers as advertised. under the pretext of what it calls anti-semitism, the american government arrests protesters against the crimes of the severist regime in the university and on the streets. this is despite the fact that some of these protestors are jews and even rabbis of the jewish religion. i didn't actually hear any specific examples of anti-semitism. i talk to a lot of students and ask them about a lot of things they experience on the streets and outside of school. students are very open with me and we have hard discussions and debates we have many honest and so far i have no
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significant claims about one. the university of southern california was one of the first american universities whose graduation ceremony came under the spotlight of protests. about a month ago, this university removed a muslim student who was appointed as the speaker for the ceremony because of his positions on palestine. however, students of this knowledge.
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facial recognition is used to identify protesting students. this technology was used after the election protests three years ago in america, which led to the imprisonment of 800 election protesters . american police support more than 260 students palestine has arrested in the last three weeks. on the second day of the tehran international book fair in bazid, the first vice president talked about the fair with the attendees and exhibitors. what kind of books did you buy ? i bought three or four books, why didn't i buy them for the children
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? year after year, the exhibition is held in a more developed state, both the number of actual participants and the number of performers in very good compositions and very good works are being done in all fields. forward in all you can see the parts. mr. bakhar said that one of the most fundamental problems of publishing is the issue of paper and said: although most of the problems of paper have been solved in the last two and a half years, it is not over yet. the first vice president announced the launch of several new paper factories and said:


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