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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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the 12th session of the islamic council was held on the 11th of march 1402, but the fate of 45 seats depended on the second round of elections. the competition of 90 candidates who did not get enough votes to enter the parliament in 22 constituencies is one of the differences of the second round of elections on the 21st of may. with the first round , the number of constituencies will be increased, in which the elections will be held entirely electronically, and in addition to verifying the voting identity, the votes will be counted by the machine. on the day of the election and after that , the election was held in the four constituencies that were held electronically well, we had some evaluations, and i have to say, thank god, that we witnessed a relative satisfaction in this regard. the basis of the law, the condition of conducting
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elections completely electronically in different regions of the country is the approval of the guardian council as the election supervisor . we saw in the feedback of the four electronic constituencies that our infrastructure is ready and the electronic cash registers that we had in these four constituencies are easy to use by users. people can easily be placed. for example , in the constituencies that i mentioned , we used almost four funds in each branch, and now for the may elections, with the proposal of the ministry of interior and the relative consent that the spokesman of the guardian council said , the elections are supposed to be held in 8 electronic constituencies instead of four constituencies out of 22 constituencies that have gone to the second stage of the tabriz tehran elections. abadan, shiraz, kermanshah, haram
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abad and chegani, qaim shahr of malair are electronic. the election law allows voters to vote with their national identity card, certificate, retirement card and passport, in addition to their birth certificate. this device helps the election officials to check the identity of the voters, whether the conditions do they have the right to vote or not? anyone with this device? he can vote twice, he is connected to the system of the ministry of interior, after 5 seconds the person's profile is sent to us, saying that he is alive, when the authentication device issues the voting license , it is time to vote at the electronic ballot boxes. voting refers to this box which is located inside that branch, far away from the terminal
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. i enter the candidate i already had here , and it shows me his details. let me vote for the pumpkin to enter and when i press the voting button , it will show the person who we voted for in the box. and with the end of the voting process in the country , it is time to count the votes in the polling stations. we take the information from this card , it will be taken with this card. it is entered into this device and the information is transferred to the device through our user. the device sends the information to the systems of the ministry of interior , where we find out how many votes the candidate in question currently has in that box in that branch. brought national election federation
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he announced that if you did not participate in the first round of elections, you can vote in any constituency that went to the second round, and if you participated in the 11th march elections, you can only vote in the same constituency you voted in. ebrahim asadi bidmashki of sed and cima news agency.
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it has become very good, despite all the efforts and satisfaction of the farmers, frequent delays in announcing the price and payment. demands were one of the problems of wheat farmers. they wanted to amend the guaranteed purchase of wheat law, until in 1399, the parliament entered it on time and with urgency. representatives respected, let them know their opinion. was approved. and now , after several years , we went from baharestan of representatives to baharestan of farmers to see the impact of the law on the purchase of tezmin wheat in life and livelihood. let's ask these people. one of the good things that the parliament has done is the guaranteed purchase of wheat. the farmer knows what to plant and when to get his money. what is the best crop to plant this year ? it gives the farmer confidence that i will do the planting and
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harvest when i want. i will buy a product and a guarantee from you. well, this is a good law , if it is implemented correctly, the agricultural sector will be revived. all the laws that we have today , the laws that we live with, the laws that came out of the parliament, so the law that has been enacted, we can say that all the laws, the laws, the laws, the water has been burned. we must do it because it is our duty to have a representative who will defend us there
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. it was in the constituency of tabriz, azershahr and skobeh. two candidates and two other candidates in the middle constituencies are competing to sit on the green seat of baharestan do in the constituencies of parsabad, beile sawar and aslandoz in ardabil province, two candidates made it to the second stage. the two constituencies of semiram and lanjan will also recognize their two remaining representatives from isfahan province. karaj constituency. eshtre and ferdis also have an unelected representative. tehran rish amiranat of islamshahr and fardis
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sends its remaining 16 representatives from among the 32 candidates to the second round of parliament. in the same province and in the constituencies of varamin, pish and gharchak, the assignment of one more remaining seat will be determined. birjan constituency in mian and khosuf from khorasan province south has one remaining seat. in mashhad and kalat from razavi khorasan province, the names of two candidates will be voted. abadan has two remaining seats , and four candidates sat on them in ram harrems and ramshir, another electoral district of khuzestan province, one of the two candidates will be the people's representative in the islamic council. zanjan and tarem constituencies from zanjan province have two candidates who have qualified for the second round, and khodabande constituencies from the same province also have four candidates from fars province in shiraz and zarghan constituencies and marodasht constituencies in arsanjan and pasar. . also, two candidates will compete. khorram abad and chegani from lorestan province is another area where
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two representatives are going to baharestan. qaim shahr, swadkoh, juyib bar, simorgh and swadkoh north from mazandaran province will witness the competition of four candidates for two seats . malayer from hamedan province has one remaining seat in the 12th parliament, kermanshah has two unelected lawyers from the constituency of the same name and kavos gonbad in golestan province. according to the announcement of the ministry of interior, there is an unelected representative in the process of recruitment in 8 areas it will be electronic, that is, 65% of the 11,500 branches of ray photo. yaser beheshti of sed and cima news agency.
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those who enter the election field should refrain from bad mouthing and insulting others. see, these are the necessary things that we have to do in the field of elections, based on paragraph one of article 10 of the notification of the general election policies of the officials under the moda. mozfand, that in order to create a suitable background in the selection of qualified candidates of the islamic republic of iran through the precise determination of the criteria and indicators and the general and specific conditions of the candidates within the framework of the constitution, with an emphasis on scientific, physical efficiency and competence in accordance with the relevant responsibilities and commitment to islam, the islamic revolution and the constitution
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, especially the commitment to the jurisprudence and moral and economic health, take action. do not make impractical promises . not made you cannot fulfill this promise. why do you promise people? why do you make people hope for something that you know will not happen? sometimes they make illegal promises. we do such and such action. while they know that the act is against the law or against the constitution or against the common law. they do not make promises like this. therefore , before entering the field of elections and occupying important positions in the islamic system, the candidates should defend the positions of the revolution by avoiding deceptive words and making reasonable promises, and
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observe the ethical standards and shari'a guidelines. that is, the set of management devices. it should be an alevi country. now that out of 290 seats in the islamic council, 245 seats have been determined in the first phase of the election and the fate of 45 seats in 22 constituencies will be determined in a few days . the supporters of the candidates, including the winners and losers, also observe the islamic limits and legality and staying away from breaking the law of electoral immorality, maintaining sobriety, following the law and legal discipline, and having godly intentions to adhere to the election laws. moghadam of the radio and television news agency. how do you do this? the cultural commission is one of the specialized commissions of the parliament that
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does specialized work in the fields of culture and art, guidance and advertising, radio and television, physical education, youth, women and family . district budget allocation. culture of the country allocation of budget to the field of sports reviewing the performance and giving a vote of confidence to the ministers of culture inspection of the country's cultural institutions and reviewing and approving plans and bills related to youth affairs some of the commission's duties it is cultural. the cultural commission, with the cooperation of parliamentarians, in reviewing the 15th chapter of the 7th program bill, approved for the next 5 years in the field of culture, art and media. one of our priorities is the activities of the popular activists of the private sector and the set of facilities and infrastructures to be given to the people as incentives to invest in the field of culture. ministries of culture and islamic guidance, sports and youth, cultural heritage and
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tourism and organizations of islamic culture and communication, radio and television, hajj and pilgrimage and charitable endowments are among the organizations and ministries that are with the cultural commission is in direct contact. one of the most important pursuits of the members of the cultural commission was to modify the approaches of cultural and artistic affairs in various organizations, which was approved in the seventh program. for the purpose of revolutionary reconstruction of the cultural structure of the country with the approach of reforming the mentality, software culture governing the society and with the aim of increasing the efficiency and avoiding the overlap and interference of missions and tasks and with the approach of establishing a model of intelligent governance, an interactive network of people based on value and revolution until the end the second year of the program is related to the preparation of the reform plan , approaches, procedures, methods, and the mission of the mission, the structure of the duties and organizations of cultural institutions that
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use public funds directly or indirectly. take action and, with the approval of the supreme council of cultural revolution , approve the approval of the following authorities, the cultural commission in the eleventh term of the parliament for a period of 4 years, by regulating cyberspace, increase credits to help employment in the field of cultural heritage and tourism, and develop the culture of reading, following the improvement of the index have been cultural we need a serious budget for the whole culture we have. what percentage of the municipality's income that it has now should be, or suppose, for example, the ministry science, how many percent, in our opinion, for example, 5% of the money he got.
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for example, when the work of culture starts, organizations and institutions end up in a conference, so that this does not happen, there should be a plan . the implementation of the family protection law, the review of the performance of the institutions regarding the implementation of the laws related to modesty and hijab, and the review of the right to televise sports matches are part of the supervisory measures of this commission. fatemeh alikhani of sed and sima news agency. people on march 11. by attending the voting booths, the duties of the seats determining the twelfth parliament in 186 constituencies. after the official announcement of the election results in 22 constituencies
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whose candidates won less than 20% of the votes , it was moved to the second round. there are 45 seats in the second round, which will be determined in the second round. the first election in four. abadan, roshd, qom and malair districts are the four constituencies where all electronics were held. our operator comes and puts the national card, birth certificate, or passport on the scanner that is here. it is connected to the system of the ministry of interior, after 5 seconds , the person's profile will be sent to us, saying that he is alive yes, i have not voted for the electronic tariff card to replace the paper tariffs. a fiancee he already had. here i enter, i want to vote for another person, for example, when i enter and finish the voting button
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, it shows the person who we voted for. it is possible that the time of the end of the election process, which will end at 11 o'clock for example , we will take the voting information from this card , it will be taken with this card, it will be put into this machine and the information will be transferred. into the device device through our user it sends the information to the systems of the ministry of interior, which finally comes back to electronic issues. with the efforts of the dear ones in the ministry of communications and the coordination that was done , we did not face any particular problem and it was satisfactory . god willing , we will discuss electronic elections in more areas, according to ministry officials. our program is to be held in 8 all-electronic districts. the election headquarters of the country
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has set 21 may 1403 to hold the second round of the islamic council elections. the elections are scheduled to be held in tabriz, tehran, abadan, shiraz, kermanshah, khorram abad, qaimshahr malair, all electronics will be held. sara eini, sed and sima news agency. the construction of this house is by my own hands, as didi gharibeh wamadeh wants a grocery license to be issued, to create competition and facilitate the removal of the golden signature in support of women, and on this eid night, it is very necessary to be free from importing wheat. qabuz , insure the clients of the construction worker relief committee, let those families who have three or more children get a car without a lottery, fall in love with an iranian, break the warlord with your
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children, well, gentlemen who agree to rise up, decide. in azar, 1400, the teachers protested against the non-implementation of the rating law. educators who gather here from the working and retired is the implementation of the law . it is our right to implement the correct ranking. when will this social justice of the teachers be implemented since 2019 ? in these years, the teachers' ranking has been promised many times. the teachers are divided into four ranks. we will rank the rank of instructor, teacher, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor . next
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the bill that placed teachers in one of the five educational ranks of teacher, instructor, teacher, master teacher, associate professor, and master teacher will be submitted to the parliament. we have many ambiguities and problems in this bill. one is that there is a serious ambiguity in the relationship between the educational qualifications of teachers and the announced ranks. if someone has a teacher's certificate, he also works as a teacher . the education and research commission of the parliament revised the bill and all educators with the teaching and secretarial status are included to be ranked this resolution increased the credit rating requirement by 10 thousand billion tomans. an increase that the government did not accept at first.
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finally, in the government bill. the predicted resources can be realized, but if it is done more than this , it will lead to the creation of money, it will lead to borrowing. until the government agreed with this credit increase, with the approval of the government, the ranking bill was approved, and 960
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, now i am the first rank, the parliament is again pursuing the protests. it is expected that the honorable government will comply with the demands of the respected teachers of the community, the minister responsible for follow-up should send them to our friends to review their opinions in the meetings of their so-called experts and experts, but the follow-up of the minister did not open the way for the teachers. it has been ranked . there is a system for this issue. if these friends complain , we will also check their money. if they want to increase , we will also check the money of those who think it will be increased. the ratings will be revised again in the education and research commission. 65 to 70 percent protesters who have re-uploaded their documents or have new documents will face an increased rank. the ceiling of teachers' income
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was determined. and finally, with the 8-month follow-up of the parliament , the rating law was implemented after 10 years. it has changed the attitude of teachers towards these in-service courses. having colleagues who previously did not care much about creating content in the virtual space , nor about using production tools in classrooms, but one of the tools that made them care more about it according to the ratings of their colleagues was because of this issue. a lot of points it was good, we could not evaluate how much this teacher is you
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