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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 6:00am-6:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , the second round of the islamic council elections will be held in less than two hours to determine the remaining 45 seats out of 290 seats in 22 constituencies. according to the spokesman of the guardian council, election candidates can report their violations or complaints to the guardian council through the volunteer system and the public through the observer system. the spokesperson of the election headquarters of the country advised the people to go to the branches in the first hour of the voting process and
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not postpone this until the last hour. the last contests for seats in baharestan will start at 8 am tomorrow in 22 constituencies will be those born on 2/21/85 can vote. the rest of the people who voted in the first stage can vote in the same. the constituencies that vote or not vote at all in any of the constituencies, these people can also vote in one of these 22 constituencies. voters must carry one of the five identity documents, i.e. birth certificate, mail card, certificate, end of service card or passport for authentication at the time of voting . 40,000 observers from the guardian council oversee the implementation of the second stage of the 12th parliament elections
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have. we have registered 7 thousand people from the so-called representatives of candidates and volunteers who can have their own supervision over this process along with the executive agents . the constituencies that are fully electronic, the necessary arrangements have been made , the necessary training has been provided, and god willing, everything and... for the intelligent participation of the people , the credentials of the 245 elected members of the parliament have been sent to the parliament by the ministry of interior. credentials of 45 other elected officials tomorrow the people's vote will be determined before the new parliament opens in baharestan. nahid akbarzadeh , sed and broadcasting news agency. the president
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was a guest of the people of qom on thursday. a relatively young province. with the happy return of our president to qom, we will witness daily progress for the holy city of qom, god willing. did you hear masakno? i heard masakno. i heard everything.
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mr. raisi, who traveled to qom in the second round of provincial trips , informed the public about the construction of a workshop to finish the project of qom's monorail, according to mr. raisi. sometimes this province is completed by the end of the 13th government. mr. raisi, the problem he called employment very important and said: "the government is seriously pursuing the creation of one million jobs per year with various methods, including the revival of rocket industrial units." we in the country can announce that according to the definite statistics, i went from province to province and sometimes to cities and rebelled. we
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are witnessing today that we are entering the number of 9,000 revived factories and workshops, which means that today in the country, not only do we not allow any factory to stop production, but closed and semi-closed workshops and factories are also included in the production cycle. president to students and scholars he also went to the physics school. in this meeting, mr. raisi, referring to the country's successes in the areas where the enemy has exerted the most pressure, said: "the government is satisfied." is to advance politics, economy and culture with the teachings of the revolution. the president also pointed to the cancellation of document 20-30 at the beginning of the 13th government and said: we will not use other people's versions without studying and localizing them. one
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of the documents that i first signed with the government was the cancellation of the bc document in the country. we ourselves have a document on the transformation of education. we have documents. we use other people's experience, but other people's versions we will never use those versions without studying and localizing and paying attention to the needs and conforming to our own religious and revolutionary culture. referring to the government's economic achievements, mr. raisi announced the empowerment and withdrawal of 100,000 people from the relief and welfare committee and said: "for the first time in the country, no one is on the welfare and relief committee's page." stating that the country can be managed despite threats and sanctions, the president said: although we took over the government with discontent, many problems have been solved. regime attacks
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zionist to refah on the one hand and on the other hand for four consecutive days without the arrival of vital items to rifa. contrary to the manager's zionist claim. the world food program announced that no aid has arrived from the border crossings in southern gaza and the relief operations of this international organization are currently closed. medical sources in gaza also warned about the end of drug and fuel supplies and the gradual death of the sick and wounded. the head of the state media office in the gaza strip has also announced that the improper delivery of air aid has led to the martyrdom of 21 people so far. in addition , the gaza ministry of health from the continuation of attacks and martyrdom 60 people reported in the last 24 hours.
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news sources reported that contrary to the claims of the occupying army about the limited operations in the east of rifa, the zionist military carried out numerous attacks on other parts of this war-torn region. reported to an enemy command and control center in the support line of net zarim axis in the south of gaza city. met university scientists succeeded
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in creating a sound-insulating fabric that can reduce 75% of sounds. according to the announcement. this fabric, which is thinner than a human hair , absorbs sounds and potentially quietens noisy places. there is a special fiber inside this fabric it starts vibrating by applying an electric charge and hearing a sound. in this regard, the researchers , inspired by the sound technology , take the bad sounds from the fabric vibrations and use them to create silence. may your day be happy and full of god's blessings.
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our next meeting at 7:45 in the morning on the 1st of june, the end of the 11th session of the islamic council , will announce the end of the session that started on the 7th of june 2019, during which important plans and bills will be passed for the first session of the islamic council elections on march 24. it was held in 1958 and the parliament
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started working on june 7, 1959. the islamic council, which it is known as a people's institution in the islamic republic of iran, it is considered the axis of many decisions, legislation and planning for the country. the parliament is the basic base of the system and the people and the source of real participation. people are in decision-making and the embodiment of national will. the islamic council consists of people's representatives who enter the house of the nation directly and by secret ballot in a free and fair election. in principle 85, which says that the agency position is based on the person, it is true. now the parliament will decide whether to give an authorization based on 85 or say no. ok. constitution of the term of the parliament
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islam is 4 years old. the number of seats in the islamic council is now 290. religious minorities also have their representatives in the parliament based on the constitution. every mp is responsible to the entire nation and has the right to comment on all domestic and foreign issues. in executive. article 3 of the internal regulations, we are preparing to read the text of the oath to the brothers, and of course, the religious minorities of the parliament swear by their own holy book and by the holy quran , i swear to god almighty, to god almighty, i swear and with relying on one's human honor and relying on honor i pledge myself as a human being, i pledge to be
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the guardian of islam's sanctity, the guardian of islam's sanctity, the guardian of the achievements of the guardian of the achievements of the islamic revolution of the nation of iran, the islamic revolution of the nation of iran, the foundations. be an islamic republic. representatives are completely free to express their opinion and vote in the capacity of performing representative duties. although the youth unemployment rate still bothers me like a heavy sadness, dear minister of communications , as the regulator of the country's communications , balance between the public interest and the needs of the private sector. sahlab these days. there are many problems in infrastructure, especially in the south of sistan baluchistan province
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has brought. i have no choice but to ask mr. president to deal with this very vital axis that we witness the loss of loved ones' lives every day. my first contact is the ministry of roads and urban development in national housing. there has been a shortcoming in shirvan and despite almost 3 years of the honorable government, no proper action has been taken. it needs a special order from the honorable president. please follow up. the historical building of isfahan has been damaged. the islamic council of
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ministers has the duty of handling the vote of confidence in the ministers and their questions and objections. question representatives. honorable minister of health and medical education, i would like to invite the spokesperson of the health and medical commission, article 88 of the constitution obliges the president and the ministers to attend the open floor of the parliament to answer the questions of the representatives . the president and ministers can also attend the islamic council and present their reports to the representatives and the nation. i would like to thank the presence of each and every member of the government board of deputies. i would like to invite the honorable president, whom we serve, to ensure that what is being done is the implementation of the law.
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can it be accurately reported, can it be measured and announced , to what extent has the law been followed? the resolutions of the parliament must be approved by the guardian council, and in cases of disagreement, it will be referred to the expediency council. legislation, monitoring the implementation of laws is the inherent duty of the islamic council. however, the islamic council has its own monitoring tools, such as the article 90 commission, for the strict implementation of laws. the islamic council has 13 specialized commissions as well as a number of special commissions , each of which has specific duties to review plans and issues and follow up on questions from ministers, as well as the reports of institutions. are in charge of implementation. examining and approving the country's industrial budget and five-year plans
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is one of the other legislative duties of the islamic council. the first order to proceed with the report of the consolidation commission on the budget bill for the year. 403 of the whole country, but some of the important proposals that were reviewed and approved in the 11th parliament, the tax plan on gambling and gambling was approved, which was approved by the parliament this month, including the approvals of the parliament in dealing with the interests of dealers and traders in the markets. this tax is to calm the markets and slow down the blade of traders. this topic has nothing to do with ahad there are no people. i declare clearly that this tax is based on the game registration approach, which does not even cover less than one percent of the society. and very few. teacher rating law, retiree salary proportionation law, automobile industry organization law, strategic action law to cancel sanctions and
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protect the interests of the iranian nation, product purchase guarantee law. basic agriculture, housing production jump law, knowledge-based production law, business licensing law, also approving the modesty and hijab bill and reviewing the family and youth support plan, including the laws of the council and the reviews of the council islamic is in the 11th period. anyway, with the second phase of the islamic council elections for the 11th term on friday. on the 1st of may , the assignment of 45 more representative seats will be determined, and from the 7th of june, another period of the country's legislation
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will begin. pursuing approvals related to housing is part of the issues that can be considered by the parliament.
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how are these? the cultural commission is one of the specialized commissions of the parliament. that in the field of culture and art, he does specialized work in guidance and advertising, radio and television, physical education, youth, women and family. allocating the country's cultural budget, allocating
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the budget to sports, reviewing the performance and giving a vote of confidence to the ministers of culture, inspecting the country's cultural institutions, and reviewing and approving plans and bills related to youth affairs are some of the duties of the cultural commission. the cultural commission, with the cooperation of the parliamentarians, in reviewing the 15th chapter of the 7th program bill , passed approvals for the next 5 years in the field of culture, art and media. one of our priorities is the activity of grassroots activists it is private and a set of facilities and infrastructures to be given to people as incentives to invest in the field of culture. ministries of culture. islamic sports and youth guidance, cultural heritage and tourism , islamic culture and communication organizations, radio and television, hajj and pilgrimage and charitable endowments
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are among the organizations and ministries that are in direct contact with the cultural commission. one of the most important pursuits of the members of the cultural commission was the reform of the approaches to cultural and artistic affairs in various organizations, which was approved in the seventh program. for revolutionary reconstruction structure. the country's culture with the approach of reforming the mentality of the software culture ruling the society and with the aim of increasing efficiency and avoiding overlapping and interference of missions and tasks and with the approach of establishing a model of intelligent governance in an interactive network of people based on values ​​and revolution until the end of the second year of the program compared to the preparation plan to revise approaches, procedures, methods and missions . the structure of duties and organizations of cultural organizations that use public budgets directly or indirectly in some way
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and take action with the approval of the supreme council of the cultural revolution for the approval of the following authorities. in the 11th term of the parliament, the cultural commission has sought to improve cultural indicators by regulating the virtual space for 4 years to help employment in the field of cultural heritage and tourism and the development of book culture. we need a serious budget for the whole culture that we have . what percentage of the revenues of the municipality, which it currently has , or suppose, for example, how many percent should the ministry of science have, which in our opinion is, for example, 5% ? sometimes they take it, for example, they reduce it, lower it, raise it, etc. done, but this if we make a percentage and determine later that sometimes, for example, in some departments and organizations and institutions, when the work of culture
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starts, they finish something in a conference , so that this does not happen, the cultural commission should have a plan in performing its supervisory duties. he has also been active, for example, reporting on the performance of executive bodies on how to implement the family protection law , reviewing the performance of the bodies on the implementation of related laws. faf and hijab and checking the right to televise sports matches are part of the supervisory measures of this commission. fatemeh alikhani of sada news agency sima the elections of the 12th session of the islamic council were held on the 11th of march 1402. but the fate of 45 seats depends on the second round of elections . the competition of 90 candidates who did not get enough votes to enter the parliament in 22 constituencies is one of the differences of the second round of elections on
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may 21st. compared to the first round , there is an increase in the number of constituencies in which the elections are held entirely electronically, and in addition to verifying the voting identity, the votes are counted by the machine. on the day of the election and after that , the election was held in the four constituencies that were held electronically we had some evaluations, and i must say, thank god , that we witnessed a relative satisfaction in this regard. according to the law, the condition of holding completely electronic elections in different regions of the country is the approval of the guardian council as the election supervisor. in the feedback we saw in the four electronic election areas, it clearly showed that our infrastructure is ready and the electronic funds that we have in these four
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areas. we were easily used by users , people could easily, for example, in the selected areas that i mentioned, we used almost four of our funds in each branch, and now for may elections, with the proposal of the ministry of interior and the relative satisfaction of which the spokesman of the guardian council said that the elections are supposed to be held in 8 electronic constituencies instead of four constituencies, out of 22 constituencies in 15 provinces, the elections in tabriz, tehran, abadan, shiraz, kermanshah, haram abad and chegani, qaimshahr of malair are electronic. the election law allows voters to vote with their national identity card, certificate, retirement card and passport, in addition to their birth certificate. this device helps the election officials to
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check the identity of the voters. whether legal conditions they have the right to vote or not. with this device , no one can vote twice. it is connected to the system of the ministry of interior. after 5 seconds, the person's profile will be sent to us, saying that he is alive. when the authentication device issues the voting license , it is time to vote at the electronic ballot boxes. our citizen goes to this box to vote. it shows me the details, if i made a mistake , i can clarify, say, for example, i want
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to vote for another person. our user sends the information to the systems of the ministry of interior, where we find out how many votes the desired candidate has received so far in that box in that branch . vote in any constituencies that went to the second round, and if you participated in the 11th march elections , you can only participate in the elections of the same constituencies you voted for. ibrahim asadi
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bidmeshki news agency. radio and television in the name of allah, most merciful , most merciful , look at the smiling sun. say hello to tomorrow, hello, look to the future , the pilgrims of the end are laughing at the sun on the day of pilgrimage of agha imam reza (peace be upon him).


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