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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm IRST

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and in any case, we are also at their service. ultimately , the transformation we want can take place, especially in economic matters, and this leader's wish will come true. we will return. i am with you . for us, existence has no meaning. if there is no life , there is a way to go
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. wherever there is a test, jared is at our feet. you are the land of the heart, which has no limits. our story is love. there is no disease . to be, we are tomorrow , we are higher, tomorrow is higher.
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believe me, we will reach the place where your belief is the limit . you will see the dream that was once in your head. geography is higher than any world, today you are higher than our life, you are higher tomorrow, mr. dr. seyed mohammad. hosseini, the deputy president of parliament affairs
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, is present in the studio of khabar network in a special program that is presented to you on the occasion of the second phase of the 12th parliament elections, mr. doctor . let me tell you that you have a history of representing the people in the parliament. today , 45 people are supposed to be elected by the people's vote. activists are also in the virtual space, you can see that maybe these days they are saying that for example, what effect does 45 people have in the atmosphere of the parliament? yes , look, we mentioned that each representative can be effective in the electoral field . to be among the people, definitely for people, he can have an impact, after all, the main
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work of a representative is in the parliament. you can see in the commissions, if he has the necessary expertise , he will be selected in a commission, or if he has experience or has studied in that field, and then he should be active, that is, the ratio of projects is different. who comes to express his opinion , consult with familiar people, who can provide good and honest opinions, and then, well , he has a role in the composition of the commission. sometimes, for example, 11 people become one person. i want to express one person or in public court we had cases with one vote i remember an individual representative who became a minister in the same 9th government. for example, in this government, mr. raisi , the person who was nominated for the ministry of labor had one less vote. well
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, some of us had representatives whose number is so small, god willing, it will decrease, but they are so busy with the constituency that they don't pay attention to what is being discussed in the parliament. and then when the image is shown, then i will say about the same election law . they had created it themselves, for example, they could no longer write letters and introduce people to receive assistance, help with bank connections, and then, of course , they would solve the problem by giving a couple of incentives. we have some representatives whose absence you can see. a few people created a disaster in the country and finally started a riot. well , i traveled to almost many provinces. i went to some
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constituencies of the revolutionary forces. not found means a place where you have to pay for the system, for the country, for the people, for the revolution . you see, in the twelfth period, which was a revolutionary parliament, their performance was acceptable, the eleventh parliament, the eleventh parliament , we had all these strengths and weaknesses, but finally there was a weakness, so we expect that those weaknesses will not be repeated in the twelfth parliament. sometimes
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a representative, for example, presented a statistic that was baseless based on, for example, what he had heard , he trusted, for example, a person, and then he said, "sir , for example, this is going to happen, and then you will see." look at how much the representative said about this one sentence and this one proposition, see how many programs are broadcast on persian language networks and assume this as a given. see, the representative is different from an ordinary person, that is, they say that this is from the officials of the country, it is the system. therefore, they take his words into account, even in the meeting that the students had with the presumptive leader of the revolution, well, they heard the criticisms, and they said that in addition to the critical view that you have , you should also look at the proud , see the strengths, after all, we have had many developments. we were going to see what we are doing now we are a position of security authority that not only the muslims of the region and the world but also the freedom seekers of the world are proud of the islamic republic. well, yes
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, there are shortcomings and there are also deficiencies . let's blame the other person for this. one, and therefore i want to say that every person can be effective. the guardian council confirms on this basis that after all , they have these minimums, they have this educational qualification , they do not have negative records, but there are only negative aspects, there must be positive aspects in the person. okay, be persistent he knows the path and can influence as an element in the parliament. sometimes the words of a representative can create an atmosphere, whether positive or negative , it can influence others. an argument is a logic of a representative, but if it is not a representative who was nothing at all and his absence did not have much effect , then this is different, so i want to say that people should be relative
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. he always chose the best . very good, thank you very much. let's go to shiraz , fars province, mr. lotfollah shibani, the governor of shiraz. they are in contact with us. congratulations to our viewers on the preparations that have been made for the second phase of the 12th parliament elections , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, and the most merciful . greetings, politeness and respect to his excellency dr. hosseini and all the dear viewers of the khabar channel. and congratulations on the days of the blessed decade of the decade of dignity
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. i would like to congratulate all of our dear fellow citizens on the holding of the second phase of the elections. in the cities of shiraz and zarghan who form a constituency. the election has been extended to the second stage for two parliamentary seats. some of the candidates entered the parliament in the first stage. in the second stage, we have 497 polling stations in the constituency, of which the remaining 66 mobile stations are fixed. our police and security forces, along with inspectors, have been stationed in the branches
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and according to the schedule of the country's election headquarters , they have started to set up and activate authentication devices and electronic ballot boxes. in this constituency, at this stage of the elections in shiraz and zarghan constituencies, the elections are all electronic and our dear ones, as soon as 8 o'clock in the morning approached, all our branches were activated and the branches were reopened. we have an election so far, thank god , it shows the enthusiastic welcome and participation of the people of the constituency in the voting booths in this constituency
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, in this phase and the first phase. as executive agents, it was thanks it was a good experience and at this stage , our beloved citizens were also used. if they pay attention and when they go to the polling stations, they will encounter a range of our young people who are generally students . they told us and you about the process of holding the second stage of the 12th parliament elections in shiraz constituency. it has been established, mr. shibani , we are at your service. i would like to say hello again. until now
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, the reports and field investigations we had at the level of the constituency and cities and the 15 centers of the constituency, fortunately, have received a good reception from the side. dear fellow citizens, we have 15 election centers in the constituency, which support our polling stations. well, yes, our communication was interrupted again. i would like to thank mr. shibani , the honorable governors of shiraz and our colleagues in fars tv and broadcasting. establishing this connection said: we are tracking mr. dr. seyed mohammad hosseini , deputy speaker of the parliament affairs, mr. doctor, in
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the opening part of your speech, you made a reference to the issue of the semi-parliamentary and semi-presidential parliamentary system . in our country, it should be semi-parliamentary and semi-presidential let's say yes, you see, at the beginning of the revolution, that is, the constitution that was written in 1958, it was the parliament that determined the prime minister. well, in parliamentary systems, it is like this that the head of government appoints the parliament, and for example, the president or the head of the country, for example, in some places, there is a king, there is a queen, whoever he is, he has a syrian and ceremonial role, he is less important, so this is our parliamentary system in some changes. which we had in the constitution in 1968
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, this authority was taken from the parliament. that is, a disunity between the government of the parliament is created naturally if, for example, the prime minister is not accompanied, or the ministers can be changed, or even in the case of the prime minister, who is usually the general secretary of a majority party, he can dissolve the parliament. . it should be accompanied by more and these things, but in and in presidential systems, which is like the united states, where power is centralized in the person of the president , he is both the head of the state and the head of the country, and even, for example, the armed forces are under his supervision and he has wide powers , he can preside over the parliament. let's veto this, well, we are not this, we are not that, we are something in between now, many other countries in the world have chosen this method, that is, we are semi-presidential, semi -parliamentary, and the people elect the president
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. you have to vote, which means that here the role of the parliament is colorful and influential, and then, if the government passes a bill, the parliament must cooperate, which means that this interaction must exist. it is not the case that, for example, in presidential systems , in some places, the parliament itself has nothing to do with the government. for example, he has an opinion, the parliament will decide he gives a bill, gives an example, and finally reaches the final conclusion and gives a picture. therefore, we now have a semi-presidential and semi-parliamentary system. there is no way out of the fact that the two powers must always cooperate. if they are facing each other, it will definitely be to the detriment of the people. we have the experience of, for example, the 6th parliament, when the tensions that were created in the country and the work did not progress, we need
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it now. that the general terms have been approved and finalized and, god willing, will be notified soon after approval the final decision of the guardian council, but it needs mutual letters, it also needs bills, and it requires the open cooperation of the two powers, and then it must be implemented and operational , not like the previous periods, let's say, for example, 20% of the final 30% of the implementation plan. and the rest was left in the archive , we should pay attention to this, god willing. anyway, i want to say that in our country, the parliament has a high position because the representatives are elected by the direct vote of the people. the mission of both the president and the government has its own special place, and the president is now the highest executive person in the country and is the official of the country after the wise leader of the revolution. yes, thank you very much for your explanation. let's talk about the topic of the 7th plan that you mentioned. well, in the 11th parliament, the 7th plan was formulated and approved
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based on the bill that was presented, and each term of the parliament usually has a program that requires interaction between the parliament and the title of the legislator and overseer of the implementation and the government as the executive should be. yes, you see, during the process of drafting this program and approving the program, we saw that the continuous cooperation of the government and the parliament was needed. this was a new thing. at the beginning of the work
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, it was a bit like that, for example, almost the equivalent of the clauses that were in the government layer were added by me in the commission, but then anyway, with the warning that was given and that it cannot put a new financial burden on the government's shoulders, some changes were made and the government's opinions were taken into consideration. this written program has high quantitative and qualitative goals, for example, in the discussion of inflation, in the discussion of agricultural production in knowledge-based companies, in the discussion of the propulsion projects that we have, the basic marine economy that should be paid attention to, the digital economy and global developments. well, this is not enough now. for example , some of the materials in this program should be general a new bill should be presented that we want to realize these goals, what are the needs, what are the requirements, the ministry of housing should be active in this matter, so these bills need to be approved
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by the parliament, so the government too. he wants the cooperation of the parliament, and the parliament finally expects the government to do this on time. in the past , we had, for example, a written program, some instructions about it , or a proposal to be presented, for example, to put it after a few years. no, we expect both the government and the parliament to do their duty in these first months and then it should be implemented and implemented. we don't want something to be written on paper, good words said, and then implemented. the pride of this government is that it is legalistic and adheres to these important documents . it is the top documents of the general policies announced by the supreme leader of the constitution. the constitution takes care of all of these anyway, and therefore demands that a part of the parliament's time, god willing, be devoted to this important issue. it will be allocated and then you can see the estimate. we had a bill that did not come up in this parliament, so
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we expect the parliament to give priority and give more time to bring these to zero. if our new bill we said, don't wait any longer, we even have a lieutenant who was sent from the qibla government, that is, at the beginning of this government, we checked these things, but he did not return them. but it is expected that these will come to a conclusion faster, that the government will be able to operate and implement them. they do not need to be updated. you can see some of these brigades . the government can apply for talent if it wants , but we think that these there is a type that is in the interest of the country if there are some points in minor issues. it can be felt with the coordination and support of the dear representatives in the commission it can be adjusted, it's not like
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it's intact . in the previous section , we talked about the interaction of the parliament government, this interaction between the forces of the sagenah, so to speak, and in other words, the alignment of cooperation and interaction that the forces of the sagenah should have with each other . in recent years, the heads of the three branches of government have come together they sit down and hold regular meetings , see how much this process can be an opportunity to solve the big issues of the country. as i mentioned, if there is no cooperation and collaboration, eventually
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things will be blocked and the people will suffer. he comes to the court of justice and sometimes he thinks that all this should be, but it should be in a way that prevents it. the so-called risk-taking of the executive officials, now sometimes some of the officials after all, i travel a lot, in the provinces, in tehran, in different places, a manager says , "we are worried that we will make a move, that they will blame us later for some kind of surveillance agency . this power of courage and boldness should not be taken away from the manager. a manager who in it is a scene, now an incident has happened, for example, an accident has happened, an incident has occurred, etc. they should act quickly, if they ask, everyone is worried about what will happen tomorrow and those who work more are more exposed to deadlines, for example, this
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will lead to giving up. the investigation should be done and questions should be asked, so the three powers must do their duty, but in an interaction with the judiciary, we had good partners. he should also cooperate with the majlis . the role of the minister of justice is to coordinate and interact with the judiciary . regarding the majlis itself, i also mentioned that if instead of cooperation and companionship, it is confrontation and confrontation, this will definitely be detrimental. there will be people and things will be delayed.
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if the government is persistent and persistent for an issue because of its importance and because of its necessity, it feels that, for example, the prices should be controlled, the explanation should be correct and the people's needs should be met. there will be people, god willing, i will be inside. of course , i would like to say this . for example , there is a difference of opinion between, for example, the government of the majlis in the past .
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or with the parliament. and of course , i would like to be approved by the leadership, i want to say that this mechanism is also taken into consideration, or the meetings of the supreme council , which the wise leader of the revolution emphasized, because of this, great things can be done with the cooperation and companionship of these three powers. of course , the speaker of the parliament, when he attends that meeting , has a so-called opinion. it is up to the representatives to know what the majority representatives say to be transferred in those meetings, for example, or later on, the results of those meetings will come to the opinion of the representatives, who will know why, for example, this decision was made. it should not be the case that leaders sit down, for example, after meetings , for example, protest or speak in the parliament, and these things will prevent the realization of those menus and plans
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. there is an insistence on the formation of this ministry . well, at one point, very well, it had some ups and downs. it was planned, then it was organized, then the bill of the ministry was proposed, but in the end , it was put on hold for 6 months in khordad. i think that six months will end on june 12th, that is, the month of azar so now it is the turn of the government again. he wants this to be done and we will talk about it with the new representatives, god willing. of course, when the representatives are settled, the seventh opening of the parliament will be at least a month, the representatives will be busy with the preliminary work of the 12th parliament, commissions, credentials , etc. it goes aside, it means plan.
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we knew that in the first round of re-election , there is a high probability that a number will be added for example, let's say 120 representatives, 120 representatives, assume that these are from the 11th parliament, if you read their plans again. they can make it happen, but those plans that are not voted by their representatives will be removed from the agenda, so i want to say that the beginning of the work of the parliament is a bit more farouk elbal , they have more free time and they can focus on these bills , especially emergency bills, which have priority, for example, in the issue of women. the issue of injury during the prevention of injury to women has been
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discussed for a long time. makran coasts, for example, the coastal development organization, which we are discussing in the sea economy, is this important or for example the discussion about the gatherings and marches that want to be held in the country, or now we have the discussion about the country's divisions, which we want to present to the parliament. there is also kerman province, tehran , and sistan baluchistan. well, this is important because of the country's divisions that the parliament let him bring these things to a conclusion quickly, so we expect that , god willing, these priorities of the government will also be taken into consideration by the dear representatives, god willing. i invite you one afternoon stay with us , we will see the 13th episode of the khabar network, and god willing, after that , we will be with you with a special continuation of the khabar network program, at the same time
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as bargez. you are in the second phase of the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council, let's see the news at 13:00. we will be back. i am with you in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, you are accompanying us with the news section at 13:00, the leader of the islamic revolution. this morning, in the first minutes of the start of the second round of the 12th islamic council elections , imam khomeini attended hosseini and registered their vote in the electronic box . after participating in the election, ayatollah khamenei pointed out they emphasized that there is no difference between the first and second stages of the elections , the importance of the second stage is not less than the first stage and the people with their presence in this stage of the elections


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