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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm IRST

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may the good news of the rain reach the breath of the desert, the dry vein of the trees, and the tired night of the porch. again, the smell of spring in the heart of a quivering bud, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello , you will accompany us to the news section at 4:00 p.m.. the spokesman of the guardian council said: "elections in all electronic and
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manual constituencies are being held without problems and smoothly," mr. tahan nazif said. the holding of electronic elections is satisfactory, he said, the speed of electronic voting is faster compared to manual polls, we did not report any specific violations, the few cases were reported to us through the system of our honorable people, our colleagues in the headquarters. election monitoring center for the same cases. follow up and alhamdulillah, i said that the processes are going well. the spokesman of the guardian council also asked the people not to postpone the voting until the last session and to register their vote in the remaining session . the head of the country's election headquarters expressed hope for the successful experience of holding elections electronically. mr.
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shahcheraghi added that 25,700 electronic cash registers are operating in the second phase of the parliamentary elections in eight constituencies. tabriz and other cities have electoral areas for this work it is an important point in this section, with the cooperation and support of all collections, 25 thousand and 700 electronic cash registers that are used are fully operational . the good response that we got in the first phase of this capacity has led to this . inshallah, the same thing will happen in this phase as well. the election headquarters of the country announced in announcement number 14 that compatriots who
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are deprived of the blessing of reading and writing or are unable to do so due to disability. they cannot write or register their votes go to one of the polling stations accompanied by a literate member of the family or a trusted person and vote with his help . the country's election headquarters has emphasized that branch officials, including the representatives of the governor, members of the branch, supervisors of the supervisory board , law enforcement officers, representatives of candidates and inspectors, do not do anything. voters are not allowed to write or register their votes. the secretary of the guardian council registered his vote by attending one of the polling stations in tehran rishmaranat islamshahr and fardis constituency. ayatollah jannati honored the people for participating in various fields of defending islam iran said: the honor and pride of the islamic republic is owed to the people of islamic iran. i. our people, who
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are among the best people on earth, always showed up wherever they were invited, and they were and are honorable for us, for the system, for the country. the country's election headquarters announced in announcement number 15 . photographing of voters personally and as a family is not prohibited in compliance with the election law. according to this announcement, the organizers and respected members of the polling stations of the second stage of the 12th islamic council of the islamic council are informed that the photographing of voters personally or in accordance with article 7 of the parliament election law , which states that the votes of the voters are secret, the family is free. but the international section of the tehran book fair
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was opened in the main mosque of imam khomeini, qarfa yemen is present as a special guest in this section . 50 publications from 15 countries are guests of the international section of the tehran book fair with their latest works. the 35th tehran international book fair is open to those interested from may 19th to 29th. visiting hours have been extended until 21 today. my friends are preparing a collection for the translation of exquisite persian works, especially works of the period islamic revolution. in other languages, alhamdulillah , different departments are doing this work , the academic collections of the organization of culture and communication, mr. dr. ahmad vandam, in the vice-chancellor of culture , prepared a collection, god willing, this is a blessed event
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and we can translate these important works in this field, god willing. . special entrance exam for a part of university candidates in zirkoh nabat. first , the national exam of 1403 was held for those candidates from zirkekouh who were not able to take the exam in south khorasan due to the flood. due to the 6th may flood in the city zirkkoh and the blocking of the traffic route for the candidates of the separate entrance exam for 465 remaining candidates in the groups of mathematics, technical sciences and humanities today in the same area of ​​the previous exam, that is, zirkkoh city, with conditions. and the criteria of the main exam was held. the meteorological organization predicted rain for the regions of the northeast, northwest and north of the country. strong winds
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will be the dominant phenomenon in the east and southeast of the country. greetings and respect for your presence dear compatriots. for the next few hours , we expect north khorasan in the northeast of our country. razavi khorasan and in the northern cities of the provinces east azarbaijan, west azarbaijan, sometimes rains in the form of rain, lightning and wind . during this period , the alborz mountain ranges in the northern parts of our country sometimes rain sporadically. on saturday , for the northwest of our country, we will have these rains in the afternoon and early night, and on sunday, with the expansion of the activity of this system. in addition to the northwest of the country , it also includes parts of the slopes of alborz and the north of the country from the west to the southwest , and the rains begin in these areas as well. on the birthday of hazrat fatima masoumeh, peace be upon him girls' day celebrations with a girly mood
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all over the country are being held in mashhad, and the ceremony of flower garlands of razavi shrine was held in the presence of the daughters of pilgrim mothers and nearby in imam khomeini's portico of razavi shrine. a different celebration was held in imam khomeini's portico of motahar rezai shrine. i came for hazrat masour's birthday and daughter's day. chastity and faith are the ideals of a girl. all the values ​​are in the name of the girl. a celebration whose flagbearers are our girls. what does a girl mean? a girl means mercy. a girl means the whole existence of a mother . a girl means a companion of her mother i chose hazrat masoomah and hazrat zainab as my role models. talking about their abilities, we can
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be a beautiful and good honor for our beloved iran by reading the quran and reading our lessons. in this celebration, mothers and fathers, daughters , hazrat masoomah, peace be upon them, the beginning of the programs. decade. it is an honor that in this decade astan quds razavi special programs have been prepared for girls by azam fereydoun moghadam of sida va sima news agency, shrine of motahar razavi. thank you very much. have a nice day
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. god bless you. wherever there is a test, there are our footprints in
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the role of the land of the heart that has no width, our story love has no boundaries, we go higher than any dream, higher today wherever we are, tomorrow we are higher tomorrow. thank you very much
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for being a viewer of the special news channel for the election program of 21 may 1403. today, throughout islamic iran, especially 15 provinces that are going through the second round of the islamic council elections in 22 constituencies, a song of pride is being sung for a better future. islamic iran for 45 seats. the rest of the decision can be made on khabar network from the first hour of voting and the start of the second round of the 12th election period the islamic council is with you and we are in step with you, especially in the election program, while we visit the constituencies and provinces that are conducting the voting ceremony, in the studio of the khabar network in jame jum, it is also responsible for hosting experts from different fields. we are here, mr. dr. mottaki is by my side . i greet you, mr. dr. mottaki. may you have a good time, god willing
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. with your permission , i would also like to say hello to hazrat masoumeh. dear viewers of the khabar network and all the girls of iran, congratulations, mr dr. mottaki is our former foreign minister and of course he is the elected representative of the people in the 12th parliament mr. doctor, let's look at the priorities of the 12th parliament by looking at what the people are doing today in 15 provinces, the proud presence of the people who are always on the stage, the priorities of the 12th parliament in which areas should be defined? in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, the twelfth parliament will start working under very special conditions, in less than 20 days from the beginning
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, on the 7th of jundar year, and in fact, in the continuation of the 11th parliament, it will face the view that the people have towards this parliament and the demands that have been accumulated and the people and leadership of the officials of the system, they are clearly from the parliament. in my opinion, the most important necessity in the 12th parliament is to look at the background of the iranian people regarding the functioning of the parliament and a vision for the future to create a change in the approach and performance of the parliament. which priorities in which areas, mr. doctor? you see, our first priority in the parliament is for the parliament
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to work properly, in order to work properly, it must redefine its approaches . to the ministers and other elections that take place in the parliament and to supervise the administration of the country governance in the eyes of the people, the history of the parliament's performance does not show a very successful track record in front of our eyes . the people talked to us in this election. it can be understood that they believe that the parliament
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is necessary in the structure of the system. and it does not have the necessary capacity to be effective. mr. doctor, if we want to say how this effectiveness should be in the 12th parliament and what are its duties, we have to redefine the functions of the commissions. in the commissions , if the supervision and the work of the corresponding executive bodies are done well. we don't face this problem when a device goes backwards after its minister if it is criticized, then it gets a negative score in the parliament, this monitoring should be a continuous monitoring of the executive branch, that is, based on the saying that prevention is better than cure
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. there is, and the incident should be remedied before it happens. from this point of view, we seriously need to make changes in our commission. if a minister is reprimanded, i believe that the commission should be reprimanded because it did not do enough monitoring, but if we went to the commission, we saw a fight over when will he become the head of the commission? call for him to become the head of the commission the person who did not become the head of the commission should try to become the head of the commission the next year , their main work will remain
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. in its composition, you look at the tastes. various politicians are present in this parliament. there are dozens of reformers. dozens of people are independents and many more are fundamentalists with different attitudes. if the parliament sees itself as a whole, that of all the capacities in this parliament to find the best solutions use me i believe that this view and this approach is a revolutionary approach to the work of the parliament. another point is that we are entering the 12th parliament while there are more than hundreds of draft bills waiting for us before our entry, and what is left of the 11th parliament is our daily rule for a long time. moon exists, but are the priorities
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of the parliament the same? from the representatives themselves and inviting experts and research centers to come and prioritize our priorities in the country's agriculture field in the general policies and in the seventh plan. is the parliament's direction towards these priorities or not, in the field of industry, in the field of production, which everyone complains about, on the one hand, the government says that we support the production and producers without any considerations. from the other side, you go
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to the production trench and you see that, god willing , there are many problems and lack of supply. there are opportunities for them and the lack of liquidity for them. we have to adjust those statements and idealisms with these realities and see where our situation is. parliament has such a role. let's consider as a whole that everyone should create capacity, we will have a successful parliament in the governments. when a principled government comes to work the reformists started criticizing the destruction and giving a thumbs up until they reached the government, then
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when they took over the government , the fundamentalists did the same thing, criticizing, destroying , sometimes giving a thumbs up, are we in the parliament too? do we want to take the same procedure or not, we should say in the parliament that the elites of every intellectual should speak with the help of the parliament in approving the best laws that benefit the people. the points that the supreme leader of the revolution pointed out means maintaining unity despite the differences in tastes that may exist on different issues. mr. dr. metaki, i will continue with you more about the priorities and functions of the 12th parliament , mr. valipour, the head of stanz's election headquarters , is added to our group, let's get in touch with mr. valipour. please explain to us what is the process of the election in the electoral districts of alborz province , what preparations are in place from 8 am and what
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issues are your colleagues monitoring? mr. valipour, if you can hear my voice, i greet you . we are waiting for your explanation about the electoral districts of albus province. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, i also offer my greetings and respect to all the viewers, dear noble people of iran , especially the dear people of alborz province , i would like to express my appreciation and thanks for your efforts . on the topic of security and health, participation and competition , we actually observed the work of the elections, many different meetings
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were held in the field of preparations for holding a healthy election, both in the first phase and in the second phase. fixing the issues of possible underlying problems of the infrastructure was actually held. i would like to inform you that the importance of elections and the participation of the people is not hidden from anyone. elections are actually a symbol of religious democracy . they are actually a manifestation of the people's will to power. it is the most important political event in the country . i am at your service. there are about 80,870 akshrai branches in karaj fardis and ishtre. the section was actually designed by the respected executive boards. surveillance was actually put on the agenda in alvord province, in fact there are three cities in the city that i mentioned, in karaj, fardis and ishtre, elections
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will be held. i will tell you about 83 fixed branches and 77 mobile branches . if i want to tell you separately, in fact , about 668 branches belong to karaj, about 154 branches belong to fardis, and 48 branches belong to karaj. as you may know, this question may be replaced in the minds of dear viewers , what documents can voters use to vote, documents including national identity card. it is the end of the passport and certificate service. the next question may be that we need to explain
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who are in the electoral field at this stage. our province and they can actually vote . i want to inform hazrat ali and all the dear viewers. in fact, those who did not vote in the first stage can vote in the electoral district all over the country. vote and those who vote in the current constituencies can actually vote now and those born on 2/21/85 can vote for the previous month. paying attention to the experiences that have been gained, in fact, in the past years , it is always crowded at the end of the so-called voting hours. we request that, god willing, with the timely attendance of the people , god willing, they will actually cast their votes for the aqs branches. if there are any questions , we are at the service of his highness
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. dear mr. valipuri, the head of alborz province election headquarters , you explained the process of holding from 8 am in the constituencies that were intended.
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the persian gulf and hormuz, the breast of the mountain chain of al-bazaz, the breadth of your name, the breadth of the name of the sun, the appearance of your soil, red, green, and white, this is not me, i am not me , i am a particle of the soil of my homeland. iran.
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a warrior from aristotle to the gulf of my homeland, the blood of siavash , the bow of arash, the martyrs, the pride of the house of faith, the grace of yazdan, the soil of iran, the soil of the brave , the land of the brave, the land of the best, salute to the honorable people of iran, who shine brightly today as always at the polls. in the leaf zarini, which marks the 21st of may 1403 in the determination of the fate of dear iran in various areas , i think that our communication is going to be established with mr. esmaili, the head of the election headquarters of the governor of malair city, so that this communication can be established, let me ask a question from mr. i ask dr. metaki paying attention to their activities as the former minister of foreign affairs, the 12th parliament, which
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will start on june 7, mr. dr. mutaki. what issues should be considered in the field of foreign policy? we must have a look at the past up to the current conditions of the revolution. in this date, more than four dozen military forces ruled international relations, which was unfair. we this this injustice in the war imposed by iraq on iran compared to the second persian gulf war, when saddam attacked kuwait, is quite evident to us in the face of iran's rightful positions on various regional and international issues.
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we have seen the cruel approaches of the international players towards our country and finally the illegal and unfair sanctions against our country in a history of several decades and in a period of the last decade in particular, we are against our foreign policy apparatus. this background is clear and serious , which proves that the current system is not a sustainable system and the public opinion of the world should know that a new world order should be the next step from now on and in a glance to the future, we should pay attention.


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