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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm IRST

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islamic, we will get this communication and we will inform you about the latest announcement and news of the ministry of interior regarding the second stage of the 12th islamic council elections, mr. mahdian, since this morning, we have had very good pictures in the national media of the presence of people in 15 provinces. 22 constituencies of yours, who are the media, what do you see about this presence, its message to even the internal currents of the internal developments and those who are watching the developments of our country from the outside, see the fact that our people have finally done the work. the person who voted must be in this period he understands that, for example, in the case of tehran, the majority has not yet been elected, and the role of tehran's vote is the role of tehran's representatives , as the speaker of the future parliament famously said, all this goes back to the election that is taking place today , so everyone is already at the polls and present, but this is really a message. it is necessary for our officials and
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him to understand that the person who votes does not pay this fee to get up from his house to go to a point and cast his vote there . he has a sense of belonging, he has a sense of participation towards the future. the future of the society itself should really be the way that our officials be aware of this issue , see his participation in all fields , use his participation in all fields. it is really not like this this year, which is really a year whose title is the participation of the people in the country's economy. in my opinion, it is really appropriate for the officials to appreciate the people, to appreciate the presence of the people and to really try in all fields, economic fields, political fields, every which has its own dignity has its own role. his place
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they can have people's presence in all fields , stop holding office in all fields, in the field of culture, politics, economics , and various issues and help people to enter the scene , if people take up the work themselves, they will also feel that they belong to the work. more and more , they will have more compassion for them, and people's thinking towards the officials will be more intelligent and deeper. our time is limited, i would like to ask a question, mr. mahdian, to someone this morning at the very beginning of voting time. we have about half an hour to go until the end . in fact, the legal hour
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is waiting for the announcement of the ministry of interior about the extension. khurshede , whatever you look at the person who is the ruler of that place in your neighborhood, the municipality has a command, i don't know, there is a ward, wherever it is, whatever you look at, governance is important to you. the ministry of interior and the speech of mr. eslami, yes, our provinces we should give them time to go to the ministry of interior. if we are in contact with mr. islam, yes , i have greetings, courtesy, and respect. i will serve you , dear viewers. well, i will read announcement number 16, announcement number 16 of the second stage of the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council, and thank you. from the honorable nation of islamic iran, with regard to the reports received from the constituencies of the second
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stage of the elections of the twelfth term of the islamic council , regarding the presence of voters in the branches and the request for the extension of the special voting period, based on note d, article 11 of the election law of the islamic council, with the agreement honorable minister of the country, the voting time will be extended for 2 hours, i.e. until 20:00 in the mentioned constituencies. i thank. therefore, we are announcing the extension in all 2 separate constituencies based on note d of article 11. anyway, in the next announcement , we will talk about the renewal process. thank you for this information. the speeches of mr. eslami, secretary and spokesman of the country's election headquarters. we heard your conversation with those
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people, please, the important point is really the same as i was saying that you have any view of the government , even to the extent of, for example, the size of one of my neighborhoods. i want to tell you, but finally. it is important to you that this street that you enter at night and you want to go to work in the morning is asphalted. it is important to you that the place where you live is safe . it is important to you that the place where you live should be safe. in any case, it should be administered optimally and efficiently, so it seems to me that really, as the leader of the revolution has repeatedly said, everyone has a political view of the system, the country, and the officials, for the well-being of himself and my family, he should participate, but i think, except this imami lady is necessary for our officials pay attention, i think we need to make a change in the elections, make a pathology, it is really possible that some people have problems with the style of holding elections at different levels and keep in mind , we usually don't pay attention to this, the guardian council should find its place in the ministry of interior. and for the government
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to find its place, for example, with this model, i can do something to facilitate people's voting , it really plays a role in increasing participation, and i really want to tell you a discussion. all the parties have their promise, we usually don't even think about the issue of participation we can't go to the parties. the parties also play a role in introducing people in closing the lists. in my opinion , mainly they transfer their roles to imaginary places that don't exist. they see their contribution in the people they introduce. if nobody really knows these people, it's a weakness. it is our parties that are not working , and if we could not introduce good people, there is still this problem that goes back to the parties themselves. okay, thank you very much, mr. mahdian, for your appearance in the special election program of khabar network, the second round of the islamic council elections. goodbye. thank you very much for your cooperation dear fellow countrymen.
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you can see the live and direct frames of elections in 15 good provinces of our country. 22 constituencies are involved in various stages of voting and photo booths are very busy and it is supposed to be at the end. today, there are 4 tasks, 45 remaining seats in the 12th parliament. with your vote, you are a good fellow countryman. morning, show the hope of the country . you are a country in the sky like an eternal seal. show me your passion and intoxication. in the sky, like an eternal seal, listen to my words. my body, my country, my country , my country, my country, listen to my words, as if you are singing this grass, all the souls of my country, my country, my country, my country, my country, all with one name.
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showing the difference of every color and language, all with the same name .
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the eternal name of the country, the morning, the hope of the country, show it in the sky like an eternal seal, you are a country, i am passionate and intoxicated , show it in the sky like an eternal seal , my words are so burning that you are my song, i am all my soul and body , my country, my country, my country, this grass is my soul, all my heart my country, my country, my country, all with one name show the difference of every color and language, all with one name show the difference of every color and language, all happy and violent to women
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, the beauty of young iran, the nobility of iran, the beauty of young iran, so in the field of many people's business. in the year in the past, they were faced with obstacles that sometimes cost a lot of money in addition to the additional costs of their energy , more importantly, perhaps it destroyed their motivation to start a business. in the 11th parliament , there was a good thing about the licensing system , which is a taste of the licensing process, and of course , based on the laws, many cumbersome obstacles in licensing were removed, but in the field of business economics
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and many issues related to this the issue is what are the priorities of the 12th parliament, the elected members of the 12th parliament and of course the active members of the 11th parliament mr. dr. shamsuddin hosseini is with us in the studio. mr. doctor, i greet you. welcome , in the name of allah, the most high. dear mrs. emami, i am at your service and dear viewers and compatriots. hello , mr. doctor, about the licensing system and what happened in the 11th parliament in this area fell, that is , the cumbersome laws in issuing permits . i started my introduction by asking what are the most important issues that should be considered by the representatives of the 12th parliament in the field of business and economy. and all of your colleagues in sadasima care about this as i said before , in spite of all the problems, we are still among the 20 largest economies in the world in terms of size, but it
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is not appropriate that our business rank is 127 or the start, in fact that rank is the start of licenses or the start businesses 178 ok, as you mentioned , we actually passed the law in the 12th and 11th parliament, one is the law amending articles 1 and 7. the implementation of the main general policies was 44 of the constitution, and the other was the law on profits of business licenses, in general, one of its outputs was that we go to the direction where the so-called signatures golden, or as you say , we should eliminate the application of preferences in issuing licenses and make this system transparent . the fact is that the identification of licenses will become a part of it.
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one of these measures was to change the licenses from approval-based licenses to registration-based ones, which no longer need to obtain a license from different authorities. another important thing happened and that is that the production and infrastructure financing law , which i think i mentioned in another meeting that i was at your service, fortunately, actually the approval of the guardian council was passed and this law was also promulgated. one of the most important points is that in the completion of the law on appeasement of business profits , our work will be a priority even in the 12th parliament. this law is
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one of the points. the most prominent one is a type of investment under the name of investment packages without a name , which means that with this package and the points you mention, the most important concern of the production is to solve the financial provision. i will divide this into two parts. first, i wanted to let me complete the discussion of your business space. look, today in our country, when someone he wants to do something, let's say he wants to build a power plant, he starts, one by one , he gets permits from different authorities and faces many difficulties, which of course actually helped a lot, the transmission law, but we in fact in the same field , we established a new legal establishment in the production and sub-sector financing law, and... in the field of investment, now the heads of the governorate and executive bodies are required
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to prepare investment packages , get all the permits, and call for them. such that when this is actually called and the investor miad wins from the day he starts work, no one is allowed to ask him for a new license, but as you mentioned at work , this also goes back to facilitating the issuance of business licenses . actually, i have an interpretation and that is that these kinds of laws cause us to abandon the people as a whole. we are the ones who do not allow them to operate in the governing bodies, but
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we have to do something else, it is not enough for us to let go of the people and say stop working now. we have to take the people together, we have to take the hands of the economic activists , there is a discussion about financing, now we have enough this production and infrastructure financing law, which will definitely be one of our main priorities in the 12th parliament and i myself will definitely follow it, is that the capacities of this law should now be used to finance economic activists, mr. dr. hosseini. you are both a representative and a representative in the course. at the same time in the government and as the minister of economy , where did you feel excessively or in some cases that a representative, even with one vote alone, can have an impact on the law that is going to be approved or on the supervision that needs to be done? or see in the correction that will be formed
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it might be interesting to you that i am at least myself. a few of my suggestions and a few concerns brought 50%, but in fact it was not approved, that is, you have to calculate, let's say there are 200 representatives in the parliament, so 200 people could participate in the voting. now the result of all this was that 100 people voted for my proposal and my proposal was not voted, that is, exactly if one person voted, he would have voted and this happened to me several times during this term of representation that when this happened, for example, in my mind it was always that i wish someone else had explained more, i wish i could give an example to someone else he had voted at that moment because sometimes our colleagues did not vote. during my ministry period, which i remember
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, i think it was the 10th government, we had a minister . yes, with one vote, it means that i am right, i will amend it , with one vote of that vote, the quorum must get 50 plus one vote to become a minister. therefore, in the parliament, one vote is one vote, and it is very important. it happens a lot , that is to say the least. i remember that this happened at least once a month, it was a topic that got 500 votes. but he did not add 50 plus epsilon, and it is clear that one vote will decide whether a minister will become a minister, a question will be considered, or a
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proposal will actually be approved, or even a vote. a law that greatly affects people's lives, yes , in general, in the end, there is only one person whose vote determines the fate of the parliament, that's why every constituency, but with one representative , has a lot of destiny. well, i will continue the conversation with you. regarding the strong influence of the parliament on various issues, now we know you more in the field of economics, but in other fields as well. i will ask for your opinions as a representative of the house of the nation. let's go to communicate with the holy mashhad
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, the head of the mashhad election headquarters. tonight. it has been extended, please tell me how the process is going in the special polling stations in the constituencies of mashhad. how do you see the attendance of the people ? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i also offer my greetings and congratulations to the noble nation of iran decades of dignity aside. the constituencies of mashhad and kalat, which have about 18,000 executors and observers and police constituencies
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, are active, and the noble people of mashhad and kalat participate in the voting process from the first minutes of the elections. the hours of participation in some ballot boxes and polling stations were so intense that we had to send a number of special mobile stations to these stations . electoral area of ​​mashhad and kalat and voting will continue. to the photo voting is being done. during my visit to the photo polling stations , both the moderators, supervisors and the people
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were fully satisfied with the order and discipline in the photo polling stations, and it was observed that the akshara branches are still being taken care of by our dear people. thank you very much for your explanation, mr. delbari, the head of the election headquarters of mashhad , i will say goodbye to you until the next communication. let's ask dr. hosseini about the important issue of budget which is elected by the parliament or
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that lion's heart that they say is the quality of our hearts, wherever there is a test, it is the gold at our feet , the land of the heart that has no words.
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you have seen the live and direct images of the election process in isfahan province . you can also see the live and direct frames of lorestan, varamin and khuzestan at ahs rai branches. the islamic council. we also go through these images even from the good villages of our country, where the people are voting and
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have a role in determining the destiny of their country, we would like to hear your opinion, mr. dr. hosseini. at which stage do you expect that in 1402, the budget bill of 1403 was discussed for the first time in a new style and context due to the change of the internal laws of the islamic council. in general, we divide the handling of drafts and bills into one-word and two-word, those that are one-word, then the generalities are presented and voted on. immediately we enter to deal with the details , but those that are distant. there are general issues that can be dealt with, it will go back to the specialized commission, and in another stage, we will reach the second poem. the
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budget bill has two lines. an amendment, but what happened again in the amendment of the internal regulations law was that it became two stages, so we dealt with the budget bill 1403 in two stages in such a way that in the first stage, the government brought the rulings, and the macro-tables , the macro-tables and the macro-tables. by the end of last year, we had 140. we investigated it, it was approved and notified , but because it interfered, we investigated it the budget bill with the law of the seventh development plan and also the discussion of the 12th term elections, unfortunately , the budget tables, which were detailed tables , were not actually dealt with, but with all the details, considering
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that the budget reached the parliament at the end of april, we succeeded in finally bardi behesht mah, i was a member of the merger , so we have to deal with the budget tables, and the budget tables, that is, the second stage, which the government had presented in the form of an independent proposal , were approved by the islamic council, and now that it has been sent to the council, almost not for the guardian council those who, god willing, will leave my path behind , of course, so that the country does not get into trouble . in fact, in the text of the budget decrees of 1402, a decree was embedded with the coordination of the government, so that the government can use the decrees of the 1403 budget, which
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have already been approved. taking into account the budget tables of 1402 and of course growth in the field of salaries and wages, they can follow the work, so now we have actually approved the provisions of the budget bill of 1402 , the tables that go back to the second part have also been approved. god willing , it will be notified to the government once it passes the approval process from the guardian council dr. hosseini, thank you very much for your presence. we will continue the program in this special program. and your opinion will reach us. if there is a chance, after the news , we will definitely continue the discussion with you. in the continuation of the special election program of khabar today network, 21
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in 15 good provinces of our country in 22 constituencies . the list of candidates is 90 candidates for the remaining 45 seats of the 12th parliament. they compete together thank you very much for being with us. today, in 15 provinces, everyone is coming to build a better tomorrow . my words are burning, you are the same song, and i am all one soul and body. one name shows the difference of every color and language, all with one name shows the difference of every color and language, all violence and violence to the women of zalamat, young iran
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, to the origin of iran. i am from sarabet iran, young. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello , dear and respected viewers, we present the news at 18:00. the parliamentary election process has been extended for two hours. a few moments ago, the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters announced the voting process for the second round of the 12th term of the islamic council for 2 hours and until 20:00 tonight in all 15 provinces.


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