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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am also at your service , mrs. emami, greetings and good evening. from the shahid mahalati settlement of the prophet's mosque, next to the 159th and 160th branches, i must say that since this morning, this mosque has not been quiet for a moment, even though it has been more than 10 an hour has passed since the start of voting, but we still see the presence of people and they are still coming towards the mosque so that they can cast their votes in the boxes. it is not just these branches , there are two branches on the top floor of this mosque, and before we let's come to this mosque. we also visited the amir al-mominin mosque. there, too, more than actually at least many people came so that they could put their money in the cash registers, but one of its characteristics was that it was actually in the second phase of electronicization in tehran. this queue can be authenticated, just for this reason, to their desired representatives, but
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the oldest person who came today and threw themselves in these branches is actually a woman born in 1314, and the youngest was a 19-year-old man, i must say that today, we also see the children, now i don't know if it will affect us show me baby here, in fact , they have another passion and taste to come together with the families and like to express the difference, at least if they take that paper vote from their father's hand and put it in the box, but this year you know that it has become electronic again. they come and witness the presence of their fathers and mothers to actually cast their votes . thank you, ms.
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tanesh, for what you have described from the luxor branch , which is located in shahid mahalati, you face the voters, of course, all the reporters of the memories. they are doing very well. in these events, in front of the people, i will say goodbye to you in order to communicate with our other colleagues, mr. engineer shamran. i would like to ask a question from the parliament as a brother. the mayor of the city council named and mentioned that yes , it is definitely possible, because the laws of the council are formulated and approved by the islamic council of the islamic council and are implemented after the approval of the guardian council, so what the council decides about the councils , the decisions made by the councils. they should
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work and operate in that way and in that direction, and it can be accurately said that the grand majlis is the bigger brother of the councils. i am from the city, i would like to make a so-called division, and of course tell us how to use this opportunity for brotherhood well, see that the major issues of the country are raised in the islamic council, the current political issues, especially the trans- regional or foreign issues. in the city council, local issues are local management, that is, internal issues of the city are decided and implemented in that city council, which is very important. it is the thing that has direct and close contact with the people . fortunately, this separation is in the law. it is basic for us, but
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it is not much in the society, that is, sometimes it is between people the issues that are raised in the islamic shura majlis are reflected to us, or they ask the people, the lawyers of the majlis, things that are related to the city council , for example, they want a building permit, or they want building density, or they reflect their city's problems to them. in my opinion, the close relationship between these two institutions is very effective, that 's why last week we invited the representatives of the islamic council who are in the council in tehran to have a joint meeting with the members of the city council, which is a necessary task that we in my previous courses, the more this connection, in my opinion, the more we had be closer ok, we and the parliament
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can be more successful. mr. engineer shamran , you have worked in the urban area for many years as the head of the most important city council of the country, which is the capital city. what do you expect from the 12th parliament? which representative can be a better lawyer in the interaction with you and the government, both for the capital city and for the cities of the country? the problems that the councils are having now are the issue of coordinated city management, which is now also called unit management or single fabric management. now the city councils are not real city councils, they are almost municipal councils of cities, that is, other administrations a city
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does not have a direct and organized relationship with the city council, then when a decision is made in the council , either they are unaware of each other or they do not have a direct relationship with each other and it creates problems, and we heard this. for example, the municipality comes to lay asphalt, two days later, an organization, an institution , comes to another place, for example , to lay wires or pipes, or to do something else, which means that there is no organized and organized relationship with each other, and this is related to councils and men. . it will harm the people of the city, if this is possible, of course, in the seventh plan it was predicted, i hope the parliament will follow up and the honorable government will be able to implement this so that this management is formed as a whole or coordinated
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. we also have other issues that god willing should be implemented with the coordination and cooperation of the parliament. it was stable in the previous parliament, fortunately , a lot of it was solved. again, reforms must be made. we have many issues that need to be brought to the parliament one by one, and the parliament will work on them, approve and implement them, and we hope that this the parliament should take the lead in this work and according to the opportunity.
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the opinion of urban experts is appropriate for the affairs of cities big cities are not going forward, that is, the song that should do things in these cities and big cities, what help will it get from the parliament. in harmonizing them, in synchronizing them, and in accelerating this speed , what you and your colleagues in the city council want to see, the islamic council had a very good resolution, of course, we had a more complete resolution before that resolution. it was because of that that we have many dilapidated structures in our country , which should be renovated and rebuilt, especially in an earthquake-prone country like iran. now, we have dilapidated structures in the city of tehran. god forbid, it will cause a lot of damage, so they must be renovated. the parliament envisioned that the tolls that the municipality takes from
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worn-out tissues, for example, take 50%. of course, we are in the council because of the city budget. you have to approve the city council independently, we had approved ourselves that we should not take 100 in tehran, even now it is not accepted . well, the government has not been able to do this since the year it was depicted, which was in the 80s why should it be paid because the parliament did not see these in its budget , the government budget did not see that they should be paid to the councils, and the government also
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does not pay because it was not seen in the budget, so the city councils of all countries, for example, we have many dilapidated and dilapidated ones in shiraz, we have many in isfahan. we have many in mashhad, even in the capital cities of other provinces, such as sanandesh, we have many places that need to be renovated, and if so, renovated. and if it is not rebuilt, whether it is in the case of an earthquake or other times , it will create many dangers, god forbid that a big earthquake occurs in these big cities like tehran it is impossible to imagine that a serious accident will happen , but it has never been foreseen because the government has not yet given their share, so the municipalities leave a large part of their own budget and do not receive anything in return, so
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they fall behind and many civil works that they want to do in the city are stopped. very well, mr. engineer, i will talk to you more about the role of a strong parliament in decision-making and decision-making in the country, but the 35th tehran international book fair in tehran it started working until the 29th. the month of may is also on the clock 10:00 am to 8:00 pm and those who are interested can come today. in addition to visiting different booths and halls , they can cast their votes at the exhibition. there are three special voting branches at the international exhibition. tehran book is established, let us go to tehran international book fair at this moment.
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dear viewers of the khabar network, i am at your service from the place of imam khomeini in tehran, with a special book spring program at the same time as the third day of the tehran international book fair , the islamic council elections are also being held. there are also ballot boxes here for the convenience of people visiting the imam khomeini mosque. because of this issue , we are going to mr. mohammad elhari, the head of the committee of domestic publishers of the sanjmein
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international exhibition. welcome to the book spring program. tell me how people can buy their favorite books and participate in the elections. in the name of god, i serve. hello and dear viewers of the program, i would like to say hello and thank you for coming from the place of the international exhibition. the tehran book kept the dear viewers informed about the latest developments of the exhibition. as you mentioned considering that the second phase of the islamic council elections will be held today in tehran to fill the remaining seats of tehran's representatives, for the well-being of the people who come to the book exhibition and possibly according to how many hours they will be in the exhibition. they allow the opportunity to attend the voting booths at the city level
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. coordination was made with the election headquarters of the ministry of interior and three mobile bases in different parts of imam khomeini's mosque. these three mobile bases are expected to have 15 ballot boxes with them. the electronic statement is being processed today that i am from the fund of the child and adolescent department i visited the section of publishers for children and teenagers , thank god, there was a good turnout from the people and they were satisfied that they could prepare books at the exhibition and cast their votes in the ballot box. with 15 ballot boxes , how was the reception, my people, the game i played was good, thank god, it was good, that is, with a good order, considering that it is friday, and on fridays
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, the tehran international book fair is very well received . today is a busy day in terms of family attendance. we had tehrani ones in the exhibition in the same proportion the boxes that are planned in different parts of the exhibition for special voting met with the luck of the people. how is the electronicization of voting, how much has it helped the people? well, naturally, the voting process helps. it should happen faster and with the various identity cards that they have, such as national identity card, certificate or end of service card. they can participate in the voting process and the voting process will be faster. thank you very much. excellent. this year, the 35th tehran international book fair with the presence of more than 3,000 domestic and foreign publishers in two virtual sections it will be held in person. mr. ellahari tells us
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how many domestic publishers will participate in this year's exhibition. qarfa is available to them. well, this year, in the physical part of the exhibition, that is, the publishers who have a physical presence at the masla place and are welcoming to the public. overall, the issue is that there are nearly 1,400 publishers who have independent booths and the publishers who grant representation. the exact number is 1,396 publishers. these 1396 publishers give representation to other publishers . in total, these 1396 publishers are included in the exhibition, which are in four sections in shabestan , general publishers' section, academic publishers' section on the ground floor. and on the first floor of the western portico, the children's and youth publishers' section
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is on the same floor as the eastern portico, in the north and south halls, and finally, the educational publishers, which are located in the eastern portico of the exhibition on the first floor. thank you very much. days before the exhibition, they said that this year all the publishers inside and outside, now in the intellectual space of being placed , please talk about this . it was transferred because the eastern and western porticos were not complete, the publishers were installed in the masla streets inside the tent the children's and youth section became the educational section of the academic section gradually from 2005 to this year, when for example it is being completed and its cultural spaces
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have increased. it's been a year that we don't have a publisher in the tent space, and all are located in the masla building space, and to hold the tehran international book fair with all the edges and surroundings of the subject, more than 120,000 square meters of non-useful space is needed, of which approximately 28 up to 30,000 meters will be available to publishers, right? as you said this year publishers have welcomed the competition to take over karfa. it is very possible. how likely is it that the space for domestic publishers will increase now this year or in the next years? well , this year in the group of domestic publishers, we had an increase in the space for the presence of publishers. academic publishers on
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the floor they are located on the ground floor of the western portico. this year, the first floor of the western portico has been fully provided to university publishers. they were at the children's and youth publisher's department on the ground floor of the eastern portico. there is a hall which is the northern hall of the children's department. this year, with the expansion of masla space , another hall called south hall overlooking the same hall it has been placed at the disposal of the children's nashahin, which means that this year the children's nashahins are located in two large halls. in part. the public of shabestan whose image is seen by the viewers. this year, we had 23,000 meters from the publishers. the useful space of shabestan is 11,000 meters, and we had to halve the demands equally between 40 and 50% in order to be able to place the publishers in the public part of shabestan mosli. this year, by the grace of god
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, the demand of publishers to participate in the exhibition was the highest. well, you know that the condition for entering the exhibition and especially the booth is that a publisher must have at least one publisher. it has 40 book titles and we tried to make it possible that even up to 30 titles of 25 books , they will be provided with this 10-day opportunity to use the exhibition space and be in face-to-face contact with the audience and people, but this year is one of those years. it can be said that there is a very good agreement between the publishers of the ministry of culture and islamic guidance and the people of the country, and the people who visit the exhibition can almost be said with a high degree of certainty that they want to touch the book and like the book , see what is happening here. they are present and this dialogue space is suitable for interaction
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according to the news we had earlier, the most famous publishers are absent from this exhibition, maybe part of it is due to the holding of the virtual part of the book fair . there is a physical section for people, for those who are interested, for families who do not have access to tehran in these 10 days, and this has come, it is expensive, it has difficulties, or maybe tehran citizens can read books from the publisher , these publishers are not tehran, they are not in the exhibition. the virtual section and ketab.r site have provided this space and this opportunity that there are no restrictions left and in this celebration. the cultural giant should not only be limited to tehran, but all cities, provinces, and villages should be provided with this space. honorable minister of culture and
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islamic guidance said, i ordered a book on the first day from a publisher who was active in zahedan or zabul. it was not in the exhibition. i ordered the book. and the book is supposed to be sent to me by post . well, this way of choosing and buying books will help us to see which books people ordered from which cities, which publishers, from the nearest places, from the farthest places, and their age and orientation. by choosing books, therefore, this physical part the virtual part complements each other, and i also said that it is almost with a high degree of certainty that people like them , they follow their books and works throughout the year, they are present at the exhibition , whether in the physical part or in the department.
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in addition, the exhibition is an excuse for a gathering and if there is no publisher or bookstore in the exhibition, bookstores in the city are open, publishing houses in the city are open, the important thing is that it is an excuse to show. sometimes, during these 10 days, people of books are among themselves, either in the book publishing house in their own places or in the book fair. domestic publishers have been brought. well, the 1396 publishers that i mentioned are present in the physical section of the exhibition this year. they also presented more than 142,000 book titles here. academicist
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has nearly 25 thousand titles in the children and youth section and more than 34 thousand titles in the academicist books section, totaling more than 142 thousand titles of the latest pamphlets and books published by the publisher here. offered and exposed to people's choice. thank you very much, what are people's favorite books? more? see, the exhibition is conducting surveys of people on a daily basis. people are constantly commenting on the strengths and weaknesses of the exhibition. what kind of books do you like, what kinds of arrangements do you like? welfare services, executive, facilities, education. traffic, the condition of the parking lots, the condition of the restrooms, the condition of the food, the exhibition is constantly asking people these things every day, and every night
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in the exhibition planning council meetings, the weak points are reminded so that there is a better preparation for tomorrow, but in connection with the fact that people who visit the exhibition, well, the children and teenagers section is one of the first choices of people, and today when i was walking in the children and teenagers section, i saw that families come to the exhibition, introduce books, introduce this culture. they are doing it for their children and this transfer of culture from generation to generation is happening very well. so, the children and teenagers section is very family-oriented. it is one of the first choices where things happen. the section of educational books is popular for our teenage generation. academic section for students and professors. it is favored by the department nashin public, well, right now, the luck of the people is clear from the cameras. today, friday , the exhibition
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continues until almost 7:00 pm. and people are still entering the exhibition for two hours. yes, one hour has been extended and people are still entering the exhibition. this shows that being in the book space in the exhibition space is considered a cultural value for people, which is natural considering that the exhibition the virtual part can be done sitting at home very easily with this virtual culture that we generally found . a few the distance brings the door to the house, but this did not stop people from visiting the exhibition, it shows that this presence in the exhibition is considered a value for families, it is true, anyway , everyone likes to taste the joy of turning the pages of a book. what happened to domestic publishers in the past years? well, in the middle of my talk, i told you that we were faced with an increase in the demand to attend the exhibition
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, which is more than normal. last year , i applied to participate in the exhibition, and secondly, the exhibition tried in two academic departments in the child and adolescent department develop your own space in order for more publishers to have the opportunity to attend the exhibition. the status of the software that helps people to access the location of publishers' booths . there are kiosks in different parts of the exhibition that people can access. do you remember the map of the exhibition in the past years, the map had to be printed on paper in a large circulation, the paper used to be trampled and it brought pollution, but now considering that people have access to smart ears, the software of the exhibition is in at the beginning of entering the exhibition, they download and upload it their phones and they can easily find the location of their favorite book or publisher
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. in addition to the other facilities available in the exhibition, information booths provide physical guidance for people who cannot use this space. this year, if you have noticed, all the booths have a qr code and people can use their phones to scan its image and gain access to the books of the publisher in that booth or the books in the section. virtual has provided touch devices for that if someone wanted to search by himself, he didn't have his phone with him, he didn't want to refer to the notification bar physically, he can refer to these touch tvs, touch screens, search for the book , its price, which publishers, what books to bring, check the prices, the location of the book or the publisher and finally the exhibition is trying to make people
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enter the exhibition with an intelligence and a choice . once again, very briefly, tell us which parts of the exhibition are the locations of the photo work boxes? i say. one of the places the establishment of ballot boxes is in charge of children and teenagers. in the same way, one of the boxes overlooks the space of the shabestan courtyard so that people who are in the life of shahbostan can have access and if i'm not mistaken, the box. the third overlooks the academic department and the educational department. thank you very much for participating in our conversation . i thank the dear viewers of my news channel. we would also like to thank mrs. behri and her guests for presenting another part of the tehran international book fair to your presence. allow us to go to the news studio for a few seconds. news at 19 o'clock, my colleague , mr. zahourian, and the esteemed contact of the deaf.
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