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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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from the dawn of tomorrow, open a window from tamasha to majdeh , sing with me again about that spring that is not there , a happy dream in the name of the country , to be patient with its people, to say a kiss to its flag , iran. dear soul, iran , your pure name is on my tongue, or tell me to sing it again with me from the dawn of tomorrow. from that spring that is not a dream and dawn
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, it comes again to the light of our hope, a bright dawn from the loving breaths of our martyr, a dawn from the bright presence from distant horizons, its light from the rain of hope, and its soul from the joy of you and me. iran, iran, heartbeat of my heart, iran your name is pure and my language is iran, my soul is iran, your name is pure on my tongue.
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bring the glad tidings of rain to the breath of the desert, to the dry vein of the trees, to the tired night of the porch.
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siavash, just pass by these fires, let them be fierce storms , my homeland iran, light a candle, make the name of god boil , break the claws of the devil, my homeland iran. the glad tidings of rain to the breaths of the desert, to the dry veins of the trees , to the tired night, bring the porch, spring to the heart
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of tomorrow, iran, i kiss this flag with my broken love, shower the world with your love, with me, iran, your soil, your sand, iran, your eyes are bright. .
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may all the beautiful iranians in the world be like syria may there be a gem of wisdom under our feathers. the eternal name of the country, the morning, the hope of the country
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, show it in the sky like an eternal seal. thank you very much for being a special viewer of the election program of the khabar network. the images you are viewing live and directly through the frame of the khabar network are related to the holding of the second round of the twelfth period of the parliamentary elections. they have prepared themselves in the morning so that these long pages and this energetic presence of you, the noble people of these 15
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provinces , will see and determine the assignment of 45 seats in the islamic council. at you are viewing the live and direct images of tehran's masjidmi branch. my colleagues showed you isfahan a few minutes ago . dear semiromis, today it was very nice to see the ballot boxes to send their desired representative to the house of the people in the 12th parliament and one of the provinces where we contacted the head of the election headquarters and received the necessary explanations regarding the process of taking a photo of the vote in the election branch. it was khuzestan province, and now we are observing the presence of the people of mazandaran in the polling stations according to the announcement of the ministry of interior, due to the large population and the presence of
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our compatriots in 15 provinces in special polling stations. voting period in the desired provinces. this means that these 15 provinces of 22 constituencies have been extended until 20:00 and there is a possibility that according to the announcement of the ministry of interior, this deadline and legal time will be extended once more, i.e. until 10:00, if the attendance of the people is the same and we we are facing a crowd at the polling stations, waiting for the announcement of the ministry of interior. in less than 20 minutes, the legal deadline that was extended in the first round will expire, and our compatriots are still present in the polling stations in the desired provinces, as i mentioned.
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according to the law, the voting time started at 8:00 this morning and continued until 6:00 p.m. the ministry of interior punished this period around 6:00 p.m. and the legal deadline until 8:00 p.m. for the first time . we have a phone call with one of the representatives of the islamic council. if my colleagues, yes, this phone connection is available, mr. pezhmanfar, one of the representatives of the house of mellat is behind our communication line . mr. pezhmanfar, we salute you . your excellency, all the good and noble nation of islamic iran and good viewers i send my greetings and regards . i hope, god willing, that god will give strength to everyone and that this blessed event that is
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taking place in islamic iran again today can be a record of success among the other successes of the system, mr. pejmanfar. today, the people did their duty with their presence and many came to the voting booth. in the first round , 245 representatives were determined, and today, after the end of the legal deadline, the assignment of 45 representatives will be determined. tell us what the future strong parliament will be. it will have characteristics and how effective this strong parliament will be in changing and the important developments of the country, which will directly or indirectly affect people's table and people's lives . as you pointed out, the islamic council in its 12th session is trying to
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be able to enter into issues with greater effort and attention, god willing, and along the 11th session, which according to the noble leader of the revolution , is being decorated and giving favors, and this introducing the parliament as a revolutionary parliament, we hope to continue this path with more seriousness and more effort . in the 11th parliament, we started a lot of things, but we didn't finish and we couldn't do some things let's get results from these works and people had expectations that these expectations were really right. well, the parliament should have followed up some of these things in a more serious way. well, we are pursuing this issue, god willing, we will pursue these issues in the 12th parliament. certainly, one of the priorities, but
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the most basic priority of the 12th parliament, is the issue of economy, livelihood and business of the people, and god willing, we should be able to bring the results of these actions to the table, as the noble leader of the revolution said. people for people to be tangible and visible . well, this needs a careful planning has and leaving aside the confrontations, we try to have a brotherhood with the government with a strict supervision, but in the basic issues that the government is responsible for based on the above documents, especially the seventh plan that is in this parliament. it was completed in the last few days, and god willing, it will be announced. based on
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this case , we will be able to move things forward. solving problems and solving problems as the only way and the only tool that can save the country from this may the upcoming crises lead to his salvation, god willing , we will use it. mr. pejmanfar , you have pointed out a precise point. i want to raise a question about your last point. for my next question , what is the irreplaceable and essential role of the people in all decision-making and decision-making? what is the nation's house in the eyes of the government, what are the issues that the judiciary is struggling with. we are now talking to you about the house of the nation, please tell us about
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the role and place of the people in the path that is now in front of the 12th parliament with the tools it has, i.e. a legal tool and a monitoring tool. how effective can it be for the progress of affairs and the fundamental advancement of things? our people came and voted now , despite the problems and issues they are dealing with in life, that is , they are the basis of the work of the system. how are the representatives defined for them in order to carry out these reforms well? just as you said, the role of the people has always been irreplaceable and nothing can replace the capacity of the people to be on the scene. no, and the problems and all the issues are on the shoulders of the people however, we had this issue in an environment where
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sometimes people played their role, unfortunately , we used people in special cases like elections or crucial issues, and now the government and all the forces of the world have to use the capacity of the people to solve them. . to use issues means that today, for example, in the economic field , the government actually competes with the private sector in issues, while the government should supervise and leave the issues to the people so that the people can do this. the government's actions that impose heavy financial burdens on the country with high cost and very low service, which is the low quality that we
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have today in government enterprises, these should be abandoned . we have been trying to solve this issue. our efforts are based on the fact that the most important factor that causes corruption in our country is because i was responsible for the article 90 commission in the 11th parliament. if it is god's will, we will continue on the same path with the current of corruption. a significant part of which is organized by banks, we are definitely not against this case and the same way we have had an input on the problem until now, but we have to complete this input so that we can control the banks in relation to the money creation they are doing and the value of the country's national currency is strictly based on the creation of foreign money. the money that
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is not placed in the way of production, but in the way of gaming and subsidiary companies. let's work transparently. our effort is to leave things to the people and to fight the issue of corruption, which is very disturbing to the people today and has imposed a lot of pressure on the people , god willing. on the twelfth, i will say goodbye to you, but let us visit the different provinces of our country again . now we can see mazandaran province and khuzestan province. special voting branches are active in 15 provinces and 22 electoral districts of our country from 8:00 am according to the deadline and schedule. at 6:00 p.m., the deadline
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ended and the ministry of interior extended this period until 8:00 p.m. or later . wherever there is an exam, jared is at our feet in the role of the land of the heart that has no say in you our story is love, there is no sick love, we will go higher than any dream, higher today wherever we
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are, tomorrow we will be higher, tomorrow we will be higher. believe me, we will reach the place where the limit of your belief is , you will see the dream that was in your head one day, my friends , we will stay, we will erase the enemy of the dark night , we will erase the spots from the map of geography
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, we will spread the spots from the map of geography, spot by province. as of this morning, they are fully active and up to now they are energetically conducting the voting phase in the second phase of the islamic council elections. let us contact one of the the provinces that are in the second phase of the islamic council elections, south khorasan province , mr. zwanat, greetings to you. i hope you have a good time, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. thank you for the opportunity that we have in south khorasan province. greetings to you mr. zwanat. we are in the special election program of khabar network on 21 ardahesht, 1403. of course
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, the respected viewers of the first page program who were always watching this program together at this hour are now in the crowd. our viewers are present, i want to ask about the flow voting and of course special voting in south khorasan province, how many special voting branches are there now? it is active in south khorasan province and what are the steps and predictions you made for these minutes . how did you see the attendance of people at the polling stations since this morning? on the 11th of urdobehesht in 1402 , its electors were able to get a quorum and enter the parliament. only one constituency, which is the capital of the province, is birjand khos, and among these three
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cities, the quorum of arar is included. they could not win in the first stage, and because of this , they were pushed to the second stage, which is today, 21 urdobehesht of 1403. therefore, the election headquarters of the province based on the schedule that the honorable ministry of the country has updated and notified to these 15 provinces, including south khorasan , based on this program and the table of dzwanbandi have done their programs based on the table, so it does not matter to us that the same headquarters was formed as in the first stage, its committees were formed, its meetings were conducted in an orderly and orderly manner, the polls determined the location of the ballot, as well as the preparations and requirements for holding the elections. and the clarification that the meetings should be clarified it was done for the elected officials, so the province made full preparations before holding the elections and today
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we witnessed a good and strong presence of south khorasan at the ballot boxes. we were one of the provinces that immediately requested that it be extended . dear mr. shahcheri, the head of the country's election headquarters, the election has been extended until 8:00 p.m. we are now seeing pages in most of our polling stations and right now we are requesting that at least one or two more levels will be extended until 9:00 pm. the ministry of interior must have heard about it, while they are working on it and waiting for the up-to-date reports from the provinces where the elections are being held. we are the new announcement of the ministry of interior. we say goodbye to you. before the news collection , we were in the service of mr. engineers chamran, the honorable chairman of the tehran city council
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. we asked about the relationship between the city council and the majlis and the requests it may have for better interaction between the upcoming majlis and the city councils. cities and cities, and now the summary and the points that are considered, mr. engineer chamran, thank you very much, don't get tired. like all those who went to vote today , those who didn't, god willing , will join the ranks of voters in these last moments, god willing, and will implement their decision, god willing. i hope that, god willing, the next parliament will have a good interaction with all the islamic councils of the country's cities, especially. the cities of the provincial centers and big cities should have, well, the issues of big cities and big cities are different from other cities, and definitely and
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surely, in my opinion, laws should be written for these cities even separately and issues specific to them should be raised, especially in issues such as privacy. the so-called settlements on the outskirts of the city are similar to those that are formed in big cities and cause many problems for the people, or the so-called informal and illegal settlements that are said, for example , that the city of mashhad has more than one million people in a such a city they live in a situation where the city of tehran, the boundaries of the city of tehran and the boundaries of the city of tehran have a lot of consistent laws. now
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, as not only a member of the city council, i do not have the privilege of being an architect and urban planner, and this should be corrected, and josh is the islamic shura council, god willing , we will be able to have a good interaction during this period. in the implementation of article 100 sentences and the crimes that have arisen, we have about 70,000 article 100 sentences in tehran alone, but there are about 300,000 sentences in the whole country. for these, a proper and fundamental thought must be given , and other very specialized issues that, god willing, will be dealt with. especially, these should be brought up in the commission of councils. the issue of the organization of municipalities should be resolved. if there are councils and municipalities
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, they should ask somewhere in the ministry of interior to take over the responsibility of councils or municipalities. well, this is not advisable, that is, it is not correct, it is against the constitution. in any case, this should be properly split and resolved, god willing, mr engineer chamran, thank you very much for your presence in the special studio of khabar tv's election program . i say goodbye to you. thank you. goodbye
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. good luck. we are you in the role of the land of the heart, which has no limits. our story is love. love has no boundaries. we will go higher than any dream . wherever we are today
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, believe us. we will reach the place where the limit of your belief was . we remain enemies of the black night, we erase the stain from the geography map. we will remove the stains from the geography map
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. i am reading announcement number 17 to the knowledge of the honorable nation of islamic iran , in view of the reports received from the constituencies of the second stage of the 12th term of the islamic council regarding the reception of the voters in the final hour of the voting of the honorable minister of the republic of tamalid, the special voting period to announce for one hour, that is, until 21:00. well, mr. rafsha, not yet.


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