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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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babadi, this car is in the hands of a lady, who you saw , a stranger with a guard in a column , it will not be in anyone's hands, this city will not be able to fly in this opportunity.
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completing an unfinished task of attending the polls to complete the 12th parliament of muhammad. be stronger it is more possible to work in the country. approval of the draft of palestine's full membership in the united nations in the meeting of the general assembly of this organization. 143 countries voted in favor. american university students stand up for the cause of palestine by strengthening the anti-zionist uprising. university of california students flag. palestine
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was raised on the building of this university. the expansion of student protests into american high schools. march of millions of yemenis in different cities of yemen in support of palestine. allah.
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during friday's clashes in the gaza strip, the zionist military destroyed six tanks and an armored vehicle of the occupying forces in several operations and took control of a zionist skylark drone in the sky of rafah. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate, ladies and gentlemen , dear viewers, greetings to you, good night , welcome to the news section at 24:00, the leader of the islamic revolution on friday morning in the first minutes of the second round of voting to the prayer in the 10th session of the islamic council elections
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, they registered their votes in the electronic box by attending imam khomeini's hosseinia. after participating in the elections, ayatollah khamenei emphasized that the importance of the second stage is not less than the first stage and that the people should complete the assembly by participating in this stage of the election. at 8:00 a.m., he arrived at his appointment time with the same open-minded face and constant motivation as in all previous elections.
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this is the first time that the revolutionary leader imam khomeini will vote electronically in hosseiniyeh. selection. again for the future of iran. the leader, who patiently completed the ups and downs road, says that the former parliament is the share of those who stay until the end of the road. it is the national duty of every person who wants the country to progress, to work and get close to great goals. it is to participate in the elections. there is no difference between the first and second stages of the elections . if we participated there, let's assume that we selected a few in tehran and the rest stayed and did not participate in any other city. in fact
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, the work is half-finished and abandoned . it is coming and wants someone on the chair lean on that little. the stronger the parliament is, the more opportunities there are to work in the country, god willing, may you be successful. peace be upon you, may god's mercy and blessings be upon you. farewell, gentlemen. farewell , ladies and gentlemen. the process of counting votes in the second round of the islamic council elections has begun. the second stage of the 12th islamic council elections
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was held on friday in 22 constituencies to determine the assignment of 45 seats in the islamic council. 16 seats belong to varamin tehran 's constituencies. . electronics and shaping. the first experience of electronic voting? yes, this time
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it made it easier. much easier than handwriting. and the new experience of the second round elections of the 12th parliament. we have to choose our own path and we have the right to choose so that others don't decide for us. with the presence of people who were strong and determined to come. when a person is in his existence. he felt responsible for his homeland, his people are working hard , we had unfinished business, one must choose for his future that he can build his future , what was the reason why you participated in this election, it is
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the religious and religious duty of irq to the homeland, it is the religious duty of every iranian who participates in the election. tick ​​according to it is a duty, but i am more in love with the leader. finally, we must be fruitful in the destiny of our country, just as we participated in the first stage, we have the same task to finish the second stage . it has not changed much. the key words of this day from the language of the people may be constant, but the narration of it by different people shows diversity. finally, it is supposed to be a message. the fate is the fate, no matter how few or how many, this remains to influence our vote, the opinion of the people in the parliament, all these people should be elected so that they can make the best decision. what was the second stage? you decided to come to the first stage, like
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the second stage, and because we can participate in the future of the country, god willing, we expect them to act on their words as they should, not to proceed in a way that causes harm. in the eyes of the people , whoever voted, i think that in this situation, they really came with their beliefs, they voted and they expect to talk to the representatives who will sit on the seats with these votes. what about the representative you chose? we expect the representative we vote for to know what he does , where he gets his money, and what laws are passed. what is his opinion about each law? words to say and act. here are the voting boxes on the sidelines of the 35th tehran international book fair. by voting, we choose the candidates who are closer to our concerns. with the election
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of the remaining 16 candidates of tehran, the seats in this constituency will reach the full number of 30 people. attention and handling of people's problems, especially the youth , marriage, employment, according to their duties, which are their active participation in the parliament . . be formed sometimes sometimes with a high number of absentee people, the representatives can really represent the people and solve people's problems . if we are looking for transformation , we are looking for change. the closest window in which this transformation and change can happen is participation. elections
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are one of the honors of the holy system of the islamic republic, because our system was based on the people's vote, and the formation of all institutions in this country is based on the vote and will of the people of iran. all by the people with the hope that the representatives will appreciate this basic work. zahra chekhmoghi of sed and cima news agency. at the same time as tehran, the people of some cities
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appeared at the polls in 21 constituencies. as iranians, we have a duty to be involved in the fate of our country. we expect the representative to think about youth unemployment. their first goal is to take into account the interests of the nation and fulfill the duty we have towards our country . with this promise that was made between the relatives, everyone will stand at the ballot box and vote in the second phase of the election to complete the first phase. with this vote , i support my country. they must be people. if they are of any use, their hearts will be broken for the people to go there to know themselves from the body of the people
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, to do something and really take a step for their work and employment. the first election, the second election , there is no difference, we have to choose our people . your second round vote complements your first vote and a strong presence. and a strong participation and a lot of votes can create a strong parliament . the benefit of the people in the parliament.
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if we don't come to the polls and choose people those who understand the problems and know the problems from all walks of life, this makes us people to get into the parliament and make laws so that the problems stay there, it is very good. i am happy that i can influence the fate of my country today. i want from the dear representatives who are behind. let the youth of the country be and work for the prosperity of the country. with a competent and appropriate choice, we can be an efficient representative to the bad work of the parliament. we came to determine our own destiny. in order to
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determine the fate of our country, we should not see it in the hands of foreigners. participate in this election for the future of my city we, our children, have a strong vote in iran and it will be strong in the future. with our vote, we will be humiliated in the eyes of the enemies of this country. we have come to the second stage to finish the work of the children. today, we have come to vote to protect our homeland. we came here to vote because it is a religious, moral and human duty. i also came to vote for the primary vote. i expect my candidate to think about us young people. we came to decide our own destiny for our future. every person's vote
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has an impact. as an iranian, i am also responsible. sharia and custom that i come to vote because i share in the fate of my city and my country. 143 countries of the world voted for the proposal of full membership of palestine in the united nations on friday evening in the general assembly of the united nations for the membership of palestine as the 194th member of this organization, only 9 countries voted against , including the united states, the
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zionist regime of nauru, palau, micronesia kurds 25 countries of the arab group faced the support of the majority of countries regarding the full membership of palestine in the united nations. in this meeting, the representative of the zionist regime angrily threw the un charter into the shredder. after voting against this resolution, the american representative said: we believe that it is correct palestine from the path of negotiation with. he said that this irresponsible behavior of the united states as a permanent member of the security council is unacceptable, irresponsible and contrary to the request of the international community. the vote of the general assembly is not binding and the security council must make a decision for palestine's membership. the vote
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of the united nations general assembly asks the security council for the full membership of palestine once again. to check about 3 weeks ago, the united states vetoed this resolution in the security council. the full membership of palestine in the united nations means recognizing it as a country. at least 10 thousand people from rifa are out this is the estimation of the officials who say that the zionist attacks have not left a safe place in gaza. field news has a similar narrative. there have also been reports of the attacks of this regime's fighters on the western areas of this city. a broader operation that is contrary to the claims of this regime in response to global criticism.
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in one of these attacks, eight members of the same family were martyred, but the palestinian mujahideen responded to the zionist aggression by striking the occupation forces. they announced the arrival of the regime's engineering forces, which led to their deaths and injuries. operation against a zionist military base in karam abu salem, other actions of the qassam battalions were announced on friday. in the name of allah
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akbar alhamdulillah, lord of the worlds, peace and blessings be upon him. gudans al-quds and the military branch of the fatah movement also reported several separate rocket attacks and shrapnel attacks on the enemy's infiltrating vehicles. the resistance groups also announced operations against the occupying forces in the netsarim axis. at the same time as the zionists attacked the zaytoun area, the quds and qassam battalions announced their response to the zionists in this area. they also shot down an israeli helicopter. following the operation the wide resistance of the zionist media admitted to the killing of 5 soldiers of this regime. hebrew sources reported that at least 12 zionist soldiers
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were injured. you are watching the 24 news section. as you know, counting of votes. the elections of the second round of the islamic council have started. at this moment , i want to talk to mr. eslami, the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters. mr. eslami , we are at your service. please tell me whether the results of the elections in the 22 constituencies have been determined or not. yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, politeness , respect, and good night to the service of his highness and the viewers respected yes, the results will be announced in the three constituencies of abadan, malair, khoreabad, and chegini. in this
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video link, i would like to thank our colleagues in the provincial election headquarters, the honorable governors , the executive board, the supervisory board, the executive officers of the branches, who honestly worked hard and were actually able to let's announce the results as soon as possible. in abadan constituency, out of 57,701 correct votes , mr. javad saadounzadeh was elected to the islamic council with 2,518 votes. this constituency to they were introduced to the islamic council. in
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malair constituency, out of 35,374 correct votes, mr. ahmad ariyainejad was nominated to the islamic council as the elected representative of this constituency with 21,851 votes. in the constituency of khorn abad and chegani , mr. hadi hashminiya was elected with 492 votes out of 1750 correct votes. constituencies of khan amad and chegini were introduced to the islamic council. in the following, mr. reza sephovand
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was nominated to the islamic council as the second elected representative of khoran abad and chegini constituencies with the number of 45,934 votes. become. my colleagues in the constituencies, whether in tehran or other constituencies. the votes are being tallied . i would like to give an explanation to the honorable viewers . the votes are being tallied from the minor constituencies to the main constituencies and approved by the honorable governor of the center of the constituencies and the supervisory board for the election community system. the results will be sent through the system. we burn and here. we will read it as the announcement of the results, and therefore we think that we will be at your service in the near future and
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we will try to announce the results in some other areas. very thank you, mr. eslami, for sharing the latest results of the second round of elections with the public. stay with us with this news section. demonstration of millions of yemenis in support of gaza. this friday was also held in different cities of this country. the participants of this march, which was held under the title of tension against tension with gaza until victory, in the final statement asked the leaders of the arab and islamic countries to take serious measures and take effective positions in support of the palestinian nation. also, from the actions of students in american and european universities
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expressed their appreciation for supporting the palestinian people. they emphasized the continuation of resistance and struggle against zionist aggression and their supporters, and the dead will die, and the dead will die , and the american students will declare solidarity with gaza, the flag to palestine. installed on the building of the university of california and demanded an end to the war .
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the students of george washington university, new york, minnesota and california are also once again in support of the people of gaza gathered. supporters of palestine in washington and rochester, new york came to the streets in support of palestine and demanded an end to the war. however, student protests from american universities have spread to high schools in this country. in the halls of schools in the old part of berkeley, students
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put up palestinian flags. teachers and high school students also made placards and banners that read we teach for palestine. demonstrations of students and supporters of palestine continue in other countries. deaf people in australia with sign language crime they condemned the occupying regime. students of oxford university in england with the aim of stopping the relations of the university authorities with the institute and companies affiliated with the regime. student demonstrations in support of the people of palestine and gaza were accompanied by clashes and repression by the police.
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people in copenhagen, the capital of denmark, also marched in support of the international student protests and called for an end to the war. in france , pro-gaza activists put the palestinian flag on a skyscraper in lyon, france. images of the rally in support of palestine and gaza at the turkish steam university in ankara, the capital of turkey, were also published in pakistan, the students of peshawar university, the capital of khyber pakhtunkhwa province, in condemning the crimes of the zionist regime, marched in jordan, students and people gathered in solidarity with the palestinians.


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