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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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iran mahd farshast, greetings again dear viewers, according to the announcement of the election headquarters. in the constituency of abadan, mr. javad saadounzadeh with 2538 votes and seyed mohammad molavi with 21578 votes went to the islamic council. mr. hadi hashminiya's appointment with
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the second stage of the islamic council elections is underway, considering that the voting was held electronically in many areas . get the results as soon as possible to be announced. this 13-year-old man from khorramabadi was the target of many people's attention in cyberspace. they wrote, mr. seyed, they took his photo from the ballot box of the second round of the parliamentary elections. someone wrote above his photo: getting old, the foot of the revolution. some people went to the one who did the work, the one who finished it.
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and they republished a relatively old interview of the leader of the revolution. my advice is to take this second phase of the election as seriously as the first phase. the more the votes of the representatives who go on behalf of us, the people of the parliament. their hearts are stronger. many users have written the characteristics of weapons. very they introduced those they knew as weapons to each other. for example, by borrowing from the election candidates' own sentences. one emphasized the importance of protecting national interests and avoiding pursuing personal interests, and another wrote: the representative should be an expert rather than the work of the commission. come to the majlis specialized
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this was one of the most frequent statements of users. i vote because elections are a human duty for the destiny of the country. i have the right to vote. because i want to contribute to the country's destiny. i vote because the fate of my country and my child is important to me. the second round of parliamentary elections, in the virtual space of photos it also has many souvenirs. souvenirs with two hashtags. second, the parliamentary elections are among the people who say they are worried about the future of iran. fatemeh shifi, sed and sima news agency. the spokesman of the guardian council stated that no serious violations were reported in the second round of elections and said: candidates can send their documents through the application system and people can send their documents through the observer system, and
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our colleagues at the central election headquarters are following up on these issues. slow mr. tahan nazif added that the validity of the second phase of the election in the 22 constituencies will be announced by the beginning of june. naturally, we up to a week finally , i told the complaints and documents of the dauf seekers and people that if they have any suggestions , we will receive them after completion. the time of receipt means that after a week, god willing , we will have our own investigations. however, according to our schedule , we should announce the results of the election verification in these two constituencies by early june, which , god willing, will witness the official reopening of the 12th parliament. to be zionist news sources about the death of four soldiers of this regime. in
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rafah in the south of the gaza strip. according to zionist media reports, these soldiers were killed in the explosion tanks were killed when one of them was hit by a rocket. a zionist soldier was also severely wounded, his condition was reported to be serious. at the same time, the hamas military qassam battalions announced that the occupying forces in the east had been targeted and a merkava tank was also destroyed with an anti-armor rocket. commemoration ceremony of martyred reporters in the gaza strip. this ceremony emphasized the media failure of the zionist regime along with the defeat of the occupiers on the battlefield. in the meeting honoring 142 martyred journalists in the al-aqsa storm battle
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, it was emphasized on the continuation of the prominent role of the resistance media in this battle. at this meeting in the center of the newspaper union negaran lebanon was held. a number of experts point to the failure of the zionist regime's media at the same time as failure. in gaza, the media war will continue. in the unprecedented killing of palestinian children, women and men in gaza, reporters also history has been targeted. the zionist regime's crimes in this war, including against journalists , are more than in previous wars, and surely the media has a central role in presenting the facts of this war to the nations of the world. in the past seven months, however, the zionists' narrative of the
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gaza war has collapsed despite the widespread propaganda support of the western governments against the claims of the zionist regime. story distortionist zionism. the world has completely collapsed in the last seven months and we are witnessing the collapse of the zionist walls of lies even in western countries. 53 palestinian journalists are currently in israeli prisons. among them , 43 journalists were arrested after the al-aqsa storm operation. the palestinian nation will not stop fighting until the freedom of this land. this stability is the main reason for the fall of the zionist narrative from reality. in the past 7 months, apart from the destruction of all media centers in gaza, targeting the families of journalists is another policy of the zionist regime in gaza, and the enemy is israel. the zionist wanted to keep the facts under the rubble because he
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was worried about the consequences of the western nations knowing about the crimes against humanity in gaza. the media has definitely played a pivotal role in this battle. the families of more than fifty palestinian journalists in the attacks of the zionist regime. they have been targeted in different areas of nawad gaza. seyyed mohammad hosseini, beirut radio and television news. as we announced to you, the counting of votes for the second round of the islamic council elections continues and the results of the 3 constituencies that have been announced are abadan malair and khorramabad. for more details on the results of the second round of the elections islamic council, i am currently talking with mr. eslami, the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters, mr. eslami , apart from the field that we announced in this news, is there
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a new field, the result of the number of poems has been determined for us ? to the honorable viewers , i present the results of qaimshahr, swadkoh, joibbar, simorgh and swadkoh north constituencies to the viewers. yes. we have 13,305 correct votes in this constituency. his excellency mr. imran abbasi kali with 42 votes as elected, this constituency for the islamic council they are introduced. and mr. ali. a country with a total of 3,832 votes will be introduced to the islamic council as the next candidate of this constituency. in the constituencies of shiraz and zarghan, out of
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the total of 1837 valid votes, mr. seyed ismail hosseini with 57 170 votes and 57 votes is nominated to the islamic council as the elected representative of this constituency, and mr. ebrahim azizi with the number of votes. another title is that the electors of this constituency are introduced to the islamic council. well , you are waiting in the constituency of tehran, shemiranat, islamshahr and pardis, because this constituency is for the first time, the islamic council elections were held electronically and fully mechanized . thank you very much. we have from our colleagues at the election headquarters of tehran province, all the respected officials
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of the governors of the main and sub-constituencies, from the number of 3649 boxes, in fact, in this constituency , there are 3623 boxes, the results of which have been announced in the system of the electoral society. i would like to tell you that, in fact, one of the benefits of holding electronic elections is the announcement of the results of the votes in a very convenient period in terms of time, so you are waiting now. tehran election had 32 candidates, first mr. bijan nobab watan with 269 43 votes out of 548,487 correct votes, and in the same way, i
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will announce the names in order up to the 20th of this list , mr. mohammad siraj with 2475 votes, mr. abolfazl zahrovand with 23,780 votes of mr. hossein samsam. akhund farm with 2349 votes, ms. zohar sadat lajurdi with 2285 votes, mr. ahmad naderi with 225973 votes, mr. ebrahim azizi with 22381 votes, ms. samia rafiei with 22083 votes, mr. peyman falsafi with 217180 votes
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, mr. abolqasem jarareh with 21758 votes, mr. mr seyyed morteza mahmoudi with 21199 votes of mr. mojtaba rahman dost with 299 votes of mr. abdul hossein ruholamini najafabadi with 1999 votes of mr. mojtaba zarei with 1998 votes of sarkar mrs. zainab qaysari with 199758 votes of mr. alireza.
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the first person in the list of the preliminary results of tehranat constituencies are islamshahr and pardis. as soon as we receive the latest results from this constituency , we will definitely inform you . i thank you very much, mr. eslami. especially the results of the course. second election, let's hear from you dear viewers, you can
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continue to stay with us with different sections of the khabar network. come tell me about the dawn of tomorrow.
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iran, my dear heart, iran, it was our duty to come and define our duty. our future duty was a religious duty. it is a duty that everyone should know that they are obligated to express themselves. i was the second person to vote that time. i tried to be the first person this time and i was the first person.
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make a decision and it is the duty of everyone who comes to vote . that despite all the problems that exist, we are at the foot of our revolution, always prove that despite all the problems we have, we are at the foot of our revolution we are our leader and we are present on the stage in all hardships. it is a dawn of a bright presence from distant horizons , its light is bright from the rain of hope and its life is from the joy of
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the name of javid watan, the morning of the hope of watan. make it appear in the sky like an eternal seal, you are a homeland, my passion and intoxication , make it appear in the sky like an eternal seal, and
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my words burn like your song, and all my soul and body become my country, my country, my country, and my words burn, as if i are playing this grass, all my souls are my country. my country, my country, my country, all with one name show the difference of every color and language, all with one name show the difference of every color and language, everyone is happy and violent to women from the strength of iran, young and genuine. iran z sarabet iran javan.
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i say we came first, the best time is the first time when the enemies know that this system is not alone and there are many voters. waiting for this day, i didn't go on those trips because i could participate in the second election, even though it was a religious trip. a patriotic iranian must participate in this election. love for the country is very impressive. iran is my life, my homeland. i am interested in my country and my religion. because we love iran.
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i love my leader, i love my country and i want the best to enter the parliament. we can't be indifferent to so many martyrs to be indifferent. that's all joven going to. more and more mature than us , they should leave their homes for the sake of this country. the only thing i can do is to vote . we could no longer be indifferent because it is my life . i am living here . how can i live with this land and water? it is not possible for anyone who has faith to know that this country became an islamic republic after a long time, he cannot be indifferent to the security and the choice that is so decisive in the future of my country. i didn't vote the first time, but i saw that our problem won't be solved by not voting, and now i have the opportunity to do so. i should choose a representative who can
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make a better decision for my future, for the tomorrow of the next generation, so why should i miss this opportunity? well, we wouldn't come, others will make decisions for us, whatever the collective opinion is, it is true that the majority vote is important, but anyway collective. who think it is important what spectrum they are , what group they are, who they vote for, which people they send to the parliament. some people say that we came to the voting booths , but from the facade. they act like they really
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care about the people. i expect that the economic conditions will improve, the main concern of all people is economic issues. adoption and laws regulations that benefit the people, discuss the people's livelihood , work for the country, work nationally, and benefit from this opportunity that has been found for them. undoubtedly, if we are looking for transformation , we are looking for change. the closest window where this transformation and change can happen is participation in the elections.
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i am an engineer, i am a programmer, i am a student in the iron market, i am an industrialist , i am retired, i am an employee, i am an employee, shul azadeh azad chi is the head of all construction work , he works in the field of tourism, i am an engineer, he is in charge of one of the production units. i am an electrician, what happened? the fact that you decided to vote for this was a choice that i did not want to be invalidated. for me, the country needs our presence in this field and we must come to prove our presence both nationally and religiously and be influential. i came to vote for my country, just like us. we came and participated in the first round
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. well, some of our desired candidates made it to the second round. well, we should definitely come , so that those people who didn't make it to this stage, they are iranians and i exist. this is my country, i have my own opinion. i am transferring. my goal was to choose a weapon why wasn't he indifferent? he shouldn't be indifferent . we all must build this country hand in hand . we have a duty to choose our representatives ourselves , so that we can demand from them later. we don't have any of the problems of my country . what do you expect from the person who is elected as your representative? people's concerns , see the concerns of different classes, now educated , young people who are getting married, the issues that are currently involved in rented housing, really work for
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me. in the information of the homeland , they remember and talk dear people, just like in the advertisements , people talk about the economy, they really have a lot of economic problems and they can't afford their expenses. i am asking you to think about this , god willing, and be able to implement what you say and help the people and the country. here are those words, those thoughts, and finally the plans he has. let them implement everything , work hard and solve these problems so that , god willing, our country will be better every day than yesterday. hear my words and listen to my words that if you care about this grass, all the lives of my country, my country, my country, my country, my country is in
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your heart. the persian gulf and hormuz are side by side , the mountain range of al-baz, the breadth of your name, the breadth of the sun's name the appearance of your soil is red, green and white, this is not me , not me, me, me.


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