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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

1:30 am
the blue of your heart is in the persian gulf and hormuz, your chest is the same as that of the mountain chain of al-dlabas, the breadth of your name, the breadth of the name of the sun , the appearance of your soil is red and green and sapphire, this is not me, i am not me, i am a particle of the soil of my homeland, the armor of the soil of my homeland is iran, the soil in
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iran is an iranian hero. a warrior from eruz to the gulf of my homeland, the blood of siavash, the bow of arash, the cradle of martyrs, the pride of the fire , the house of faith, thanks to yazdan, hey iran, the soil in iran is always immortal. the eternal name of the country, the hope of the country, shine in the sky like an eternal seal. as an iranian citizen, i decided to use my social right and come to vote and be healthy in the future of my country. i always voted because of my debt to shahida, because i love iran's national duty and social duty trick. i know it's my duty
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to participate in rigiri. i have a commitment to my country and the place where i live. my commitment makes me do what i have to do . when we don't participate, we can't expect anything . i live here. how can you
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really work with all the intelligence and will of the people, as the famous saying goes, from the bottom of their hearts and souls ? i hope that, god willing, they will all work hard for a strong iran. god willing, they will give their best. it shouldn't be like that, just to look at an income job, people's concerns and the people's livelihood should be a priority for them, and that i should really choose the right path.
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hello, have you had half-finished work so far? i mean
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, what do you want? so far , have you had half-finished and half-half-finished work? no, no, we have done everything , we have done everything. yes , i was wondering what the result was. it didn't have any special result . finally, if the work is half finished, then some problems will arise. it's not good. you have to finish everything. finally, you have to finish something, but i'm one of those people. that all my work is half done, we all have a half and half job tomorrow, do you know what tomorrow is, no, i don't know , the new election, now this dozeri is stuck and yes, yes , the election has now been found. it's the election , god willing, let's go and vote. the rest of the dear ones who are left will go to the parliament. god willing , how many times will it be for you? will you go to the polls tomorrow? i swear, i don't know how many times, but the birth certificate has been filled out, there is no room at all, it's too much
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, i've lost the number, since we were old enough to participate, i was even hospitalized, somehow i managed to get myself there, it's the second time. the principle of voting people in the scene, why shouldn't we vote ? we are voting for our country . we are voting for ourselves . we are voting for the construction of our country. what is the parliament, we should not be indifferent, the person who comes has expectations. he should come to the ballot box, then make a claim, expect me to say that i will not participate, in a way, i am separating myself from the future of my country, then i definitely cannot protest if the future of my country does not reach what i want.
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i want it to be like, for example, i am a stay - at-home mother. make the right decision, our house is our house, wherever it is damaged, we should all help to make it better. it is a matter of the country, it is not a matter of individuals. if we do not vote, our work will be delayed. after all, the situation of the country, i think it is better that we do something ourselves. now what does the media say and now? he says don't paint and such and such. naturally, they don't read us well, but between all their words, they are for those who didn't want to finish the half-finished work. they talked together. we all believe that there are problems in our country, there are hardships, there is a series of chaos
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, but my not voting will not solve the problem . you definitely have to start from somewhere and make an effort for the future of your country to make any right choice . you will see the result yourself, it is a right that has been taken into account for you. if you do not see color , you have deprived yourself of this right. the important thing is that you come to choose your own destiny, not for someone else to decide for you. only in this way can we build our future and in the fate of our future. interfere and change, if necessary, correction is necessary, this is the way it is for the sake of the country and for the future of our children . and these are the hands that are supposed to show the four-year path of the islamic council to the elected representatives of this body. sarakia of radio and television news agency.
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get up, get up, wife of the earth, break the storm once again, build the statue of unity, iran is laughing at us all, our decision
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is to blame for the future, we have closed our hearts to the future of this sun, let the enemy see, we are ready, together, come together to win let's break the heart of the enemy, let's build our future with our own hands with zeal. i am voting for love because my iron wedge is full of flowers, i am iranian, i am voting for love i love
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dear houses of iran, the province is the guarantor of our security, this is the conformity of our nation's credit, we have stood by the values ​​of this country, once again we have broken the enemy's back, eyes staring at iran again. our ballot boxes are counting my vote and you
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are the custodian of this revolution, our tomorrow depends on this election , i am voting for the glory of my iron, i am voting for the love of my country, i am full of doubt
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, i say first and the time has come, the best time is the first time when the enemies know that this is the system is not alone and there are many voters. i have been waiting for this day for a few days. i did not go on those trips in order to be able to participate in the second election. actually travel it was also religious. every iranian and patriot should participate in this election. love for the country is very impressive. iran is my life, my homeland. i am interested in my country and my religion. because
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we love iran. i love my leader. i love my country and i want the best to enter the parliament. we have given so many martyrs to be indifferent, so many young people who are better and more mature than us have given their blood for this country, dad, the only thing i can do is to cast a vote, that you could no longer be indifferent, because it is my life, i am living here. i am afraid of this water and soil how can i be indifferent? it is not necessary for anyone who has faith to know that this country became an islamic republic after a long time , he cannot be indifferent to the security and the choice that is so decisive in the future of the country. now i have the opportunity to choose a representative who can make a better decision for
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my future, for the next generation, so why should i miss this opportunity ? in any case, the collective opinion is correct that the majority vote is important, but in any case, it is collective who think it's important no matter what spectrum they are, what group they are, who they vote for, which people to send to the parliament, the position of the parliament is an important position in the country and every law, good or bad, is going to be voted there. i want to create a good future for my country and for myself. the person who leaves the ballot box has given everyone permission to make any kind of choice. some people say that we have come to the ballot box, but we expect a certain amount from the future representatives of the parliament . the amount of this inflation and economic prosperity, i expect that it is only a promise
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wahid should not act on what they are saying . people are really concerned. i expect that the economic conditions will improve . the main concern of the nation is economic issues. laws and regulations that benefit the people should work for the country in a national way. let them take advantage of this opportunity that has been found for them. undoubtedly, if we are looking for transformation, look for change. we are the closest window where this transformation and change can happen, participation in the elections.
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your occupation: i am an engineer i am retired, i am an employee, i am an employee of shul azad , i work in the field of construction, i am an engineer, i am in charge of one of the production units, i am an electrical expert. what happened that you decided to vote? it was the right to choose that i didn't want to be invalidated. now the country needs our presence in this field and we must come to prove our presence both nationally and religiously and be influential. i came to vote for my country
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, as we participated in the first round. some of our desired candidates made it to the second round . well, we should definitely come before that people who can't find their way will surely find their way to my parliament at this stage. i am iranian and i exist. this is my country. i am conveying my opinion . my goal was to choose a weapon. why was it not indifferent? it should not be indifferent . to build the country, we have a duty to choose our representatives ourselves so that we can ask them later. the one who is chosen as your representative, what are the concerns of the people and see the concerns of different classes, now they are educated, they are young, they are getting married
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, the issues that are involved in the house, the rental housing, really. they should work for the people to inform the country because of the people's economy. there are really many economic problems and they cannot afford the expenses. please think about these people. dear , they talk the same way they talk in the advertisements. god willing , they will be able to put some of these into action and put into action the words they say and come to the aid of the people and the country. they should work hard and solve these problems so that, god willing, our country
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will be better every day than yesterday. i want to vote for the destiny of my country, my province and the region in which i live, be healthy. i came to vote for the destiny of my country, my country. god willing, whoever votes will think about the people's livelihood and economy. whoever is elected by these people will do their duty ok and a move for the people of the region. in general, and in fact, if this province is done , they say it is the quality of our hearts, wherever there is a nation , there are our footprints, the land of the heart that
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has no boundaries, our story is love, love has no borders, we will go higher, higher than any dream, participation in the elections is a duty for everyone. we are and must be in this matter let's participate divinely, and every vote is a strong punch to the mouths of the mouths of superpowers.
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it is the representative's turn to do his duty for the people, for the nation, in any way, we will erase the black spots , let us listen to the supreme leader from the beginning to the end . makkah with the hair of dama, greetings
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, pahlai arvandt, greetings, al-marz and al-bandat, greetings . people are aware of the importance of this election.
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get up, get up, wife of the earth, wipe away the storm , once again build the statue of unity, iran laughs at our efforts. our decision is to blame for the future we are ready, body to body, come together to attack the heart of the enemy, build our future with our own hands, with the zeal of glory.
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in fardaram iran, the province is the guarantor of our security, this is the unity of the credit of our nation, we have stood by the values ​​of this country, once again we have broken the enemy's back , there are countless eyes staring at iran. our ballot boxes count my vote and you are the custodian of this revolution, our tomorrow depends on this choice, my reality is the glory of my iron, i am voting for love, i am iranian, i am full
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of blossoms. i vote for the love of my country. this is gymna publications. we have always tried to serve you with the most up-to-date methods and today we are going to offer you 60% of your educational resources for free. just by sending the number 5 to the sms system 30085 60 , get your educational resources absolutely free. get 60% of gilna publications as a gift right now by sending 5 to 30085.
2:00 am
2 o'clock: the results of the counting of votes in some constituencies were announced. according to the announcement of the country's election headquarters, in the constituency of abadan, mr. javad saadounzadeh won with 2,538 votes, and seyyed mohammad molavi won with 2,157 votes. obtaining 21,851 votes as the people's choice on the way to the parliament he was 12th in the constituencies of khorramabad and chegani
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mr. hadi hashemi


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