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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 3:00am-3:30am IRST

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get gilna as a gift by sending the number 5 to 30085 at 3 o'clock, according to the election headquarters. in the constituency of lanjan, mr. akbar poladi baghdarani was elected to the islamic council with 1772 votes. in the constituency of kermanshah, mr. abdul reza masri with 7384 votes and fazlullah ranjbar with 542 votes were elected to the 12th parliament.
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the heartbeat of my soul, iran, the name of pak, you are on my tongue , the second round of the parliamentary elections was held in some rural and rural areas of the country. please note. this is a trick
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that for us to consider, we must use this right. i came to vote to tell our enemies that they cannot decide for us. everyone who is loyal to the system comes to the polling booth and casts his vote. i did not choose the right path.
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it is the destiny of my country, my province and the region where i live. whoever votes should think about the people's livelihood and economy. i came as a road leader to vote for the fate of my country. as a young generation, i came here to vote and i expect that whoever is elected will understand his people. we are the path of the martyrs. i am proud that is my city in the future. he played a positive and effective role . considering that it is a matter of leadership and we all played a role in this revolution. in this case, we knew it was our duty to be present on the stage. the islamic republic
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is growing and developing day by day, strong, powerful, and stable because the supreme leader of the revolution said that the importance of participating in the second period of elections is no less than the first period. we did it and let the enemies know that we are behind our system until the last moment. semen when i vote, i choose that my city and my country are right.
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this is our duty, it is a legal duty, we must do it for the sake of iran's pride, it is definitely for the sake of my homeland, for the sake of the pride of the gentleman, for the sake of our country, let them know that these people are at the feet of this system. come tell me about the dawn of tomorrow, open a window from tamasha . come tell me about the dawn of tomorrow, open a window from
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tamasha. sing with me again about that spring that is not a dream. in the name of the country, we sing to the feet of iran , to be patient with its people, to say a kiss to its flag, to give a kiss to iran, the beating heart of my soul, iran , your pure name is on my tongue. come and tell me that from the dawn of tomorrow, open a window of watching to majdeh with me read again, i dream of that spring that is not there, and the morning
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comes again, it is a bright dawn in the light of our hope. from the loving breaths of our martyr, dawn from the bright presence, from the distant horizons, his light from the rain of hope and his soul from the joy of you and me, iran, iran, the heart of my life, iran, the name of iran. that you are on my tongue, iran, the beating heart of my soul, iran, your pure name on my tongue.
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bring the rain to the breath of the desert, to the dry veins of the trees , to the tired night of the porch, open the smell of spring to the heart of trembling branches, to the desire of winter, to the struggle of the street, to the fever of death. give life to the dying people , show your balm to the world's weary heart, and open the way for childbirth
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just like siavash, pass through these fires , break the storm, my homeland, iran, light a candle. may god boil the claws of the court, break my country, iran . you are a viewer of the three morning news segment. creation of the ministry of preventing the decline in the birth rate in south korea with the aim of preventing the aging population of the south korean government . also, to encourage families to have children, billions of dollars in cash subsidies for child care services. from the child and dedicated support for the treatment of infertility. due to the lowest birth rate in the world, the government of south korea announced a state of national emergency and announced the plan to establish a new ministry to overcome the crisis of population decline.
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unfortunately, according to statistics, there is an average of less than one birth per woman registered in the country , the situation is really urgent, and we have decided to unveil a specialized ministry called the ministry of prevention of birth rate reduction with the cooperation of the parliament. the south korean president's plan for birth reform in this country has been raised while the birth rate. the work and life of the family will establish relationships and encourage them to have children. the lifestyle of cars
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and convenience has also become available, so some young people remain single. we must create a culture by strengthening the sense of responsibility in this field. as a lady if the government reduces long working hours and increases maternity leave, it will be easier for young couples to have children. on the other hand, the indicators from the trend of saudi population aging with more than 5 million years and on the one hand the increase of 10 million single young people indicates that the south looks like a good economy and advanced technology from the outside, but inside, some issues need to be reformed such as eliminating discrimination in employment conditions and assigning to promote special facilities for young people to get married and have children. according to analysts, if it is not controlled, within a few decades, the population of this country of 51 million will decrease
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it reduces by half and it has very serious consequences for the fourth largest economy in asia . according to experts, the continuation of the saudi trend of population decline will hinder economic growth and cause south korea's economy to shrink. black, thank you for your companion.
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when you know that you can untie any knot, no matter what, you break the cage, you fly, you don't get tired. for us, fatigue has no meaning. if the eyes don't flow, there is a way to the sea. i came to vote for the fate of my country, my province and the region in which i live. the one who is elected by these people should be aware of his duty and be a leader all the people of the region and in fact of this province should be successful, it is the quality of our hearts that wherever there is a test , it is at our feet. the role of the land of the heart that has no width, our story is love, love has no borders, we will
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go higher than any dream, higher than the participation of his duty , because the enemy's eyes are invisible to the current revolution , he said, the saying of the imam is the measure of the nation's vote, we will go higher. elections are a task for all of us , and we must do our best in this divine matter, and each one is a strong punch to the mouths of the mouths of the superpowers , for the pride of iran, it is the turn of the representative
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, whose duty is to these people, to the nation.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, politeness and respect to all viewers. well , i am reading the latest results of the second phase of the elections of the islamic council, which have been sent to the country's election alliance, for the information of the viewers. parsabad bileh sawar and aslandoz constituencies out of a total of 89,012 valid votes, mr. ebrahim fahimi
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was nominated to the islamic council with 5098 votes. in the middle constituency, out of the total of 45 thousand and 24 correct votes, mr. mehdi esmaili was elected to the shura assembly with 271 votes. islam was introduced and
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the results of 717 correct votes were announced in the constituencies of ram harrems and ramshir so far from 22 constituencies. which has been extended to the second round and the second stage of the elections, we will definitely be back to serve the respected viewers as soon as we receive the latest results of the election situation, thank you. the destiny of the future of the country cannot be indifferent . we gave so many martyrs that we should be indifferent. all these young people are better and more mature than us.
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they gave their blood for this country. we used to say that if we really care about our country, we should stick to it anyway and we should participate in these fields. as an iranian citizen, i decided to use my social right and come to vote and for the future of my country to be healthy. let's find a way for our country to have a strong parliament , let's send a strong representative to work to solve these problems, the parliament is the producer. if we make the parliament strong, we will make your country strong. it is in my own hands that an iranian has the right to have the first and last word , and now i have the opportunity to be a representative. i should choose someone who can make a better decision for my future, for the tomorrow of the next generation, so why should i miss this opportunity? the person who leaves the ballot box has given everyone the permission
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to make any kind of choice. let's not choose, others will choose . some people say that we have come to the voting booths, but we expect the future members of the parliament to do something about our current economic situation , and for inflation and the economy to prosper. it's okay people i expect this. to improve the economic conditions of the nation , the main concern of all the people is economic issues , and the adoption of laws and regulations that benefit the people , the issue of people's livelihood for the country. work nationally and take advantage of this opportunity that has been found for them. undoubtedly, if we
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are looking for transformation, we are looking for change, the closest window in which this transformation and change can happen is participation in elections. the process started at 8:00 am and continues until 6:00 pm, although this time can be extended if necessary.
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and viewing the printed image of the final vote of the vote dear leader of the revolution to the honorable presence and to the honorable presenter , may god bless you all. elections in
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themselves are an important task for the country and for the people. elections are a sign of people's presence, a sign of people's will and decision. therefore it is the national duty of every person who wants the country to progress , to work and get close to great goals, to participate in the elections. the first and second stages of the elections are no different . the second stage is just as important as the first stage. in the first stage, you selected a number and sent them to the parliament
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, but the capacity is still not exhausted at this stage in the second stage, you complete the capacity, if we participated there, suppose it is in tehran. we chose dadi or in any other city and the rest stayed and did not participate. in fact , we abandoned the work halfway, so the importance of the second stage is not less than the first stage. god willing, our dear people will all participate and vote and complete the assembly. the more votes, the stronger the parliament . the stronger the parliament , the more opportunities to work in the country. inshallah, may you be successful. peace be upon you
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, may god's mercy and blessings be in the name of god. allah noon ali noor, in the name of allah, the light of talal, in the name of allah, who is the master of affairs, in the name of allah, who created the hateful light.
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praise be to god, who created allah is the greatest, allah is the greatest, allah is the greatest, allah is the greatest, there is no god but allah. i bear witness that there is no god but allah. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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i bear witness that allah is the most high. peace be upon you.
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good work, good work, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but god.
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my goal was to choose a weapon, that is, between.


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