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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 10:30am-11:01am IRST

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any way you count it, you are the winner of this. in the name of the lord of beauty and the beauty of the friend of god, the merciful and merciful. dear viewers of khabar news network, hello, i would like to present you the specialized news section of rouval media every day at 10 minutes.
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hello, the production of high quality radio sets is going according to plan. this year, in fact, we are witnessing two or more alfie vojhe series to start its preparatory work, god willing. and the latest news from hazrat musa tv series. there is a lot of debate about this phase, in fact, the phase of transferring technology to the interior of the country at a very high speed. it is happening and the second phase, which is pre-production and tests , is actually going ahead . the future of the work will be put into production, god willing, badal tv series will soon come to se-sima channel . i have not been in iran for many years. a collection whose story is in one
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the neighborhood is a story about one of the old neighborhoods of tehran, and now something happens in that neighborhood, and now we tried to create a series of good situations and funny comedy in it. i have a mosque and they get stuck a lot , especially the young people. dozens of television programs are covering the 35th tehran book fair, in addition to tv channels , iran sedah radio and the book internet network, they are also covering the tehran book fair. hopeless. they don't
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i don't regret it. while media people play an important role in promoting standard language. in some national media programs , this issue is not considered as it should be. the footer program that is broadcasted on do cima network still lacks standard language action. he used to do the most impolite and apparently political acts. sorry, instead of uploading, it was said to upload. sorry, he went to upload the documents. other foreign words like highway and i don't know how to close the road. if we ignore the name of the bermuda program, which could have been farsi, we cannot ignore the speaker of the farsi speaking program. that nostalgic chronometer. in the following
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this sports report program is an investment consulting platform and a direct program. direct all these banners on the walls of the university, but the foreign medals are returned instead of the persian emblem. news 23 was placed. in the iranian breakfast program of the two tv channel , there are also camps organized in the language of foreign words. until the consortium and derby 85 consortium achieve two consecutive victories in the derby and on the article that was written in a culture, omid jalodarian of sedah and sime asia news agency, radio ekhzada farda broadcasts the agriculture magazine at 15:00. the latest news and events related to horticulture, animal husbandry and agriculture are presented in this program. if someone wants to start a business
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with a beehive, how to start production, supply , pricing and market of agricultural products. and livestock production is the subject of the agricultural magazine program. in the new season of this program, we tried to be related to different topics with farmers, livestock breeders and all activists in the field of agriculture and industry. one of the items that we are looking for in the plan to jump production in the drylands, we have a section entitled "know more" with experts and specialists. we discuss the field of agriculture, animal husbandry and other different sectors and... we try to have educational sections in the field of horticulture, in the field of agriculture, in the field of agriculture, in poultry breeding and other fields through the national media. increasing the awareness of the audience in the field of agriculture in order to increase
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the production of products and achieve new agricultural methods is one of the goals of this program. we made a crop rodent product that has a rodent alternative to a dangerous pesticide. we always ask people to let us know the topics that you think would be good for us to talk about more through tell us your opinion via text message and we will even invite the experts that people want and we will talk with them about the topics they want and we will provide them with the latest information in the field of agriculture . production in agriculture of this odd days program. from 15:00 to 16:00 , it will be broadcast on 98 mhz fm radif, matia sarbari of sada and versima shikarchi virtual is the latest production of the social group of channel 3. this documentary tells the story of teenage women and girls who
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are abused online and sometimes hunt deceptors become virtual and have an unfortunate fate . the expectation is that i had everything happen, but you just met hana for the first time in cyberspace. yes, hana is 11 years and 8 months old. i can't tell you how old you
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are about the virtual hunter documentary. i am talking to mr. hassan alizadeh, the producer and director of this documentary. mr. alizadeh, you are very welcome. let's start from the beginning. and dear viewers, the concern of this documentary was both my own concern and the concern of channel 3's documentary group, mr. khosrow abadi. mr. khosradi gave us such a blank, we went and did the research , that is, we did the whole research , we did the research for almost two months, then we saw what happens in this virtual space, unfortunately, for example, for our research, we went and asked the parents, do you know anything about you at all? what
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is your child's phone, i didn't know any of it, what movie is it, what is it, then we said, let's talk with the counseling department, police assistance counseling. i would like to thank them for helping us a lot , the consulting department also introduced us to several subjects of tehran and when we went , we saw these subjects, it is really a sea and it is a complex thing, many different subjects , namely it's really sad why something like this is happening to such a teenager, because the teenager sometimes sees unkindness in the family , an abuser comes and calls it a weakness. that teenager keeps saying, for example , how beautiful you are, how beautiful you are, what kind of hair you have , and slowly he is drawn towards him from these conversations. we saw it in hasht and we saw that it is not only for tehran . we went to 5 provinces of my province and there
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we have different cases and we selected two of these cases and interviewed them. this picture of the lady we saw in the video is ravi . i made an album. what is the order of the documentary? our documentary has a narrator who is mrs. asad, whose picture has been broadcast. yes , yes, yes. he talks in some places, in fact he follows them up, he is drunk, yes, yes, he follows up the documentary and moves the story forward, and i am a few percent. reconstruction means that we have reconstructed a percentage of it, that is , which parts have been reconstructed, the part under the bridge and the motorcycle rider, etc., this is the reconstruction of the scene, which is for the appeal of my story. we went and had a conversation with them
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, then mr. khosrabadi said: so let's create a plan like this regarding virtual space, because i am not saying that virtual space is good or bad. he used it, unfortunately, it is now a bit abandoned , that is, you are now a searcher in these virtual networks doing all the illegal content for teenagers , for example, unfortunately, the parents of the teenager's phone have no news. then we would go and ask the teenager himself what he was listening to . their age was 11 years and 8 months, which is because most of the rapes that happen in the same thing happen between the ages of 11 and 16. then, because of this, we chose to see if it would be a hit for the families
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let's say, dad, something like this is happening, but for example , we saw a case in one of the cities , there was a girl who met a man in the virtual space. where did she meet? she was 12 years old. the girl was 12 years old. we didn't go into this case anymore. well , what is the subject of these two cases that you chose? now, some people may not have seen the documentary. this was an 11-year-old girl who through this virtual space, unfortunately , i don't know my name or telegram. this is some group. they send a link and you enter that group and talk to this girl in the same group , i had met one of these gentlemen, another young lady, yes, just 11 years and 8 months, yes, then she met this gentleman and became friends, emotional words were exchanged between them, and then they started dating, and an unfortunate incident happened to her.
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the family, and in the words of babai, this incident is not just about me, rome destroyed 10 other families , this incident was another case, what was another case, another case , another girl, unfortunately , she had come from the city of tehran, she had become friends with this man, she had come from the city. tehran and this had happened to him, now this is coming. what are you doing when they take a picture of this girl, then they ask for a video of her, then when they take a picture and video of her, the next step is to threaten her. he had secretly threatened her and said that if you don't come this time, i will send this movie to everyone , i will broadcast this movie, my daughter was scared. he was scared, he went back to the worst bad things, a series of
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worse things, which is a chain , if that teenager doesn't talk to his family, definitely. worse things will happen to them. now, i wanted to ask you the same thing. in the documentary , what happened is narrated, but my solution is presented, that is, how should we deal with this case, this one is the right way. from cyberspace, one thing is for the family to be friends with their teenager, not to come and threaten him all the time, even for example, the father of the family should make time for the child once a week , make time for that girl. we should take time for this friendship to form in the family these things rarely happen. okay, we'll be here for a few minutes. let's stop the conversation to visit the country's election headquarters and the latest news from there
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, and then continue the conversation in the name of allah, the most merciful . it had already reached the election headquarters of karaj ishtehard and fardis constituencies from the collection of 94,968 correct votes . mr. ali shirinzad was elected with 481 votes in karaj ashtal constituency and was nominated to the islamic council. this announcement has ended, the results of the 22 constituencies of the 12th term of the
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islamic council, the second stage, and god's help, i would like to thank all those who helped us in this matter. well, to provide a very suitable platform so that information can be done well in this period, and in fact, we will inform you as soon as possible regarding the results of the islamic council elections. yes, the continuation of our conversation about the virtual hunter documentary and the conversation with mr. hassan alizadeh fahad, the producer and director of this documentary, mr. alizadeh , what was the difficulty of producing, for example, the parties involved in these two cases that we talked about, for example , it is easy to be satisfied, to accept the conversation, when i
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went to the office of the niro consultant i thought in a military way, for example, anyone who goes there, for example, does not like to come in front of the camera, and after that, i went to see how good the environment of the consulting office, for example, niru zami , is this environment, for example, talking to them , who were very stubborn at first, that is, we ourselves, when we went we were stubborn, but when we were with him, he was a counselor and a helper we used to go, which means they were satisfied with the expression in front of the camera . for example, one of the fathers said, "i would like to come and say this on the radio and in the newspaper, so that this does not happen to another family." tell her about this bitter experience to prevent others from at least preventing future incidents. yes, absolutely , because there are many families , these things really happen to them, and the girl does not come to tell the family, and this is a trap. yes, it is very bitter, it is very bitter. and this work, which was created, means that the output of this work is for a team of the law
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enforcement team, the channel 3 team, and the team of those agents who work creating this work means that it was not the work of one person , it means that a team created this work, that's right, mr. alizadeh, but as you said, it is not that we want to say that virtual space is very bad , of course, no, no, we should not use it properly , that is, we should be trained to how to use the virtual space, we are now using the virtual space, but we have to learn the correct way, can the work continue or not? i am optimistic that god willing it will continue and this work will be built, so this is a push for the families now, god willing for example, in what field can it continue , again in this field, this same virtual space can happen, i saw a case , there was a cook who was in one of these cities
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. he had learned and now he was sending links and emptying accounts , he was committing fraud, that is, we can talk about the same frauds, about the same rapes again, which means that many documentaries will be made that will be a shock to these families. well, this case of course, the ones you addressed are all those people who being involved and single, of course, being arrested is true, for example, for that 11-year-old girl , there were four people who were arrested for this girl who was in one of these cities . he was arrested and, god willing , he will be prosecuted now, but nirovzmin should be more persistent, which means that it will be a lesson for others who are not from this side. in our documentary, my father also says that the water passed over my head, but they should treat these gentlemen in a way that is right. let it be a lesson that someone like me does not dare
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to disturb another family again because it is really a family family is very important now , as you said. both that family and many other people who are involved in that incident, sadr, in your family, in your neighbor, some of us had a case, the same thing happened to her, unfortunately , she had left that place. it had happened to him with that teenager, with that 12-year-old girl, the teenager meets that man, they run away from home, after 12 years, unfortunately, the house becomes pregnant and that man runs away, and now this teenager is in the same counseling center for the police force. no me you can go back home and you can't.
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it's not a general thing, he has a thank you note at your service, because he regularly announces this, the words, the messages, and we follow up on his good status and the place of reference. did you have a question about ferdowsi?
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by the way, throughout history ferdowsi
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was known to the general public , but not to professors and researchers, which means that ferdowsi was mostly a national and popular poet. an example of this is naqaliyah, that before the invention of radio and television, people used to read poetry on naqala, and they were generally narrators of ancient iranian stories in the language of ferdowsi. naqali exists and is held. some young and new faces appeared in the so-called naqali, who
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have a special art and displayed a new aspect of naqali art. even the villagers were familiar with the shahnameh and... we heard that in some there are people from the villages who have memorized the entire shahnameh. this field has always existed for ferdowsi . in our time, many works have been done to familiarize young people with ferdowsi, but i agree that this work is not enough and... there is room for sed and sima, as well as independent filmmakers, inspired by
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ferdowsi's shahnameh to make many media productions and in short the shahnameh is a suitable cultural food for all persian-speaking peoples and the whole world. i would like to point out that in november 1402 , a conference was held at sultan mohammad fatih university in istanbul with the cooperation of iran's cultural consultancy in turkey under the title shahnameh in culture and art. it was an international conference in which some people from iran participated. the artistic aspects of the shahnameh have been worked on by different nations and other directions. in iran, for many years now, at
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ferdowsi university of mashhad, on the occasion of this day , may 25, a detailed scientific and popular conference was held both at ferdowsi university and at ferdowsi's tomb in tos. it will be held .
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i love you so much that even
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in the city of household appliances, there is both quality and variety , there is no argument about the price cap in the city of home appliances. in the city of home appliances, any way you count, you are the winner of the single macaron. they say that a fish is fresh whenever you take it out of the water. what does that mean?
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turning to our own actions. it is never too late, such as continuing education, creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, this is the modification of consumption habits, management of electricity consumption. move and increase their accuracy. you can definitely return to the pattern of consumption . take 5 minutes to check all the common electrical appliances in your home. part of our electricity consumption is due to devices that are not used, that is, when they are ready to work or when they are in sleep, such as coffee makers, tea makers, microwaves , computers, tvs, and these are electrical devices that consume electricity when they are turned off and when they are needed. we don't have it , they should be unplugged. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom, but not the air conditioner you can see that we leave it on for hours, which usually
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consumes much more than lamgas. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the electrical outlet and be very careful when buying them , you will see that you have not only done your pocket a favor, but we have also taken a big step towards preserving the environment and vital resources of the country. bismillah, rahman, raheem, salaam, the 11 o'clock news section , the spokesperson of the election headquarters announced the results of the second phase of the 12th term of the islamic council elections in the constituencies of karaj eshthard and fardis. in this way, the number of shara in the areas 2 sets have ended. twelfth parliament


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