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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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home, do you want a guarantor, don't you want, don't you want, let's go, let's get it
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for you, please, in the city of household appliances, count in any way, in general, you are the winner, sit on the first page, sit on the first page, sacrifice is there on the other side of you, a martyr in your eyes, in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful dear fellow countrymen, ladies and gentlemen , welcome to the first page. today, the oil, gas and petrochemical exhibition is over. these days, the news related to the oil and petrochemical sector was hotter in the media and network space. social issues, we even have an oil guest tonight on the first page of mr. fallahtian, the honorable deputy minister of planning naft, but now we are not going to talk only about the exhibition, we have a lot to talk about with them , i say hello again to mr. fallahtian and let's go see the report after that, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. and
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i hope that in the minutes that i am at the service of you and all my dear compatriots, i will be able to provide good and appropriate information to all dear ones. god willing , we will start with the report. 16 billion dollars. it means that our equivalent is four times two governments we signed a contract in the past, one of the important challenges of the natrazi oil industry in the gas sector.
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this problem must be solved for the growth of production. one of the solutions that can be paid attention to in the short term is the discussion of gas storage in other seasons for petrochemical complexes. according to the law, the completion of a half- finished project in oil areas should be the priority of the ministry of petroleum. 79 projects worth 25 billion dollars will be put into operation both in the upstream and downstream sectors. we have started 50 new projects , these projects are already half finished and the start of new projects this year, god willing, we are building 300,000 to 400,000. let's add another barrel of oil to our production. completing the value chain of this industry means preventing raw sales and increasing cultivation in line with production jump. completing the chain means converting the upstream feeds of the petrochemical industry into final products. and those final products become new
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raw materials for other industries. rena zarbanian, sed and sima news agency. well, tonight's front page program is hosted by mr. fallahtian, the honorable vice president of planning for the ministry of petroleum. mr. fallahtian, in the year when the production leap is supposed to take place with the participation of the people, for attraction. what did you do with people's capital? width again greetings and respect to all dear viewers and i will start my speech with the name and remembrance of almighty god. in order to meet the requirements of the supreme leader, who put the torch of the year on the growth of production and inflation, and considering the impact of the industry. oil, gas,
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petrochemicals and refineries on the country's economy naturally, the ministry of petroleum has been entrusted with very, very ambitious tasks. i would like to say here that with the efforts of the honorable minister and my colleagues in various departments of the ministry of oil and its subsidiaries, last year we achieved a growth of over 20% for the oil and gas sector, and this growth is 20%. % the effect it had a lot in the macroeconomic growth of the country last year. mainly, the implementation of oil, gas, petrochemical and refinery industry plans is considered to be the driving force and driving engine of the country's economy , because the volume of contracts
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exchanged in oil, gas and petrochemical refinery is very much compared to other projects in the country. bigger means that when a petrochemical or refinery actually starts operating, its construction on its site, sometimes more than 3 thousand people must be employed, and with the jobs that besides this, the petrochemical refinery actually supports the construction stages. these complexes are created, usually tens of thousands of jobs are created in the country, so the development of oil and gas. it has a significant impact on the country's economy in terms of the growth of our production during the last 3 years , just as it was mentioned in your report , we accepted many contracts and obligations or
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placed them on the responsibility of investors in order to increase the production of crude oil and gas production. let's increase the production of the main products needed by the country, such as gasoline, gas oil, fuel oil, kerosene, lpg, airplane fuel, and also petrochemical products. it is significant for the country, let's increase it. well, in order to realize these issues, we brought the country's holdings or large economic enterprises to the stage and the banks. and considering that if we want a refinery. 300,000 barrels, in fact , let's assume that the investment of this refinery is 10 billion dollars, or any oil field expansion that we want to do, or the gas field usually requires more than 1 billion dollars of investment, and sometimes the azadegan field contract, whose development
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contract was exchanged recently, is about the amount of a contract is 11 billion dollars, so that we can increase production with people's capital and so on which is actually due to the country's economic centers and country's banks, let's bring it to the stage , otherwise this success will be less achieved in the conditions of sanctions or it will face problems and challenges , so the measures taken in this direction rely more on resources. it is internal rather than external sources because past experiences have shown that in the conditions. our work with those who have licenses or technical knowledge and technology and owners of foreign capitals cannot actually be like normal conditions. in this regard, the contracts that have actually been signed with economic enterprises
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the country has actually done with the participation of several companies and several banks so that they can bring the required amount to the stage. and in fact , they are forcing that project to move, in order to actually grow the production , the first step is to define the plan correctly, secondly , the financial resources are actually provided, and thirdly , technical knowledge is necessary in addition to this issue or in parallel with it, and then we can do the work. let's complete the contracting engineering and implementation and commissioning of those facilities well. well, in this direction, a coherent planning has been formed in all areas, for example, we envision a challenge for the coming years. and that is the reduction of gas pressure in the fields of south pars. well, these studies were actually
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being done for years, but it was not finally decided whether this pressure increase should be done from the sea or on land. it was decided that this work should be done in the sea , despite the complexities that have to be corrected, and recently, fortunately , we have exchanged a contract worth 20 billion dollars with domestic companies so that they can produce most of the required equipment inside the country. why do we say 20 billion dollars when the parties are domestic, because the costs this is mainly in fact, even we, for example , if we are able to make the needed compressor, part of the raw materials of the equipment must have art. we and our engineering ability have reached such a level that we can
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convert raw materials into turbines, convert raw materials into needed compressors , convert raw materials into switchboards, cables, wires , precision instrument systems, and other equipment we need . all of them will come in anyway, but because there are a lot of fluctuations and then some adjustments will be made for it. usually these indicators which is actually considered in the oil and gas industry in the world, they usually put the base in the euro or the dollar so that they can easily make this comparison if the value of the national currency actually decreases. the body and fewer adjustments actually understand why you didn't take the basis of the euro, no, i'm not telling you, now i'm not the one who announced it in dollars, this
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iranian currency contract is to remove the dollar. it has been tried that if it does not have a complicated problem in fact, it must be this the work should be done in the same order as we mentioned, but in any case, in response to your excellency , i would like to say this, that in order to achieve production growth, it means that finally the crystallization of this production growth in our industry and activity is an increase in the production of crude oil, an increase in the production of gas intermediates. increasing gas production, increasing the production of refinery products, and increasing the production of petrochemical products. well, therefore, we must have a plan to increase the country's refining capacity , increase the number and production of petrochemical products in the country, and in this regard , extensive planning has been done in the field. petrochemicals, the production of petrochemical products from
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the current 94 million tons in the next 5 years , god willing, we will reach the threshold of 140 million tons . similarly, in terms of refinery capacities , we are planning to be able to produce at least 240 thousand barrels in the next two years to the refinery capacity of the country. in addition, we tried to increase the country's refining capacity during the last 3 years by using the country's domestic capacities and increasing the utilization of the existing refineries, but this is not enough, because we are a country that, unfortunately, in the field of consumption of all kinds of energy and from we do not have a good situation , we are constantly faced with the fact that the amount of gasoline. we need more oil , we need more gas, we need more gas, although if
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this increase in demand leads to added value and leads to production, it will not harm the country's economy , but if it is possible, we should actually use all the energy in heating and cooling for our cars. in fact, we did not use these divine resources to the fullest, so in total. to manage and resolve existing conflicts, whether in the consumption of gasoline or gas, oil, gas, and other products that we need we have and petrochemical products, many efforts have been made to overcome these dissatisfactions . with the construction of new refineries, god willing, we intend to overcome the issue of the need for gasoline and gasoil . we can influence the car factories to actually produce cars
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that consume less gasoline , trucks, buses, that consume less diesel or oil , to build houses and office centers that actually consume less energy , to produce heaters. it should be inside the country it has higher efficiency or efficiency than the existing situation and all the energy products that are made inside the country should be upgraded so that it can consume less energy as long as the price of energy carriers. all this is not a wish, but of course i confirm this , but this does not mean that we must implement only the price policy, non -price policies should complement each other along with the price policy. let me tell you, look at us, when you assume that
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now the fleet, for example, taxis or snaps. and internet cars and most of them are cng-burning, but when we actually give them a significant amount of gasoline, then they have no motivation to go and use cng . they are consuming , so we should oblige them to finally switch to cng gasoline , in fact, you too, now that is what i am saying here, maybe there is a need at this stage, maybe we don't need to change the price for these issues, for example, let's say for urban and suburban fleets. who want to actually manage people's comings and goings to change the price, it is enough to implement policies like promoting that they actually use cng, let's do this, we can actually
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reduce the need to actually consume gasoline in this matter, but yes, confirmation. your excellency, i would like to say that in any case, when we want to motivate the consumption of energy carriers, we must actually use all the policies so that we can create the necessary synergy and the result is consumption management or consumption optimization. be energetic, god willing, i will address this more in your next questions explain the so-called 20 billion dollar memorandum of understanding that you talked about. at the same time, social networks wrote some things about these agreements, such as the ministry of oil came and signed an agreement with its sub-groups under its own authority to invest, for example, 20 billion dollars in the oil industry sector.
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first of all, the ministry of petroleum has never entered into a contract with its own subsidiary for, for example, increasing the pressure or building a petrochemical refinery, and it is not my policy to do this. in the introduction of this interview, i said that we brought a set of large economic enterprises of the country to the scene in the field of oil and gas field development or even the construction of refineries . but you, anyone or any big group you know in the country, we identified and brought them to the stage because because our work costs money, there should be people who should do this work , have the financial ability to meet the needs, and be able to supply, and actually be able to do it. in
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terms of knowledge, you should manage these projects when, finally, with an economic holding that owns , for example, 5 petrochemicals, it has 5 refineries, for example, well, these issues are familiar with the technical literature of oil and petroleum gas. let's fix it, we brought the petrochemical companies to the scene , we negotiated and promoted them so that you can declare a part of your profit to guarantee your food. in the coming years, invest in gas, all these large petrochemical holdings, which own several of them, are actually petrochemicals, coming to the capital scene. they are actually pooling them and with this pooled investment, in fact, they are taking charge of the development of gas fields, whatever amount of gas they succeed in increasing production, we
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will allocate that gas to them and they will face restrictions. we don't supply gas in the cold season . you see, if we want to look at this issue from an economic point of view, and when we come to consider the priority of supplying gas to houses in the winter , naturally, other consumer sectors may be at a loss. now, if someone actually lives in a world like iran do not be. for example, in european countries, countries like korea, japan , these are not energy producers at all, what are they doing? well, if we actually want to support our own steel industry for the cold season so that its gas does not actually fluctuate from
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our other producers, even the refineries that need domestic consumption or the petrochemicals, we naturally have to create conditions that provide enough suitable gas. let's figure them out and provide them for the winter, so we are bringing the big steel industry to the stage. to use their funds, you see, we have had an experience over the past years that, unfortunately, a large part of our major industry is companies whose shares belong to pension funds , public shares, and so on. their priority is to divide the end of their years and the experiences of the past years that we changed this game, that is
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, through the assistance provided by the islamic council, we required that, for example, the refineries must declare 40% of their profits in order to improve the quality of their products and or slightly upgrade their capital products put the same thing in fact. we have created incentives for the petrochemical sectors to manage the imbalance and eliminate the imbalance. in fact , we are bringing the industry's own gas to the stage because they are major consumers who sometimes have profits due to the subsidized prices of the energy they use. the root of these profits is mainly formed from the sector, for example, the prices of energy carriers . so we put pressure on. we didn't bring people , we came to organize what we think is fair, that is , we promote the industry itself so that they bring a part of their profits.
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inshaallah, we will be able to witness the increase in gas volume and prevent the drop in gas pressure in the coming years . you see, in order for us to overcome the disharmony , we need to take two basic steps . we don't have them , so this is not a correct thought, pay attention if you do, it means if god is a blessing.
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in fact, it can be used for daily domestic consumption , saving for their future years in their national development fund , in fact, we do what we have, we actually produce it, we convert it into gasoline and we consume it, we convert it into diesel, we consume it , we convert it into gas. we all use gas in our house , we don't buy gas. in fact , we should make more industrial production with it. i don't say that this issue is necessarily the fault of the consumer alone, they end up using it. he has access to equipment that has the right energy, for example, if you are in the market you want to buy a heater. you
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are not a heater expert, but the heaters that are offered in the shop window must have the required standard , which will give you the maximum heating with the minimum amount of gas consumption. the field of energy consumption management should work. one is that we should finally prevent imports. now that we know what we have to do, now i will tell you what we are doing. one is that we are actually determining the date with the help of the supreme energy council of the country. from what date, for example, production boiler manufacturers in the country should not continue with their current production , they must improve the production standard, so naturally, in that case, what the consumer will see from the domestic production will be the products that consume
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less energy. or suppose that we have a crime called article 26 of the consumption pattern law, well , a cement industry, a steel industry, a glass industry, other industries, it is completely clear that how many units of energy should be consumed per hour of steel or glass or any other product, if actually more than that now in the law of the 7th development plan, it is stated that the consumption surplus in the early years, for example , 25% of the export price will be counted with them, the next year they will count 50% until 75% may be added , so this incentive is created that the person who actually if he wants to run his factory , he should organize the energy consumption in a way that is standard, and if it is not standard, naturally, he has to pay his own charges, and he should have this right. in fact
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, in this issue, let's assume that in another industry, the cement industry or the automobile industry, there are different issues, so we have to work on several fronts in the field of management. let's use and work. fortunately , i have this promise for the investors. i am saying this from this forum and our dear people, this year with the help of the islamic council , an account was opened as an energy consumption optimization account, and this account was actually opened at the national oil company. in fact, the source has predicted 1% of the export of crude oil, gas intermediates and net export gas for financial injection into this account, 5% of the profit of the profit companies of the ministries of oil and energy , the duties of flare gases, i.e. torch gases, and also
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10% of resources the result of the sale of ethane, lpg , propane, etc we hope that this year will be a year compared to the previous years when significant resources are actually injected into this account. what is the purpose of this account ? the purpose of this account is that if the municipalities go and electrify the inner city bus fleet, for example, or use gas. or the buses that use oil and gas actually use buses that consume less than oil and gas, we will give them the savings certificates that they can actually express according to the law , with a we provide them with a specific maturity date , so they can invest in the capital market they can sell an initial capital, they can electrify the buses, they can actually bring gas-burning buses to the scene, which
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can also have an impact on the environment. ok, and then we can pay these certificates when they are due, in fact, we can pay them back from the energy consumption balance account. a very happy and good thing has actually happened, and i hope that with the help of the honorable government , especially the country's budget planning organization, we will be able to pay it back in the month upcoming events and as soon as possible, we can publish these certificates, which are actually just a way, and the business environment of knowledge-based companies in the field the issues of optimizing energy consumption will definitely and definitely undergo a fundamental transformation. i would like to convey this to my dear viewers that we must inevitably go towards a direction of optimizing energy consumption, otherwise nothing will happen, as our entire oil and gas production will we should only consume our production inside the country and we cannot see at all that we
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are finally an oil-rich country, part of our economy, despite the efforts made in the last 40 years, there is still a lot of dependence on oil and gas , so we have to save money inside the country. let's do it so that a significant part of our oil is released let our gas be freed, let's generate wealth , get foreign exchange resources and work with those funds. let's create new factories, create jobs , build roads, build subways , build new factories, in fact, so one area of ​​our activity should go towards the centralization of consumption management, another area, after all, we are a developing country, we have a large steel industry rightly or wrongly, we gave permission, they expect that


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