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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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gil ad ardan, the ambassador of the zionist regime in the united nations, in an insulting act , threw the united nations charter into a shredder in front of the world's public opinion and said that we do not accept the charter that leads to the recognition of palestine, and the united nations charter must be changed. because of this issue and the anger and insulting action of the representative of the zionist regime in the united nations , it faced many different reactions and became the headline of the news of most of the world's media. due to the importance of this topic, we dedicated tonight's program to this topic to check the full membership of palestine in what consequences will the united nations bring, what rights and privileges will it grant to the palestinian people? with what logic does america and the zionist regime avoid recognizing the right of self-determination for the palestinian nation, which is an inherent right for every nation , and the political issues and news, etc., do you know about palestine
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with the guests of the program that we intend to talk to on the phone? let's communicate , we will check, there is space here. i would like to thank and say goodbye to the dear viewers of channel 1 and invite you to follow this conversation with us on khabar. greetings again, dear and kind companions special news interview we are at the service of mr. sadr al-hosseini and dr. saadullah zarei, two of the respected west asian experts of our country.
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21 and the analysis and discussion after the news. also , dear guest mr. dr. zarei, hello and good night . we are at your service. greetings. i would like to offer my courtesy to mr. zarehi. mr. dr. saadullah zarehi. greetings and good time. thank you for serving your excellency and dear viewers, as well as mr. sadr al-hosseini, greetings and greetings good evening. peace be upon you, mr. doctor . we will be at your service. mr. sadr hosseini . we are facing the day of nakbat, the day in the history of palestine when nearly one million palestinians were displaced from their homes. on that day, the united nations recognized the ignorant state of israel, but left the palestinian issue unresolved. maybe some people still wonder why the united nations did this, why it did not make any decision for the independent state of palestine in the name and memory of the almighty god. mr.
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dr. seifi, this point should be taken into consideration that unfortunately, despite the promises made to the palestinian people it was given during the past days and it was decided that the lost rights of the palestinians would be confirmed by international organizations including the united nations . unfortunately, this did not happen in the past decades and wherever the public opinion is. and the conditions of the political authorities of different countries were based on the will to return a part of the rights of the palestinian people to them, and the americans created a bombshell in connection with this important issue and did not allow the rights of the palestinian people to reach them. yes. well, in fact, we should pay attention to the fact that an international institution that arose from
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the thoughts and desires of all nations are in fact, and a charter was accepted by all nations. unfortunately , there was an exception in this regard, and this exception was the palestinian nation and the palestinian land, which was completely trampled on during the past decades. yes, but this point is important. that the rightful and legitimate demands of the palestinian nation were never lowered from the public eye all over the world, but unfortunately, the wrong and wrong and illegitimate structure of the international organization regarding the right of veto to certain countries never allowed the nations , especially the palestinian nation, to achieve their own rights . if we want a basic statistic about what the americans have made
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more than 85 statements or resolutions in favor of the zionist regime, each of which is different from the other . we have seen this matter as clearly as possible from the americans, and at the same time, the oppressed people of palestine and gaza were being martyred, the americans even vetoed the resolution in connection with the ceasefire, so now in the next part that i will be at your service and tell you how this vote of the general assembly can be effective. okay, what a great message for you american and the system of domination is ahead . thank you very much. mr. dr. zarei , we are at your service. please tell me why no decision was made for the state of palestine in that year, and now the right
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to self-determination, which is the inherent right of every right nation, is american and zionist in your opinion. with what logic do the zionists prevent it anyway for the palestinian people? in the name of god. of course, this debate has precedent, that is, since 1948, when the same un general assembly passed resolution 181. announced. in fact, he had mentioned the issue of two countries there. and there is a country called palestine in recognition it was known, but in terms of israeli actions and its western defenders, it was practically implicit that they were making great efforts to expand the zionist regime , and at the same time, they were making extensive efforts to prevent the realization of a country
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called palestine, and this process continued like this until it reached oslo in in 1392 and there, apparently , the issue of the formation of the palestinian state was to be resolved at the madrid conference, which we have discussed many times, mr. dr. now , with what logic do they prevent this right to self-determination, i will explain this, because your question is a pardon. yes, i had to mention it let's put it on record, well, at that time, this was also an issue, but at the same time, the zionist regime moved towards the expansion of the occupied territories .
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we see that this pressure of public opinion appeared in the un general assembly in such a way that 43 countries actually voted for this plan and announced the issue of the formation of the palestinian state and the full membership of a country called palestine in the united nations. first of all, we must say that this issue is not complete yet , that is, this process that started in 2011. and so far , it has gone through 3 stages, or in other words, 4 stages. there is still one stage left, which is the approval by the un security council, but this process that has started and the issue of
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the formation of the palestinian state has opened its place at the international level. and we see that it has created a gap in the west, that is, you should look at the same arrangement. the united states general assembly voted against, britain abstained, france voted in favor, this shows that the developments in gaza and the resistance of the people in this land have actually created a gap among the supporters of the zionist regime. another point to be mentioned in this regard is that one of these is that, in fact, just as public opinion has sided with the palestinians and many governments have sided with the rights of the palestinians at the international level, in fact, this is a vote of competence. yes, for resistance in the palestinian scene
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, on the other hand, we can say that it is a yellow card to the zionist regime due to the crimes that have been repeated in some way. they are so angry, mr. doctor, yes , absolutely, mr. doctor, let me discuss the consequences of this vote and what kind of fate it may have, again in the question for your service. we are in touch with mr. nasser abu sharif, the representative of the islamic jihad movement in tehran. mr. abu sharif, greetings and good time. hello to you and all brothers and sisters , dear listeners and viewers and dear guests. greetings, thank you for your participation, mr. abu sharif. mr. abu sharif last night, the united nations full membership of palestine in the united nations.
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but the problem is that we have moved a step forward and we ask the arab countries and the islamic countries and the free people of the world to put more pressure on the united states and the countries that are against the full membership of palestine in the united nations. until they play their role, now the majority of the world is with us, more than 143 countries
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voted in favor of palestine's full membership in the united nations, and some countries such as portugal, belgium, or some european countries also have positions, but in general, we have progressed. in this issue and can benefit the issue of palestine. the people of palestine know, but for the viewers , tell me how much this issue is in line with the ideal and the ultimate desire of the resistance groups regarding palestine.
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it is definitely in the interest of the palestinian nation, this is definitely in the interest of the palestinian nation, otherwise it is not in the interest of the palestinian nation and the palestinian cause, the zionist regime must if bakhtire should leave the settlements , it should leave the gaza strip. in this case, it can be said that this is a valuable plan. excellent, mr. abu sharif, let's skip this issue and look into the future. in your opinion , what are the plans of america and the zionist regime for the future of gaza and rafah, and what are the plans of the resistance forces to invalidate and discredit these plans and plans? unfortunately, the current cabinet of israel, the decision-maker
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of the palestinian nation, is acting in full force and wants to destroy all religious and cultural institutions, etc., so what is happening now. happening. is present in the region , and more help should be given by all free people in the world to force the zionist regime to recognize the right of the palestinian people to determine their own destiny and to
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leave the gaza strip and the west bank completely. israel is also important in the west. it is possible to leave the gaza strip, but it is not possible from the west bank because he has implemented all his plans there. thank you very much, mr. nasser abu sharif, the representative of the islamic jihad movement in tehran. thank you for your participation, but we will prepare the report together with colleagues. we will return to continue the conversation ro is at your service. palestine was once again able to assert its right to full membership through international institutions. to emphasize the united nations. palestine was able to get the support of the overwhelming majority of the members of the united nations general assembly in this regard . considering that the process of displacing the palestinian nation and destroying it has reached its peak, you can support the right to life and freedom, honor and dignity in its own land. 143 countries
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responded positively to this request. 9 countries rejected it and 25 countries accepted it. there is no way for palestinians to live in peace and security and with dignity. there is no other way there is no synergy between israel and its arab neighbors, including saudi arabia. by supporting this resolution, iran emphasized the full rights of the palestinian people. support for the palestinian nation should be as long
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as they have their fundamental rights to determine their own destiny and establish an independent state in the occupied territories. to reach the capital of the holy holy place and continue . wide international support for the right of the palestinian people to have a state and self-determination. america is still at the head of the minority against this and has agreed to block this resolution of the un general assembly if it is proposed in the security council. nazar abud, al-mayadin reporter. mr. dr. sadr hosseini, we are with you. as you know, the public opinion of the world and the independent countries, due to the news and reports that are coming , they want the solution of the palestine issue, which has become the first issue of the world for months now, especially after the storm of al-aqsa, all muslims and even freedom fighters. irrespective of any religion
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, what do you think will be the end of this global will to stand up against the zionist occupation regime and its supporters? what vision do you envision? dear mr. seifi, if you allow me, i will take a broad view i would like to provide you with an analysis and this is time management. thank you . yes, you must see it very briefly. this was a big straw for the actions of the americans in an international organization and institution. yes, in fact, the results of public opinion in this vote were announced to the americans by the authorities of 143 countries. there is a fact that this international organization can no longer manage the current world due to the actions of america.
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the issue of palestine is one of the most important international issues, but it is not the only issue. that's mean. americans are being attacked by this international organization they apply in many other issues, including the international bank, including development issues, including defense issues, so this great obituary of 143 countries was on the issue of being tired of the administration of the world by the international organization that the americans are at the head of, so i i want to say the last sentence about this point. what are the consequences of what you said? i predict the consequence that this move that was made and the votes that were given today will help the independent countries that in the past decades , at least for the past 30 years, have been looking for changes in the structure of this international institution. they are nations, which means that it gives them this permission
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, this will, this power, so that they can definitely and definitely take more effective steps in line with the fundamental changes in the united nations, which governs the world. for the supporters of the palestinian resistance , have more spirit, more determination and follow the path of the past in continuing the resistance against the zionist regime. thank you , we will be at your service again, mr. dr. saad hosseini , mr. dr. dhareh. enlightened the world and as you know , it has brought a wave of hatred and this disgust for the zionist regime, and there is not a day that we
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do not witness this protest against the crimes of the zionist regime in the news and reports. what will be the reaction or what approach will they put in their agenda? in fact, what happened at the meeting of the united nations general assembly. it emerged as a result of what the countries are doing about palestine and about the war that has been going on for more than 76 years between the palestinians and the zionist regime over the occupation of palestinian land by the zionists. here, the countries, their situation, their judgments and what actually exists regarding the palestinian issue and this 76-year-old conflict, showing on this stage the countries that voted in favor of the resolution
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that the group of arab countries presented to the general assembly meeting is a great pity for the countries. there are not only arab countries or islamic countries , there are also western countries. they are from europe, africa, america, from asia. in all these types of countries, coming to terms with this issue. of course, we should not forget that this is actually a resolution of the general assembly and the united nations and it is not a complete thing. actually what what palestine should reach is the whole land. while what is in this process since 1391. in the general collection, it started looking at only the west bank and gaza. now , what is important here is the vote of
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143 countries, which was actually the same issue with more votes, that is, with 180 and with 180 votes on december 18. it was also faced in 2014, which means more than this number of 143 countries present today. there are those who play a role in the palestinian scene. what is important here is not the text of this resolution and the fate of this resolution. well, yes , this resolution should go to the security council, just like after this resolution was presented in the assembly, the representative of the united states of america announced that we will do this again in the same way as we did in the security council about 3 weeks ago. we asked for a negative vote and we will also vote negative here, so the fact that this resolution will not be implemented now is a matter of secondary importance
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, the main importance is that this is actually a war that is going on unequally between the zionist regime and the oppressed people of gaza. there is not only public opinion, as you regularly do on different days. you showed it on tv, but also the palestinians today at the government level having a strong support in the same way that the israelis got an international blue vote, which resulted in the representative of the zionist regime coming and actually attacking the united nations general assembly statute , shows the importance of this resolution. and of course. take the next steps, the most important step is pressure.
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there is a united nations security council in order to finally approve this resolution, god willing , thank you very much, mr. saadullah zarehi, an expert on near asia issues. it is considered, but let us have a look at the discussion of global reactions in the field of media to the resolution last night. for palestine's full membership in the united nations, it seems that we are still in contact with mrs. ghasemi . please tell the viewers about the media reactions
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to the membership resolution. complete palestine in the united nations. miss ghasemi, can you hear us? please, please, mrs. ghasemi, your voice we have. i raise my question again regarding the reaction. media about the resolution, well , our communication was not established, unfortunately , there was a problem, there is a live part of these issues, so let's go and get mr. sadr hosseini's summary , mr. sadr hosseini, let's hear your summary and your perspective on the current process and political developments. do you mean gaza and palestine? yes, mr. dr. seifi
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ba. i would like to convey this point to you. this is a suitable step in the field of public opinion and the authorities of many countries. we are definitely still far from reaching that legitimate demand of the palestinian people, but this point we must note that during the past decades , never in connection with the crimes of the zionist regime and the support of the people and public opinion for the palestinian people. this scene that we are seeing these days did not exist. these are all the negative phone numbers of the negative points that are placed in the basket of the zionist regime today. well, just like in international law, trends are one of the important and fundamental issues. this trend of the past seven months and the opinion of the public opinion today in the votes of political officials of 143 countries and in the past. almost
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again, nearly 150 countries expressing their opinions can definitely and definitely pressure we see different things both in the political and economic fields, just like we have in the past days, to the zionist regime in 30 seconds, only mr. seda hosseini in 30 seconds, one sentence for the viewers after, anyway, we storm. we had al-aqsa, we had the honest promise, we protested. we have the american and european students . we are discussing the recent resolution of the general assembly. considering all these issues, how do you evaluate the vision ? in the space of 20 seconds, i just wanted to present this vision. thank you for the vision for the resistance and all the free people of the world. much compared to before the al-aqsa storm, it became clearer, and i think that it is certain, and certainly according to
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today's popular saying. in the land of the zionist regime and its western supporters, i thank you very much to both mr. saadullah zarehi, mr. dr. sadro hosseini, as well as mr. nasser raghosharif, the representative of the javad islamic movement in tehran, as well as ms. ghasemi, who could not be contacted, but i am especially grateful for your participation in the conversation. tonight's news feature , may god bless you. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan with jahan today with you in the
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first case of tonight's program.


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