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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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various programs with the presence of cultural figures, academics and people of culture and pen on the issue of palestine, recognition of authors and translators of works related to palestine, recognition of publishers who are active in this field have been prepared. during this year's exhibition, activities and side programs in the promotion of books and reading, a theme and occasion, are held in the booth of ahl al-qalam bookstores. ansi behri of sed and vasima news agency. you cannot register online at all. if my system is solved , all this will be solved within an hour. we have allowed sellers to register offline. we our duty is to present this in the form of systems. make the past clear. these
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were the last promises of the authorities to organize the tire market. tire retailers should be asked to register in the transparency system. the promises that led to the launch of a system for pre-registration of car tires. a sub-system of the comprehensive trading system with the address people can log in before that, enter their details themselves. a pre-registration code. he gives them the name. when i go to the shop, this is in the system of the trade community, which brings my information, no need to ask anymore. it is not renewed, it means that the party does not have to wait anymore, he can take the product right there and take it to the store in rome . it means that it is possible to see the store, which is in any city. now, for example, tehran is open to other cities in the same way. ntsw, the person's national code is entered. we dial the mobile phone and dial the car registration number. that number is a request
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for which car we chose 13. we open our selection for the t car, we go to the pre-registration number receiving section, it says that my pre-registration number has been entered for the fleet . we went to the market after pre-registration in the tire allocation system. now we came to one of the trade unions in the market to see the conditions here. how is it, by verifying the code, you enter the same code here. yes, if they have registered a pin code, we enter the code , they go to register in the system, then the code they get here , they have to register the conditions again. it was good that you came, the card is being processed, it is good, yes, thank god that i can give it easily, but there were also problems . what is the problem that has arisen here? does this pre-registration code not belong to this tire? either it is not registered in the complete system. in short
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, it gives an error . i just came here. god took a long time to register. now my pre-registration code says that there is a problem. the system status is certain. we are now seeing the system. the page does not load at all. i came. i wrote my name here now. when did you write that i am the 155th person almost 2 hours ago? someone says i came at 4 am, someone says i came at 6 am . we were on our own and you were on your own when we came in the morning at 4:00 am to register as a customer with one of my names and yours. we will buy government tires today, monday, 17 urdobehesht 1403, here is tehran tire market, what time is it now , i say 4:58, 5:45 in the morning, come here, sit, and of course leave before that , write their names on the sheet that is installed on that column. write your name there
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and come at 9 o'clock, they will do your homework in the middle , there is no need to write your name , register or come in the morning. some register online and have a pre-registration code taking them can also express their presence, people can find a notification about receiving the system for receiving the tire statement . in some places, we see silence in front of the shops , there are many shops. what is the reason?
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if they have something special in mind, they are looking for it because of it. otherwise, there are plenty of tires in all the shops now. it is explained that this shop costs up to 15 15, which means it is for samand cars.
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the aging process of the population in this country has a higher speed compared to other eu member countries. dealing with this crisis is now one of the main policies of the italian government. this topic recently it was discussed in a two-day conference in rome. it is an issue that affects all people and all political spectrums as well as all social categories from immigrants to. experts say that if the population crisis continues in this country, the population of 59 million people in italy will decrease by nearly one million people by 203 . the aging of the population
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has created problems in the health and treatment sectors and the payment of pensions for retirees in italy. sabrina pratti, director general of the italian national institute of statistics, says that this problem has been stable for years. since the year 200. in this context, it should play an ideal role. parties opponents claim that the government should do more to increase the fertility rate. meanwhile, the current budget does not include the necessary financial considerations to address this issue. at the same time, many believe that the government
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has failed to formulate the necessary solution to prevent the further reduction of the birth rate in this country in the past decades.
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decisions about how to deal with student protests are all over the country's universities. in the meantime, what is interesting is the new plan presented in the us house of representatives. according to this plan, any person who engages in illegal activities in if accused and convicted, the university campus will be sent to gaza. yes, you heard it right, it is besieged in the gaza strip where israeli forces are attacking. a group of republican members of the us house of representatives presented this plan in response to ongoing student protests at several universities in the country. students
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are worried about the war in gaza. these protests have become very violent . although the text of this plan does not mention the name of israel or anti-israeli groups. specifically , it targets activities that have been going on in the past few weeks on american university campuses. a large number of students participated in this demonstration and protested the ongoing attacks in the gaza strip . according to this plan, people who are convicted. they will be forced to serve at least 6 months of public service in the gaza strip. probably, this plan will face opposition in the house of representatives. the republicans have a small majority in the house of representatives. even if the plan passes in the house of representatives, it will likely be ignored in the democratic-controlled senate. but this plan shows how the war on the gaza strip. it affects the policy environment in america. almost all republicans, as well as a significant number
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of democrats , condemned the ongoing protests on american campuses. however , people with progressive attitudes continued to strongly support the anti-war protesters. anti -war demonstrations in america have spread to universities across europe and several other western countries as well. these protests are some prestigious events such as competitions. american singing has influenced. these protests have also affected the european singing competition in the run-up to eurovision 2024, which is held annually with it is an initiative of the european union. this year, the tournament will be held in malmö, sweden. thousands of pro-palestinian demonstrators gathered in the city of malmö to protest israel's participation in the semi-finals of this year's singing competition. greta tanberg, one of the environmental activists, also participated in these protests.
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the university marched to show their protest against the war in gaza, which they think is important. this plan of the republican party. whether it is in congress , it will end up at the expense of those who were convicted for participating in the january 6th riots in washington. deporting people abroad for not agreeing with our views are very ridiculous and do not go anywhere. this is just for fun and it will only attract the attention of the media. but it definitely does not lead anywhere. university students in spain
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joined the wave of protests in support of gaza by setting up tents for a sit-in on campus. as students, we think that we should protest and follow the path of the student movements that started at columbia university in the united states and are currently going on in many countries and around the world. these are the scenes that show the situation in other parts of europe it is not calm. police forces in the netherlands created obstacles while confronting the protesters. they removed the fence to keep the protestors away from the university of amsterdam. fireworks started there and 140 people were arrested. meanwhile, about 200 policemen cleared the university campus in berlin where about 150 people had set up tents. across italy, students
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have staged sit-ins at universities in bologna, naples and rome. some students there are concerned about police involvement. we have reported to the police more than 30 times on the pretext of occupying the university president's office and the protests we have made in the past days am. this worries us because we are witnessing a heavy criminalization against decent people. currently, any protest action is considered as an action against public order. in paris , students on the streets outside the university translate. as the israel-gaza war enters its eighth month, the students hope their actions will lead to change. in the heart of new york city, where science
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and thought waves. as usual, columbia university, which takes courageous positions regarding important international developments , stands proudly and firmly as a center of bold ideas and today once again, of course, not because of his scientific achievements , but because of his brave and open positions regarding the events in gaza, he is at the top, to the point where the slogan of palestine belongs to palestinians . in this way , there have been widespread protests and debates that have gone beyond the borders of this university and have been extended to other american and european universities. columbia university , which is present in most international issues and expresses its views, today also by
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supporting gaza caused israeli and american anger and also created. the gap between political figures it has become american and the flame of protests in this university has spread to other american universities in many states of this country and has even reached european universities by crossing the atlantic ocean. in dealing with these protests, the security forces abandoned all principles of democracy and support for the right to peaceful demonstrations. and under the banner of the fight against anti-semitism, all the glittering slogans lost color, the real and repressive face of syria's greatest supporter of human rights in the world was removed. their behaviors are also completely autocratic and repressive and especially dictatorial
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when it comes to israel , they believe in their dreams that they are god's children and loved ones, and therefore they do not shy away from any kind of genocide, they do not recognize any international law, and they do not adhere to any moral principles. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced: groups of anti- semitic elements have taken control of top universities. they demand the destruction of israel and the students and jews. academic faculty members attack. such a thing is reminiscent of the events that happened in the last few decades in german universities. these things must be stopped. yoaf gallant minister israeli defense announced. protests in american universities are not only anti-semitic, but also incite terrorism.
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i say to my jewish brothers and sisters that we support you . authorities and universities. america should act to defend the jewish youth. ofer sover, the minister of immigration and absorption of israel, has announced that the tsunami of anti-semitism is sweeping american universities, where jews are prevented from entering academic institutions, and it is a reminder of the dark ages. american authorities must act decisively against violent and anti-semitic believers. this the fear and the fear of israel is not unfounded, but the result of examining the long history of protests in american universities , which have many effects in the political and social arena. they had america, and in addition , they were a turning point in the struggle for civil rights and social justice , including the opposition to the vietnam war and the racist regime
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of south africa, and the civil rights movement that helped end discrimination against african americans . the most famous student protests in america are related to the spring of 1968. during which more than a thousand students at harvard university, many of whom are of african descent they were studying there and took the administrative building of this university under their control. demonstrators demand that the university focus on african american history and culture, create a justice system that includes students, and abolish all punishments against education. young participants in the former protests. these protests led to the acceptance of all the students' demands. only one month later, amid the controversy
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in american circles regarding the vietnam war , columbia university students used a similar protest tactic to request the cancellation of the university's contract with the center for weapons research and the prevention of the program. they used a gymnasium in a public park in the predominantly african-american harlem neighborhood. protesting students occupied some of the buildings of this university for a week, and after that, about 1,000 university security forces intervened to evict them, and during this operation, more than 100 people were injured. most of them were arrested on charges of criminal acts and undisciplined behavior
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, but the protests continued until the end of the academic semester , which paralyzed the activities of the university, which agreed to cancel its relations with the defense research center. did. on may 7, 1907, security forces killed 4 students and injured 9 others at kent state university in ohio . this incident had immediate and widespread effects, and after that, student protests were ignited in the country, which caused the closure of hundreds of universities and colleges, and the shooting in kent became a symbol of the deep political and social divisions and divisions that the country had during the period. the vietnam war was at hand. one of the senior vice presidents of former us president richard nixon said: this
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shooting had a direct impact on national politics, because it led oda to the watergate scandal, which led to the overthrow of the nixon administration. in 1985, thousands of students protested business relations at the university of california , berkeley. or rallied on campus with the racist south african regime. protests at the university of california eventually led to the withdrawal of billions of funds from the racist government in july 1986, and the university's board of trustees voted to withdraw 3.1 billion dollars from companies that cooperate with this country, the largest ever. it was from withdrawing university funds in america. nelson mandela after azadi
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made a special trip in 1990 to thank students and professors for their role in the fight against racism and called these people his blood brothers and sisters. 2014 harvard medical school students to declare their support. of the black lives matter movement, and in response to barris' acts of violence against african americans , participated in symbolic mossom to dine protests, during which participants lay on the ground and pretended to be dead. these protests are in response to two court rulings to prohibit the filing of criminal charges against police officers who in two genie murders. two african americans played a role. these two people
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were michael brown from missouri and eric garner from new york. these two incidents caused intense anger in american society and led to protests within the framework of the black lives matter movement, which was started to condemn police brutality and organized racial discrimination against african americans. student protests against the gaza war started at columbia university. hundreds of students gathered in the university campus. student protests in america have intensified and its scope has expanded to other universities found tents have been set up at columbia, new york, georgetown, george washington and the university of texas at austin. these protests have spread to universities in spain and france, and the police
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intervened to disperse students who had set up dozens of tents on the university campus in france. the students of the american universities who are witnessing the protests demanded a permanent ceasefire in gaza and the cessation of the american military aid to israel and the withdrawal of the funds of the american universities from the arms exporting companies and other companies that exploit the war. they also they demanded the cancellation of the measures against the professors and students who were punished or fired due to the protests , and now the question is whether the student protests will work again and will lead to stopping the humanitarian disaster in gaza.
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dear viewers, the deadline for converting paper licenses to electronic unique id will end in 4 days, according to the announcement of the business environment improvement center. and so far, about 25%, i.e. more than 599 thousand licenses have become license holders.


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