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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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for example, in european countries, countries like korea, japan , these are not producers of energy at all. what are they doing? they provide their sources from the import place among themselves. well , if we actually want to support our own steel industry for the cold season, which is in fact, suffering from nous. which need domestic consumption or petrochemicals, naturally, we have to create conditions to find and supply them with sufficient suitable gas for the winter, so we also have the big steel industry, we will bring them to the stage to use their funds, you see, we are an experience. that in during the past years, unfortunately , a large part of our major industry
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are companies whose shares belong to pension funds and public shares, and their priority is to divide their years and the experiences of the past years. they didn't divide the majority of their profits, in fact they should complete the value chain so that they can increase their own profitability . in fact, we changed this game, that is, through the assistance provided by the islamic council , we required that, for example, the refinery must declare 40 percent of their profits. expression to improve the quality of their products or they should invest in the improvement of their products . in fact , we have created incentives for the petrochemical sectors to manage imbalances and eliminate imbalances in our own gas.
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we are bringing the industries to the scene because they are major consumers who sometimes have profits due to the subsidized prices of the energy they use. we did not put pressure on the people, we came to organize what we think is fair, that is , we actually promote the industry itself, which is part of they should bring their profits to the scene and we , god willing, will be able to increase gas production and prevent gas pressure drop in the coming years . god willing, yes, i would like to say that now the issue of disparity is also discussed, what are you doing for disparity and what did you do, what is disparity. in gas, what about the rest , in order for us to overcome dissatisfaction , we need to take two basic steps
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. some people say, well, we have oil, they don't have it, so this is it it's a thought that is not correct. now you pay attention . it means that if god has actually given us a blessing, it is not meant to be used for consumption. we also have other expenses. we have an example of countries that have oil and gas. for example, suppose that it is a producer of oil and gas, but you have a national development fund of more than a thousand billion dollars, which means that all the oil produced , instead of being used for daily domestic consumption, will be saved in the development fund for the coming years. actually, what we are doing
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is converting everything we produce into gasoline and consuming it we convert it to gas, we consume it, we convert it to gas, we all use gas in our homes , we don't use gas, in fact , we make more industrial production with it. it has suitable energy, for example, if you want to buy a heater in the market, you are not a heater expert, but the heaters that are offered in the shop window should have the required standard, which actually provides maximum heating with the minimum amount of gas consumption. to you indeed therefore, we must work in several areas in the field of energy consumption management, one is that we must finally prevent imports, not now that we know what we are doing. one is that
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in fact, with the help of the supreme energy council of the country , we actually determine the date from which , for example, the manufacturers of heaters in the country. in fact, they should not continue their current productions , they should definitely improve the production standard . well, naturally, in that case, what the consumer will see from the domestic production will be products that use less energy. they will have or suppose that we have a crime called article 26 of the consumption pattern law. well, a cement industry, a steel industry, a glass industry, other industries, it is completely clear that for each ton of steel or glass or any other product, how many units of energy should they consume, if they actually consume more than that amount, it is now developed in the law of the 7th plan
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that in the early years, for example , 25% of the export price is calculated with them. next year , they will calculate 50% and it may increase to 75%. therefore, this motivation is created for the person who actually wants to run his factory to do so arrange the energy consumption to be standard and if it is not standard, naturally you have to pay your own fees and this right should be applied . therefore, we should work on several fronts in the field of consumption management. fortunately , i have this promise for the investors. i am telling this from this forum and our dear people, this year with the help of the islamic council , an account
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has been opened as an energy consumption optimization account. the national oil company actually opened four sources for financial injection on this account, the parliament. the export of crude oil, gas intermediates , and net export gas is 5% of the profits of the profit companies of the ministries of oil and energy, the fees of flare gases, i.e. burner gases, as well as 10% of the resources from the sale of ethane, lpg, and propane, and these are our collection of these resources. we really hope that this year will be a year compared to previous years when significant resources will be injected into this account. what is the purpose of this account? the way it works is that if the municipalities go and electrify the inner city bus fleet, for example
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, use gas, or use oil and gas buses. in fact, they should use buses that use less oil and gas, and we will save them by saving certificates. let's do it. a very happy and good thing has actually happened. i hope that with the help of the honorable government , especially the country's budget planning organization, we will be able to issue these savings certificates in the coming months and as soon as possible, and the business environment
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of companies knowledge-based in the field of energy consumption optimization issues, definitely and definitely a fundamental change is taking place in it . that we must inevitably let's go towards a direction of optimizing energy consumption, otherwise nothing will happen. all of our oil production and gas production must be consumed inside the country and we cannot export at all. you see, we are one country after all. part of our economy is bloated despite our efforts. in the last 40 years. however, dependence on oil and gas is still not low. therefore, we have to save money inside the country so that a significant part of our oil is released , our gas is released, we generate wealth , we get foreign exchange resources, and with those funds, we can
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build new factories and create jobs. let's build roads, let's build subways, let's build new factories. from our activity, we should move towards the development of consumption management in another area. after all, we are a developing country. we have a lot of steel industry now , rightly or wrongly. we gave permission, they expect us to provide the gas they need. in fact, we have licensed many petrochemicals, which expect that their gas supply will be guaranteed in the coming years. we are building many refineries that really want safe feed. therefore, we must inevitably increase oil production. we all the people of iran know hazrat. but the question is
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, have we been able to use these underground reserves to the maximum extent, the answer is no , that means we are currently in spite of the great success that has been achieved in the last two or three years, and we finally have the capacity to produce oil. we will return to the conditions before the embargo. we were producing . now that i am talking to you, we are producing oil at the threshold of 3,600,000 barrels per day , and we have planned to exceed 3,800,000 barrels this year by the end of the year. the same issue for we also planned the development of oil fields, which means that we have many contracts now. we concluded that the ceo of national naftem company recently gave an extensive interview on this issue. in these days
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, when the exhibition was actually held in the oil, gas, petrochemical and refining industry, there was information that we have signed several contracts to increase oil production. we signed 4 million barrels per day, and naturally, we need support from the negative side after signing. if we do it, it means that we investors are the only ones, we have to support , follow up, and solve problems regularly the fact that they come to the scene and do this work and by god's grace will happen in different fields, so we must have the necessary confidence in the field of increasing oil production, production of gas intermediates, production of raw gas and natural gas, as well as production of petrochemical products. so that we can actually manage the emissions, for example , suppose we are part of this factory that
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uses our petrochemical products inside the country. produce that product inside we shouldn't, well, naturally, these or they should import , usually because it is cheaper for them to supply these products domestically, it is more economical for them, they are more willing to buy from within the country, and i remember that most of us only consume energy, there is less of a culture that we come to economic units. let's face it, the import area is actually a special risk for us in the situation where we are under sanctions. some of our national security is actually at risk because of the risk. well, of course, these sanctions have also taught us what to do. our national security and our economic resilience let's increase compared to the past. therefore, in the field
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of production increase issues, which is in the year , the necessary plans have been made and contracts have been exchanged . contracts will be exchanged gradually in the coming months . we have passed, we must support the investors who dare to come to the scene for investment, which we must solve day by day , we must interact with the environmental organization , we must interact with domestic and foreign banks , and help them so that they can actually do this in a short time. they will finish it in the shortest time, god willing you mentioned the refineries under construction . about the refinery and petrorefineries that we have under construction, especially the shahid soleimani petrorefinery, which is perhaps the most important project in our oil industry
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, please explain in what condition and where did we get the products we need. in fact, let's produce, but also provide the basis for export, and in the next degree and with priority to complete the value chain, try to issue several approvals in principle to increase. of course, i should say in the introduction that it was important for us to be able to make maximum use of our refinery capacity let's do this from the existing refinery capacity. in fact, it has been done perfectly and now we have reached the limit of 2 million and 300 thousand barrels per day in the country's domestic refinery capacity in recent years. we have exported several products from 5,000 barrels to 10,000 barrels, which is 25,000
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barrels, 50,000 barrels per day, 100,000 barrels and above, for large-scale refineries or petro-refineries with capacities of, for example, 150,000 barrels and above, and the example you mentioned is parshgah. martyr soleimani, which is actually 300,000 barrels, we gave these permits by focusing and giving priority to a number of oil refineries that we thought should be prioritized according to the country's financial capacity, because at some point we have a view that we mean a large number of projects. we will start and then we will pour some money, then it will take 15 to 20 years to build this refinery. when that refinery costs 10 billion dollars, we may have issued 60 billion dollars, but we have to see which is the priority. let's allocate it to the one that we can, it is actually due to the disharmony of the heart therefore, we have several parallel projects, in fact
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, increasing the productivity of the existing refineries in recent years. we have started and we are seriously following up on one refinery, mehr gulf, which is located next to star refinery of the persian gulf, with a capacity of 120,000 barrels, which the parliament supported last year with 50 million euros. in fact, we gave them facilities in the form of crude oil. well, this refinery has gained a good speed and we are very hopeful, dear investors, in fact, this is it.
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we will be in the south, in fact , we will witness the opening of the pioneering siraf project in hamon the area of ​​these projects that i mentioned is now more than 50% progress, in this way , we are very hopeful that within the next two years, the capacity of the country's refinery in these four projects that i mentioned, which is 240 thousand barrels per day, will be increased by the same amount and the capacity refine the country to beyond or about. to increase approximately 2 million 500 thousand barrels. of course, in addition to this matter , as i mentioned, small and medium-scale bunkers are being built in the far parts of the country, which we are helping, which are actually mini-refineries or small refineries. enter the circuit, so we are serious about increasing the capacity of our refinery and we stand firm
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on this matter so that we finally make this happen. algebra, of course, there is time, because our energy consumption is very high, and we can't really think that we will always supply our needs only from the import area, because the import is all supply and at the world price, and our domestic sales are small, that is, when you if you import gasoline for you, you have to buy 75 cents of dollars or euros, which , for example, suppose dollars. if you take even 50 thousand tomans, the number will be about 35, for example at least one liter costs 1,000 tomans. one liter of gasoline in the country costs 1,500 tomans , which is only about 400 tomans for the service fee of the stations that they explain, which means that we are actually selling gasoline for 100 tomans, which is almost cheap. the most expensive gasoline in the world
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is being sold in iran, oil and gas, which is the cheapest, which means that it is definitely the cheapest, that is, 300 to one toman , in fact, oil and gas are being sold per liter . to provide the place of import , we will naturally need a considerable width and this harms the economic growth of the country , harms the development of the country's infrastructure, therefore , we must redouble our activities in the optimization of energy consumption management. let's do it, but let's do it 100 times more, in the field of building new refineries and increasing the production capacity of petroleum products, it should be activated more and more. yes, now you mentioned the value chain, tell us about the completion of the value chain , what other events
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do you have to complete the value chain, see in the category, when we talk about the completion of the value chain, if the refinery let's start a new one, not just a refinery that supplies the five main products needed, but the main part, for example, 65%. petrochemical products. that is, the refineries that we have now and the format of which is actually the supply of gasoline, gas oil, heating oil, kerosene, and airplane fuel. but our new petrorefineries, where the problem of completing the value chain is actually more addressed there , the task is to in addition to actually producing the main products of petrochemical products , this means completing the value chain in the petrochemical industry itself, it also has many downstream chains.
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that is, you may assume that you convert your first chain of gas into methanol, this has a low price in the world market, but the price of those you convert into propylene is higher, if you convert it into polypropylene, the price is higher. if polypropylene bass turns into another product , the price will be several times as much. in fact , this technical know-how and licenses are being localized inside the country by the national petrochemical company and the research and innovation company that is part of that collection. in fact, we are supplying from abroad in different ways, and this is done by the company national petrochemical industry is following up. both the holding itself and the economic enterprises, which are actually getting the basic consent from us , have actually gained access to that technical knowledge through different methods of sanctioning
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. at the same time, the university and the hideouts of the oil industry have also been involved in this issue, one of the preconditions. in order for us to be able to complete the value chain more than before , it is first to know what this completeness is, and then to know. let's turn this threat into a real opportunity , we will be able to smell the knowledge, and finally we can take it from the ways we could. let's overcome the conditions of embargo and make technical knowledge available paying attention to the implementation of this project and the financing of these projects is a supplement to the value chain in
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the petrochemical sectors , it needs less investment than the construction of a petro-refinery, that is , if there is technical knowledge, it can actually be done with foreign exchange resources even below 100 million dollars. sometimes under 50 million dollars or euros. we will actually produce a value chain of products that let's say that we deliver the gas at the petrochemical feed rate of 5,000 tomans 6,000 tomans per cubic meter, and they can sell the product for up to 3,000 dollars per ton. this is an art. at indeed, this is happening in the world, and we must definitely take our country's momentum to the point where we actually pay attention to the value chain. well, this is very relevant. the attention of the supreme leader has also been mentioned in his statements . honorable president, this issue is a top priority for him, so the ministry of oil
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is trying to realize this, so that it can actually improve the value chains in spite of the conditions in the country. in terms of the conditions of sanctions, it is possible to bypass the issues of sanctions and localize its technical knowledge in ways that are actually available. year in the future, we can create more wealth-creating value chains for the country. you see, we have 65 active petrochemical units now , we have 65 petrochemical units now, that is , a broad plan for the development program of the 7th development and even the 8th advanced development. at the national petrochemical company, we planned to increase our production from the current 94 to 95 million tons to the threshold of 140 million tons, and by the grace of god, these
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plans have been made to the limit of 200 million tons per year. and god willing , there is this serious possibility in the group of management bodies our experts in the petrochemical industry and with this seriousness that we are witnessing, god willing, in the coming years , we will be able to make fundamental changes in the completion of the value chain of petrochemical products and petro-refinery, god willing, well, we have one minute , the most important priority.
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in the past, they used to complete the value chain, but now their value is much higher than in the past. in any case, we are using their own investments so that we can actually fully fulfill our commitments with their own help and bring their own capital to the stage and increase gas production. in fact, we can provide them with the gas and food they need throughout the year. thank you very much, mr. fallahtian , the honorable deputy planning minister of oil, for accepting our invitation, appearing on the front page of this program and answering our questions. we wish you good health. thank you for watching the program on the first page. have a good night and good times.
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get 60% of gilna publishing resources as a gift right now by sending 5 to 3085. we arrived at 5 o'clock in the morning, the gathering of student organizations of female students was held on the occasion of the birth of hazrat masoumeh, may god bless him and grant him peace. role-playing of girls in student organizations can be the basis for presenting a model of a woman equal to the islamic revolution in the university environment. a group that


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