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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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get it completely free now , get 60% of gilna publishing resources as a gift by sending 5 to 30 488 55. we arrived at 5 o'clock in the morning. the gathering of student organizations of female students was held on the occasion of the birth of hazrat masoumeh, may god bless him and grant him peace. the role of girls in student organizations can be the basis for presenting a model of a woman at the level of the islamic revolution in the university environment. the crowd that is
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gathering here are students, organizational workers, we in the organization have a sense of what is happening around us, what is happening inside the country , what is happening in the international space we are and we want to actually play a role in these developments, to be effective as an excuse for this gathering of hazrat masoumeh's birthday, peace be upon her, and the day of the daughter has come. we believe that our women before the revolution and after the revolution are and will be history-making women , and today we have a small picture of these history-making women, and becoming a student means the beginning of this history-making path of student activity and organizational activity. the turning point of this event is that they consider themselves to be history makers. with these seemingly simple choices, i think the girls' choices can make history. make it
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we learn how to be a wife , a mother, and a good mother, and in addition to this , she can play a good role in the organization. and they just heard about the organizational work of the lessons . my daughter, who was 5 years old , was accepted to the university from zahra, majoring in sociology. the history makers of these days are known by the women and girls of gaza. a mother in gaza could go home and live her life, but she stayed home because she remained a mother. sadness and resistance.
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mr stating that 20 tourism investment packages belong to makos free zone areas, abdul maleki said that 60 hotels are being built in the country's free zones, which will double the accommodation capacity. climate diversity in the country of four seasons in iran has created potential capacities for the development of tourism. we should be able to introduce the tourist attractions of our country . until we introduced tourism. of course, this
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also applies to domestic tourists based on the law on how to manage commercial and industrial free zones, civil and urban development, economic growth and development, and export development, and entering markets, increasing production, and closing down and entering foreign capital is one of the goals pursued by the special economic zones organization. in 1402, we offered one thousand investment packages in free and special economic zones to respected investors. about 130 of these packages worth approximately one billion euros, that is, for example, 45 thousand billion tomans , are investment packages in the field of tourism and tourism infrastructure, including hotels and recreational complexes. according to economic experts, investment in free zones , in addition to creating employment will boost domestic and foreign tourism in iran, this year a 5-star hotel and a four-star hotel. we used it
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, the stay was done at your service, and we had a number of regular hotels, about 5 old three-star hotels, but what tourists are looking for today, i think, is eco- tourism. we have built the complexes that are in our tourist villages. there was an increase compared to the previous year. iran has recently signed a memorandum of understanding with china to expand e-commerce e-commerce is a new concept in the field of international trade
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, which includes various fields. countries including china do a quarter of their retail products in this way. but it has been witnessed in iran for several years. we have been the boom of this concept, so that we are the first country in west asia that has taken up this issue . until now, products such as saffron, rose water, some handicrafts and exquisite iranian carpets have been uploaded on this platform, and the chinese are buying them to move. in the way of e-commerce , good infrastructures have been designed and built. our year 1401 we saw a growth of 488% in the volume of e-commerce transactions in the country and... last year, 1402 , thanks to the grace of god and the many good things that happened in the country, we saw a growth of more than 70% in the volume of e-commerce transactions in the country, considering that our electronic trade
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is with china, and the chinese side also welcomes trade with iran . it is currently working directly with 60 countries. products such as saffron, rose water, honey, dates, some snacks and such issues can be pointed out now that they can actually move forward, but to reach the volume of e-commerce is an obstacle that needs to be resolved in iran. in iran, our small and medium-sized businesses could not be present as they should be because of problems such as their marketing . discussions of consultation and cooperation and negotiation with foreign platforms are similar. these discussions cost it imposes a very high burden on them that the government and
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related institutions should take measures in this field. in the next 3 years, hundreds of companies will be established in this field, which will increase the volume of our e-commerce day by day
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. welcome to tonight's special news discussion. the countries of the arab group about the full membership of palestine in the united nations on friday local time in the united nations general assembly approved with 143 votes in favor, which gives palestine special rights and privileges and asks the security council to favorably consider palestine's request to become the 194th member of the united nations. review of course, palestine is currently a non-member observer, but it has been trying to become a full member of this international organization for years. simultaneously with the review of the resolution of the group of arab countries in
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the general assembly of the united nations for the full membership of palestine in the united nations, gil ad ardan, the ambassador and representative of the zionist regime in the united nations, the insulting action of the united nations charter was thrown into a shredder in front of the public opinion of the world and he said that we do not accept the charter that causes the recognition of palestine and that the united nations charter must be changed. the united nations faced many different reactions and became the headline of most of the world's media. due to the importance of this topic , we have dedicated tonight's program to this topic to check what the full membership of palestine in the united nations will bring. what rights and it gives privileges to the palestinian people. with what logic america. and the zionist regime
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avoids recognizing the right of self-determination for the palestinian nation, which is an inherent right for every nation . we are at the service of dr. sadr al-hosseini and dr. saadullah zarei, two of the respected west asian experts of our country, mr. sadr hosseini. greetings and have a good time. at your service, mr. dr. seifi , your respected colleagues, viewers of news 21 and the analysis and discussion after the news, as well as dear guests , mr. dr. zarei, hello and good night , we are at your service. mr. zareei, mr. dr. saadullah zaraei , greetings and a good time. thank you very much for your service . dear sir and dear viewers, as well as mr. dr. sadr al-hosseini. greetings and good night . greetings to you, doctor. we will be at your service, mr. sadr hosseini. his highness, let's start , we are on the eve of the nakba day, the day in the history of palestine, when nearly one million palestinians were displaced from their homes. on that day, the united nations
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recognized the fake state of israel, but left the palestinian issue unresolved . some may still wonder why the united nations did this. why didn't the kurds take any decision for the independent state of palestine, in the name and memory of almighty god, mr. dr. seifi, this point should be noted that unfortunately, despite the promises that were made to the palestinian nation in the past days and it was decided that the rights of unfortunately, this did not happen in the past decades, and wherever the public opinion and the conditions of the political authorities of different countries were based on this will, it is part of the rights of the palestinian nation.
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turn to him, veto the americans in connection with this the important issue became a barrier, created a bombardment and did not allow the rights of the palestinian people to reach them. yes , well, in fact, we should pay attention to this point that an international organization that arose from the thoughts and desires of the right. the truth is for all nations and a charter was accepted by all nations. unfortunately , there was an exception in this regard, and this exception was the palestinian nation and the palestinian land, which was completely trampled on during the past decades. yes, but this is an important point that never requests to the legitimate right of the palestinian nation from the public eye around the world. it didn't go down, but unfortunately the structure is wrong
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and it is illegal for the international organization regarding the right of veto to certain countries to never allow the nations , especially the palestinian nation, to achieve their own rights. if we want a basic statistic about what the americans did in favor of the zionist regime , more than 85 statements. or the resolution, each of which is different from each other, was unfortunately vetoed by the americans. during the past seven months, we have observed this issue as clearly as possible from the side of the americans, and at the same time, the oppressed people of palestine and gaza were being martyred, and the americans were even in connection with the fire. that's enough, they vetoed the resolution, so now in the next section i will be at your service, i will tell you how this vote of mine can
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be effective for the general public and that it has a very big message for america and the colonial system . thank you for your excellent service, mr. doctor. zarei , we are at your service. please tell us why no decision was made for the state of palestine in that year, and now the right to self-determination, which is an inherent right of every righteous nation, according to you, americans and zionists, with what logic do the zionists prevent it anyway? for the palestinian people. in the name of allah, the merciful, of course, this the debate is steeped in history, that is, since 1948, when the united nations general assembly announced resolution 181, it actually mentioned the two-state issue and
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recognized a country called palestine, but only in practice. the israelis and their western defenders practically implied that they were making great efforts to expand the zionist regime, at the same time , they were making extensive efforts to prevent the realization of a country called palestine, and this process continued like this until it reached oslo in 1392 and there too. apparently , the issue of the formation of the palestinian state was to be resolved at the madrid conference mr. dr. sari, we have reviewed this many times. at present, with what logic do they prevent this right to self-determination, i am explaining the same because your question was a pardon according to history, so i also had to mention the history. anyway,
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at that time this issue was also raised, but at the same time, the zionist regime moved towards the expansion of the occupied territories. now, considering the developments in gaza and the genocide that the israelis started, and the world is affected by this issue, we see that in fact, this pressure of public opinion in the assembly the general united nations emerged in such a way that 143 countries agreed to this plan in fact , they should announce the vote of the body and the issue of the formation of the state of palestine and the full membership of a country called palestine in the united nations. of course, this issue, first of all, we must say, is not yet complete, that is, this process that started in 2011 and so far has 3 stages
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. it has gone through four stages, and there is still one stage left, which is the approval by the un security council, but this process that has started and the issue of the formation of the palestinian state has opened its place at the international level, and we see that there is a gap in the west has created, that is, you look at the votes of the american general assembly. against england voted against, france voted in favor , this shows that the developments in gaza and the resistance of the people in this land have actually created a gap among the supporters of the zionist regime. one of these is that, in
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fact, just as the public opinion is on the side of the palestinians, and many governments at the international level are standing by the right of the palestinians, in fact, this is a vote of competence for resistance in the palestinian scene at its opposite point. we can also say that it is a yellow card for the zionist regime crimes that are committed in a way and they are also angry about this, mr. doctor, yes absolutely , mr. doctor, let me know the messages of this vote and what fate it can determine anyway . we will be at your service again in the next question. done with mr. nasser abu sharif , the representative of the islamic jihad movement in tehran, mr. abu sharif, greetings and a good time at your service. hello
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to all brothers and sisters, dear listeners and viewers and dear guests. greetings, thank you for your participation, mr. abu sharif. mr. abu sharif last night , the united nations full membership of palestine in the united nations voted yes. please send this message to the viewers. we definitely consider this step as a progress that was approved in the un general assembly, and this issue becomes more important in the security council of the security council, as we saw that the united states used the right of veto. in any resolution that is in favor of the palestinians , the problem is that we have moved a step forward and
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we ask the arab countries and the islamic countries and the free people of the world to put more pressure on america and the countries that are against the full membership of palestine. in the united nations are up to the role play yourself now. the majority of the world is with us. more than 143 countries voted in favor of palestine's full membership in the united nations and some countries such as portugal, belgium or some european countries also have positions. but in general, we have made progress in this issue and it can benefit the palestinian issue. but without dealing with politics.
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you know the palestinian nation, but for the viewers , how far is this issue from the ideal and the ultimate desire of the resistance groups regarding palestine? you see, so far the palestinian people have not benefited from these issues, but only because they were raised it is useful to establish a palestinian state without any borders and without any specific framework. now , for example, saudi arabia may recognize the zionist regime and establish regular relations with it. in fact, this is to the detriment of the palestinian issue, and unfortunately, with the great regret of all this , it can have a negative impact on the palestinian issue
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, if they recognize the palestinian state , full recognition with the specified borders, that they have the right to self-determination, that the palestinian state have an army, have weapons, have an economy . ok and whatever power other countries have palestine must be in the interest of the palestinian nation , this is definitely in the interest of the palestinian nation, otherwise it is not in the interest of the palestinian nation and the palestinian cause , the zionist regime must leave the west bank , it must leave the settlements, it must leave the gaza strip it can be said that this plan is a valuable plan, very excellent, mr. abu sharif, let me discuss this issue.
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and also, more help should be given by all the free people of the world in order to force the zionist regime to recognize the right of the palestinian nation to determine its own destiny and to fully withdraw from the gaza strip and the west bank. it is important to leave the west bank. israel may leave the gaza strip, but from the west bank , the representative of the islamic jihad movement in tehran. palestine was able to assert its right to full membership in the united nations through international institutions.
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to obtain the support of the overwhelming majority of the members of the united nations general assembly in this regard. considering that the process of displacing the palestinian nation and destroying it has reached its peak, you can deny the right to life support freedom, honor and dignity in his own land. 143 countries responded positively to this request. 9 countries rejected it and 25 countries abstained. the reaction of the representative of israel.
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take the united nations in the form of a proposal in the security council. nedar abud, al-mayadin reporter. mr. dr. sadr hosseini, we are with you.
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as you know, the public opinion of the world and the independent countries want the solution of the palestinian issue due to the news and reports that are coming. an issue that has become the first issue of the world for months now, especially after the al-aqsa storm, all muslims and even libertarians, regardless of religion, stand against the excesses of the zionist occupation regime and its supporters. what do you think is the end of this global determination? what vision do you envision? dear mr. seifi, if you allow me to provide you with an analysis of these votes with a broader perspective , i would appreciate it if you could give me some time. in fact, the result of his public opinion
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was announced to the americans today in this vote by the authorities of 143 countries. there is the fact that this institution between according to the actions of the united states, the international community cannot manage the current world. the issue of palestine is one of the most important international issues, but it is not the only issue. that is, the americans, through this international institution, apply their hegemon in many other issues, including the international bank, including development issues, including defense issues , so this great ode of 143 countries was on a topic called getting tired of running the world by the international institution that the americans are at the head of , so i want the last sentence on this point.


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