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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, good morning , welcome to the news of the capital market. the ceo of the energy exchange announced the first offering of waste water in the energy exchange by tehran water and fadel water company. the physical form will be offered for industrial and agricultural use. 70% of our country's water becomes waste water and we know that we are in a country that
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is facing a lot of restrictions in the field of water resources. therefore , the industries of our country need to use reclaimed water or waste water. in the upstream regulations, there are also assignments for the industry that they can meet their water needs only through pasa, considering the extent of the industry and the diverse needs and different volumes they have, the wastewater market provides them with the possibility of transparent, fair and equitable access to wastewater. the head of the department for supervision of issuance and registration of securities of the stock exchange organization said that the capital increase permits issued from the place of accumulated and discarded profits reached 270 thousand billion tomans. mr. lotfi added that this amount of capital increase is based on the tax exemption stipulated in the budget law of 1402 and the application of zero tax rate on the transfer of dividends. not taken into account it has been capital. according to lotfi
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, last year 332 capital increase licenses were issued with a value of about 500 thousand billion tomans and a 70% increase in value and 27% in the number of licenses compared to 1401. the head of the department for supervising the issuance and registration of bahadur bonds of the stock exchange organization also said that the deadline for underwriting unused pre-emptive rights was reduced from 30 days to 15 days. said that it can be extended for another week. last year, all the companies registered with the organization, with the exception of banks and leasing companies , submitted their right of first refusal certificates through the central deposit system to the shareholders sent and the funds from the sale of unused rights of pre-emption were paid to zain afaan's account through the sajam system. one of the solutions of the stock exchange organization for shortening the financing process
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of companies was to reduce the deadline for using the right of first refusal from 60 days to 30 days and not requiring a special license from the company registration authority for public offering. these proposals have been approved by the parliament . the main hall of glass in saturday's trading was a decrease. on this day, money was withdrawn from the stock market for the ninth day. the total and weight indices again took a step on the negative side of the fluctuation range. the main index dropped by 10,847 units, equivalent to minus 49 hundred percent, on the first working day of this week at the level of 2,884 million units. the equal weight index
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also stood at the level of 7335 units with a negative return of 6.10 percent, which is equivalent to 4429 units, so that the trading prices of small and medium stocks of the market recorded a further decrease compared to the index of the makers . 1 billion and 100 million stocks and financial bonds in 303 thousand transactions were worth 4 thousand billion tomans, the value of transactions on this day was reduced and reached 270 11 billion tomans, which compared to the average value of khurd transactions in the last week shows a decrease of more than 8%. the symbols of fars foulad, beh mellat and shepna had the most negative impact on the red of the total index, and on the other hand, the symbols of wa omid, sefars, d amin and tusem prevented further reduction of the total index. the net change of legal ownership to real ownership in the market was negative on this day, and the glass hall witnessed the withdrawal of 271 billion tomans of money in saturday's transactions.
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it was real from shares and preemptive rights. during saturday's transactions, the largest outflow of real money was attributed to the groups of chemical products, basic metals, and banks, and the largest inflow of money real to transport groups. and warehousing, accumulation and information and communication were done. the status of hallarshi symbols also indicated that there were 185 positive symbols and 588 negative symbols so that the market witnessed 76 of its symbols becoming negative. also, 48 icons faced the buying queue and 73 icons faced the sales page . the total value of purchase pages was 121 billion tomans, and the total value of sales pages was 162 billion tomans. ghazal arabgol of radio and television news agency. industrial and mineral products hall experienced the equivalent of 379 thousand tons of all kinds of goods. 4 thousand tons of polymeric and chemical materials in the petrochemical hall and
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petroleum products were traded. in the export hall , 114,800 tons of ingots and bullion were sold. 8 thousand tons of simal is also included. it became a cement trading hall. the volume of transactions in the auction hall was more than 29,560 tons. end of capital market news, god guard. the iranian coach, sharaf iran, is
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playing with a telegram across the country, why is there no pricing in these six months ? your question is an interesting question . we don't want to be a football manager . we are at your service with another debate on whether the transfer of mines is transparent or not. you know that in the past years, the issue of the transfer of mines i don't know the disadvantages of handing over my mines , the various permits that are issued, all the events
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that have been discussed, challenged, and criticized a lot. sam said that due to technical reasons, he is cutting the middleman's hand, he is doing the right thing . let's take a look at the process together and see if there is basically how much of this transparency that he is announcing to the ministry of hearing and how much there is. the critics' reasons are correct. here in our studio, mr. hamidi, the general manager of the ministry of mines , is also present, as well as mr. meshkani, an expert and activist in the field of mining. greetings and god bless both guests of the program, i would like to start with mr. meshkani and the question why basically according to some experts, the process of handing over mines. it is not clear . greetings to you, mr. hamidi, his colleagues and dear viewers. in connection with moghadam, i would like to give a background, which may help us to continue the conversation. you see, the mining sector is a sector that
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is organized in the whole of iran, that is, we are a centralized place. we don't have it, so the whole of iran is involved in the mining sector. because it is part of the impala to allow anyone to enter the mining sector, that is, an ordinary person who is not specialized in mining at all, can enter the mining sector if he brings technical and financial privileges, which means that we have a definition for these privileges, which mr. he says that now these points should be based on the present or past years, until now, not before. if you want to explain in advance, i will explain. i myself registered a range in 1972, that is, a range that should be exploratory, i registered it and got a 3-month exploration permit at the time, he wanted technical and financial points , he didn't want anything, you went to a work where there were 50,000 sheets, there was a work where the method of boundaries
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was clear, you marked a square on it , you registered the boundaries, then you went to get permits. you understand that the license was not that much, that is, it was not that much and this strictness was not clear. 3 months, i remember that i got the exploration license, now it may take two or three years, if we have a one-piece system, in that system, it says that all inquiries must come in 3 months. outside, only its natural resources are sometimes stuck for 2 years we will not leave this, and then, over time , changes were made. they came to say that we should take care of this from a functional point of view and reconcile it . a system was created called the cadastre. in that cadastre, it was almost removed from the provinces . then it came to the ministry. there are different ones that must be explained by mr. engineer hamidi in there. in order for our friends to be able to register the boundaries again in the cadastre
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, they will bring a series of technical and financial concessions. it started, we can explain more . you see, i am saying, for example, you go to a doctor , you get a license to practice medicine , you get a lawyer, that is, he only got a bachelor's degree in medicine, now he has a doctorate, we are the highest in the mining sector, if we go to the engineering system, it is the master's degree. a technical and financial points that are given, even a senior level cannot register a range. well, this is what i say . he was the sultan of iran in one period oh he was an expert at all, so if we want to respect him, we must
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meet all these strictures in one format, because our first discussion and the main question and our main proposition is whether the process is transparent or not . it is clear but it has flaws . for example, you tell me that your body is healthy now, but for example, i have a thyroid now. well , if it is not treated, what is wrong with it, in your opinion, which calls into question the transparency? internet speed is the speed of a series of things that have nothing to do with technology and knowledge. whoever is faster is quiet sack, i have a solution for this solution , for example, this is one of those, if you see that the system itself is working correctly, it will be done correctly, but
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not now , they used to have high-speed internet outside the country, they could have clicked that button earlier, now hakra or someone who they are strong in terms of computers, but not in terms of mining, they can work faster in that system . this is one of bagashe's that whoever hit earlier is like this, well, it shouldn't be like this. very well, mr. hamidi, please let us review with you let's see what the process of handing over mines is like, how many
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mines have been handed over, how many mines you have ready to hand over, and what is this process like, how much do you know about these problems that they say, in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful . let's correct it in such a way that in fact the government hands over all the areas and mines it has in the form of an auction. the way of handing over is that all the licenses issued by the government and actually remembered are from the exploration areas and licenses of the issued licenses. up to the abandoned mines will be done through the headquarters system. it is in this way that the dates and timings have been determined in advance and
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the boundaries that are supposed to be done in the next month's auction will be determined in the mine cadastral system or the boundary map with a specific color for the applicants with a prior notice. interested parties who have the conditions to participate in the auction, now i will explain these conditions as well. they can know in advance which area is going to be auctioned in which province, they can do their basic work including identification and page in fact, they should know that this capacity is compatible with their request, they can receive the documents in the headquarters system and within a predetermined legal period in the government's electronic procurement system, they can actually make their request. in fact , all these steps are through this system. it
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is done and it takes place in the form of glass and nothing. a person cannot see the offered prices or , for example, he talked about hundredths of seconds . mr. meshatti mostly talks about the registration of the range, which takes place outside of the bidding process. in fact, at that time, the applicants can apply. register them in the system based on the instructions for holding the auction. and at the time of opening the envelopes, which is also done electronically, which is done in 3 categories, they can even be physically present in the transaction commission of that province and observe and see all the steps and win the auction without it being known that the numbers of others are mine. how
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is it ? it is confirmed and recorded electronically only for him, and electronically all applicants can see the percentage of the winner . it seems that this incident that has been done in the last few years through the headquarters system and this the process is a very transparent process and how many transfers we had, can you tell us a figure? yes , look, in the last two years, well, according to the discussion of technical and financial competence that was discussed. there was no technical and financial qualification at all, but the technical and financial qualification, which is a combination of donation, is part of the requirements of the law, that is , the applicant who enters the mining field must have both technical qualification and financial qualification , which is specified in this table based on this table of applicants in a real and legal way , they can use their technical and financial weapons in any province
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in any province for one year in the whole country. all opposites. the ministry of mines organizes positions in the field of mining. it is valid. well, last year , very good things happened. well, at one stage, about 6,000 fields and mines were auctioned . in another stage, 6,000 were also auctioned, but these 6,000 do not mean this. that 12,000 areas and separate mines, but 12,000 times, that is, some of these areas and mines were repeated twice in two auctions. it was done in two stages, in which about a thousand areas and mines were identified as the winner, the handover stage took place . 1402, for the first time, article 83 of the executive code
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of the mining law, implementation and compliance. at that stage, 299 areas and mines were also handed over to the applicants. this was one of the good things that happened last year. well, the ministry of politics, the ministry of position, in addition to holding auctions, holds investment packages as well, which is at your service in detail. mr. meshkani, please tell me that all the explanations given by mr. engineer are correct, but i would like to add a few problems. first of all, the system that was created had problems in the first and second year, that is, you could not upload it properly, what year are you? you say that two years ago, if i'm not mistaken, or three years ago, that means you couldn't upload the documents in different provinces with technical and infrastructure. you say that's correct. now let's go back to what i'm saying
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. well, no, he understands the challenges first, as you say, it is not clear . someone said that the third speed is because, for example, in the auctions, whoever wins the most, well, my name is an auction. this should be a definition for it, because we came from many auctions. they say that the area that has that limit is sometimes called rights the government has changed this issue every time, well, but i say that why should it be much more, you see , someone is stupid or has heard something or does not have enough scientific information, comes to the debates , hits a number and he wins, we now have a debate that it's in a province. later, if you want
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, it's all mine. it's all mine. we got canceled . it's been 6 years now. he hasn't worked yet. in the auction , he bid the highest price. i mean, the second one is me again, and from me, there are many more than this. it means we're in the auction. we will hold it, the method is correct, everything is correct. but it's a bug again what is our goal, what is our goal, that mr. economic prosperity in the mining sector will develop, that the position of the mine will become more prosperous, that it will become stronger , that my work will be done? the product of the highest number of things becomes the criterion of action. well, this is no longer clear , and
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now natural resources have gained so many powers . i wish there was a meeting, if we could sit down and talk face to face. i would like to remind you of one thing. we are talking about transparency , if under that series, for example, the ministry samit said, for example, if they don't have a point with natural resources or the environment or somewhere else, no, this is not a sign of transparency . let's talk about transparency now, then we will get to other challenges . you see, transparency has a definition. we must invest in the right direction. let this be transparent. well , i am bringing my money. in the mining sector, i have a kind of way
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. i must be transparent and be able to do all my steps . when an auction is held and the environment and natural resources are not enough, you should not put this at all , because i brought my money, i have a money. i said that this is not clear to you, you don't know that for example, if you want to enter here, no, no , no, not at all, god hamidi, you can't have one, it's about the environment, so let us talk more clearly about the bidding process , let's talk more easily, maybe this ambiguity
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will be removed from them, so tell them what you want. they confirmed two or three issues, now their confirmation was that the process in the ministry of position is being carried out efficiently, which means that it is doing its job correctly. the information that is needed for all the mines that we see are active collect all the mines that are inactive or are inactive, because in fact, the stoppage of this reserve and potential was god-given, and these are handed over to the investor through an auction. yes, he should enter this area. well, investment in the field of mining is a risky investment. this problem was also before that without technical and financial qualifications, in fact
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, the mining of mines and areas were handed over, now or through auction and the high coefficients that they say. well, they also said that they haven't participated in 3 years now, the biggest shortcoming was that this weapon is technical finance was not part of the conditions for entering the auction. with the establishment of this technical and financial qualification, in fact, those who mostly accept and know this risk in the field of mining and feel the need to supply raw materials for their downstream industry will participate in this bidding process , more of these thousands who won the competition last year. most of them are factory owners who need these raw materials. it was one of these defects that caused the middleman to be created on the basis of lack of technical and financial competence , endangering the property of the people who
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have their hopes and dreams in the mine. they knew this and mining culture this risk was not acceptable for them. this happened in the process of the headquarters system. until now, i have not had any complaints that i can investigate. the way of the master system was that everyone accepted this system and there was no objection about this issue, that in fact , if there is a disturbance in the headquarters system, or if there are problems, or if they feel that their rights have been lost , then it should be done, even though the infrastructure of the headquarters system is somehow designed for very optimal conditions your excellencies can enter any kind of license that i have presented to you, and the conditions
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of each of them are completely transparent in this system. let's say that it is definitely that according to article 24 of the mining law, it will be inquired once , if it is positive, the permit or permit will be issued, and that permit and permit that has been qualified and in the memory of the ministry. it will be sold again in the auction and there is no need to inquire again, because this has already happened in some provinces. it has been done with this sensitivity before, but we don't allow it now, and we won't allow it to be included in the mining auction for those who don't have any inquiry. the point is
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that they say why. before these things happened, all the fields and mines that are now being auctioned , article 24 of the mining law, that is , the inquiry at the time of registration , were observed and done. if we find the problem , we will put it in the inquiry before the auction, and later it is legal that if you have the scope of the exploitation license and you want to develop the chest , you can give that development, you just have to apply and pay for it, i won't give it. i don't work. look
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, mr. engineer in a set. he sits and sees everything from his own point of view. we have to make another film. for example, he will hold an auction to get that film. for example, my children sit behind the machine and want to enter the auction. my place let him work on one of my areas and see how the natural resources and environment of the local opponents are treated. this is not the case. i hope that we will reach the goal that he says, but i firmly say that this is not the case now. one of my cases may be in such a way that no one has anything to do with it, of course, they have said a lot that they have not participated in the auction for 3 years, my friends, i hope that they will participate in the new auction and film the system. first of all, i would like to thank you for the system.
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the headquarters of zirstash has become much better, clearer, easier and easier for people to participate in these auctions. you see, the discussion is about the auction , it is about handing over the auction, let's not confuse the discussion. at your service in the name of allah, the most merciful, according to the announcement of some news agencies , there was a fire in the suburban train of hashkat to tehran. in order to find out the details of this news , i am talking to the deputy passenger of the railway company , mr. mousavi. hello, please tell me the details of the news. al-rahim


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