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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm IRST

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a special purchase for dear social security retirees from appliance city. the city of household appliances , a specialized reference for household appliances. in the name of allah, the most high, the most high, the news section of level 17 continues the efforts to free the southern rail route . the director general of the bahristan province said that the workers are currently working on the freeing of this route. seven wagons of a cargo train carrying wheat derailed last night on the sepid dasht to chamsengar route, which caused the closure of the nationwide railway in the south of the country. due to
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the fact that the rail is damaged and until further notice , the traffic route is actually blocked on the axis, the operational forces of the railway both from the khuzestan side and from the tehran side. going to the accident site and are in the process of rebuilding the road, which, god willing, will be restored to normal traffic immediately after the reopening of the road. the managing director of the national land and housing organization said: most of the land provided for the national housing movement was provided from the place of annexation to the city limits. mr. maliki said: the biggest deficit of land compared to applicants is in the provinces of fars, zanjan, west azerbaijan, kurdistan, isfahan, lorestan and hamedan. surplus lands of other institutions, government lands. located in the sanctuary,
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national lands located in the sanctuary, agreement with the private sector and all the capacities that are in the law of housing production until now, more than 45,000 hectares of land have been secured and made available to the plan within the limits of the current cities. mr. maliki informed about the identification of 60 points outside the boundaries of the cities and conducting their location studies for the purpose of building settlements and said that detailed plans have been prepared in some of these settlements and construction has started in some of them . according to mr. maliki, the construction of five new towns in tehran has been stabilized in different stages. the export of detergents from the country reached about 100 million dollars last year. exporters say:
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the quality of iranian goods in this field is especially low the classification has increased and competes with foreign examples . 95 million dollars is the export amount of detergents of our country last year. if the quality of our product is not suitable, we should not be able to attract export markets now. well, we were able to supply our raw materials with a figure of 30-40 million dollars , so our balance is positive. exporter. they have views to increase the export of detergents. when we come to the issue of export, the first step for export is to be able to communicate with foreign businessmen and foreign countries, which requires us to be able to talk in the chambers of commerce. make our business stronger. if we can have regional exhibitions, in any case , exhibitions that can be visited by consumers at least. if there are the same neighboring countries
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and these exhibitions are active and dynamic, it can be a very good step in the field of export , to find out the type of consumption that each country is doing, and to take the goods towards that production, which means different. let's act specially to see what kind of products each country likes. exporters also pay attention to product packaging. during the last 10 years, we have seen a new and interesting growth. newer products were created in product packaging, more innovative packaging was created and products were removed from the previous form, and now you can see the products in different ambulances, and it has a very significant effect on the choice of the final consumer with regard to trips. when i visited the neighboring countries, i see that iran's packaging has grown very well compared to previous years, and we are quite competitive in terms of packaging. in the export target markets
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, know the sociology of that country, and by registering the taste of that country , you can actually package the quality of the products. upgrade. knowing your competitors is another way to participate in global markets is joint investment in the production of detergents. productions in neighboring countries, including in iraq, afghanistan , and even in the cis area, and recently in russia , these events have been done with the investment of our country . according to the director general of the cellulase industry office of the ministry , 10% growth in the export of sanitary and cosmetic detergents is on the agenda for this year. mohammad ali qayim the head of the food and drug organization said to sada and sima news agency: g and albumin drugs were the most expensive hospital drugs in 1402. according to mr. mohammadi , there is no problem in providing and explaining these drugs, but they are prescribed irrationally.
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mr. mohammadi added that according to the announcement of the world health organization, about half of the medicines are prescribed for inappropriate use. the ministry of health has developed a clinical recipe to prevent improper prescription of medicine. as the deputy of health insurance said , this recipe has not been completely updated in the electronic prescription system and the harvesting of green tea leaves from the gardens of gilanan and mazandaran has started. tea predicts that more than 145 thousand tons of green tea leaves will be produced this year. to be strange there is tea. this spring tea is for this year. for a few days, more than 50,000 families of tea growers in gilan and mazandaran went to the tea gardens and are busy picking spring tea. i have a tea garden
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. we have started harvesting this year's crop. to harvest the tea crop. the quality and quality of spring tea, which is always famous, this year compared to last year, the quality of tea is very good. we started tea in 143. it is very good. thank god it is good we come at 5 in the morning, then we plant 500 kilos of tea a day. our forecast is that this year the government
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will buy first-grade green leaves for 18,000 tomans and second-grade for 15,000 tomans from tea farmers. that this price of tea is a cool thought of the farmer. this price of tea is not compatible with this inflation . i will deliver the demands of the tea farmers on time to the tea farmers so that we can deliver better tea. if the pumpkins are delivered to us on time, we can produce better quality tea. iranian perfume we bought and started. i bought leaves for 160 tomans . god willing, with the efforts of dear tea growers , we will be able to supply good and excellent quality tea to the market and for consumption. jad al-alam factory is preparing, so far we have 150 active factories and 20 factories
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are in the process of signing a contract. it is expected that this year 32 thousand tons of dry tea will be produced in the jat tea factory in the north of the country. hamid reza jamal omid , radio and television news agency. god bless you, we have reached the end of this news section. in the name of god, hello, dear viewers , have a good evening. in the last 24 hours, the coolest place in our country lalezar is in kerman province with a minimum temperature of two
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degrees above zero, and among the centers of the provinces , kurd city is the coolest center of the province with a minimum temperature of 4 degrees. meteorological maps show that there will be showers in the form of showers for the next few hours. we will have parts of the northwest of the country. in addition to these areas , there are conditions for rainfall in parts of alborz range and heights. there is a possibility of scattered showers in the range and height of the central zagros, but the main activity of this storm system is tomorrow, that is, on monday, especially in parts of the west and northwest of the country. in the north-west of the west, gradually in the south-west of the country , we will have rain on the coasts of the caspian sea and the heights of alborz. in parts of the center of the country , we expect to have rain . in some areas, along with these rains, we will also have lightning.
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there is a possibility of accidents. there is a possibility of hail in susceptible areas. for tomorrow and even tonight, the meteorological orange level warning has been issued for the intensity of rains in the provinces of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan, ardabil, gilan, doman and alborz heights in zanjan, ghazvin, alborz and tehran provinces, parts of kurdistan. even the areas of the slopes and heights of the central zagros are likely to be flooded due to the intensity of the rains. i also have to tell you that for tomorrow in the eastern parts of the country, we will have an increase in the speed of the wind , and the new wind can lead to the rise of dust. for tuesday, we predict that the rains will continue, as you can see, in the north-west of the country, as well as parts of the north-east of the country. the rains continue parts of chaharmahal bakhtiari provinces , rahmat, as well as areas of isfahan, yazd and
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kerman provinces , we predict that rainfall will occur. at least in some regions of the country , we will have one rain in most regions of the country, and a warning will also be issued for tehran, which currently has a cloudy sky. scattered showers with lightning are forecast in some regions we will make sure that the conditions are ready tonight and the conditions will be better tomorrow it will be and we will have showers in many areas of tehran province. you must have felt the temperature has increased significantly. in the next day or two, we predict that the temperature increase will stop from tomorrow, and even in some areas, we will see a noticeable decrease in temperature. the temperature of tehran will be fluctuating between 27 and 18 degrees during the hottest and best hours of the next 24 hours
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. thank you for your company. have a nice evening. china strongly condemned the us commerce department's decision to add 37 chinese entities to its export control list . beijing has always been strongly opposed to abuse the united states uses other export control tools to suppress chinese companies. china and russia have the right to economic cooperation. and do normal business. no one has the right to interfere and limit it. the american side
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has suppressed chinese companies for a long time under the pretext of so-called national security risks. but he never provided any evidence. china's ministry of commerce said the united states recently imposed sanctions on 300 entities and individuals, including 20 companies based in the mainland and the hong kong special region, under the pretext of developing various cooperation with russia. china always with sanctions unilaterally, with no basis in international law or un security council mandates , the united states has opposed sanctions against chinese companies while maintaining trade with russia for its own benefit. china considers this a coercive act. experts also believe that the actions of the united states are already based on technology companies. against the various restrictions of the united states, china always
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develops advanced technology and increases investment in the field of advanced technology with firm determination and all its might. pecam officials say china will take the necessary measures to firmly protect rights legitimacy and interests of chinese companies will be on the agenda. mohammad reza khaliq vardi, radio news agency , china east asia regional office. analyzing furnace burner data with the help of artificial intelligence. before the introduction of artificial intelligence technology in the refinery industry, sensors were used in the furnace, which had zero and one challenges, that is, it may not give a signal at all, or it is constantly giving a signal to the flame as it should, and it may not be able to report its output, sometimes it is an error. there were some where
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there was no flame, but there was a flame. in fact, it reported zero errors and sometimes safety it was also threatened if there is no monitoring and the gas accumulates inside the burner, it is like a water heater with gas inside and an explosion occurs with a small fire. basnajd can be analyzed and monitored in the form of time, and if blackout occurs in the banner , or the flame state. it reports that the combination of fuel and oxygen is the best optimal form we can define for the furnace. online monitoring capability is available so that gases are compatible with the environment. we can monitor the bulk flames from which gases the flare is a gas that causes environmental pollution , we will quickly go and control it.
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petrochemical and refinery industry activists say the use of artificial intelligence. on the one hand, it can strengthen safety and on the other hand, increase efficiency. our devices, our flames, the analyzers that we have on the blinds, we have on the devices, i am completely aware of you. this control will make the efficiency of our process increase 10 times . if we can mechanize our process, our efficiency will increase a thousand times. use of modern technologies in refinery operations managed the value chain. synchronize the responsible with the environment. vahid zakaria rad of radio and television news agency. it was in january 1347 that the shah traveled to india . an ordinary journey with an unexpected ending. at
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the end of the trip, the shah decided the fate of the iranian islands with his controversial words. mohammadreza pahlavi announced that the people of bahrain do not want iran's sovereignty over bahrain to be restored or imposed . saying something like this in new delhi in a press interview was an admission that we really violated our historical right with this service. i read a letter written by the sheikh of bahrain to the king of iran during the qajar period, and in it
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he says that it is as clear as the sun that bahrain belongs to iran and is part of the so-called. or affiliated with the state of persia, but then, if i am not mistaken, in 1892 , britain signed a security agreement with the sheikh of bahrain , and bahrain became a british colony. in 1820, when the sheikh of bahrain signed an agreement with the british, iran's objections to this island began, and its conflict began. we have a lot of things about bahrain shah finally surrendering.
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shah pahlavi had the last word. give us these generously bahrain. you should go to their war i am not a scientist. this is the last word. every time, if they wanted to send someone to bahrain, for example, any country would send them there, iran should protest. shah said that it is better to ignore bahrain because it is nothing but a nuisance for us. it decided that the ownership of iran should be put to a referendum among the people of bahrain, and that the united nations should hold it. inside iran , these actions should be reported to the parliament. he was responsible for presenting this report. in the parliament, only a five-person pan- iranian group criticized this report. that both in
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the report and in the mentioned book are good documents and the decisive and irrefutable documents that indicate the continuous sovereignty and ownership of the iranian nation over bahrain and also indicate the illegal help of british colonialism to expect bahrain from. i said that those people who were sitting in that twenty-second parliament were not all traitors and patriots, but they did not have the courage to oppose the king. having a false brand, for example, plastering our heels and body, saying yes, we ate the ground, our feet are plastered, we cannot
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come to the parliament, the outcome of the negotiations was already clear, and there was of course a slight concern about this pan-iranian party, and they themselves later claimed that they were promised that if they do not oppose , the number of representatives elected by the panist party will increase in the next sessions of the parliament. finally, a referendum was held in bahrain, but not of all the people. only a minority of bahraini sheikhs asked from a certain group and from the first one to enter bahrain and the bahraini authorities gave them a list , which is the whole list. it showed who we should contact. it was polled from the elite and the elites of the society and those with whom mr. guichardi was connected , not with the majority of the people of bahrain
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, so the poll is legitimate in my opinion. it did not, despite the fact that iran could not resist much, but in this particular poll, in my opinion, there was no legal or official reason. in the end, a poll of these sheikhs will be replaced by a referendum of the people of bahrain, and the ruling body and in order to end this issue as soon as possible, the shah says that when we accept that it is approved by the security council, it means that they will nail down the issue , so they are trying to slowly resolve the issue in a way that the first news of the newspapers, of course, the radio and television, which unfortunately nothing they don't say to remove this inflammation for the united nations
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it approved the independence of bahrain. at the end of the un meeting, the british representative presents a poem to the people of bahrain. rejoice, the show is over. so let's all repeat together. be happy behrin, god bless you. asadullah alam in his memories. about this day, he says: the radio announced this news as if we had just conquered bahrain. on the 23rd of august 1350, the sheikh of bahrain announced the independence of his country in a statement , and iran became the first country to recognize the independence of bahrain. parisa ayar of sed and sima news agency. everyone supports the palestinians in their own way but one of the interesting methods these days is what
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ahmed bashbash has done. ahmed bashbash is a palestinian programmer who lives in hungary, and he created a software called new thanks, or no thank you, with this free software, you can scan the barcode of goods. or he searched their names and found out that every product is for the zionist regime or their owners and investors are zionist . according to this software, ahmed bashbash was identified . he said that he got the motivation to create the new tenks software after his brother and sister were martyred in the gaza strip. the software that is very popular now and it has been downloaded more than one million times on google play alone and can be downloaded from cafe bazaar. nutnex has become so popular that its hashtag on tik tok has more than 200 so far. it has produced content thousands of times , the zionist media are on guard to remove this software from the phones, and to remove its hashtag , they are trying to remove it
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. the profits from this software will be provided to the palestinians. this action of mr. bashbash, along with other anti-israeli activities around the world, is an admirable method of economic pressure on the zionists. there is a word. leaders of every country for a while they have things for themselves and they go after their own relationships . our leader reads books for some hours that are his own. well, our major was fiction, but almost always they read books that we hadn't read, or sometimes even the name of the book didn't appeal to us, so i fell behind. i from, i am ... of. book.
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it is very new that i had not seen these and this always made us wonder who would read these books with his busy schedule. now that you say that i spend time, i usually read these books before going to bed, which means that i don't spend time reading them. i don't write books because it's so much work and i have a problem that i don't come to my house . almost all the people in our house, i mean , there are no exceptions. at night, they fall asleep while reading. i have read a thick book that has several thick volumes.
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we have built a house for you so that you can come and see it , this is called shopping for a story, come as you want , show the house, different accessories of every model and name , don't worry about buying, they have different sizes, come here, come, come, come, sarad has a lot of discounts for anywhere from you have cool things, so what happened? installment purchase
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, whatever you want, the big iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsari. bate. 30% of my history is new. dad, can i take it? there is a discount. is there a discount on tea? 30% it has a discount, it has tithes. there is a 20% discount. yes, everything is discounted here. ofogh korosh chain stores. art takes us to a world of colors and textures. the knot is woven into the knot to make a lasting carpet. shahr farsh is the place of the most valuable iranian handicrafts with the advice of the most expert experts. variety in price to suit each cost, purchase in installments, the size and variety of nasir's handmade carpets in the city. specialized reference. hand-woven carpet of the country
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, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello everyone, at 17:30, with some news from the field of science and technology at your service. to realize the motto of the year, i am the innovation and prosperity fund has allocated 25 thousand billion tomans of funds to support knowledge-based companies. this support program is followed in eight axes, including providing liquidity, creating infrastructure, creating new companies, and helping start-up companies grow and develop entrepreneurship.


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