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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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single macaron at the top! in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies and gentlemen, please accompany us with economic news. the innovation and prosperity fund has allocated 25 thousand billion tomans of funds to support the companies of scientists. this support program is created in eight axes, including liquidity provision.
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the infrastructure is followed by the creation of new companies and help in the growth of start-up companies and the development of entrepreneurship. the entrepreneur program that we help for entrepreneurs and self-employment of people through products and equipment produced by scientific companies. our next topic and our next program it is flourishing in the direction of crowdfunding and helps to create knowledge-based companies. the liquidity of the financial resources that they need can be collected from people's small funds, and it helps to finance scientists' companies through people 's small funds. the country with the capacity of scientific companies of mps in order to facilitate economic activities in the leap year. production with
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the participation of the people agreed with the general plan to amend some tax rulings, as well as with the objections of the representatives of the guardian council to the agreement bill. security and law enforcement cooperation between iran and kyrgyzstan was terminated. in order for the wheels of production to turn and people to step in the field of economic competition and production , the ways of economic activities must be facilitated. one of these is the granting of incentives or tax exemptions in the way of production. in order to facilitate the activities of the members of parliament, with the aim of reducing taxes on production and dynamism and competition in economic activities , they agreed with the general plan of amending the law on tax rulings. was approved. this plan is a step to encourage investment and encourage people's participation in the field of production. a part of it goes back to the same strategies in the tax field. that we
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reduce the tax rate on the performance of factories, which has a direct effect, as opposed to direct and indirect taxes on the people, and follow the long-term plan of the country's tax decisions with the same approach, which is the same in the world, that is, we provide incentives for we must provide productive activities, employment and production. in the continuation of the agenda of the parliament, the bill to reduce the working hours of government employees and two days off per week was discussed and reviewed. employees can, with the approval of the executive body, increase their working hours up to a quarter of a working hour per day, up to 10 hours per week reduce it, but we don't have two days off, dear ones, we have administrative services that are from saturday to wednesday, according to this bill, banks are closed on thursday , hospital centers, military operational welfare centers.
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these are open. the consideration of this bill in the open floor of the parliament was not approved and finally the consideration of this bill was postponed to the next sessions of the parliament. from 2:00 p.m. , the specialized commissions of the parliament held a meeting with the presence of government ministers to examine the current issues of the country. fateme alikhani of the islamic council's radio and television news agency. the general proposal of the economic commission of the parliament. to amend clause 6 of note 6 of the budget law of 1403 was approved. based on this, the tax exemption limit for legal and natural persons will be modified, which will benefit listed companies. the legal exemptions that we had in the provisions of the permanent laws are supposed to remain valid for the economic activities of the country and based on one of the members of that capacity. the exemptions that we have in the sector
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of capital market companies and investment funds, which mainly provide the basis for risk reduction in the economic field, these exemptions remain the same as in previous years, and therefore our approach was that we can provide incentives related to the field we can support and help the investment of people's participation in the economy by keeping the exemptions and not removing them, which was the basis of today's resolution of the parliament, according to the announcement of the central bank, the model for determining the credit limit for check hand applicants will be finalized and implemented in the first half of this year. the implementation of this plan is based on the financial records of checkbook applicants , a credit limit has been set, and they can no longer issue checks beyond the set limit, a measure that can prevent the abuse of poor people , more than 60 poverty complaints, 300
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billion tomans the person whose name was chek is chek i issued it and it was returned only for one hand. from these check sheets, which were supposed to increase confidence in the market by becoming fishermen, we saw the system and recorded the status of the blank check. it was registered. the bank called me and said that this check was bounced, but the story is related to the fraud with the checks that were returned. it is easy to buy and sell on the site and telegram channels . if you find a homeless person, they will take them, as if they open the hammer , they will bring them. selling, we used to buy and sell frauds, which if the check law was implemented in full, it would be the same way was closing in article 6 of the check issuance law, the legislator has included a measure that
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the central bank calculates an authorized credit limit for each person applying for a check, and the applicant for a check cannot issue a check and register it in the siad system. now 2 years have passed since the implementation of the new czech law, and this legal clause is still on the ground. if this legal ruling was implemented to a great extent , almost all of these abuses that happened would not happen anymore, because when i was a person who did not have a tax file, no one would have the motivation to abuse me. do it because if the bank takes my documents , according to my past, the bank has a very low credit limit for me. it used to allocate, for example, 500 million, 300 million , it was not possible to issue a check in my name for 30 billion in the executive vacancy market, which mr. moharmian, vice president of new technologies of the central bank, says , we tried several times with different methods, but each time the error rate was high, now according to the latest the promises
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are that we will draw the final model and it will be implemented by the end of the first half of the year. the enforcement of this law will increase the share of collection checks. razia ranjbar of sed and sima news agency. the chairman of the national development fund's executive board at the fourth international conference of the development fund about the readiness of this fund for investment. according to mr. ghazmfari , with the aim of strengthening the private sector, cooperation agreements worth 10 billion dollars have been concluded between this private sector fund. there is a water supply from
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the oman sea to the aziz provinces of sistan, baluchistan and south khorasan, and the second river from the persian gulf to the provinces of fars and asman. in previous water supply from the sea to the desert, the fund was also a pioneer. i want to give you this good news. be happy one of our best customers in paying back our valuable education is the same projects that do water supply . the minister of mining industry and trade announced the provision of special concessions to production units to resolve the electricity imbalance. mr. aliabadi said. any unit that builds a power plant should be exempted from paying taxes. we have set concessions for electricity producers. for example, we said that whoever comes to build a power plant , we will exempt him from taxes, for example, for how many years
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, we will give him free land. i don't know. mr. ali abadi is also from the special judicial branch of special procedure for economic crimes. to be clear, if you see a craftsman who is caught in some storms , we will deal with him like a person, for example, a murderer, i want to be honest. we also need to have a special procedure for economic crimes, not a special court, for example, we will have a jury of industry members in this procedure, and they will actually make non-conventional judgments there, for example, unconventional. you may not have this in the judicial system, but it seems i feel this is a necessity now . the managing director of the national land and housing organization said that most of the land provided for the national housing movement
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was secured from the annexation of the cities, mr. maliki said that the largest land shortage compared to the applicants is in the provinces of fars, zanjan, west azerbaijan, kurdistan, isfahan, lorestan, and hamedan, and the surplus lands of other institutions the government lands located in the national territory, located in the territory of the agreement with the private sector and all the capacities that existed in the housing production law, so far more than 45 thousand hectares of land within the current cities have been secured and made available to the plan. mr. maliki informed about the identification of 60 points outside the boundaries of the cities and conducting their location studies for the purpose of building settlements and said that detailed plans have been prepared in some of these settlements
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and construction has started in some of them. according to maliki, the construction of five new towns in tehran has been confirmed in different stages. the new price of sugar was announced. the general director of basic commodity supervision of the ministry of agricultural jihad said that after the 40% increase in the guaranteed purchase price of wheat in this year and the elimination of the preferential width of raw sugar import, the new price of white sugar at the factory is calculated at 10%. value added tax is set at a maximum of 38500 tomans. also the consumer price of sugar. a maximum of 42,500 tomans per kilogram
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was approved. the director general of basic commodity supervision also announced the determination of the price of packaged sugar within the next few days. the new prices have been uploaded to the market system of the ministry of jihad agriculture. it is said that before this, the price of sugar was 2,500 tomans to the factory and 28,000 tomans to the consumer. became. thank you very much for your support . god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear and respected viewers of khabar network, hello to you, have a good evening today as well we are with you one of the special book spring programs from the tehran international book fair. they are ready to communicate with you, dear viewers, and
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bring the latest news of the book fair to your attention. 8 night is ready to receive you, the viewer, you are a valuable audience, but let's go to the main issue of the international book fair. tehran and we have a relationship with mrs. soleimani, journalist of the sed and radio news agency, mrs. soleimani, hello, please tell me what happened today at the tehran international book fair . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, noon wal-qalam and ma yesteron, i offer my greetings and have a good time, may god give me the strength to serve my colleagues in the broadcast of the khabar network, and also to serve you mrs. hosseini , i hope you have a good day. the 35th
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tehran international book fair to the fifth station. almost half of the exhibition has been received and almost half will be more in 6 days there is no exhibition, that's why we saw the right time to be at the service of mr. yasser ahmadvand, the head of the exhibition, so that he can tell us and explain what happened in the past few days at the book fair. mr. ahmadvand, hello, god is strong, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. you and dear viewers. khabar network is at your service in the last hours of the 5th day of the tehran book fair . well, mr. ahmadvand, as i said , the fair is almost half way through. what happened in the last few days at the book fair? how many books were sold ? a big plan
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i am preparing for the national team. how many months will it take for us, the exhibition started a few months ago , as well as for the publishers who operate throughout the year to be a good host in the book fair for the people, so a few months and 5 days have passed for us and we are happy for our colleagues. during the past few days, the exhibition has been of acceptable quality, and the reception of the audience has been good . you have a figure . we don't know how many visitors have been received, but the amount of sales until last night
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was around 1945 billion tomans. a little less than 200 billion tomans in both face-to-face and virtual parts it is relatively good and naturally, the serious wave of games from the exhibition will start from tomorrow until the end of the week and we hope that there will be a good margin of sales in the exhibition. but sales is not the most important and main indicator of measuring and evaluating the exhibition. in general , the number in the field of culture should not be used as a criterion for analysis and evaluation. it is good that we pay attention to the numbers, but
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whether, for example, the exhibition sells 500 billion or 700 billion. sell, surely this means that our society is not more cultural like this or it means that the works were specially welcomed or no, it doesn't necessarily mean that, i think the important thing is that the tehran book fair almost accepts all kinds of works with a very high variety in different subjects, publishers who publish books in different subjects and fields. yes, children's publishers have a very colorful and good presence. they prepared a very beautiful hall by themselves with a good design of their baskets and very good books. they prepared them for printing and
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welcomed them enthusiastically. and very good books have been published. children and teenagers, of course, writers, illustrators, poets and translators who work in this field are really publishing works on par with world-renowned works in our country. it's a pity that people don't come, don't see, don't use. well, mr. ahmadvand , how was the presence of books in this exhibition 35? john. according to my statistics, more than 350 bookstores are present in this exhibition and present their works . naturally, within the framework of very clear and transparent rules for the benefit of the audience, the presence of bookstores is designed
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based on the experience we had from last year , there were some problems. exhibition. and it should not be harmful to the activities of publishers. we saw in the news that it was said that there were a number of violations both from domestic and foreign publishers. i wanted to see what these violations were . let's call it a violation, it is really a violation in the field of culture. it does not look like a violation or a crime, which means that the offender is not really a criminal here. there are rules in the exhibition
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. the regulations of the exhibition have been approved and announced to the publishers. when they register, the publishers announce that they have read and are aware of the regulations. if, god forbid , there is a deviation somewhere from that regulation, we call it a violation, for example , the sale of books other than books is prohibited in the exhibition , now it is possible that the product that is being sold is a good product, an educational aid product, a compact disc is good, not necessarily that product. a good product may be a licensed and very good product, but selling it at an exhibition, we call it a violation, this does not necessarily mean a crime. or if a book from another publisher has come to the exhibition , it must have gone through the preparations , not been represented, and so on.
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violations in the exhibition that my friends see are first warned, if it is persistent, then the business will be warned, if the violation is very serious , then more and more will be encountered, so it is no longer a problem, it is not a problem, if it is seen by my colleagues. for the sake of the safety of the exhibition , they will find the entry and give a warning. well, according to the opinion that has been made, we know that there are a number of questioners in the exhibition every day and they survey the audience of visitors . now, my view is that there is a lack of advertising city level about. first of all, i would like to say that my colleagues are doing a good job. starting this year, we
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receive the comments of the visitors on the same day, they analyze them , they present the statistics, and the three weak points that you mentioned are asked to the people every day, which means that the weak points may be different. i think what you mentioned. it is true that even though the beautification complex of tehran municipality is really helping us, it is true that it is part of the exhibition, but it is expected that we will see the effect of the exhibition more in our city. the road signs have been there, maybe it has caused some confusion for people. i wanted to see why there was a lack of these signs and if so far. in the next 6 days, is something going to be done or not
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? we have tried as much as we can. we have the space. communication in the environment, for example, we are weak, we accept this, even though my colleagues tried hard to forgive me , it was due to some problems, for example, it was designed this year. the route of different halls was marked on the ground with colored lines due to the rain that happened continuously until the days before the exhibition and even on the first and second days . well, does it help, or is it the rain and the winds that caused the billboards and advertising notices that were in the exhibition to be torn down and re-installed again and again? these were the problems
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we had, but we still accept that the notification is still not desirable, it is not desirable. another thing we were talking about with the publishers having simultaneous virtual and face-to-face sales at the exhibition, well, many publishers raise this issue, why now the virtual sales do not happen in the second half of the year, and it has become one with the face-to-face sales, if now the virtual sales happen in the second half of the year, maybe it would be better. it will be fruitful for the publishers. i wanted to see what reasons you had for doing face-to-face sales and virtual sales at the same time. did you also think about stopping virtual sales ? the exhibition of its virtual part was launched, it was discussed whether it is better to have these at the same time
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or being in two situations in two seasons, we know that simultaneity has its advantages and also its disadvantages of being separate, in the same way, we have evaluated which one is preferable for the benefit of simultaneity. the beginning of the government because still. there was corona and we could not hold an exhibition in person. we experienced the virtual exhibition in february. yes. this amount that is welcomed is also a virtual face-to-face exhibition. if the virtual exhibition is alone, this amount of attention to the exhibition does not exist. ok thank you sir ahmad, you gave us your time. may god give you strength in the days to come
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. organize the exhibition well . thank you very much for being with us . yes, i am very grateful to you, mrs. soleimani, the reporter of the radio and television news agency based in the main square of imam khomeini mosque, the venue of the sanjmin edition of the tehran international book fair, and mr. dr. ahmadvand, the director of the exhibition. i am also grateful to you, dear viewers. in the following, i invite the viewer. god protect the news of the news network.
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in the name of allah, the greatest of all enemies.


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